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Biocatalysis is a continuously expanding subfield in chemical biology. Herein, I describe two categories of biocatalysts, the LEGO-brick-like and game-console-like type, both of which can streamline the synthetic routes to therapeutics. A multi-disciplinary approach to expand the biocatalytic toolkit will open up opportunities to develop new therapeutics.  相似文献   

3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL) is the focus of the catecholaldehyde hypothesis for the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease and other Lewy body diseases. The catecholaldehyde is produced via oxidative deamination catalyzed by monoamine oxidase (MAO) acting on cytoplasmic dopamine. DOPAL is autotoxic, in that it can harm the same cells in which it is produced. Normally, DOPAL is detoxified by aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH)-mediated conversion to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), which rapidly exits the neurons. Genetic, environmental, or drug-induced manipulations of ALDH that build up DOPAL promote catecholaminergic neurodegeneration. A concept derived from the catecholaldehyde hypothesis imputes deleterious interactions between DOPAL and the protein alpha-synuclein (αS), a major component of Lewy bodies. DOPAL potently oligomerizes αS, and αS oligomers impede vesicular and mitochondrial functions, shifting the fate of cytoplasmic dopamine toward the MAO-catalyzed formation of DOPAL—destabilizing vicious cycles. Direct and indirect effects of DOPAL and of DOPAL-induced misfolded proteins could “freeze” intraneuronal reactions, plasticity of which is required for neuronal homeostasis. The extent to which DOPAL toxicity is mediated by interactions with αS, and vice versa, is poorly understood. Because of numerous secondary effects such as augmented spontaneous oxidation of dopamine by MAO inhibition, there has been insufficient testing of the catecholaldehyde hypothesis in animal models. The clinical pathophysiological significance of genetics, emotional stress, environmental agents, and interactions with numerous proteins relevant to the catecholaldehyde hypothesis are matters for future research. The imposing complexity of intraneuronal catecholamine metabolism seems to require a computational modeling approach to elucidate clinical pathogenetic mechanisms and devise pathophysiology-based, individualized treatments.  相似文献   

魏晋时期由于北方战乱不断,导致制瓷业重心南移.以浙江各地为主要烧造中心的越窑、瓯窑、婺州窑、德清窑和均山窑日渐繁荣.南方系的青瓷器物种类丰富、装饰精致富有韵味,发展十分迅猛,不仅为后北朝时期白瓷的出现提供了参照性,也为唐初“南青北白”的局面奠定了基础.本文主要以釉色、器形、装饰三个方面为出发点分析魏晋南北朝中三国两晋时期的陶瓷尤其是青瓷的特点,发掘深藏其背后的时代哲学思想.  相似文献   

The goal of prebiotic chemistry is the depiction of molecular evolution events preceding the emergence of life on Earth or elsewhere in the cosmos. Plausible experimental models require geochemical scenarios and robust chemistry. Today we know that the chemical and physical conditions for life to flourish on Earth were at work much earlier than thought, i.e., earlier than 4.4 billion years ago. In recent years, a geochemical model for the first five hundred million years of the history of our planet has been devised that would work as a cradle for life. Serpentinization processes in the Hadean eon affording self-assembled structures and vesicles provides the link between the catalytic properties of the inorganic environment and the impressive chemical potential of formamide to produce complete panels of organic molecules relevant in pre-genetic and pre-metabolic processes. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, we propose basic transformations connecting geochemistry to the chemistry of formamide, and we hint at the possible extension of this perspective to other worlds.  相似文献   

成绍鑫 《腐植酸》2007,(1):1-11
我国土壤污染形势严峻,已成为农产品安全和农业可持续发展的一大障碍."十一五"期间已将防治土壤污染列入重要议事日程,"全国土壤污染状况调查和防治项目"业已启动,2006年11月<农产品质量安全法>也开始实施.腐植酸学术界及行业又面临新的机遇和挑战.介绍了我国土壤污染的现状及其治理技术,阐述了腐植酸类物质(HS)修复污染土壤的研究进展、存在问题及应用的可行性,并对今后的研究开发及应用方向提出若干建议.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases (NMDs) has been progressively evolving from the grouping of clinical symptoms and signs towards the molecular definition. Optimal clinical, biochemical, electrophysiological, electrophysiological, and histopathological characterization is very helpful to achieve molecular diagnosis, which is essential for establishing prognosis, treatment and genetic counselling. Currently, the genetic approach includes both the gene-targeted analysis in specific clinically recognizable diseases, as well as genomic analysis based on next-generation sequencing, analyzing either the clinical exome/genome or the whole exome or genome. However, as of today, there are still many patients in whom the causative genetic variant cannot be definitely established and variants of uncertain significance are often found. In this review, we address these drawbacks by incorporating two additional biological omics approaches into the molecular diagnostic process of NMDs. First, functional genomics by introducing experimental cell and molecular biology to analyze and validate the variant for its biological effect in an in-house translational diagnostic program, and second, incorporating a multi-omics approach including RNA-seq, metabolomics, and proteomics in the molecular diagnosis of neuromuscular disease. Both translational diagnostics programs and omics are being implemented as part of the diagnostic process in academic centers and referral hospitals and, therefore, an increase in the proportion of neuromuscular patients with a molecular diagnosis is expected. This improvement in the process and diagnostic performance of patients will allow solving aspects of their health problems in a precise way and will allow them and their families to take a step forward in their lives.  相似文献   

