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The interactions between the W nano-dust and deuterium plasma at different locations of the EAST tokamak are simulated using a molecular dynamics code. It is shown that nano-dust particles, with the radius, R d , ~5 nm, can exist for at least several nano-seconds under the interactions from the ions without being ablated in some specific places of the tokamak edge plasma, while those with R d ≥25 nm may be ablated if the plasma temperature T~ 50 eV and density n~10 19 m 3 . In addition, the collisions of tungsten nano-dust grains with a tungsten wall at 100 m/s or 1000 m/s impinging speeds are simulated. It is demonstrated that the dust will stick to the wall, and the collision will not cause substantial damage to the wall, but it may be able to cause partial destruction of the dust grains themselves depending on their incident speeds.  相似文献   

The influence of a molybdenum dust buildup on plasma edge turbulence has been studied in the EAST tokamak.The motion of the dust from the upper divertor region is detected by a fast visible CCD camera,the XUV spectrometer arrays,and the EUV spectrometer.The MoXV emission intensity sharply increases compared with the spectral lines of various ionization states of other elements,which implies that the dust particles are the molybdenum impurities.The radial distribution of Mo14+ion simulated by a simplified 1D transport model indicates that the molybdenum dust mainly deposits in the pedestal bottom region.Moreover,it is observed that the coherent mode(CM)appears at ρ=0.94 after the molybdenum impurities enter the main plasma region.The influx of molybdenum impurities results in increasing pedestal electron density and decreasing pedestal electron temperature in contrast to that before the event of impurities dropping.It is also found that the electron density gradient in the pedestal increases when the ablation of the molybdenum impurities is observed in the pedestal region.The qualitative experimental results indicate that the onset of CM is likely related to the increase of the density gradient and edge collisionality in the pedestal.In comparison to the density gradient,the enhancement of CM amplitude largely depends on the increase of the edge collisionality.  相似文献   

First Engineering Commissioning of EAST Tokamak   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is the first fully superconducting tokamak. The first commissioning started on Feb. 1st of 2006 and finished on March 30TM of 2006 at the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It consists of leakage testing at both room temperature and low temperature, pumping down, cooling down all coils, current leads, bus bar and the thermal shielding, exciting all the coils, measuring magnetic configuration and warming up the magnets. The electromagnetic, thermal hydraulic and mechanical performance of EAST Toroidal Field (TF) and Poloidal Field (PF) magnets have also been tested. All sub-systems, including pumping system, cryogenic system, PF& TF power supply systems, magnet instrumentation system, quench detection and protection system, water cooling system, data acquisition system, main control system, plasma control system (PCS), interlock and safety system have been successfully tested.  相似文献   

EAST is a fully superconducting Tokamak in China used for controlled fusion research. MDSplus, a special software package for fusion research, has been used successfully as a central repository for analysed data and PCS (Plasma Control System) data since the debugging experiment in the spring of 2006 [1]. In this paper, the reasons for choosing MDSplus as the analysis database and the way to use it are presented in detail, along with the solution to the problem that part of the MDSplus library does not work in the multithread mode. The experiment showed that the data system based on MDSplus operated stably and it could provide a better performance especially for remote users.  相似文献   

Simulation Analysis of Divertor Performance in EAST   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A detailed study of the divertor performance in the EAST has been conducted for both its double null and single null configurations. The results of the application of the SOLPS (B2/Eirene) code package to the analysis of the EAST divertor are summarized. Here we concentrate on the effects of the increased geometrical closure and variation in the magnetic topology on the behavior of divertor plasmas. The results of numerical predictions for the EAST divertor's operational window are also described in this paper.  相似文献   

Discharge with a plasma current of 1 MA at a line-averaged density of 1.8×1019m-3 was realized in EAST, a fully superconducting tokamak. The key issues to achieve the discharge with 1 MA plasma current include both early shaping and LHCD assistance during start-up phase to extend the voltage margin of PF coils for easier plasma control, an optimization of the control methodology for PF coils to avoid over-current fault and a very good wall condition. A better wall condition was achieved mainly by extensive Lithium coating. Both stationary H-mode and diverted plasma discharge of 100 s were also obtained.  相似文献   

