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Meng  Xuying  Wang  Suhang  Shu  Kai  Li  Jundong  Chen  Bo  Liu  Huan  Zhang  Yujun 《World Wide Web》2019,22(6):2853-2881
World Wide Web - Privacy leakage is an important issue for social relationships-based recommender systems (i.e., social recommendation). Existing privacy preserving social recommendation approaches...  相似文献   

传统冷启动和数据稀疏性问题是推荐系统面临的两大难题。现有的大多数基于矩阵分解的推荐方法将用户孤立对待,忽略了用户之间的信任关系,从而导致推荐性能低效。提出一种融合信任关系和用户项目二部结构的矩阵分解推荐方法。该方法在对评分矩阵进行分解的基础上,加入用户信任关系和用户项目二部图结构信息,采用梯度下降算法训练模型参数。Epinions数据集上的对比实验表明,该方法有效提高了推荐系统的准确性和可靠性,尤其在冷启动和稀疏数据情况下,其推荐精度明显优于传统的推荐方法。  相似文献   

Social tagging systems leverage social interoperability by facilitating the searching, sharing, and exchanging of tagging resources. A major drawback of existing social tagging systems is that social tags are used as keywords in keyword-based search. They focus on keywords and human interpretability rather than on computer interpretable semantic knowledge. Therefore, social tags are useful for information sharing and organizing, but they lack the computer-interpretability needed to facilitate a personalized social tag recommendation. An interesting issue is how to automatically generate a personalized social tag recommendation list to users when a resource is accessed by users. The novel solution proposed in this study is a hybrid approach based on semantic tag-based resource profile and user preference to provide personalized social tag recommendation. Experiments show that the Precision and Recall of the proposed hybrid approach effectively improves the accuracy of social tag recommendation.  相似文献   

针对协同推荐技术存在的数据稀疏性和恶意评价行为等问题, 提出了一种新颖的基于社会网络的协同过滤推荐算法。该方法借助社会网络分析技术对协同推荐方法加以改进, 结合用户信任关系与用户自身兴趣, 通过计算网络节点的可信度来消减虚假评分或恶意评分给推荐系统带来的负面影响, 从而提高了推荐系统的准确度。实验表明, 相对于传统的协同过滤算法, 该算法可以有效缓解用户评分稀疏性及恶意评价行为带来的问题, 显著提高推荐系统的推荐质量。  相似文献   

个性化推荐系统中使用最广泛的算法是协同过滤算法,针对该算法存在的数据稀疏和扩展性差问题,提出了一种基于用户兴趣和社交信任的聚类推荐算法。该算法首先基于聚类技术根据用户评分信息将具有相同兴趣的用户聚为一类,并建立基于用户兴趣相近的邻居集合。为了提高兴趣相似度计算的准确性,采用了修正余弦计算公式来消除评分标准的差异问题。然后,引入信任机制,通过定义直接信任、间接信任、传递路径和计算方法来度量社交网络用户之间隐含的信任值,将社交网络转换为信任网络,依据信任程度来创建基于社交信任的邻居集合。通过加权的方式将基于两种邻居集合的预测值融合起来为用户产生项目的推荐。在Douban数据集上进行仿真实验,确定了最优的协调因子值和分类数值,并与基于用户的协同过滤算法和基于信任的推荐算法进行对比,实验结果表明,所提算法的平均绝对误差(MAE)减少了6.7%,准确率(precision)、覆盖(recall)和F1值分别增加了25%、40%和37%,有效提高了推荐系统的推荐质量。  相似文献   

随着社交网络的飞速发展引起了人们对推荐系统(RS)的广泛关注。针对社交网络中现有推荐方法仍存在冷启动问题以及未考虑用户所处的社交网络信息的情况,提出了在信任社交网络中基于图熵的个性化推荐算法(PRAGE)。首先,根据用户物品和它们之间的反馈信息建立用户物品图(UIG),同时引入信任机制建立用户信任图(UTG);其次,通过对两个图使用随机游走算法得到用户与物品的初始相似度和基于信任机制的新的用户物品相似度;重复随机游走过程直至相似度稳定到收敛值;然后,使用UIG和UTG的图熵对两组相似度进行加权并最终相应地得出目标用户的最终推荐列表。在真实的数据集Epinions和FilmTrust上的实验结果表明,相比经典的基于随机游走算法,PRAGE的精确率分别提高了34.7%和19.4%,召回率分别提高了28.9%和21.1%,能够有效地缓解推荐的冷启动问题且在精确率和覆盖率指标上均优于对比算法。  相似文献   

