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We explore conservative refinements of specifications. These form a quite appropriate framework for a proof theory for program inclusion based on a proof theory for program correctness.We propose two formalized proof methods for program inclusion and prove these to be sound. Both methods are incomplete but seem to cover most natural cases. 相似文献
The common way to establish an integral equation for the solution of Laplace's equation uses the Green's function of the given equation. It will be shown in this paper that an integral equation can also be constructed by using a particular solution of the Laplace equation as the Kernel of the integral equation. 相似文献
《Expert systems with applications》2014,41(3):877-885
This paper describes a novel algorithm for numerical optimization, called Simple Adaptive Climbing (SAC). SAC is a simple efficient single-point approach that does not require a careful fine-tunning of its two parameters. SAC algorithm shares many similarities with local optimization heuristics, such as random walk, gradient descent, and hill-climbing. SAC has a restarting mechanism, and a powerful adaptive mutation process that resembles the one used in Differential Evolution. The algorithms SAC is capable of performing global unconstrained optimization efficiently in high dimensional test functions. This paper shows results on 15 well-known unconstrained problems. Test results confirm that SAC is competitive against state-of-the-art approaches such as micro-Particle Swarm Optimization, CMA-ES or Simple Adaptive Differential Evolution. 相似文献
Software architecture contains, in addition to its structural part, interaction patterns that can be regarded as part of the architectural solution of the system. The interaction patterns define architecturally significant behavior of the software system. In this paper we propose a visual modeling language, behavioral profiles, for specifying architecturally significant behavioral rules for an application. The language is built on the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is a visual language widely used in software development. We show how behavioral profiles can be used to support software designers in creating behavioral models that conform to some predefined rules and for ensuring that an application behaves correctly with respect to the rules given in the profiles. A tool called Bebop was built to support software engineers in behavioral profile‐based design and analysis of program behavior. To evaluate the approach and the tools in different application domains, they are utilized in three cases. The size of the applications used in the cases varies from small to quite large software systems, and from academic to industrial ones. The examples demonstrate how the approach presented can be used in practice for different steps in a software engineering process. The examples cover specializing an application framework and monitoring the program execution in run‐time. In addition, they show how behavioral profiles can be used to support guided program comprehension and to validate program execution by analyzing execution traces. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Y.-P. Chen J.-T. Horng C.-Y. Kao 《Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications》1999,3(2):101-110
In this paper, we propose Stochastic sketching for global optimization based on a simulation of human behaviour. Stochastic sketching tries to do things simply in the human
way without too much interpretation instead of modeling the thought and strategies of human beings and applying an artificial
model to problems. We introduce and discuss concepts and components essential to stochastic sketching in detail, including
sampling guide, zooming controller, sketching model, precision threshold, and satisfaction probability. Experimental results
of stochastic sketching on several test functions and a set of recommended parameter settings are given, as well as preliminary
comparisons between stochastic sketching and related evolutionary algorithms including evolution strategies, evolutionary
programming, and genetic algorithms. 相似文献
采用多元函数的变尺度法和遗传算法,对溶胀法聚合物溶解度参数实验数据进行处理计算,通过39个聚合物数据的计算检验,总符合率的平均值为93.5%,较Hansen的计算结果提高了4.5%。采用Delphi 7.0编程语言编制的数据处理计算程序,具有界面友好、操作方便等优点,在科学研究和工业应用中具有相当的实用价值。 相似文献
H.H.E. Leipholz 《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》1984,47(3):299-314
This paper is an extension of [1] and should be read in conjunction with that reference. It proves that an alternative to Liapunov's stability method, which removes the obstacle of having to establish a Liapunov function, can be generalized to cover also those cases in which higher-order differential equation systems are involved. 相似文献
