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糖果等食品的多粒枕式包装是食品行业亟需解决的问题。本文对球形和椭圆形糖果的多粒枕式包装进行了初步的探讨,着重阐述了理糖装置和光电控制系统的设计。  相似文献   

<正> 对许多产品来说,流水式枕式包装是最经济的包装方法之一。目前,大部分糖果、巧克力、饼干、面包、谷物类食品、药物与保健产品,以及冷冻食品等,都是以这种方式来包装。枕式包装的应用之所以如此流行,与其所具备的包装特性密切相关,如密封程度高、兼备防盗功效等。配合包装材料的选用,包装能够为产品提供极佳的阻隔保护作用,保持产品的新鲜度。  相似文献   

前言自从1984年我厂首次从德国引进了一台山博希(B。S。h)公司生产的30c枕式糖果包装机后;使传统的单粒糖果包装形式由扭结、折用的方式进展到热封枕式包装,使单粒糖果的包装形式发生了质的飞跃。这种包装具有式样新颖,外形美观,密封性强,卫生安全可靠,保存期长等特点,上市后深受广大消费者的欢迎。由于该机包装速度快,成品率高,包装材料消耗少,加以市场的热销,引起了全国各糖果制造厂的热情关注。为了迎合市场的需要,1986年上海食品工业机械厂对这台进口设备进行测绘、改造、仿造出第一代国产化的TJSC7枕式糖果包装机,并…  相似文献   

当今,糖果对包装的需求是百变多样的,而且经常处于包装运用的前沿。对糖果包装进行深入研究是一项很有成就的工作。研究发现:在包装材料方面,各种类型的包装材料在糖果包装中基本都有应用,比如塑料软包装。纸品包装、木器包装、金属包装、瓷艺包装、陶艺包装,玻璃包装等如今都已大量运用到了糖果包装中;在设计方面,各种时尚的平面设计概念甚至前沿的设计思潮也都运用到了糖果包装中,比如把游艇、酒店图案印到糖果包装纸上来纪念旅程;在包装造型方面,糖果包装更是百般变化,在国际上经常荣获造型设计大奖就是很好的佐证。而且,消费者也已经逐渐把糖果包装当成是一种文化来接受。  相似文献   

一种新型光电控制色标定位技术马希明(机械工程系)现今糖果大多采用枕式包装。与传统的扭结式裹包比较,枕式包装能更好地保护糖果,使之延长保存期,节省包装材料,提高包装速度,现国产机生产能力为400~700块/min,进口机为600~800块/min,因而...  相似文献   

<正> 在中国,食品行业突飞猛进的发展带动了食品包装机械行业的发展。北京大森长空包装机械有限公司是中国领先的枕式包装机械及全自动包装生产线制造厂商,近日,本刊记者有幸对北京大森长空包装机械有限公司市场部经理王伟先生进行了专访。  相似文献   

最近,市场上出现的一种小形枕式包装的颗粒糖果,因其外形新颖,内在品质优美,颇受消费者的欢迎。这类包装机器是从联邦德国和意大利引进的。包装主机和喂料装置为组合式配置,除了包装颗粒糖果之外,只要变换进料装置,可以包装其他任何颗粒、条块及圆片状食品,属于一种多用途的包装机械。  相似文献   

基于PLC糖果包装机控制系统设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对某型枕式糖果包装机进行自动化改造.按照生产工艺要求,选用可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)作为控制核心,结合变频技术、人机界面技术对糖果包装机控制系统进行了重新设计;控制系统工作正常,包装速度大幅提升,满足生产工艺要求.PLC以及变频技术的应用,提高了系统自动化程度,成功完成了对原机器的改造.  相似文献   

新设备枕式高速自动包装机广东佛山新星包装机械厂最近推出PM340型枕式高速全自动包装机,为饼干、糖果,速食面等食品行业和医药、日化、轻工产品的包装提供了得心应手的设备。该厂综合国外同类机型的优点自行开发的三种型号机型,全部采用电脑控制光电自动跟踪及精...  相似文献   

枕式热封型糖果包装机能用于多种形状糖块的单粒包装。经包装后的糖果,外形美观,密封性好,易于存放。是一种优于扭结式的糖果包装机。和调试其它包装机一样,调试应按先空车,后实物的原则。即:包装机空运转正常后,再分别用包装纸和糖粒单独试车。均正常后,才能投入糖粒和包装纸一起进行综合调试。调试时,车速应先慢后快,逐至正常。调试机器各部件的前后次序,可遵循从糖粒排队;送纸,到裹包,纵横  相似文献   

<正> 糖果商要在竞争日趋激烈的市场中占稳一席之地,必须配合市场需求的变化,除了提高生产效率和产品质量外,还必须将产品包装得精美。为此,UCB Film公司研制出多种包装膜材,配合当今糖果商不同的需求。  相似文献   

