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This paper describes the timing system designed to control the operation time-sequence and to generate clocks for various sub-systems on J-TEXT tokamak. The J-TEXT timing system is organized as a distributed system which is connected by a tree-structured optical fiber network. It can generate delayed triggers and gate signals (0 μs–4000 s), while providing reference clocks for other sub-systems. Besides, it provides event handling and timestamping functions. It is integrated into the J-TEXT Control, Data Access and Communication (J-TEXT CODAC) system, and it can be monitored and configured by Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). The configuration of this system including tree-structured network is managed in XML files by dedicated management software. This system has already been deployed on J-TEXT tokamak and it is serving J-TEXT in daily experiments.  相似文献   

The Joint Texas Experimental Tokamak (J-TEXT), a medium-sized conventional tokamak, serves as a user experimental facility in the China-USA fusion research community. Development of a flexible and easy-to-use J-TEXT central control system (CCS) is of supreme importance for users to coordinate the experimental scenarios with full integration into the discharge operation. This paper describes in detail the structure and functions of the J-TEXT CCS system as well as the performance in practical implementation. Results obtained from both commissioning and routine operations show that the J-TEXT CCS system can offer a satisfactory and effective control that is reliable and stable. The J-TEXT tokamak achieved high-quality performance in its first-ever experimental campaign with this CCS system.  相似文献   

The effect of externally applied resonant magnetic perturbation(RMP)on carbon impurity behavior is investigated in the J-TEXT tokamak.It is found that the m/n=3/1 islands have an impurity screening effect,which becomes obvious while the edge magnetic island is generated via RMP field penetration.The impurity screening effect shows a dependence on the RMP phase with the field penetration,which is strongest if the O point of the magnetic island is near the low-field-side(LFS)limiter plate.By combining a methane injection experimental study and STRAHL impurity transport analysis,we found that the variation of the impurity transport dominates the impurity screening effect.The impurity diffusion at the inner plasma region(r/a<0.8)is enhanced with a significant increase in outward convection velocity at the edge region in the case of the magnetic island's O point near the LFS limiter plate.The impurity transport coefficient varies by a much lower level for the case with the magnetic island's X point near the LFS limiter plate.The interaction of the magnetic island and the LFS limiter plate is thought to contribute to the impurity transport variation with the dependence on the RMP phase.A possible reason is the interaction between the magnetic island and the LFS limiter.  相似文献   

The width of a magnetic island is an important parameter for the quantitative analysis of magnetohydrodynamic-related physics. An electron cyclotron emission radiometer(ECE) is a powerful tool that can be used to obtain this width, which can usually be determined from the flat temperature distribution at the O-point phase or the maxima temperature perturbation. An improved method to estimate the width of a magnetic island is proposed in this paper, and it is independent of calibration. With this method and the existing 24-channel ECE system, the width of a rotation magnetic island can be estimated. Additionally, by filtering the fluctuation ECE signal, the evolution of the magnetic island can be obtained. The results of this method are consistent with those of the integrated magnetic probe signals, which represent the relative change of the magnetic island.  相似文献   

Plasma equilibrium has been calculated using an analytical method. The plasma profiles of the current density, safety factor, pressure and magnetic surface function are obtained. The analytical solution of the Grad–Shafranov(GS) equation is obtained by the variable separation method and compared with the computed results of the equilibrium fitting code EFIT.  相似文献   

As a flexible auxiliary heating method,the electron cyclotron resonance heating(ECRH) has been widely used in many tokamaks and also will be applied for the J-TEXT tokamak.To meet requirements of protection and fault analysis for the ECRH system on J-TEXT,signals of gyrotrons such as the cathode voltage and current,the anode voltage and current,etc should be transmitted to the control and data acquisition system.Considering the high voltage environment of gyrotrons,isolation transmission module based on FPGA and optical fiber communication has been designed and tested.The test results indicate that the designed module has strong anti-noise ability,low error rate and high transmission speed.The delay of the module is no more than 5 μs which can fulfill the requirements.  相似文献   

