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The concept of $(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})The concept of ([`( ? )],[`( ? )] ú[`(q)])(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})-fuzzy interior ideals of semigroups is introduced and some related properties are investigated. In particular, we describe the relationships among ordinary fuzzy interior ideals, (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy interior ideals and ([`( ? )],[`( ? )] ú[`(q)])(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})-fuzzy interior ideals of semigroups. Finally, we give some characterization of [F] t by means of (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy interior ideals.  相似文献   

Given an alphabet Σ={1,2,…,|Σ|} text string T∈Σ n and a pattern string P∈Σ m , for each i=1,2,…,nm+1 define L p (i) as the p-norm distance when the pattern is aligned below the text and starts at position i of the text. The problem of pattern matching with L p distance is to compute L p (i) for every i=1,2,…,nm+1. We discuss the problem for d=1,2,∞. First, in the case of L 1 matching (pattern matching with an L 1 distance) we show a reduction of the string matching with mismatches problem to the L 1 matching problem and we present an algorithm that approximates the L 1 matching up to a factor of 1+ε, which has an O(\frac1e2nlogmlog|S|)O(\frac{1}{\varepsilon^{2}}n\log m\log|\Sigma|) run time. Then, the L 2 matching problem (pattern matching with an L 2 distance) is solved with a simple O(nlog m) time algorithm. Finally, we provide an algorithm that approximates the L matching up to a factor of 1+ε with a run time of O(\frac1enlogmlog|S|)O(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}n\log m\log|\Sigma|) . We also generalize the problem of String Matching with mismatches to have weighted mismatches and present an O(nlog 4 m) algorithm that approximates the results of this problem up to a factor of O(log m) in the case that the weight function is a metric.  相似文献   

Let (S,d) be a finite metric space, where each element pS has a non-negative weight w (p). We study spanners for the set S with respect to the following weighted distance function:
$\mathbf{d}_{\omega}(p,q)=\left\{{ll}0&\mbox{ if $\mathbf{d}_{\omega}(p,q)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}0&\mbox{ if  相似文献   

We study the string-property of being periodic and having periodicity smaller than a given bound. Let Σ be a fixed alphabet and let p,n be integers such that p £ \fracn2p\leq \frac{n}{2} . A length-n string over Σ, α=(α 1,…,α n ), has the property Period(p) if for every i,j∈{1,…,n}, α i =α j whenever ij (mod p). For an integer parameter g £ \fracn2,g\leq \frac{n}{2}, the property Period(≤g) is the property of all strings that are in Period(p) for some pg. The property Period( £ \fracn2)\mathit{Period}(\leq \frac{n}{2}) is also called Periodicity.  相似文献   

We consider the 2-XOR satisfiability problem, in which each instance is a formula that is a conjunction of Boolean equations of the form x y=0 or x y=1. Formula of size m on n Boolean variables are chosen uniformly at random from among all ((n(n-1)) || (m)){n(n-1)\choose m} possible choices. When c<1/2 and as n tends to infinity, the probability p(n,m=cn) that a random 2-XOR formula is satisfiable, tends to the threshold function exp (c/2)⋅(1−2c)1/4. This gives the asymptotic behavior of random 2-XOR formula in the SAT/UNSAT subcritical phase transition. In this paper, we first prove that the error term in this subcritical region is O(n −1). Then, in the critical region c=1/2, we prove that p(n,n/2)=Θ(n −1/12). Our study relies on the symbolic method and analytical tools coming from generating function theory which also enable us to describe the evolution of n1/12 p(n,\fracn2(1+mn-1/3))n^{1/12}\ p(n,\frac{n}{2}(1+\mu n^{-1/3})) as a function of μ. Thus, we propose a complete picture of the finite size scaling associated to the subcritical and critical regions of 2-XORSAT transition.  相似文献   