A present status of the diagnostics in EAST is presented. As a very important step of the EAST project, tens of diagnostics were employed for operation and protection, plasma control and physics analysis to accommodate requirement for the study on plasma performance in EAST with upgraded RF power up to 4 MW (both LHCD and ICRF) in the forthcoming years. Recently, new diagnostics are set up to provide several profiles of key plasma parameters for the further evaluation and better understanding of the plasma performance and physics in EAST, including a 25-channel Thomson scattering system for density and electron temperature, a metal bolometry for radiated power, an X-ray crystal spectroscopy for both ion and electron temperatures and plasma rotation velocity, etc. It is expected that these diagnostics would play an important role in data analysis and interpretation combined with integrated modeling.  相似文献   

In this study, the friction performance of self-lubricating material with the counterpart steel ball-plate rubbing was investigated in vacuum conditions and the thermal distortion of the heat sink sample was tested. The analysis and test results show that the self-lubricating material has excellent anti-friction properties in high vacuum condition and can decrease the thermal stress and avoid damage to the PFCs during physical experiments.  相似文献   

A two-point model is used to investigate the characteristics of scrape-off layer(SOL) plasma with the field line tracing method in the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak. The profiles of plasma density, temperature and particle flux on the divertor target calculated by the model are in reasonable agreement with experimental observation. Moreover, the profiles of plasma parameters on the divertor target strongly depend on the SOL magnetic topology or the equilibrium configuration from the modeling.  相似文献   

Growth rates of the axisymmetric mode in elongated plasmas in the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) are measured with zero feedback gains and then compared with numerically calculated growth rates for the reconstructed shapes. The comparison is made after loss of vertical position control. The open-loop growth rates were scanned with the number of vessel eigenmodes, which up to 20 is enough to make the growth rates settled. The agreement between the growth rates measured experimentally and the growth rates determined numerically is good. The results show that a linear RZIP model is essentially good enough for the vertical position feedback control.  相似文献   

Neutron emission in EAST was investigated by a time-resolved monitor systems which consist of four 3He proportion counters and a 235U fission chamber. The D-D neutron flux increased approximately an order of magnitude during the 27 MHz Ion-cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) heating, demonstrating that the ICRF wave heated the plasma effectively. In addition in LHW experiment with higher plasma parameters D-D neutrons were also detected. However, a mass of photoneutrons were generated in ohmic discharges with low plasma density. Effect of plasma density on the production of photoneutrons was studied, and it is found that LHW can suppress the runaway electrons and reduce the photoneutrons effectively.  相似文献   

Physical engineering capability on the superconducting magnetic system of EAST was tested and first divertor plasma configuration in EAST was obtained. The extrapolation of the safety limit has verified the reliability of the system for long pulse operation. A stably controlled diverted plasmas configuration with an elongation n in excess of 1.8 and plasma current of up to 500 kA, by using the (copper) internal coils to control the vertical displacement instability was obtained by an optimized plasma control algorithm. Highly shaped plasma at various configurations, which almost covers all designed configurations for EAST, was generated stably. A number of operational issues, such as plasma initiation, ramp up and configuration control with constraints of superconducting coils, were successfully investigated. All of the results obtained proved both the capability of the superconducting poloidal magnets for operation under steady-state condition and effectiveness of the plasma control algorithm for EAST.  相似文献   

A visible laser-based vibration compensation interferometer has recently been designed for the EAST tokamak and the bench test has been finished.The system was optimized for its installation on EAST.The value of the final optical power before the detectors without plasma has been calculated from the component bench test result,which is quite close to the measured value.A nanometer level displacement(of the order of the laser's wavelength) has been clearly measured by a modulation of piezoelectric ceramic unit,proving the system's capability.  相似文献   

EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak) is a tokamak with su- perconducting toroidal and poloidal magnets operated at 4.5 K. In order to reduce the thermal load applied on the surfaces of all cryogenically cooled components and keep the heat load of the cryogenic system at a minimum, a continuous radiation shield system located between the magnet system and warm components is adopted. The main loads to which the thermal shield system is subjected are gravity, seismic, electromagnetic and thermal gradients. This study employed NASTRAN and ANSYS finite element codes to analyze the stress under a spectrum of loading conditions and combinations, providing a theoretical basis for an optimization design of the structure.  相似文献   

