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An improvement of a new technique for modelling cracks in the finite element framework is presented. A standard displacement‐based approximation is enriched near a crack by incorporating both discontinuous fields and the near tip asymptotic fields through a partition of unity method. A methodology that constructs the enriched approximation from the interaction of the crack geometry with the mesh is developed. This technique allows the entire crack to be represented independently of the mesh, and so remeshing is not necessary to model crack growth. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate the utility and robustness of the proposed technique. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Periodic collinear edge hole cracks and arbitrary small cracks emanating from collinear holes, which are two typical multiple site damages occurred in the aircraft structures, are studied by using the weigh function method. An explicit closed form weight function for periodic edge hole cracks in an infinite sheet is obtained and further used to calculate the stress intensity factor and crack opening displacement for various loading cases. Compared to finite element method, the present weight function is accurate and highly efficient. The interactions of the holes and cracks on the stress intensity factor and crack opening displacement are quantitatively determined by using the present weight function. An approximate weight function method is also proposed for arbitrary small cracks emanating from multiple collinear holes. This method is very useful for calculating the stress intensity factor for arbitrary small cracks.  相似文献   

The finite element alternating method is extended further for analyzing multiple arbitrarily curved cracks in an isotropic plate under plane stress loading. The required analytical solution for an arbitrarily curved crack in an infinite isotropic plate is obtained by solving the integral equations formulated by Cheung and Chen (1987a, b). With the proposed method several example problems are solved in order to check the accuracy and efficiency of the method. Curved cracks emanating from loaded fastener holes, due to mixed mode fatigue crack growth, are also analyzed. Uniform far field plane stress loading on the plate and sinusoidally distributed pin loading on the fastener hole periphery are assumed to be applied. Small cracks emanating from fastener holes are assumed as initial cracks, and the subsequent fatigue crack growth behavior is examined until long arbitrarily curved cracks are formed near the fastener holes under mixed mode loading conditions.  相似文献   

A minimal remeshing finite element method for crack growth is presented. Discontinuous enrichment functions are added to the finite element approximation to account for the presence of the crack. This method allows the crack to be arbitrarily aligned within the mesh. For severely curved cracks, remeshing may be needed but only away from the crack tip where remeshing is much easier. Results are presented for a wide range of two‐dimensional crack problems showing excellent accuracy. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A numerical technique for modeling fatigue crack propagation of multiple coplanar cracks is presented. The proposed method couples the extended finite element method (X-FEM) [Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 48 (11) (2000) 1549] to the fast marching method (FMM) [Level Set Methods & Fast Marching Methods: Evolving Interfaces in Computational Geometry, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Vision, and Materials Science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1999]. The entire crack geometry, including one or more cracks, is represented by a single signed distance (level set) function. Merging of distinct cracks is handled naturally by the FMM with no collision detection or mesh reconstruction required. The FMM in conjunction with the Paris crack growth law is used to advance the crack front. In the X-FEM, a discontinuous function and the two-dimensional asymptotic crack-tip displacement fields are added to the finite element approximation to account for the crack using the notion of partition of unity [Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng. 139 (1996) 289]. This enables the domain to be modeled by a single fixed finite element mesh with no explicit meshing of the crack surfaces. In an earlier study [Engng. Fract. Mech. 70 (1) (2003) 29], the methodology, algorithm, and implementation for three-dimensional crack propagation of single cracks was introduced. In this paper, simulations for multiple planar cracks are presented, with crack merging and fatigue growth carried out without any user-intervention or remeshing.  相似文献   