One hundred and forty samples of Turkish confectionery and 96 instant drink powders marketed in Turkey, colored with a single colorant, were analyzed for colorants using both quantitative and qualitative UV/VIS spectrophotometer determinations. Six and five synthetic food colorants were determined in confectionery and instant drink powders, respectively. All the synthetic colorants determined in confectionery, except for Erythrosine, are permitted for use by the Turkish Food Codex and European Community (EC). The permitted colorant levels in 63 (43.7%) of 135 confectionery and in 35 (36.45%) of 96 instant drink powder samples were determined to be higher than the maximum tolerable limit in the Turkish Regulations. Continuous surveillance programs may be warranted to monitor regularly the level of colorant in confectionery and instant drink powder consumed, especially by children.  相似文献   

Confectionery fillings are products used in confectionery and baking industry containing approximately 30–40 g fat/100 g product. Due to the high fat content, they have considerable high caloric value. Therefore, there is a trend to decrease fat content in confectionery filling formulations. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using two types of maltodextrin gels as potential fat replacers in confectionery fillings.  相似文献   

The control of raw materials, processing and environment are critical factors in the prevention of microbial contamination in confectionery. Salmonella has been found to be the major hazard in confectionery. Testing for this organism at specific control points provides the best means of quality control. Constant surveillance and good manufacturing practice are the best methods for prevention of contamination.  相似文献   

糖果企业针对各自的发展制定一个合理可行的新产品创新大纲,从分析产品竞争领域、明确新产品活动的目标、制定实现目标规划等方面进行创新工作,同时介绍了国际糖果行业使用新型添加剂的信息。  相似文献   

Cold extrusion has been used for many years to form gums, licorice, and other confectionery products. The cooking extrusion of confectionery products is relatively new and is currently being pursued by many manufacturers. The technology of cooking extrusion offers the industry the opportunity to modernize processes, shorten processing time, and ultimately achieve significant cost savings for their production. However, stabilizing volatile flavors during extrusion has been a difficult problem to resolve because of the heat, pressure, and mechanical shear applied. Several different approaches have been made in recent years to solve the problem. One recent approach is the use of encapsulated flavors in extruded confectionery products. Encapsulation makes volatile flavors more stable under the rigid conditions of cooking extrusion and helps retain them better in a food matrix. However, maintaining the quality of volatile flavors in products will continue to be a challenge for the confectionery industry.  相似文献   

Sorbitol and maltitol, produced by catalytic hydrogenation of dextrose and high maltose-containing glucose syrups, respectively, are very suitable sweeteners for production of sugarless food products. Sorbitol is also successfully used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as well as in a range of non-food applications. Following a review of the properties of both polyols, the most important food applications are discussed. The use of sorbitol is described in confectionery products. chocolate, and particularly in tabletting, which is important for the pharmaceutical industry. Sorbitol powders of different particle size distributions can be used. Their powder properties are relatad to flow and compression characteristics, as well as to tablet properties such as hardness, friability, desintegration time and storage stability. Specific technological properties of sorbitol in classical confectionery compositions are also briefly discussed. For maltitol syrups the application work is focussed on sugarless confectionery products, more specifically hard candies and gums. Details are provided on formulations, manufacturing conditions and on properties of the final sweets, particularly taste, texture and storage stability.  相似文献   

<正> 可以制成不同尺寸、颜色和特色风味的棉花软糖,是一种可被挤压成连续束状形式或其他形状的轻度充气糖果。过去几年中,糖果市场在中国的发展迅速,棉花软糖不仅厂受人们喜爱,加上制作简单、成本低廉,以及制作方法、尺寸、颜色和风味的多样化,能灵活地适应不同地区的口味要求,发展潜力巨大。  相似文献   

<正> 我国糖果工业市场处于不大景气的境地,再加上受到国外优质且包装精美的糖果产品之冲击,因此,生产出高档次、品质优良的产品,努力开拓市场,才能使我国糖果工业蓬勃发展。 包装款式的潮流 早在60年代,糖果的包装一般密封性能不佳,一旦糖果溶化掉,便会渗透到外面,影响产品的外观,而且很不卫生。为适应市场的需求,糖果包装需不断作出  相似文献   

变性淀粉让软糖口感更佳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>淀粉是一种供应稳定、价格低廉,广泛应用于食品工业的重要原材料。经过或长或短的改性过程,淀粉可以转变为多种衍生物,如变性淀粉。目前变性淀粉作为一种常用的食品添加剂,已经在乳制品、酱类、冷冻食品和糖果等食品中得到了广泛地应用,其中在凝胶糖果中变性淀粉的作用尤为明显。  相似文献   

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