Machine learning research and applications in fusion plasma experiments are one of the main subjects on J-TEXT. Since 2013, various kinds of traditional machine learning, as well as deep learning methods have been applied to fusion plasma experiments. Further applications in the real-time experimental environment have proved the feasibility and effectiveness of the methods. For disruption prediction, we started by predicting disruptions of limited classes with a short warning time that could not meet the requirements of the mitigation system. After years of study, nowadays disruption prediction methods on J-TEXT are able to predict all kinds of disruptions with a high success rate and long enough warning time. Furthermore, cross-device disruption prediction methods have obtained promising results. Interpretable analysis of the models are studied. For diagnostics data processing, efforts have been made to reduce manual work in processing and to increase the robustness of the diagnostic system. Models based on both traditional machine learning and deep learning have been applied to real-time experimental environments. The models have been cooperating with the plasma control system and other systems, to make joint decisions to further support the experiments.  相似文献   

Pellet injection is an attractive technology for core-fueling and magnetohydrodynamic study in magnetic-confinement fusion devices like tokamaks and stellarators. It can inject solid hydrogen/deuterium pellets into the plasma with deeper density deposition compared with other fueling methods, such as gas puffing. A three-barrel H2 pellet injection system was installed on the J-TEXT tokamak and experiments were carried out. The pellets are formed in three barrels cooled by a cryocooler and compressor system at around 9 K, and are 0.8 mm/1 mm diameter and 0.8 mm length. The pellet is launched by helium propellant gas and injected from the low-field side of the plasma. The normal range of pellet speed is 210–310 m s−1 for different propellant gas pressures. Due to the three-barrel structure, the number of injected pellets can be adjusted between one and three. Pellets can be launched sequentially with arbitrary time intervals, which enables flexible applications. The results of the experiments show that pellet fueling efficiency can reach 50%. The energy confinement time increased by about 7.5‒10 ms after pellet injection.  相似文献   

The electron cyclotron resonance heating(ECRH) system with a 60 GHz/200 k W/0.5 s gyrotron donated by the Culham Science Center is being developed on the J-TEXT tokamak for plasma heating, current drive and MHD studies. Simultaneously, an anode power supply(APS) has been rebuilt and tested for the output power control of the gyrotron, of which the input voltage is derived from an 80 k V negative cathode power supply. The control strategy by controlling the grid voltage of the tetrode TH5186 is applied to obtain an accurate anode climbing voltage, of which the output voltage can be obtained from 0-30 k V with respect to the cathode power supply. The characteristics of the APS, including control, protection, modulation, and output waveform, were tested with a100 k V/60 A negative cathode power supply, a dummy load and the ECRH control system. The results indicate that the APS can meet the requirements of the ECRH system on J-TEXT.  相似文献   

In J-TEXT tokamak, fast electron bremsstrahlung diagnostic with 9 chords equipped with multi-channel analyzer enables detailed studies of the generation and transport of fast electrons. The spatial profiles and energy spectrum of the fast electrons have been measured in two ECCD cases with either on-axis or off-axis injection, and the profiles processed by Abel-inversion are consistent with the calculated power deposition locations. Moreover, it is observed that the energy of fast electrons increases rapidly after turning off the ECCD, which may be attributed to the acceleration by the recovered loop voltage at low electron density.  相似文献   

The limiter target electrostatic measurement system including limiter grounding current sensors and Langmuir probes have been newly developed for the measurement of the limiter target area on the Joint-Texas Experimental tokamak(J-TEXT).Current sensors fixed between graphite limiters and the vacuum vessel walls are used to measure the currents between limiters and vessel wall.Simultaneously,a rectangular poloidal array containing 54 Langmuir probes is embedded in the graphite tiles of limiters for a more localized measurement.Based on this system,the effect of both the plasma's inherent behavior,including plasma motion and the 2/1 tearing mode,and the electrode biasing on probe and sensor signals have been observed and analyzed in the experiments.  相似文献   

Recently, experimental studies on the soft landing of RE current by ohmic (OH) field have been performed in J-TEXT tokamak, as a possible auxiliary method to dissipate the RE current. With optimized horizontal displacement control of the RE beam, the toroidal electric field has been scanned from 1.6 to - 0.3 V m -1 during the RE plateau phase. The growth rate of RE currents and the evolution of hard x-ray (HXR) emissions have been studied. It is found that when the toroidal electric field is less than 7–12 times the theoretical critical electric field, the decay of REs could be achieved. The dissipation rate by the ohmic field can reach a maximum value of 3 MA s-1.Furthermore, the results of HXR spectra analysis indicate the different behaviors of HXR emissions under the condition of different toroidal electric fields. The analysis of the ionized argon emissions and magnetic fluctuations shows that under the condition of different toroidal electric fields, the physical process of RE generation may be different.  相似文献   

