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与人交流能力是我国劳动和社会保障部确立的八项职业核心能力之一,是职业院校学生综合素质的核心,是影响高职学生就业、生存发展乃至于实现人生目标的重要条件之一.高等职业教育应重视语文口语教学,重视培养和提高提高学生运用口语与人交流的能力.高职口语教学应从扫除交流障碍,培养交流交际的意识和提高语言表达能力两方面来培养学生与人交流的能力.  相似文献   

英语口语教学是高职英语教学的重要内容之一,旨在帮助学生获取口头交际技能.通过分析现今高职英语教学中口语的教学效果不佳的原因,建议从语境创设、中西文化融合和学生的非智力因素进行全面考量,介绍了提高口语教学效果的具体实施方法,并对培养学生口语能力的途经和实践进行较为深入的研究.  相似文献   

小学生由于各种原因,口语交际能力存在较大的差异.只要教师在思想上树立提高学生的口语交际能力的观念,深入挖掘教材,找出培养和提高学生的口语交际能力多种的切入点,创造各种机会,让学生创造性地说练,学生的口语交际能力一定会不断提高.  相似文献   

培养农村孩子的口语交际能力是教师义不容辞的责任.口语交际训练要善于激发学生的兴趣,密切联系生活实践,创设情景,多途径地训练,让每个学生想说、乐说,大胆地、无拘无束地进行口语交际训练,培养学生良好的口语交际能力.  相似文献   

中职生的现状迫切需要加强口语交际教育,中职学校一要提高教师对口语的认识和能力,二要搭建学生口语交际训练的平台,提高学生交际的能力和自信心,三要在语文教学中挖掘口语交际教学的一切积极因素.中职语文教学应注重口语交际教学,为学生的职业发展插上一双理想的翅膀.  相似文献   

语文际能力是现代公民的必备能力,是顺应时代发展的需要,小而言之,培养学生口语交际能力,可以挺高学生各方面的素质,大而言之是生存的需要。如何培养学生的口语交际能力呢?本文对中学语文口语交际能力的培养从各方面进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

小学低年级阶段是学习口语的最佳时期,作为低年级小学教师,一定要意识到口语交际的重要性,提高小学低年级学生的口语交际能力。本文从小学低年级语文教学的实际出发,对提高学生口语交际能力提出了几点有效的方法。  相似文献   

加强口语交际活动课,是贯彻实施新课标的要求,也是学生终生发展的迫切要求。而作为语文课程独立教学板块的口语交际活动课教学的状况不容乐观,普遍存在着教学内容空洞、交际训练零散随意、交际评价一片空白等问题。在教学中创设交际情境,激发学生口语交际的兴趣,在双向互动的语言实践中培养学生口语交际能力,并建立科学全面的教学评价体系,将口语交际能力纳入学生的评价体系之中,将有利于加强口语交际活动课教学,提高本课程教学的效果。  相似文献   

中职学生的口语交际能力是中职学生综合素质与技能的一部分,通过口语教学培养和提高学生的口语交际能力是中职语文教师共同关注并积极探讨的重要课题.  相似文献   

在社会生活中,口语交际历来就具有举足轻重的作用.具备较强的口语交际能力有利于促进学生的思维发展,为学生终身的学习、生活和工作奠定基础.所以<语文课程标准>对小学口语交际的教学提出了明确的目标:"具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各种交际活动中,学会倾听、表达与交流.""初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往.发展合作精神."要达到这一教学目标,必须采用相应的教学策略与形式.下面.笔者通过课堂教学实例,谈谈多媒体技术在口语交际教学中的应用.  相似文献   

The authors describe an approach to adult intellect on the basis of content, unlike the traditional approach, which is mostly based on process. Thirty-two academic knowledge scales were rated by 202 college students, who also completed ability, vocational interest, and personality scales. Analyses of knowledge clusters and individual scales were used to evaluate commonality across ability constructs (verbal and spatial ability), vocational interests (realistic, investigative, and artistic), and personality (typical intellectual engagement and openness). The results support knowledge differentiation across fluid and crystallized abilities, show a pattern of positive correlations of arts and humanities knowledge with typical intellectual engagement and openness, and show correlations between math and physical sciences knowledge and realistic and investigative interests. Implications for the study of adult intelligence are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

