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Analysis of chatter suppression in vibration cutting   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The occurrence of chatter is strongly influenced by the tool geometry in conventional cutting. Therefore, the tool geometry is regarded as a very important factor. On the other hand, it is known that vibration cutting is capable of cutting hardened steels. However, the theoretical explanation for finish hard-cutting with vibration cutting is still unknown. In this paper, experimental investigations show that chatter is effectively suppressed without relying on the tool geometry, and the work displacement amplitudes are reduced from a wide range of 10–102 μm to the range of 3–5 μm by applying vibration cutting. In order to study the precision machining mechanism of vibration cutting, a new cutting model which contains a vibration cutting process is proposed. Simulations of the chatter model exhibit the main feature of chatter suppression in vibration cutting. The simulation results are in good agreement with the measurement values and accurately predict the work displacement amplitudes of vibration cutting.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of spindle speed variation to compensate for progressive radial run-out in the face-milling process. Machine setup errors like spindle axis tilt, cutter axis tilt and cutter center offset result in radial and axial run-out on the inserts. Cutter center offset, in particular, results in progressive radial run-out on the inserts which can be compensated by continuously varying the spindle speed in a sinusoidal pattern. The amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal trajectory significantly influence the capability of this technique for run-out compensation. A method is proposed for selection of optimal values of the speed variation amplitude and phase based on the idea of matching the chip load pattern under variable speed machining conditions in the presence of progressive radial run-out with that of constant speed machining in the absence of any run-out. Experiments performed with optimal values of the speed variation parameters show a significant reduction in the cutting force component at the spindle frequency and a shift in the frequency content of cutting force from the harmonics of the spindle frequency to those of the tooth passing frequency. An industrial implementation strategy of the proposed scheme is also presented that integrates run-out estimation with its subsequent compensation.  相似文献   

High-speed machining (HSM) is a technology used to increase productivity and reduce production costs. The prediction of stable cutting regions represents an important issue for the machining process, which may otherwise give rise to spindle, cutter and part damage. In this paper, the dynamic interaction of a spindle-tool set and a thin-walled workpiece is analysed by a finite element approach for the purpose of stability prediction.The gyroscopic moment of the spindle rotor and the speed-dependent bearing stiffness are taken into account in the spindle-tool set finite element model and induce speed-dependent dynamic behaviour. A dedicated thin-walled workpiece is designed whose dynamic behaviour interacts with the spindle-tool set. During the machining of this flexible workpiece, chatter vibration occurs at some stages of machining, depending on the cutting conditions and also on the tool position along the machined thin wall.By coupling the dynamic behaviour of the machine and the workpiece, respectively, dependent on the spindle speed and the relative position of both the systems, an accurate stability lobes diagram is elaborated.Finally, the proposed approach indicates that spindle speed regulation is a necessary constraint to guarantee optimum stability during machining of thin-walled structures.  相似文献   

Prediction of chatter in high speed milling including gyroscopic effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dynamic stability of machine tools during operations is dependent on many parameters including the spindle speed. In high and ultra high speed machining, the gyroscopic effect on the spindle dynamics becomes more pronounced and can affect the borders of stability of the rotating system. In this paper, a finite element based model of spindle, tool holder and cutting tool is presented which uses Timoshenko beam theory to obtain the frequency response of the system when gyroscopic terms are included. Using this response, the stability of a high speed spindle system in the presence of gyroscopic effect is investigated. It is shown that the gyroscopic effects lower the critical depth of cut in high speed milling.  相似文献   