Power optimization is a central issue in wireless network design. Given a graph with costs on the edges, the power of a node is the maximum cost of an edge incident to it, and the power of a graph is the sum of the powers of its nodes. Motivated by applications in wireless networks, we consider several fundamental undirected network design problems under the power minimization criteria. Given a graph G=(V,E)\mathcal{G}=(V,\mathcal{E}) with edge costs {c(e):e∈ℰ} and degree requirements {r(v):vV}, the Minimum-Power Edge-Multi-Cover\textsf{Minimum-Power Edge-Multi-Cover} (MPEMC\textsf{MPEMC} ) problem is to find a minimum-power subgraph G of G\mathcal{G} so that the degree of every node v in G is at least r(v). We give an O(log n)-approximation algorithms for MPEMC\textsf{MPEMC} , improving the previous ratio O(log 4 n). This is used to derive an O(log n+α)-approximation algorithm for the undirected $\textsf{Minimum-Power $\textsf{Minimum-Power ($\textsf{MP$\textsf{MP ) problem, where α is the best known ratio for the min-cost variant of the problem. Currently, _boxclosen-k)\alpha=O(\log k\cdot \log\frac{n}{n-k}) which is O(log k) unless k=no(n), and is O(log 2 k)=O(log 2 n) for k=no(n). Our result shows that the min-power and the min-cost versions of the $\textsf{$\textsf{ problem are equivalent with respect to approximation, unless the min-cost variant admits an o(log n)-approximation, which seems to be out of reach at the moment.  相似文献   

Given an undirected graph and 0 £ e £ 1{0\le\epsilon\le1}, a set of nodes is called an e{\epsilon}-near clique if all but an e{\epsilon} fraction of the pairs of nodes in the set have a link between them. In this paper we present a fast synchronous network algorithm that uses small messages and finds a near-clique. Specifically, we present a constant-time algorithm that finds, with constant probability of success, a linear size e{\epsilon}-near clique if there exists an e3{\epsilon^3}-near clique of linear size in the graph. The algorithm uses messages of O(log n) bits. The failure probability can be reduced to n Ω(1) by increasing the time complexity by a logarithmic factor, and the algorithm also works if the graph contains a clique of size Ω(n/(log log n) α ) for some a ? (0,1){\alpha \in (0,1)}. Our approach is based on a new idea of adapting property testing algorithms to the distributed setting.  相似文献   

The notions of $(\overline{\in}, \overline{\in} \vee \overline{\hbox{q}})The notions of ([`( ? )],[`( ? )] ú[`q])(\overline{\in}, \overline{\in} \vee \overline{\hbox{q}})-fuzzy p-ideals and fuzzy p-ideals with thresholds related to soft set theory are discussed. Relations between ([`( ? )],[`( ? )] ú[`q])(\overline{\in}, \overline{\in} \vee \overline{\hbox{q}})-fuzzy ideals and ([`( ? )],[`( ? )] ú[`q])(\overline{\in}, \overline{\in} \vee \overline{\hbox{q}})-fuzzy p-ideals are investigated. Characterizations of an ([`( ? )],[`( ? )] ú[`q])(\overline{\in}, \overline{\in} \vee \overline{\hbox{q}})-fuzzy p-ideal and a fuzzy p-ideal with thresholds are displayed. Implication-based fuzzy p-ideals are discussed.  相似文献   

A set A is nontrivial for the linear-exponential-time class E=DTIME(2 lin ) if for any k≥1 there is a set B k ∈E such that B k is (p-m-)reducible to A and Bk ? DTIME(2k·n)B_{k} \not\in \mathrm{DTIME}(2^{k\cdot n}). I.e., intuitively, A is nontrivial for E if there are arbitrarily complex sets in E which can be reduced to A. Similarly, a set A is nontrivial for the polynomial-exponential-time class EXP=DTIME(2 poly ) if for any k≥1 there is a set [^(B)]k ? EXP\hat{B}_{k} \in \mathrm {EXP} such that [^(B)]k\hat{B}_{k} is reducible to A and [^(B)]k ? DTIME(2nk)\hat{B}_{k} \not\in \mathrm{DTIME}(2^{n^{k}}). We show that these notions are independent, namely, there are sets A 1 and A 2 in E such that A 1 is nontrivial for E but trivial for EXP and A 2 is nontrivial for EXP but trivial for E. In fact, the latter can be strengthened to show that there is a set A∈E which is weakly EXP-hard in the sense of Lutz (SIAM J. Comput. 24:1170–1189, 11) but E-trivial.  相似文献   