Plasma Response to Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection in J-TEXT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, hydrogen fueling experiments with supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI) system have been performed in the J-TEXT tokamak. To evaluate the effects of the in- jection amount of SMBI on plasma behaviors, moderate and intensive SMBs have been separately injected and compared with each other in Ohmic discharges. With moderate SMBs, electron den- sity increases about twice as before, the size of magnetic island slightly decreases, and the edge toroidal rotation speed in a counter-current direction, measured by a high resolution spectrometer (Carbon V ion, 227.09 nm, r/a-= 0.7-0.8), is accelerated from 8 km/s to 12 km/s. The state of higher electron density with moderate SMBI can be maintained for a long period, which indicates that plasma confinement is improved. However, with intensive SMBs, the accompanied magne- tohydrodynamic (MHD) activities are triggered, and the electron density increases moderately. The edge toroidal velocity is decreased, in certain cases even reversed in the co-current direction. The statistical result of experimental data for moderate and intensive SMBs suggests a preferred fueling amount (less than 3.2 ~ 1019) to improve the SMBI fueling efficiency in experiments.  相似文献   

In order to measure boundary electrostatic and magnetic fluctuations simultaneously, a combined Langmuir-magnetic probe (CLMP) has been designed and built on joint-Texas experimental tokamak. The probe consists of 8 graphite probe pins and a 3D magnetic probe, driven by a mechanical pneumatic device. By means of simulation, the shielding effect of the graphite sleeve on the magnetic fluctuation signal is explored, and the influence of the eddy current was reduced by cutting the graphite sleeve. In the experiment, it has been verified that the mutual inductance of electromagnetic signals can be ignored, and a 70–90 kHz electromagnetic mode is observed around the last closed magnetic surface. The establishment of CLMP provides data for the exploration of the coupling of electrostatic and magnetic fluctuations.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) instabilities are widely observed during tokamak plasma operation. Magnetic diagnostics provide important information which supports the understanding and control of MHD instabilities. This paper presents the current status of the magnetic diagnostics dedicated to measuring MHD instabilities at the J-TEXT tokamak; the diagnostics consist of five Mirnov probe arrays for measuring high-frequency magnetic perturbations and two saddle-loop arrays for low-frequency magnetic perturbations, such as the locked mode. In recent years, several changes have been made to these arrays. The structure of the probes in the poloidal Mirnov arrays has been optimized to improve their mechanical strength, and the number of in-vessel saddle loops has also been improved to support better spatial resolution. Due to the installation of high-field-side(HFS) divertor targets in early 2019,some of the probes were removed, but an HFS Mirnov array was designed and installed behind the targets. Owing to its excellent toroidal symmetry, the HFS Mirnov array has, for the first time at J-TEXT, provided valuable new information about the locked mode and the quasi-static mode(QSM) in the HFS. Besides, various groups of magnetic diagnostics at different poloidal locations have been systematically used to measure the QSM, which confirmed the poloidal mode number m and the helical structure of the QSM. By including the HFS information, the 2/1 resonant magnetic perturbation(RMP)-induced locked mode was measured to have a poloidal mode number m of ~2.  相似文献   

To further research the response of the tearing mode(TM) to dynamic resonant magnetic perturbation(DRMP) on the J-TEXT tokamak, a modified series resonant inverter power supply(MSRIPS) with a function of discrete variable frequency is designed for DRMP coils in this study. The MSRIPS is an AC–DC–AC converter, including a phase-controlled rectifier, an LC filter, an insulated gate bipolar transistor(IGBT) full bridge, a matching transformer, three resonant capacitors with different capacitance values, and three corresponding silicon controlled rectifier(SCR) switches. The function of discrete variable frequency is realized by switching over different resonant capacitors with corresponding SCR switches while matching the corresponding driving frequency of the IGBT full bridge. A detailed switching strategy of the SCR switch is put forward to obtain sinusoidal current waveform and realize current waveform smooth transition during frequency conversion. In addition, a resistor and thyristor bleeder is designed to protect the SCR switch from overvoltage. Manufacturing of the MSRIPS is completed, and the MSRIPS equipment can output current with an amplitude of 1.5 kA when its working frequency jumps among different frequencies. Moreover, the current waveform is sinusoidal and can smoothly transition during frequency conversion. Furthermore, the transition time when the current amplitude rises from zero to a steady state is less than 2 ms during frequency conversion. By using the MSRIPS, the expected discrete variable frequency DRMP is generated, and the phenomenon of the TM being locked to the discrete variable frequency DRMP is observed on the J-TEXT tokamak.  相似文献   