Liu  Taiheng  He  Zhaoshui 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(6):6007-6021
Applied Intelligence - Recently, incorporating user information, social network information, item information and user ratings to improve recommendation performance has attracted great attention....  相似文献   

现有基于信任的推荐算法中没有充分挖掘用户间的信任关系,且缺乏合理的信任关系传递规则,极大地影响了推荐算法的可靠性和准确性。针对上述问题,通过用户评分数据与用户的社会关系建立信任传递模型,提出一种基于信任传递的推荐算法。该算法首先利用评分数据计算信任传递模型中用户的隐式直接信任关系,其次通过求解有序加权平均算子融合多条信任传递链的间接信任关系,最后将计算出的用户信任度与相似度融合为综合相似度进行预测推荐。实验结果证实了所提算法可有效提升系统的推荐质量。  相似文献   

个性化推荐系统综述   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
信息超载是目前网络用户面临的一个严重问题,个性化推荐系统是解决该问题的一个有力工具,并受到了众多的关注和研究。给出推荐系统的定义,同时阐述了推荐系统的几项关键技术,包括用户建模、推荐对象的建模和推荐算法。后来总结了推荐系统的体系结构和性能评价指标,并尝试给出了推荐系统未来研究的重点、难点和热点问题。  相似文献   

基于集成学习的个性化推荐算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在2009年结束的Netflix推荐大赛中,由于顶级参赛小组均使用集成学习算法,使得基于Bagging和Stacking的Ensemble方法得到了广泛的关注,而基于Boosting的集成学习方法相对来说却无人问津。首先分析了基于Boosting的集成学习算法在分类问题中的优势,以及在推荐问题上的缺陷。通过对用户评分矩阵的简化和分解,将问题转换为简单的分类问题,使得Boosting的集成学习算法能够应用到推荐问题中,提出了基于KNN的集成学习推荐算法,通过集成多个不同的相似度计算方法来提高最终的推荐准确率。在大规模真实数据集上的实验说明,基于Boosting的学习框架可以较大提升单个推荐算法的性能。  相似文献   

The high-order redundant correlation effect is investigated for a hybrid algorithm of heat conduction and mass diffusion (HHM), through both heat conduction biased (HCB) and mass diffusion biased (MDB) correlation redundancy elimination processes. The HCB and MDB algorithms do not introduce any additional tunable parameters, but keep the simple character of the original HHM. Based on two empirical datasets, the Netflix and MovieLens, the HCB and MDB are found to show better recommendation accuracy for both the overall objects and the cold objects than the HHM algorithm. Our work suggests that properly eliminating the high-order redundant correlations can provide a simple and effective approach to accurate recommendation.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a popular topic and a dominant trend in various fields, such as healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, and...  相似文献   

基于模糊描述逻辑的个性化推荐系统建模*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解决现有个性化推荐系统中缺乏对模糊语义信息处理的能力,本文建立模糊语义推荐系统模型,使用模糊描述逻辑实现了该模型,并给出了推荐算法。在实现模型的过程中引入了两条规则实现了概念层次关系在的兴趣程度和关联程度上的传递。最后通过实例证明,通过将用户的兴趣和待选资源的相关概念在语义层面进行适当的扩展,模糊语义推荐系统模型能更准确描述用户的兴趣并产生更多符合用户兴趣的推荐项目。  相似文献   

预测用户对物品的行为中,准确的物品推荐是推荐系统的困难问题。为了提高推荐系统的推荐精度,引入物品的推荐潜力,提出一种新颖的融合物品推荐潜力的个性化混合推荐模型。首先根据最近短时间段和最近长时间段的物品访问率计算趋势动量,然后利用趋势动量计算出当前物品的推荐潜力值,最后将物品推荐潜力值融入到个性化推荐模型中得到混合推荐模型。实验证明,融合了物品推荐潜力值的个性化趋势预测,能较大地提高推荐系统的推荐精度。  相似文献   

