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Among the thermodynamic models applicable to solid–liquid–vapor phases, Yokozeki’s model is considered as the first repulsion-based analytic equation of state (EOS) in which a discontinuity is introduced in the isotherm. However, it was found that the model violates some physical constraints due to the empirically introduced discontinuity. This work focuses on the evaluation of the empirical basis of the model through scaled-particle theory (SPT) and a modification of the model to satisfy the physical constraint.  相似文献   

It is shown that: (1) the expressions for the isochoric (CV) and isobaric (CP) heat capacities of liquid and gas, coexisting in phase equilibrium, the heat capacities at saturation of liquid and gas (Cσ) and the heat capacity Cλ used in the article “On the Interpretation of Near-Critical Gas–Liquid Heat Capacities, L. V. Woodcock, Int. J. Thermophys. (2017) 38, 139” are incorrect; (2) the conclusions of the article based on the comparison of the incorrect CV, CP and Cλ with experimental data are also incorrect; (3) the lever rule cannot be used to define CV and CP in the two-phase coexistence region; (4) a correct expression for the isochoric heat capacity describes well the experimental data; (5) there is no misinterpretation of near-critical gas–liquid heat capacity measurements in the two-phase coexistence region; (6) there are no proofs in the article that: (a) the divergence of CV is apparent; (b) it has not been established experimentally that the thermodynamic properties of fluids satisfy scaling laws with universal critical exponents asymptotically close to a single critical point of the vapor–liquid phase transition; and (c) there is no singular critical point on Gibbs density surface. We obtained the relations connecting the isochoric heat capacity in the two-phase region with thermodynamic properties at saturation of homogeneous liquid and gas which can be used to verify the equation of state.  相似文献   

The author comments on an article by Woodcock (Int J Thermophys 35:1770–1784, 2014), who investigates the idea of a critical line instead of a single critical point using the example of argon. In the introduction, Woodcock states that “The Van der Waals critical point does not comply with the Gibbs phase rule. Its existence is based upon a hypothesis rather than a thermodynamic definition”. The present comment is a response to the statement by Woodcock. The comment mathematically demonstrates that a critical point is not only based on a hypothesis that is used to define values of two parameters of the Van der Waals equation of state. Instead, the author argues that a critical point is a direct consequence of the thermodynamic phase equilibrium conditions resulting in a single critical point. It is shown that the thermodynamic conditions result in the first and second partial derivatives of pressure with respect to volume at constant temperature at a critical point equal to zero which are usual conditions of an existence of a critical point.  相似文献   

A significant mathematical error is identified and corrected in a recent highly-cited paper on oscillatory flows of second-grade fluids [Fetecau & Fetecau (2005). Int. J. Eng. Sci., 43, 781–789]. The corrected solutions are shown to agree identically with numerical ones generated by a finite-difference scheme, while the original ones of Fetecau & Fetecau do not. A list of other recent papers in the literature that commit the error corrected in this Comment is compiled. Finally, a summary of related erroneous papers in this journal is presented as an Appendix.  相似文献   

This short note presents some comments on the article “On the propagation of harmonic plane waves under the two-temperature theory” [Puri, P., & Jordan, P. M. (2006). On the propagation of harmonic plane waves under the two-temperature theory. International Journal of Engineering Science, 44, 1113–1126]. Errors in some equations and figures in this article are pointed out and their correct forms are presented.  相似文献   

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