Model-based chatter stability prediction for high-speed spindles   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The prediction of stable cutting regions is a critical requirement for high-speed milling operations. These predictions are generally made using frequency response measurements of the tool/holder/spindle set, obtained from a non-rotating spindle. However, significant changes in system dynamics occur during high-speed rotation. In this paper, a dynamic model of a high-speed spindle-bearing system is elaborated on the basis of rotor dynamics predictions, readjusted with respect to experimental modal identification. Variations in dynamic behaviour according to speed range are then investigated and determined with accuracy. Dedicated experiments are carried out in order to confirm model results. By integrating the proposed speed-dependant transfer function into the chatter vibration stability approach of Budak–Altintas [S. Tobias, W. Fishwick, Theory of regenerative machine tool chatter, The Engineer February (1958)] a dynamic stability lobes diagram is predicted. The proposed method enables a new stability lobes diagram to be established that takes into account the effect of spindle speed on dynamic behaviour. Significant variations are observed and allow the accurate prediction of cutting conditions. Finally, experiments are performed in order to validate chatter boundary predictions in practice. The proposed modelling approach can also be used to qualify a spindle design in a given machining process and can easily be extended to other types of spindle.  相似文献   

DOG-I型并联数控机床加减速控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对五轴并联数控机床的特点,文章在已有的研究基础上提出一种加减速控制方法.首先,在程序段的插补周期内均分其刀具姿态改变量,解决了刀具姿态变化问题;其次,根据并联机床的运动学特性,限制其刀具进给速度,并对伺服输入进行检查,通过细分进给量来控制伺服输入速度在一个合理的范围之内.这种加减速控制方法简单易行,具有较大的实用价值.  相似文献   

The productivity of high speed milling operations is limited by the onset of self-excited vibrations known as chatter. Unless avoided, chatter vibrations may cause large dynamic loads damaging the machine spindle, cutting tool, or workpiece and leave behind a poor surface finish. The cutting force magnitude is proportional to the thickness of the chip removed from the workpiece. Many researchers focused on the development of analytical and numerical methods for the prediction of chatter. However, the applicability of these methods in industrial conditions is limited, since they require accurate modelling of machining system dynamics and of cutting forces. In this study, chatter prediction was investigated for orthogonal cutting in turning operations. Therefore, the linear analysis of the single degree of freedom (SDOF) model was performed by applying oriented transfer function (OTF) and \tau decomposition form to Nyquist criteria. Machine chatter frequency predictions obtained from both forms were compared with modal analysis and cutting tests.  相似文献   

Up to now, the theory for analysis of continuous spindle speed variation in milling processes was developed for sinusoidal variation only, and for average tooth passing frequency an exact multiple of speed variation frequency. This paper presents the general theory for analysis in the frequency domain and for any speed variation strategy. Results are compared with those obtained by semidiscretization and time integration, as well as with those obtained by experiments. The discrepancies of the results obtained by the different approaches are discussed, and the analysis of the evolution of the stability along the speed variation period is proposed.  相似文献   

The paper contains a practical perspective on regenerative machine tool chatter. Chatter is a well known phenomenon, occurrence of which is undesired in manufacturing. Aggressive machining conditions, in the sense of removing more metal rapidly, usually cause chatter. In most cases, these conditions can be determined a priori to the operation. A chatter stability study and its reasoning based on root locus plot analysis of time delayed systems is presented as a new and practical perspective in the field. At the junction of root locus and chatter concepts an area of particular interest to the authors arises: a new method for active vibration suppression, the Delayed Resonator. It is an active vibration absorber tuning of which is achieved utilizing a simple time delayed feedback. The cross linking between the Delayed Resonator study and the subject matter, machine tool chatter, is exciting to share. This is the primary motivation in pursuing this study. One of the highlights of the work appears at the phenomenon called Dual Frequency Delayed Resonator. This feature has been conjectured in the literature using the well known “stability lobes”, but never discussed with detail.  相似文献   