A semantic-expansion approach to personalized knowledge recommendation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The rapid propagation of the Internet and information technologies has changed the nature of many industries. Fast response and personalized recommendations have become natural trends for all businesses. This is particularly important for content-related products and services, such as consulting, news, and knowledge management in an organization. The digital nature of their products allows for more customized delivery over the Internet. To provide personalized services, however, a complete understanding of user profile and accurate recommendation are essential.In this paper, an Internet recommendation system that allows customized content to be suggested based on the user's browsing profile is developed. The method adopts a semantic-expansion approach to build the user profile by analyzing documents previously read by the person. Once the customer profile is constructed, personalized contents can be provided by the system. An empirical study using master theses in the National Central library in Taiwan shows that the semantic-expansion approach outperforms the traditional keyword approach in catching user interests. The proper usage of this technology can increase customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need for various e-service, e-commerce and e-business sites to provide personalized recommendations to on-line customers. This paper proposes a new type of personalized recommendation agents called fuzzy cognitive agents. Fuzzy cognitive agents are designed to give personalized suggestions based on the user’s current personal preferences, other user’s common preferences, and expert’s domain knowledge. Fuzzy cognitive agents are able to represent knowledge via extended fuzzy cognitive maps, to learn users’ preferences from most recent cases and to help customers make inferences and decisions through numeric computation instead of symbolic and logic deduction. A case study is included to illustrate how personalized recommendations are made by fuzzy cognitive agents in e-commerce sites. The case study demonstrates that the fuzzy cognitive agent is both flexible and effective in supporting e-commerce applications.  相似文献   

随着Web服务的广泛使用和互联网上服务数量的增加,如何向用户提供最佳的服务选择列表成为了新的挑战.Web服务个性化推荐实现了由被动接受用户请求向主动感知用户需求的转变.个性化的Web服务推荐方法已经成为Web服务发现和选择的有效辅助手段.Web服务的个性化推荐技术也成为了近年来服务计算领域的研究热点.对当前Web服务个性化推荐的文献进行了归类分析,总结了当前Web服务个性化推荐的技术现状、研究方法和实验的数据集,列出了未来Web服务个性化推荐研究热点和挑战.  相似文献   

针对电子医疗信息过载和医疗资源严重不足的问题,本文以辅助诊疗的结果为基础,将Skyline查询和局部范围内基于协同过滤的评分方式有机结合,提出了一种面向智能导诊的个性化推荐算法。实验结果表明,本文提出的算法能为用户提供个性化的合理推荐结果。该方法对合理分配和使用医疗资源有很大的促进作用,能从一定程度上缓解就诊压力,提高就诊质量,具有重要的实用价值和社会意义。  相似文献   

With the development of digital music technologies, it is an interesting and useful issue to recommend the ‘favored music’ from large amounts of digital music. Some Web-based music stores can recommend popular music which has been rated by many people. However, three problems that need to be resolved in the current methods are: (a) how to recommend the ‘favored music’ which has not been rated by anyone, (b) how to avoid repeatedly recommending the ‘disfavored music’ for users, and (c) how to recommend more interesting music for users besides the ones users have been used to listen. To achieve these goals, we proposed a novel method called personalized hybrid music recommendation, which combines the content-based, collaboration-based and emotion-based methods by computing the weights of the methods according to users’ interests. Furthermore, to evaluate the recommendation accuracy, we constructed a system that can recommend the music to users after mining users’ logs on music listening records. By the feedback of the user’s options, the proposed methods accommodate the variations of the users’ musical interests and then promptly recommend the favored and more interesting music via consecutive recommendations. Experimental results show that the recommendation accuracy achieved by our method is as good as 90%. Hence, it is helpful for recommending the ‘favored music’ to users, provided that each music object is annotated with the related music emotions. The framework in this paper could serve as a useful basis for studies on music recommendation.  相似文献   

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