Traditionally, prodrug activation has been limited to enzymatic triggers or gross physiological aberrations, such as pH, that offer low selectivity and control over dosage. In recent years, the field of prodrug activation chemistry has been transformed by the use of bioorthogonal reactions that can be carried out under biological conditions at sub-millimolar concentrations, with the tetrazine-mediated inverse electron demand Diels–Alder reaction amongst the most recognised. Their high reaction rates, chemoselectivity and excellent biocompatibility make tetrazines ideal small molecules for activating prodrugs. Recently the tetrazine moiety has been used as a prodrug for a pyridazine thus broadening the scope of prodrug systems. This article discusses the concept of using tetrazines as small-molecule activators for prodrugs, and provides an overview of tetrazine-based prodrug systems, with a particular focus on the recently reported prodrug–prodrug activation strategy.  相似文献   

高等化工类院校自然科学领域的本科专业设置大部分和化学有关,因此,开设环境生物学课程显得尤其必要。本文简要介绍了环境生物学课程的发展目标、教学团队和教学手段等,并展望了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

The reduction of arsenate to arsenite by pI258 arsenate reductase (ArsC) combines a nucleophilic displacement reaction with a unique intramolecular disulfide cascade. Within this reaction mechanism, the oxidative equivalents are translocated from the active site to the surface of ArsC. The first reaction step in the reduction of arsenate by pI258 ArsC consists of a nucleophilic displacement reaction carried out by Cys10 on dianionic arsenate. The second step involves the nucleophilic attack of Cys82 on the Cys10-arseno intermediate formed during the first reaction step. The onset of the second step is studied here by using quantum chemical calculations in a density functional theory context. The optimised geometry of the Cys10-arseno adduct in the ArsC catalytic site (sequence motif: Cys10-Thr11-Gly12-Asn13-Ser14-Cys15-Arg16-Ser17) forms the starting point for all subsequent calculations. Thermodynamic data and a hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB) reactivity analysis show a preferential nucleophilic attack on a monoanionic Cys10-arseno adduct, which is stabilised by Ser17. The P-loop active site of pI258 ArsC activates first a hydroxy group and subsequently arsenite as the leaving group, as is clear from an increase in the calculated nucleofugality of these groups upon going from the gas phase to the solvent phase to the enzymatic environment. Furthermore, the enzymatic environment stabilises the thiolate form of the nucleophile Cys82 by 3.3 pH units through the presence of the eight-residue alpha helix flanked by Cys82 and Cys89 (redox helix) and through a hydrogen bond with Thr11. The importance of Thr11 in the pKa regulation of Cys82 was confirmed by the observed decrease in the kcat value of the Thr11Ala mutant as compared to that of wild-type ArsC. During the final reaction step, Cys89 is activated as a nucleophile by structural alterations of the redox helix that functions as a pKa control switch for Cys89; this final step is necessary to expose a Cys82-Cys89 disulfide.  相似文献   

屠宰废水中有机指标的快速测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同帜  程刚  徐兵  崔双科 《应用化工》2000,29(3):34-37
利用快速测定 COD的方法 ,在 CODCr值为 5 0 mg/ L~ 2 0 0 0 m g/ L ,测定了不同浓度屠宰废水的COD快 、CODCr、BOD5 ,并进行了 CODCr- COD快 - BOD5 的对比试验 ,科学地确定出 COD快 - CODCr、COD快 - BOD5 、CODCr- BOD5 的相关关系式 ;用实际废水处理结果进行了曲线校正和验证 ,完成了曲线的实用性确定。  相似文献   

Fertilization is a complex process that requires successive stages and culminates in the adhesion/fusion of gamete membranes. If the question of the involvement of oocyte integrins has been swept away by deletion experiments, that of the involvement of sperm integrins remains to be further characterized. In the present study, we addressed the question of the feasibility of sperm–oocyte adhesion/fusion and early implantation in the absence of sperm β1 integrin. Males and females with β1 integrin-depleted sperm and oocytes were mated, and fertilization outcome was monitored by a gestational ultrasound analysis. Results suggest that although the sperm β1 integrin participates in gamete adhesion/fusion, it is dispensable for fertilization in mice. However, sperm- and/or oocyte-originated integrin β1 is essential for post-implantation development. Redundancy phenomena could be at the origin of a compensatory expression or alternative dimerization pattern.  相似文献   

黄康胜 《广东化工》2011,38(6):250-251,239
反应器选型是化学反应过程与设备课程的重要教学内容,是反应器设计的重要组成部分。通过均相反应器、气固非均相催化反应器选型,以及催化剂性质对反应器选型的案例教学,学生很好地掌握了反应器选型依据,提高了分析解决问题的能力,收到了很好的教学效果。  相似文献   