We use randomness to exploit the potential sparsity of the Boolean matrix product in order to speed up the computation of the product. Our new fast output-sensitive algorithm for Boolean matrix product and its witnesses is randomized and provides the Boolean product and its witnesses almost certainly. Its worst-case time performance is expressed in terms of the input size and the number of non-zero entries of the product matrix. It runs in time [(O)\tilde](n2sw/2-1)\widetilde{O}(n^{2}s^{\omega/2-1}), where the input matrices have size n×n, the number of non-zero entries in the product matrix is at most s, ω is the exponent of the fast matrix multiplication and [(O)\tilde](f(n))\widetilde{O}(f(n)) denotes O(f(n)log  d n) for some constant d. By the currently best bound on ω, its running time can be also expressed as [(O)\tilde](n2s0.188)\widetilde{O}(n^{2}s^{0.188}). Our algorithm is substantially faster than the output-sensitive column-row method for Boolean matrix product for s larger than n 1.232 and it is never slower than the fast [(O)\tilde](nw)\widetilde{O}(n^{\omega})-time algorithm for this problem. By applying the fast rectangular matrix multiplication, we can refine our upper bound further to the form [(O)\tilde](nw(\frac12logns,1,1))\widetilde{O}(n^{\omega(\frac{1}{2}\log_{n}s,1,1)}), where ω(p,q,t) is the exponent of the fast multiplication of an n p ×n q matrix by an n q ×n t matrix.  相似文献   

In this paper we study collective additive tree spanners for special families of graphs including planar graphs, graphs with bounded genus, graphs with bounded tree-width, graphs with bounded clique-width, and graphs with bounded chordality. We say that a graph G=(V,E) admits a system of μ collective additive tree r -spanners if there is a system $\mathcal{T}(G)In this paper we study collective additive tree spanners for special families of graphs including planar graphs, graphs with bounded genus, graphs with bounded tree-width, graphs with bounded clique-width, and graphs with bounded chordality. We say that a graph G=(V,E) admits a system of μ collective additive tree r -spanners if there is a system T(G)\mathcal{T}(G) of at most μ spanning trees of G such that for any two vertices x,y of G a spanning tree T ? T(G)T\in\mathcal{T}(G) exists such that d T (x,y)≤d G (x,y)+r. We describe a general method for constructing a “small” system of collective additive tree r-spanners with small values of r for “well” decomposable graphs, and as a byproduct show (among other results) that any weighted planar graph admits a system of O(?n)O(\sqrt{n}) collective additive tree 0-spanners, any weighted graph with tree-width at most k−1 admits a system of klog 2 n collective additive tree 0-spanners, any weighted graph with clique-width at most k admits a system of klog 3/2 n collective additive tree (2w)(2\mathsf{w}) -spanners, and any weighted graph with size of largest induced cycle at most c admits a system of log 2 n collective additive tree (2?c/2?w)(2\lfloor c/2\rfloor\mathsf{w}) -spanners and a system of 4log 2 n collective additive tree (2(?c/3?+1)w)(2(\lfloor c/3\rfloor +1)\mathsf {w}) -spanners (here, w\mathsf{w} is the maximum edge weight in G). The latter result is refined for weighted weakly chordal graphs: any such graph admits a system of 4log 2 n collective additive tree (2w)(2\mathsf{w}) -spanners. Furthermore, based on this collection of trees, we derive a compact and efficient routing scheme for those families of graphs.  相似文献   

