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The aims of this study were to investigate whether sexual harassment is related to mental and physical health of both men and women, and to explore the possible moderating effects of gender on the relation between sexual harassment and health. In addition, we investigated whether women were more often bothered by sexual harassment than men, and whether victims who report being bothered by the harassment experience more health problems compared to victims who did not feel bothered. A representative sample of 3,001 policemen and 1,295 policewomen in the Dutch police force filled out an Internet questionnaire. It appeared that women were more often bothered by sexual harassment than men, but gender did not moderate the relation between sexual harassment and mental and physical health. In addition, victims who felt bothered by the harassing behaviors reported more mental and physical health problems than victims who did not feel bothered. The distinction between bothered and nonbothered victims is important because appraisal is an essential aspect in the operationalization of sexual harassment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This investigation examined potential antecedents and consequences of burnout in a large sample of Norwegian police officers. Data were collected via anonymously completed questionnaires. Three burnout components considered were emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and low professional efficacy. Work demands emerged in hierarchical regression analyses as the strongest predictor of each burnout component. With the burnout components as predictors, hierarchical regression analyses indicated that burnout components had significant relationships with a variety of outcomes (work, work-family, psychological health, physical health). Work demands, however, had a stronger relationship with both work and work-family outcomes than did the burnout components, the latter having the strongest relationship with indicators of psychological health. Emotional exhaustion had significant and independent relationships with most of the outcome measures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored differences between self-reported influence and its correlates in 148 adult male and 111 adult female elected union committee officers in Israel. Results show that females rated their influence lower than did males. An examination of the differences in patterns of associations shows that sex proportion and serving as chairperson were significant predictors of influence only for females. It is suggested that females' perception of their influence was more responsive to the evaluation of their fellow workers, while that of males was more responsive to the committee's influence on management. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between personality variables (Type A), job demands and job resources, and police cynicism and engagement, and also examined the mediating role of cynicism and work engagement in predicting both work and health related outcomes among police officers. The participants were 150 Norwegian police officers, and data were collected using questionnaires. Results showed that Type A behavior was related to both cynicism and engagement. As predicted, both job demands and lack of job resources were related to cynicism, and job resources were positively related to engagement. A series of regression analyses indicated direct relationships between Type A behavior, job demands and health complaints with no mediating effect of cynicism. Work engagement partially mediated the effects of individual characteristics, job demands and job resources on organizational commitment and self-efficacy. However, direct links between demands and resources and organizational commitment were also found, as well as direct links between Type A behavior, work demands and self-efficacy. The implications of work engagement for organizations were discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although researchers have found that social support is an effective coping mechanism to deal with stress, there has been little research on gender differences in perceived stress and use of social support. In the present study, 186 undergraduate students from a Maritime university rated the perceived stressfulness of five scenarios, and identified the type and source of social support they would use to cope with each of the situations. Women perceived three of the five scenarios as significantly more stressful than did men. Women indicated that they would turn to their partner and friends to a greater extent than men would. Women also reported that they would seek emotional support to a greater degree than did men. However, when the perceived stressfulness of the scenarios was controlled, some of the gender differences in the sources and types of support disappeared. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social psychologists have devoted considerable theoretical and empirical attention to studying gender differences in traits desired in a mate. Most of the studies on mate preferences, however, have been conducted with small, nonrepresentative samples. In this study, we analyzed data collected from single adults in a national probability sample, the National Survey of Families and Households. Respondents were asked to consider 12 possible assets or liabilities in a marriage partner and to indicate their willingness to marry someone possessing each of these traits. These data extended previous research by comparing men's and women's mate preferences in a heterogeneous sample of the national population and by comparing gender differences in different sociodemographic groups. The gender differences found in this study were consistent with those secured in previous research (e.g., youth and physical attractiveness were found to be more important for men than for women; earning potential was found to be less important for men than for women) and were quite consistent across age groups and races. However, the various sociodemographic groups differed slightly in the magnitude of gender differences for some of the mate preferences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies including 108 nurses and 101 police officers tested the proposition that emotionally demanding interactions with recipients may result in emotional dissonance, which, in turn, may lead to job burnout and impaired performance. More specifically, on the basis of the literature on burnout and emotional dissonance, the authors hypothesized that emotional job demands would explain variance in burnout (i.e., exhaustion and cynicism/disengagement) through their influence on emotional dissonance. In addition, the authors predicted that emotional dissonance would be (negatively) related to in-role performance through its relationship with burnout. The findings of a series of structural equation modeling analyses supported both hypotheses. The implications for research and practice are discussed, as well as avenues for additional research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined gender differences in predicting loneliness from measures of social network structure and a measure of perceived social support. Study 1 (including 179 undergraduates and 124 students [mean age 29 yrs]) used the traditional measure of network density in which the number of relationships among network members was determined. Study 2 (including 143 undergraduates [17–46 yrs]) used an index of density that assessed the extent of closeness of relationships between pairs of network members. Uniformly, male Ss with more highly interconnected, cohesive sets of friends reported themselves to be less lonely, whereas density had little relation to loneliness in females. Results are discussed as possibly indicating that men and women use different standards in evaluating whether they are lonely. It is suggested that men may use more group-oriented criteria in evaluating loneliness, whereas women focus more on the qualities of dyadic relationships. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social desirability (the tendency to respond in such a way as to avoid criticism) and social approval (the tendency to seek praise) are two prominent response set biases evident in answers on structured questionnaires. These biases were tested by comparing nutrient intakes as estimated from a single 24-hour diet recall interview (24 HR) and a 7-day dietary recall (7DDR). Data were collected as part of the Worcester Area Trial for Counseling in Hyperlipidemia, a randomized, physician-delivered nutrition intervention trial for hypercholesterolemic patients conducted in Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1991 to 1995. Of the 1,278 total study subjects, 759 had complete data for analysis. Men overestimated their fat and energy intakes on the 7DDR as compared with the 24HR according to social approval: One unit increase in the social approval score was associated with an overestimate of 21.5 kcal/day in total energy intake and 1.2 g/day in total fat intake. Women, however, underestimated their dietary intakes on the 7DDR relative to the 24HR according to social desirability: One unit increase in the social desirability score was associated with an underestimate of 19.2 kcal/day in energy intake and 0.8 g/day in total fat. The results from the present study indicate that social desirability and social approval biases appear to vary by gender. Such biases may lead to misclassification of dietary exposure estimates resulting in a distortion in the perceived relation between health-related outcomes and exposure to specific foods or nutrients. Because these biases may vary according to the perceived demands of research subjects, it is important that they be assessed in a variety of potential research study populations.  相似文献   

The present study examined associations of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms with subclinical cardiovascular disease in police officers. A stratified sample of 100 police officers was randomly selected from the Buffalo, New York, Police Department. Cardiovascular disease biomarkers were assessed by ultrasound of the brachial artery (flow-mediated dilation [FMD]). PTSD symptoms were measured with the Impact of Event Scale (IES). FMD was lowest in the severe PTSD symptom category when compared to the mild PTSD symptom category (1.91 vs. 5.15% increase, respectively; p=.21) even after adjustment for lifestyle and demographics. In conclusion, higher PTSD symptomatology in this police sample was associated with a nearly twofold reduction in brachial artery FMD, a biomarker for subclinical cardiovascular disease. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Negative affectivity (NA) and Type A behavior were assessed in a sample of 96 male and female university teachers. In general, female Ss scored lower than did male Ss on NA. The difference between men and women on the NA component of hostility was quite profound. A small yet significant Gender–TABP (Type A behavior pattern) interaction effect was found in which high Type A women exhibited less NA (principally in the form of trait anxiety) than did high Type A men. Because NA has been related to both psychological and physical health complaints, some speculations are offered concerning physical and psychological health differences between men and women (at least within university faculties). The possibility is also raised of there being different psychological and physical consequences for being high on anger and/or Type A in women vs men. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Surfactant protein D (SP-D), which has structural homology to C-type lectin binding regions, may play a role in host defense and has no known surfactant function. Because other surfactant proteins have been shown to be increased after prolonged periods of hyperoxia, we sought to evaluate the early effects of hyperoxia (95% O2) on expression of SP-D in the adult male rat lung. Animals were exposed to air or to 12, 36, or 60 h of 95% O2. Northern blot analysis of total lung RNA revealed marked SP-D mRNA increases at 12 h 95% O2 compared with air-exposed controls, with decreasing expression to near that of air-exposed animals by 60 h. Semiquantitative in situ RNA hybridization demonstrated parallel results, with increased numbers of labeled alveolar epithelial (AE) and bronchiolar epithelial (BE) cells at 12 h and increased intensity of labeled alveolar cells, compared with air-exposed controls. After 60 h of exposure to 95% O2, mRNA label intensity in AE and BE was decreased to levels near those seen in air-exposed animals. In contrast, Western blotting showed a decline in total lung SP-D with 95% O2 exposure, beginning at 12 h and continuing at 36 and 60 h, respectively. Semiquantitative immunohistochemistry demonstrated a decline in AE labeling parallel to the total lung Western blot results, but labeled total BE cell numbers increased (P = 0.10). Hyperoxia had differential effects on SP-D abundance in AE and BE cells, and therefore may influence the availability of SP-D to bind microbial pathogens in the airways depending on cell type and location.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that perceived stigmatization of sexual minority status, ethnicity, and age are associated with negative mental health outcomes, and other studies suggest that coping styles may influence these outcomes. However, no studies have examined these relationships among gay men of varying ethnicities and age groups. Three hundred eighty-three Black and White, younger, middle-aged, and older adult gay men completed measures of perceived stigmatization, coping style, and mental health outcomes. Black older adult gay men reported significantly higher levels of perceived ageism than the older White group, significantly higher levels of perceived racism than the younger Black group, significantly higher levels of homonegativity than the younger Black and the White groups, and were more likely to use disengaged coping styles than White gay men. However, Black older adult gay men did not experience significantly higher levels of negative mental health outcomes. Results suggest that further research should examine how older Black gay men, who perceive higher levels of stigma while reporting greater use of less effective coping styles, do not appear to be experiencing more negative mental health outcomes as a result. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Income, an important facet of professional psychological practice, differs by gender. The potential sources of income differences among California clinical psychologists were investigated. Full-time female psychologists earned significantly less income on average than full-time male psychologists, despite similar patient demographics, caseloads, practice profiles, and payment sources. In separate regression models, professional experience increased income more for men than for women, whereas greater psychologist supply decreased income for both groups. According to the regression model, if female psychologists were paid like male psychologists, they would receive, on average, $16,440 more per year. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The action of two isomers of thioctic acid was tested in-vitro by using the hippocampal slice technique. Various models to induce hyperexcitability of the pyramidal cells were used in order to characterize the drug action. Increases of the applied glucose above the usual concentration of 10 mM lead to a concentration dependent enhancement of the population spike amplitude peaking in a 200% increase at a concentration of 30 mM, whereas lower glucose concentrations result in diminished amplitudes. Both isomers of thioctic acid antagonize the hyperexcitability to a different degree with IC50's of 43 microM and 281 microM for the l- and the d-isomer, respectively. As thioctic acid passes the blood brain barrier very well, these results might suggest a protective action of thioctic acid on the brain during hyperglycemic episodes in diabetic patients. Regarding the mechanism of action, thioctic acid firstly reverses the effect of 6 mM calcium in the superfusion fluid and secondly reverses the effect of apamin, an highly selective neurotoxin of bee venom, acting as the most specific blocker of the small conductance calcium dependent potassium channel. As this channel has been described to occur also in liver, an interaction with it may underly the central and peripheral action of thioctic acid. Together with the already available evidence, these experiments support the hypothesis that thioctic acid can be regarded as a stereoselective neuroprotective agent preventing cells from being damaged by excess of calcium or hyperexcitability induced by blockade of a specific class of potassium channels.  相似文献   

The authors examined gender differences in rates of comorbid psychiatric disorders among adolescents with 1 or more psychoactive substance use disorders. Baseline diagnostic data were obtained from 135 adolescents, ages 12 to 19, and their parents-guardians, who participated in a study to develop and efficacy test Integrated Family and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Rates of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder were higher among drug-abusing male adolescents compared with drug-abusing female adolescents. However, high rates of disruptive behavior disorders also characterized drug-abusing female adolescents. Similarly, drug-abusing female adolescents exhibited a higher rate of major depression compared with drug-abusing male adolescents. However, rates of dysthymia, double depression (i.e., major depression and dysthymia), and bipolar disorder were equivalent between genders. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

What factors relate to levels of burnout experienced by male and female psychologists? Five hundred ninety-five psychologists responded to a survey about professional activities, work demands and resources, career-sustaining behaviors, and burnout. Respondents in solo or group independent practice reported a greater sense of personal accomplishment, more sources of satisfaction, fewer sources of stress, and more control at work than respondents in agency settings. In addition, women in independent practice reported less emotional exhaustion than women in agency settings. In general, women tended to give higher ratings to the importance of career-sustaining behaviors; however, 6 strategies emerged as highly important for all respondents: maintain sense of humor, maintain self-awareness/self-monitoring, maintain balance between personal and professional lives, maintain professional identity/values, engage in hobbies, and spend time with spouse, partner, or family. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using the demand-control-support model of job strain, the authors examined gender differences in the relationship between psychosocial work exposures and psychological distress in a cross-sectional sample of 7,484 employed Canadians. Compared with low-strain work, high-strain and active work were associated with a significantly higher level of distress in both men and women. Differences in psychological distress in relation to psychosocial work exposures were greater for men than for women. Low social support was associated with higher distress across all categories of job strain, and the combined effect of low social support and high job strain was associated with the greatest increase in distress. This pattern was similar in men and women. This study suggests that psychosocial work exposures may be a more significant determinant of psychological well-being in male workers compared with female workers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Study 1 with 251 male and 389 female undergraduates, androgynous females reported higher self-esteem and were more competent in the judgment of others (Adjective Check List) than any other sex-role type. Study 2 (48 males and 86 females) hypothesized that superior social cognition (Chapin Social Insight Test) mediates the adaptive value of androgyny, allowing effective deployment of expanded sex-role potential across situations. It was found that androgynous males demonstrated the highest social cognition among the 4 sex types. In Study 3 androgynous males were the least well-defended and androgynous females the most highly defended relative to the other sex types. This is proposed as 1 basis for enhanced competence of androgynous females and the unexceptional competence of their male counterparts despite social cognition differences. (55 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study presents a meta-analysis of research on gender differences in perceptions of ethical decision making. Data from more than 20,000 respondents in 66 samples show that women are more likely than men to perceive specific hypothetical business practices as unethical. As suggested by social role theory (A. H. Eagly, 1987), the gender difference observed in precareer (student) samples declines as the work experience of samples increases. Social role theory also accounts for greater gender differences in nonmonetary issues than in monetary issues. T. M. Jones's (1991) issue-contingent model of moral intensity helps explain why gender differences vary across types of behavior. Contrary to expectations, differences are not influenced by the sex of the actor or the target of the behavior and do not depend on whether the behavior involves personal relationships or action vs. inaction.  相似文献   

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