介绍了GWBZ电压无功补偿综合自动调节装置的特点,该装置在某石化企业应用性能稳定,可靠性高,经济效益可观。  相似文献   

Nephrotoxicity is a major cause of intrinsic acute kidney injury (AKI). Because renal tissue damage may occur independently of a reduction in glomerular filtration rate and of elevations in plasma creatinine concentration, so-called injury biomarkers have been proposed to form part of diagnostic criteria as reflective of tubular damage independently of renal function status. We studied whether the urinary level of NGAL, KIM-1, GM2AP, t-gelsolin, and REGIIIb informed on the extent of tubular damage in rat models of nephrotoxicity, regardless of the etiology, moment of observation, and underlying pathophysiology. At a time of overt AKI, urinary biomarkers were measured by Western blot or ELISA, and tubular necrosis was scored from histological specimens stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Correlation and regression studies revealed that only weak relations existed between biomarkers and tubular damage. Due to high interindividual variability in the extent of damage for any given biomarker level, urinary injury biomarkers did not necessarily reflect the extent of the underlying tissue injury in individual rats. We contended, in this work, that further pathophysiological contextualization is necessary to understand the diagnostic significance of injury biomarkers before they can be used for renal tubular damage severity stratification in the context of nephrotoxic and, in general, intrinsic AKI.  相似文献   

Multidrug efflux pumps are critical elements in both intrinsic and acquired antibiotic resistance of bacterial populations. Consequently, most studies regarding these protein machineries focus on this specific phenotype. Nevertheless, different works show that efflux pumps participate in other aspects of bacterial physiology too. Herein, we study the Pseudomonas aeruginosa multidrug efflux pump MexJK. Previous studies, using model strains lacking MexAB-OprM and MexCD-OprJ efflux pumps, support that MexJK can extrude erythromycin, tetracycline, and triclosan. However, the results here reported indicate that this potential increased extrusion, in a mutant overexpressing mexJK, does not alter the antibiotics susceptibility in a wild-type genetic background where all intrinsic multidrug efflux pumps remain functional. Nevertheless, a clear impact on the quorum sensing (QS) response, mainly in the Pqs-dependent QS regulation network and in the expression of Pqs-regulated virulence factors, was observed linked to mexJK overexpression. The production of the siderophore pyoverdine strongly depended on the level of mexJK expression, suggesting that MexJK might participate in P. aeruginosa pyoverdine-dependent iron homeostasis. All in all, the results presented in the current article support that the functions of multidrug efflux pumps, as MexJK, go beyond antibiotic resistance and can modulate other relevant aspects of bacterial physiology.  相似文献   

张文斌 《工业水处理》2005,25(11):65-66
通过对太原一电厂#15机组炉水中总有机碳(TOC)和离子成分检测、分析和试验研究,找到了水质异常的原因,同时确定了因TOC而引起水质异常应采取的措施和策略.  相似文献   

W. Hodek 《Fuel》1982,61(6):570-572
On 24 and 25 November 1980, a round table discussion organized by the Commission of the European Communities and attended by coal scientists from six Community countries was held in Brussels. The delegates came from France, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and the Federal Republic of Germany to present and discuss the latest results of their work in the field of fundamental research into the chemical and physical properties of coal. This Letter reports the content of the discussion and describes the reasons for and the significance of this annual meeting.  相似文献   

把科研、产品开发和教学结合起来,应用于"化学建材"课程建设,理论联系实践,结合教师长期从事化学建材的经验和方法,培养同学们的实战能力,组建经验丰富的教学团队,积极争取课程建设的软硬条件,培养了学生的实干能力和拼搏精神,取得了良好的教学效果,有事半而功倍之效。  相似文献   

Hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) remains to be a major cause of long-term neurodevelopmental deficits in term neonates. Hypothermia offers partial neuroprotection warranting research for additional therapies. Kynurenic acid (KYNA), an endogenous product of tryptophan metabolism, was previously shown to be beneficial in rat HIE models. We sought to determine if the KYNA analog SZR72 would afford neuroprotection in piglets. After severe asphyxia (pHa = 6.83 ± 0.02, ΔBE = −17.6 ± 1.2 mmol/L, mean ± SEM), anesthetized piglets were assigned to vehicle-treated (VEH), SZR72-treated (SZR72), or hypothermia-treated (HT) groups (n = 6, 6, 6; Tcore = 38.5, 38.5, 33.5 °C, respectively). Compared to VEH, serum KYNA levels were elevated, recovery of EEG was faster, and EEG power spectral density values were higher at 24 h in the SZR72 group. However, instantaneous entropy indicating EEG signal complexity, depression of the visual evoked potential (VEP), and the significant neuronal damage observed in the neocortex, the putamen, and the CA1 hippocampal field were similar in these groups. In the caudate nucleus and the CA3 hippocampal field, neuronal damage was even more severe in the SZR72 group. The HT group showed the best preservation of EEG complexity, VEP, and neuronal integrity in all examined brain regions. In summary, SZR72 appears to enhance neuronal activity after asphyxia but does not ameliorate early neuronal damage in this HIE model.  相似文献   

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