Given an undirected multigraph G=(V,E), a family $\mathcal{W}Given an undirected multigraph G=(V,E), a family W\mathcal{W} of areas WV, and a target connectivity k≥1, we consider the problem of augmenting G by the smallest number of new edges so that the resulting graph has at least k edge-disjoint paths between v and W for every pair of a vertex vV and an area W ? WW\in \mathcal{W} . So far this problem was shown to be NP-complete in the case of k=1 and polynomially solvable in the case of k=2. In this paper, we show that the problem for k≥3 can be solved in O(m+n(k 3+n 2)(p+kn+nlog n)log k+pkn 3log (n/k)) time, where n=|V|, m=|{{u,v}|(u,v)∈E}|, and p=|W|p=|\mathcal{W}| .  相似文献   

Large eddy simulation (LES) seeks to predict the dynamics of spatially filtered turbulent flows. The very essence is that the LES-solution contains only scales of size ≥Δ, where Δ denotes some user-chosen length scale. This property enables us to perform a LES when it is not feasible to compute the full, turbulent solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Therefore, in case the large eddy simulation is based on an eddy viscosity model we determine the eddy viscosity such that any scales of size <Δ are dynamically insignificant. In this paper, we address the following two questions: how much eddy diffusion is needed to (a) balance the production of scales of size smaller than Δ; and (b) damp any disturbances having a scale of size smaller than Δ initially. From this we deduce that the eddy viscosity ν e has to depend on the invariants q = \frac12tr(S2)q = \frac{1}{2}\mathrm{tr}(S^{2}) and r = -\frac13tr(S3)r= -\frac{1}{3}\mathrm{tr}(S^{3}) of the (filtered) strain rate tensor S. The simplest model is then given by ne = \frac32(D/p)2 |r|/q\nu_{e} = \frac{3}{2}(\Delta/\pi)^{2} |r|/q. This model is successfully tested for a turbulent channel flow (Re  τ =590).  相似文献   

Complexity of Hard-Core Set Proofs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We study a fundamental result of Impagliazzo (FOCS’95) known as the hard-core set lemma. Consider any function f:{0,1}n?{0,1}{f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}} which is “mildly hard”, in the sense that any circuit of size s must disagree with f on at least a δ fraction of inputs. Then, the hard-core set lemma says that f must have a hard-core set H of density δ on which it is “extremely hard”, in the sense that any circuit of size s¢=O(s/(\frac1e2log(\frac1ed))){s'=O(s/(\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}\log(\frac{1}{\epsilon\delta})))} must disagree with f on at least (1-e)/2{(1-\epsilon)/2} fraction of inputs from H.  相似文献   

We solve an open problem in communication complexity posed by Kushilevitz and Nisan (1997). Let R(f) and $D^\mu_\in (f)$D^\mu_\in (f) denote the randomized and μ-distributional communication complexities of f, respectively (∈ a small constant). Yao’s well-known minimax principle states that $R_{\in}(f) = max_\mu \{D^\mu_\in(f)\}$R_{\in}(f) = max_\mu \{D^\mu_\in(f)\}. Kushilevitz and Nisan (1997) ask whether this equality is approximately preserved if the maximum is taken over product distributions only, rather than all distributions μ. We give a strong negative answer to this question. Specifically, we prove the existence of a function f : {0, 1}n ×{0, 1}n ? {0, 1}f : \{0, 1\}^n \times \{0, 1\}^n \rightarrow \{0, 1\} for which maxμ product {Dm ? (f)} = Q(1)  but R ? (f) = Q(n)\{D^\mu_\in (f)\} = \Theta(1) \,{\textrm but}\, R_{\in} (f) = \Theta(n). We also obtain an exponential separation between the statistical query dimension and signrank, solving a problem previously posed by the author (2007).  相似文献   

Consider a class of binary functions h: X→{ − 1, + 1} on an interval . Define the sample width of h on a finite subset (a sample) S ⊂ X as ω S (h) =  min x ∈ S |ω h (x)| where ω h (x) = h(x) max {a ≥ 0: h(z) = h(x), x − a ≤ z ≤ x + a}. Let be the space of all samples in X of cardinality ℓ and consider sets of wide samples, i.e., hypersets which are defined as Through an application of the Sauer-Shelah result on the density of sets an upper estimate is obtained on the growth function (or trace) of the class , β > 0, i.e., on the number of possible dichotomies obtained by intersecting all hypersets with a fixed collection of samples of cardinality m. The estimate is .   相似文献   