The numerical scheme for the computation of a shock discontinuity developed by MacCormack has been extended to solve a number of differential equations, including cases explicitly containing higher-order derivatives: (1) Korteweg-de Vries equation with a term of third-order derivative, (2) a system of nonlinear equations governing nonsteady one-dimensional plasma flow in cylindrical coordinate, (3) equations of solar wind. Comparisons with previous results are made, if available, to illustrate the advantages of the present method. The question of convergence of the numerical calculation is discussed. 相似文献
利用形状图逻辑和形状系统来解决指针程序的分析和验证中的困难。该方法要求程序员声明各种递归结构体类型参与构建的数据结构的形状,并声明指针变量所指向的形状,以便程序分析工具能建立各程序点的形状图,并以此来支持程序验证。探讨了在指针相等关系静态可确定的情况下,避免在Hoare逻辑上做复杂扩展的指针程序验证方法。Abstract: Analysis and verification of programs dealing with pointers are still difficult problems so far. This paper uses a shape graph logic and a shape system to solve these problems. Using our method, programmers must declare the shapes that the recursive data 相似文献
对一种新的全局优化方法(称为APSAM方法)进行了研究,将模拟退火方法的随机搜索策略与局部寻优算法POWELL相结合,使得求解过程可以跳出局部最优值的区域,最终获得全局最优解。最后通过对一些典型的多极值方程进行优化,比较了APSAM方法与模拟退火法、POWELL法和PSAM方法的优化结果,仿真结果说明提出的算法优化能力较强,效果稳定可靠。 相似文献
This study aimed at experimentally investigating the influence of roof height and sill width on car ingress/egress movements. The first uncomfortable (Ht1) and the lowest acceptable (Ht2) roof heights were obtained from 26 participants of three different stature groups thanks to a multi-adjustable vehicle mock-up. Both Ht1 and Ht2 were affected neither by stature nor by vehicle type. Only a difference of 45 mm between Ht1 and Ht2 was observed. Tall volunteers more flexed the trunk and neck than short persons thanks to a larger space available around the seat when the head passing under the roof. The vehicle type had almost no effect on upper body posture. The roof height only affected neck flexion. The sill width mainly imposed a lateral translation. Results demonstrated that an appropriate roof height should be determined carefully. A small change of 45 mm in roof height may lead to an unacceptable situation. Practitioner Summary: The present study experimentally investigated the effects of roof height and sill width on car ingress and egress movements. Short females required almost the same roof height as tall males due to smaller space around the seat. The results would help to optimise car dimensions for improving car accessibility. 相似文献
粒子方法是过程工程领域的重要研究手段。粒子模拟是粒子方法在计算机上的实现。粒子方法具有计算强度大的特点,随着粒子模拟系统规模的扩大,如何在现有计算机硬件设备基础上提高粒子模拟程序的性能,缩短模拟时间,成为目前相关研究中所关注的问题之一。本文在分析粒子模拟程序代码特点的基础上考察循环优化技术,并通过编译优化,代码改造等手段对一个典型粒子模拟程序——三维宏观拟颗粒模拟程序进行了计算代码的优化,进而总结出具有普适意义的计算代码优化建议。 相似文献
为了从另一个角度提高决策树算法的效率,对标准的ID3决策树算法进行函数式语言Haskell描述,研究了程序演化策略,推衍出了一个高效等价算法。实验结果证明演化过程是正确的。 相似文献
Humberto Lima Soriano 《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》1982,35(3):255-269
The purpose of this paper is to present a new procedure for the Rutishauser method (LR-method) of computing eigenvalues of symmetric matrices. This procedure is useful for real symmetric matrices with small band-widths. Shifts of origin are required for accelerating the process of convergence that may lead to indefinite matrices for which the classical approach is not applicable. The present approach demands only that the leading principal minors of the matrices operated have non-zero values. This paper compares this approach with the classical approach based on Cholesky factorizations and with the QR-method. The numerical results presented show the great effectiveness of the former. 相似文献
Grégorio Rozenblum 《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》1985,48(2):139-154
In this paper, a theoretical basis of the generalization of MacNeal's modal synthesis method [1] is presented.This method allows the computation of eigenvectors and eigenfrequencies of a structure from the eigenfrequencies and modes of the subcomponents of this structure, already independently analysed. These frequencies and modes may have been obtained by computation or measured. A set of linear equations expresses the assembly conditions of the subsets.There are in this method no restrictions on the boundary conditions of the subsets. They may have been analysed free-free or supported. The global system may also be supported or not.This theoretical formulation has been introduced and tested in the ASKA program. 相似文献
基于Linux操作系统具有良好的开放性和较强的可移植性,在当前嵌入式操作系统中被广泛采用。本文首先基于Samsung公司的S3C2410处理器构建硬件环境;然后深入探讨嵌入式Linux操作系统下的触摸屏驱动程序的开发;之后讲述触摸屏采样数据处理的方法:最后详细的阐明触摸屏的校准原理。 相似文献
近年来,"任务驱动"教学法在"C程序设计"教学中得到了广泛的应用,取得了较好的教学效果;但发现在实际教学过程中由于任务简单、各任务之间相对独立无连贯性,造成学员对课程失去学习兴趣。鉴于以上原因,采用一条主线任务贯穿课程始终将程序设计课程各知识点紧密糅合在一起,先分析传统任务驱动教学法的一些弊端,重点阐述项目教学法在C程序设计教学中的实施过程和注意事项,为C程序设计教学摸索出一条新思路。 相似文献
通过程序不变量动态生成技术,可以分析程序内部的关联属性,从而有助于设计高质量的程序代码以及规范化的程序架构.主要描述基于契约的似然程序不变量发现的基本理论模型,并结合Java建模语言进一步阐明程序断言动态生成技术及其现在产生的重点问题,针对提出的问题给出了相应的解决方法. 相似文献
可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)是工业控制系统的重要组成部分,控制着各类物理设备及工艺流程。无论是攻击者的恶意篡改还是内部人员的编程错误所造成的PLC控制程序错误都将严重威胁设备及人身安全。为解决该问题,提出了针对PLC程序的控制流分析方法。首先,利用flex和bison分析了源代码的词法及语法结构;其次,通过分析抽象语法树(AST)生成并优化了不含指令副作用的中间表示;最后,在中间表示的基础上划分基本块,并以此为基本单元构建了程序的控制流图。实验结果表明,所提方法能够恢复语句表形式PLC程序的控制流结构,为程序理解和安全性分析提供了基础。 相似文献