A passive adaptor to enhance chatter stability for end mills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A design procedure is suggested in this paper to enhance the chatter stability of an end mill cutter. Tool chatter is a well recognized self-excited vibration problem where the excitation force is the cutting force required to machine a workpiece. The cutting force magnitude is proportional to the thickness of the chip removed from the workpiece. The thickness of the chip, on the other hand, is affected by two distinct sets of events, namely, the instantaneous oscillations of the tip of the cutter and the undulations left on the surface from the earlier passes of the cutter. Hence, the excitation force, which is the cause of the oscillations, feeds on the oscillations.In this investigation, an end mill is simplified to be a beam cantilevered from a relatively rigid spindle. A local structural modification technique of the authors is then applied to this beam to suppress its proneness to excessive resonance vibrations. An add-on passive adaptor is developed for this purpose. Numerical simulations with random tip excitation and experimental verification with a scaled model are discussed. Suggested designs promise to enhance the chatter stability of a cantilevered cutter. Cutting tests are being planned for the next stage of work.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general, integrated model of the spindle bearing and machine tool system, consisting of a rotating shaft, tool holder, angular contact ball bearings, housing, and the machine tool mounting. The model allows virtual cutting of a work material with the numerical model of the spindle during the design stage. The proposed model predicts bearing stiffness, mode shapes, frequency response function (FRF), static and dynamic deflections along the cutter and spindle shaft, as well as contact forces on the bearings with simulated cutting forces before physically building and testing the spindles. The proposed models are verified experimentally by conducting comprehensive tests on an instrumented-industrial spindle. The study shows that the accuracy of predicting the performance of the spindles require integrated modeling of all spindle elements and mounting on the machine tool. The operating conditions of the spindle, such as bearing preload, spindle speeds, cutting conditions and work material properties affect the frequency and amplitude of vibrations during machining.  相似文献   

The continuous rotation speed variation is demonstrated to be an efficient method to avoid regenerative chatter in different machining processes. This paper presents a time-domain dynamic model for throughfeed centerless grinding process that can predict chatter by means of part roundness error evolution. Continuous workpiece speed variation (CWSV) has been implemented in this model to analyze the influence of this disturbing method on the dynamic instability. Experimental results have validated the model and verified the effectiveness of CWSV for chatter avoidance and surface finish and dimensional tolerances improvement. It has been demonstrated that the selection of the optimal variation parameters is an important factor not only for chatter avoidance, but also for the stability of surface finish and dimensional tolerances since workpiece speed variation has a direct influence on throughfeed rate and grinding forces.  相似文献   

Advances in high-speed machining technology, including those in spindle speeds and cutters, are out-pacing advances in the servo control performance of machine tools. To close this gap, new machine tools and improved controls must be developed. Improvements to machine tools under development include special-purpose machine tools, the use of advanced materials, the replacement of ball screws and ways with linear motors and roller guides, and the use of parallel link actuators. This paper focuses on the control issues that will become increasingly important as these high-speed machining and high-speed machine tool advances are realized.The main issues in high-speed servo control are feed rate planning, and servo loop control laws. A method is developed in this paper which takes advantage of the full performance envelope of each axis in an arbitrary path. This near-complete usage of the servo capabilities of a machine tool results in reduced cycle time or reduced path error. A servo loop control law is then developed that uses the axis performance envelope as well as instantaneous position, velocity, and acceleration information of the target path and machine axis to improve servo performance in the presence of disturbances.  相似文献   

Chatter is one of the most limiting factors in improving machining performances. Stability Lobe Diagram (SLD) is the most used tool to select optimal stable cutting parameters in order to avoid chatter occurrence. Its prediction is affected by reliability of input data such as machine tool dynamics or cutting coefficients that are difficult to be evaluated accurately, especially at high speed.This paper presents a novel approach to experimentally evaluate SLD without requiring specific knowledge of the process; this approach is called here Spindle Speed Ramp-up (SSR) test. During this test spindle speed is ramped up, and chatter occurrence is detected by the Order Analysis technique. As result one single test ensures optimal spindle speed identification at one cutting condition, while if few tests are performed the entire SLD could be obtained. Results of the method applied to slotting operation on aluminum are provided and a comparison between different measurements devices is presented. This quick, easy-to-use and efficient test is suitable for industrial application: no knowledge of the process is required, different sensors can be used such as accelerometer, dynamometer or microphone.  相似文献   