The 1-versus-2 queries problem, which has been extensively studied in computational complexity theory, asks in its generality whether every efficient algorithm that makes at most 2 queries to a Σ k p -complete language L k has an efficient simulation that makes at most 1 query to L k . We obtain solutions to this problem for hypotheses weaker than previously considered. We prove that:
(I)  For each k≥2, PSpk[2]tt í ZPPSpk[1]T PH=Spk\mathrm{P}^{\Sigma^{p}_{k}[2]}_{tt}\subseteq \mathrm{ZPP}^{\Sigma^{p}_{k}[1]}\Rightarrow \mathrm{PH}=\Sigma^{p}_{k} , and
(II)  P tt NP[2]⊆ZPPNP[1] PH=S2 p .
Here, for any complexity class C\mathcal{C} and integer j≥1, we define ZPPC[j]\mathrm{ZPP}^{\mathcal{C}[j]} to be the class of problems solvable by zero-error randomized algorithms that run in polynomial time, make at most j queries to C\mathcal{C} , and succeed with probability at least 1/2+1/poly(⋅). This same definition of ZPPC[j]\mathrm{ZPP}^{\mathcal{C}[j]} , also considered in Cai and Chakaravarthy (J. Comb. Optim. 11(2):189–202, 2006), subsumes the class of problems solvable by randomized algorithms that always answer correctly in expected polynomial time and make at most j queries to C\mathcal{C} . Hemaspaandra, Hemaspaandra, and Hempel (SIAM J. Comput. 28(2):383–393, 1998), for k>2, and Buhrman and Fortnow (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 59(2):182–194, 1999), for k=2, had obtained the same consequence as ours in (I) using the stronger hypothesis PSpk[2]tt í PSpk[1]\mathrm{P}^{\Sigma^{p}_{k}[2]}_{tt}\subseteq \mathrm{P}^{\Sigma^{p}_{k}[1]} . Fortnow, Pavan, and Sengupta (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74(3):358–363, 2008) had obtained the same consequence as ours in (II) using the stronger hypothesis P tt NP[2]⊆PNP[1].  相似文献   

We prove that the concept class of disjunctions cannot be pointwise approximated by linear combinations of any small set of arbitrary real-valued functions. That is, suppose that there exist functions f1, ?, fr\phi_{1}, \ldots , \phi_{r} : {− 1, 1}n → \mathbbR{\mathbb{R}} with the property that every disjunction f on n variables has $\|f - \sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{r} \alpha_{i}\phi _{i}\|_{\infty}\leq 1/3$\|f - \sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{r} \alpha_{i}\phi _{i}\|_{\infty}\leq 1/3 for some reals a1, ?, ar\alpha_{1}, \ldots , \alpha_{r}. We prove that then $r \geq exp \{\Omega(\sqrt{n})\}$r \geq exp \{\Omega(\sqrt{n})\}, which is tight. We prove an incomparable lower bound for the concept class of decision lists. For the concept class of majority functions, we obtain a lower bound of W(2n/n)\Omega(2^{n}/n) , which almost meets the trivial upper bound of 2n for any concept class. These lower bounds substantially strengthen and generalize the polynomial approximation lower bounds of Paturi (1992) and show that the regression-based agnostic learning algorithm of Kalai et al. (2005) is optimal.  相似文献   

Let mad (G) denote the maximum average degree (over all subgraphs) of G and let χ i (G) denote the injective chromatic number of G. We prove that if Δ≥4 and mad(G) < \frac145\mathrm{mad}(G)<\frac{14}{5}, then χ i (G)≤Δ+2. When Δ=3, we show that mad(G) < \frac3613\mathrm{mad}(G)<\frac{36}{13} implies χ i (G)≤5. In contrast, we give a graph G with Δ=3, mad(G)=\frac3613\mathrm{mad}(G)=\frac{36}{13}, and χ i (G)=6.  相似文献   

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