网络文学在一定程度上存在着私人化、欲望化、游戏化的价值倾向,这种价值取向容易导致高职大学生偏离集体主义、放逐社会责任和道德理想、消解人生存在价值。高职院校的教育工作者应教育、引导学生树立正确的人生观、价值观,文学网站也应尽力净化网络环境、规范网络文学的生成机制,以减少、防治网络文学对高职大学生的负面效应。  相似文献   

The authors investigated absolute and relative metacomprehension accuracy as a function of verbal ability in college students. Students read hard texts, revised texts, or a mixed set of texts. They then predicted their performance, took a multiple-choice test on the texts, and made posttest judgments about their performance. With hard texts, students with lower verbal abilities were overconfident in predictions of future performance, and students with higher verbal abilities were underconfident in judging past performance. Revised texts produced overconfidence for predictions. Thus, absolute accuracy of predictions and confidence judgments depended on students' abilities and text difficulty. In contrast, relative metacomprehension accuracy as measured by gamma correlations did not depend on verbal ability or on text difficulty. Absolute metacomprehension accuracy was much more dependent on types of materials and verbal skills than was relative accuracy, suggesting that they may tap different aspects of metacomprehension. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

由于创业意识不强、综合素质不高、选取项目不准、创业资金不足以及高职院校办学理念的偏差。高职学生创业成功率不高。可从优化高职教育的顶层设计、加强高职学生创业教育、拓宽高职学生创业渠道3个方面,提高高职学生创业的质量和效益。  相似文献   

对比本科、高职层次学生对营销案例选择偏好和分析案例难点的认同程度,发现本科和高职学生都需要实践性教学改革,同时重建高职学生积极学习心态非常迫切和重要。  相似文献   

高职高专的形势与政策教育是对高职高专学生进行思想政治教育的重要途径之一。在当前复杂的社会环境下,形势与政策课的教学内容与教学方式存在教学内容理论性太强,没有吸引力、教学方式方法单一、学生学习形势与政策课的热情没有得到激发等问题。因此,高职高专的形势与政策课的教学内容应根据学生的特点,充分发挥学生的自主性,把历史与现实相结合,采取多种教学模式,运用现代化的教学手段,达到形势与政策课的教学目标。  相似文献   

The current study demonstrates the separability of spatial and verbal working memory resources among college students, In Experiment 1, we developed a spatial span task that taxes both the processing and storage components of spatial working memory. This measure correlated with spatial ability (spatial visualization) measures, but not with verbal ability measures. In contrast, the reading span test, a common test of verbal working memory, correlates with verbal ability measures, but not with spatial ability measures. Experiment 2, which uses an interference paradigm to cross the processing and storage demands of span tasks, replicates this dissociation and further demonstrates that both the processing and storage components of working memory tasks are important for predicting performance on spatial thinking and language processing tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examines the relationships of measures of occupational and academic self-efficacy; vocational interests; outcome expectations; academic ability; and perceived stress, support, and coping to the academic achievement of women and men enrolled in university-level engineering/science programs. 197 students from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds responded to scales measuring the variables of interest; high school and college academic data were obtained from university records. Self-efficacy for academic milestones, in combination with other academic and support variables, was found to be the strongest predictor of college academic achievement. Outcome expectations, vocational interests, and low levels of stress were in turn the strongest predictors of academic self-efficacy. Prediction equations for Euro-American and Mexican-American students revealed no significant contribution of ethnicity to the prediction of college academic achievement; however, ethnicity did enter into the equations predicting the 2 self-efficacy variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the incremental validity of the Defining Issues Test (DIT), a test purporting to measure moral reasoning ability relative to verbal ability and other major markers of the construct of general intelligence (g) . Across 2 independent studies of intellectually precocious adolescents (top 0.5%), results obtained with the DIT revealed that gifted individuals earned significantly higher moral reasoning scores than did their average-ability peers; they also scored higher than college freshmen, who were 4 to 5 years older. The relative standing of the intellectually gifted adolescents on moral reasoning, however, appears to be due to their superior level of verbal ability as opposed to any of a number of the other psychological variables examined here. The hypothesis that the DIT is conceptually distinct from conventional measures of verbal ability was not confirmed. Investigators conducting subsequent studies involving the assessment of moral reasoning are advised to incorporate measures of verbal ability into their designs, thereby enabling them to ascertain whether moral reasoning measures are indeed capturing systematic sources of individual differences distinct from verbal ability.… (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

文章分析了目前高职院校学生党建工作中存在的主要问题,提出了完善学生党建工作制度和建立学生党员长效教育机制,来加强和改进高职院校学生党建工作,提高学生党员的整体素质。  相似文献   

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