Electron cyclotron emission imaging(ECEI) can provide measurements of 2D electron temperature fluctuation with high temporal and spatial resolution in magnetic fusion plasma devices. Two ECEI systems located in different toroidal ports with 67.5 degree separation have been implemented on J-TEXT to study the 3D structure of magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) instabilities. Each system consists of 12(vertical) × 16(horizontal) = 192 channels and the image of the 2nd harmonic X-mode electron cyclotron emission can be captured continuously in the core plasma region. The field curvature adjustment lens concept is developed to control the imaging plane for receiving optics of the ECEI systems. Field curvature of the image can be controlled to match the emission layer. Consequently, a quasi-3D image of the MHD instability in the core of the plasma has been achieved.  相似文献   

Electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) efficiency research is of great importance for the neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) stabilization. Improving ECCD efficiency is beneficial for the NTM stabilization and the ECCD power threshold reduction. ECCD efficiency has been investigated on the J-TEXT tokamak. The electron cyclotron wave (ECW) power scan was performed to obtain the current drive efficiency. The current drive efficiency is derived to be approximately η0 = (0.06–0.16) × 1019 A m−2 W−1 on the J-TEXT tokamak. The effect of the residual toroidal electric field has been included in the determination of the current drive efficiency, which will enhance the ECCD efficiency. At the plasma current of Ip = 100 kA and electron density of ne = 1.5 × 1019 m−3, the ratio of Spitzer conductivity between omhic (OH) and ECCD phases is considered and the experimental data have been corrected. The correction results show that the current drive efficiency η1 caused by the fast electron hot conductivity decreases by approximately 79%. It can be estimated that the driven current is approximately 24 kA at 300 kW ECW power.  相似文献   

In the Engineering Test Facility (ETF), the plasma pulse duration is expected to be hundreds of seconds, which is comparable to the resistive time scale that governs the resistive diffusion of the equilibrium. The resistive evolution of the safety factorq profile may, for MHD stability reasons, limit the duration of the plasma burn in a tokamak reactor. It may be possible to control this evolution and extend the plasma burn time through proper profile tailoring. We study the evolution of theq profile on the resistive time scale numerically using a one- and-one-half-dimensional (1 1/2-D) single fluid transport code. Two high beta (T 7–16%) cases are considered: (a) a beam-driven hydrogen plasma with no nuclear alpha heating for which the beam energy is used as a device to control the temperature profile, and (b) an ignited D-T plasma in which the neutral injection has been turned off. For the beam-driven plasma, it is shown that low beam energy heating profiles lead to resistive steady states having broad temperature profiles and flatq profiles, while high beam energy heating profiles lead to resistive steady states having peaked temperature profiles and deepq profiles. The centralized nuclear heating in an ignited D-T plasma causes the evolution of theq profile for this case to behave much like that in the high energy, beam-driven case: namely, theq values near the plasma center decrease on the resistive time scale until a deep, resistive, steady-stateq profile is reached.Research sponsored by the Office of Fusion Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract W-7405-eng-26 with the Union Carbide Corporation.  相似文献   

To investigate the interactions between both the static and rotating resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP) and the tokamak plasma, two sets of coils, namely static RMP (SRMP) and dynamic RMP (DRMP), are constructed on the J-TEXT tokamak. SRMP is reconstructed from TEXT-U and mainly produces static m/n = 1/1, 2/1 and 3/1 resonant perturbation field, where m and n are the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively. DRMP, newly designed and installed inside the vacuum vessel, can generate pure 2/1 RMP. DRMP is also designed to operate in the AC mode and can produce rotating 2/1 RMP which will be used to study the tearing mode control. Due to the effect of the eddy current in the vacuum vessel wall, the amplitudes of the 2/1 component will be attenuated to about 1/3.6 of the DC value when the operation frequency is larger than 500 Hz. However, DRMP can still provide sufficient large rotating 2/1 perturbation for tearing mode related studies.  相似文献   

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