In this paper,the measurement method of calorimetric power for an electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system for EAST is presented.This method requires measurements of the water flow through the cooling circuits and the input and output water temperatures in each cooling circuit.Usually,the inlet water temperature stability is controlled to obtain more accurate results.The influence of the inlet water temperature change on the measurement results is analyzed for the first time in this paper.Also,a novel temperature calibration method is proposed.This kind of calibration method is accurate and effective,and can be easily implemented.  相似文献   

Detailed investigations on the filamentary structures associated with the type-I edge-localized modes (ELMs) should be helpful for protecting the materials of a plasma-facing wall on a future large device. Related experiments have been carefully conducted in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) using combined Langmuir-magnetic probes. The experimental results indicate that the radially outward velocity of type-I ELMy filaments can be up to 1.7 km s-1 in the far scrape-off layer (SOL) region. It is remarkable that the electron temperature of these filaments is detected to be ~50 eV, corresponding to a fraction of 1/6 to the temperature near the pedestal top, while the density (~3×10 19 m -3) of these filaments could be approximate to the line-averaged density. In addition, associated magnetic fluctuations have been clearly observed at the same time, which show good agreement with the density perturbations. A localized current on the order of ~100 kA could be estimated within the filaments.  相似文献   

EAST (experimental advanced superconducting tokamak) is an advanced steadystate plasma physics experimental device, which is being constructed as the Chinese National Nuclear Fusion Research Project. During the plasma operation the vacuum vessel as one of the key component will withstand the electromagnetic force due to the plasma disruption, the Halo current and the toroidal field coil quench, the pressure of boride water and the thermal load due to 250℃ baking by pressurized nitrogen gas. In this paper a report of the static and dynamic mechanical analyses of the vacuum vessel is made. Firstly the applied loads on the vacuum vessel were given and the static stress distribution under the gravitational loads, the pressure loads, the electromagnetic loads and thermal loads were investigated. Then a series of primary dynamic, buckling and fatigue life analyses were performed to predict the structure's dynamic behavior. A seismic analysis was also conducted.  相似文献   

Radiation damage to structural material of fusion facilities is of high concern for safety. The superconducting tokamak EAST will conduct D-D plasma experiments with the neutron production of 1015 neutrons per second. To evaluate the material radiation damage a programme system has been devised with the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP-4C, the inventory code FISPACT99, a specific interface, and the fusion evaluated nuclear data library FENDL-2. The key nuclear responses, i.e. fast neutron flux, displacement per atom, and the helium and hydrogen production, are calculated for the structural material SS-316L of the first wall, and the vacuum vessel, using this programme. The results demonstrate that the radiation damage to the structural material is so little that it will not lead to any significant change of material properties according to the reference design. This indicates that there is a large potential space for EAST to test advanced operation regime from the viewpoint of structural material safety.  相似文献   

An external resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) field, which is an effective method to mitigate or suppress the edge localized mode (ELM), has been planned to be applied on the ELM control issue in ITER. A new set of magnetic perturbation coils, named as high m coils, has been developed for the EAST tokamak. The magnetic perturbation field of the high m coils is localized in the midplane of the low field side, with the spectral characteristic of high m and wide n, where m and n are the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively. The high m coils generate a strong localized perturbation field. Edge magnetic topology under the application of high m coils should have either a small or no stochastic region. With the combination of the high m coils and the current RMP coils in the EAST, flexible working scenarios of the magnetic perturbation field are available, which is beneficial for ELM control exploration on EAST. Numerical simulations have been carried out to characterize the high m coil system, including the magnetic spectrum and magnetic topology, which shows a great flexibility of magnetic perturbation variation as a tool to investigate the interaction between ELM and external magnetic perturbation.  相似文献   

Edge profiles in Ohmic and lower hybrid (LH) wave heated discharges in EAST are presented. A comparison of the measured profiles is made with those from the the...  相似文献   

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