In this paper, using the analytical model developed by the authors, the effects of certain system design and operational parameters on the tool point FRF, thus on the chatter stability are studied. Important conclusions are derived regarding the selection of the system parameters at the stage of machine tool design and during a practical application in order to increase chatter stability. It is demonstrated that the stability diagram for an application can be modified in a predictable manner in order to maximize the chatter-free material removal rate by selecting favorable system parameters using the analytical model developed. The predictions of the model, which are based on the methodology proposed in this study, are also experimentally verified.  相似文献   

Regenerative chatter is a well-known machining problem that results in unstable cutting process, poor surface quality and reduced material removal rate. This undesired self-excited vibration problem is one of the main obstacles in utilizing the total capacity of a machine tool in production. In order to obtain a chatter-free process on a machining center, stability diagrams can be used. Numerically or analytically, constructing the stability lobe diagram for a certain spindle–holder–tool combination implies knowing the system dynamics at the tool tip; i.e., the point frequency response function (FRF) that relates the dynamic displacement and force at that point. This study presents an analytical method that uses Timoshenko beam theory for calculating the tool point FRF of a given combination by using the receptance coupling and structural modification methods. The objective of the study is two fold. Firstly, it is aimed to develop a reliable mathematical model to predict tool point FRF in a machining center so that chatter stability analysis can be done, and secondly to make use of this model in studying the effects of individual bearing and contact parameters on tool point FRF so that better approaches can be found in predicting contact parameters from experimental measurements. The model can also be used to study the effects of several spindle, holder and tool parameters on chatter stability. In this paper, the mathematical model, as well as the details of obtaining the system component (spindle, holder and tool) dynamics and coupling them to obtain the tool point FRF are given. The model suggested is verified by comparing the natural frequencies of an example spindle–holder–tool assembly obtained from the model with those obtained from a finite element software.  相似文献   

In the paper a method of optimal spindle speed determination for vibration reduction during ball-end milling of flexible details is proposed. In order to reduce vibration level, an original procedure of the spindle speed optimisation, based on the Liao–Young criterion [1], is suggested. As the result, an optimal, constant spindle speed value is determined. For this purpose, non-stationary computational model of machining process is defined. As a result of modelling, a hybrid system is described. This model consists of following subsystems, i.e. stationary model of one-side-supported flexible workpiece (modal subsystem), non-stationary discrete model of ball-end mill (structural subsystem) and conventional contact point between tool and workpiece (connective subsystem). The method requires identification of some natural frequencies of stationary modal subsystem. To determine them, appropriate modal experiments have to be performed on the machine tool, just before machining. Examples of vibration surveillance during cutting process on two high speed milling machines Mikron VCP 600 and Alcera Gambin 120CR are illustrated.  相似文献   

利用可编程控制器(PLC)控制系统的高可靠性、编程及维护方便、体积小的特点,将其应用于环流可逆调速系统中,研制出基于PLC的机床主轴直流伺服系统,使机床主轴的伺服控制更加简单、可靠和稳定。  相似文献   

谷艳丰 《机床电器》2012,39(2):32-34
变频调速是一种高性能的调速方法,就调速指标而言,其完全能够满足金属切削过程的基本要求。论文结合车床加工的基本特点,分析了变频调速系统的基本设计方法和基本设计过程,并介绍了相关元器件的选择及参数的调整原则。  相似文献   

针对数控蜗杆砂轮磨齿机磨削过程中具有简谐振动的特点,建立其主轴系统的三维有限元模型。利用有限元分析软件ANSYS进行模态分析和谐响应分析。通过模态分析求解获得了主轴系统的固有频率和振型,并研究了角接触球轴承支承刚度对其固有频率的影响;通过谐响应分析获得了主轴系统的变形—频率响应曲线,最后通过计算临界转速来验证主轴系统是否发生共振。研究结果表明:增大角接触球轴承的支承刚度有利于提高主轴系统的固有频率。磨削激振力的频率在600Hz附近时,变形—频率响应曲线出现了最大的峰值响应为6.56μm。为了避免共振,主轴系统的工作转速应尽量避开一阶临界转速。  相似文献   

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