The performance of partition‐of‐unity based methods such as the generalized finite element method or the extended finite element method is studied for the simulation of cohesive cracking. The focus of investigation is on the performance of bilinear quadrilateral finite elements using these methods. In particular, the approximation of the displacement jump field, representing cohesive cracks, by extended finite element method/generalized finite element method and its effect on the overall behavior at element and structural level is investigated. A single element test is performed with two different integration schemes, namely the Newton‐Cotes/Lobatto and the Gauss integration schemes, for the cracked interface contribution. It was found that cohesive crack segments subjected to a nonuniform opening in unstructured meshes (or an inclined crack in a structured finite element mesh) result in an unrealistic crack opening. The reasons for such behavior and its effect on the response at element level are discussed. Furthermore, a mesh refinement study is performed to analyze the overall response of a cohesively cracked body in a finite element analysis. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new method for treating arbitrary discontinuities in a finite element (FE) context is presented. Unlike the standard extended FE method (XFEM), no additional unknowns are introduced at the nodes whose supports are crossed by discontinuities. The method constructs an approximation space consisting of mesh‐based, enriched moving least‐squares (MLS) functions near discontinuities and standard FE shape functions elsewhere. There is only one shape function per node, and these functions are able to represent known characteristics of the solution such as discontinuities, singularities, etc. The MLS method constructs shape functions based on an intrinsic basis by minimizing a weighted error functional. Thereby, weight functions are involved, and special mesh‐based weight functions are proposed in this work. The enrichment is achieved through the intrinsic basis. The method is illustrated for linear elastic examples involving strong and weak discontinuities, and matches optimal rates of convergence even for crack‐tip applications. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the extended finite element method (XFEM), errors are caused by parasitic terms in the approximation space of the blending elements at the edge of the enriched subdomain. A discontinuous Galerkin (DG) formulation is developed, which circumvents this source of error. A patch‐based version of the DG formulation is developed, which decomposes the domain into enriched and unenriched subdomains. Continuity between patches is enforced with an internal penalty method. An element‐based form is also developed, where each element is considered a patch. The patch‐based DG is shown to have similar accuracy to the element‐based DG for a given discretization but requires significantly fewer degrees of freedom. The method is applied to material interfaces, cracks and dislocation problems. For the dislocations, a contour integral form of the internal forces that only requires integration over the patch boundaries is developed. A previously developed assumed strain (AS) method is also developed further and compared with the DG method for weak discontinuities and linear elastic cracks. The DG method is shown to be significantly more accurate than the standard XFEM for a given element size and to converge optimally, even where the standard XFEM does not. The accuracy of the DG method is similar to that of the AS method but requires less application‐specific coding. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents and exercises a general structure for an object‐oriented‐enriched finite element code. The programming environment provides a robust tool for extended finite element (XFEM) computations and a modular and extensible system. The programme structure has been designed to meet all natural requirements for modularity, extensibility, and robustness. To facilitate mesh–geometry interactions with hundreds of enrichment items, a mesh generator and mesh database are included. The salient features of the programme are: flexibility in the integration schemes (subtriangles, subquadrilaterals, independent near‐tip, and discontinuous quadrature rules); domain integral methods for homogeneous and bi‐material interface cracks arbitrarily oriented with respect to the mesh; geometry is described and updated by level sets, vector level sets or a standard method; standard and enriched approximations are independent; enrichment detection schemes: topological, geometrical, narrow‐band, etc.; multi‐material problem with an arbitrary number of interfaces and slip‐interfaces; non‐linear material models such as J2 plasticity with linear, isotropic and kinematic hardening. To illustrate the possible applications of our paradigm, we present 2D linear elastic fracture mechanics for hundreds of cracks with local near‐tip refinement, and crack propagation in two dimensions as well as complex 3D industrial problems. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A multiscale method for 3‐D crack propagation simulation in large structures is proposed. The method is based on the extended finite element method (X‐FEM). The asymptotic behavior of the crack front is accurately modeled using enriched elements and no remeshing is required during crack propagation. However, the different scales involved in fracture mechanics problems can differ by several orders of magnitude and industrial meshes are usually not designed to account for small cracks. Enrichments are therefore useless if the crack is too small compared with the element size. To overcome this drawback, a project combining different numerical techniques was started. The first step was the implementation of a global multigrid algorithm within the X‐FEM framework and was presented in a previous paper (Eur. J. Comput. Mech. 2007; 16 :161–182). This work emphasized the high efficiency in cpu time but highlighted that mesh refinement is required on localized areas only (cracks, inclusions, steep gradient zones). This paper aims at linking the different scales by using a local multigrid approach. The coupling of this technique with the X‐FEM is described and computational aspects dealing with intergrid operators, optimal multiscale enrichment strategy and level sets are pointed out. Examples illustrating the accuracy and efficiency of the method are given. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An extended finite element method (X‐FEM) for three‐dimensional crack modelling is described. A discontinuous function and the two‐dimensional asymptotic crack‐tip displacement fields are added to the finite element approximation to account for the crack using the notion of partition of unity. This enables the domain to be modelled by finite elements with no explicit meshing of the crack surfaces. Computational geometry issues associated with the representation of the crack and the enrichment of the finite element approximation are discussed. Stress intensity factors (SIFs) for planar three‐dimensional cracks are presented, which are found to be in good agreement with benchmark solutions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a numerical approach based on the partition of unity finite element method, for the time‐harmonic elastic wave equations. The aim of the proposed work is to accurately model two‐dimensional elastic wave problems with fewer elements, capable of containing many wavelengths per nodal spacing, and without refining the mesh at each frequency. The approximation of the displacement field is performed via the standard finite element shape functions, enriched by superimposing pressure and shear plane wave basis, which incorporate knowledge of the wave propagation. A variational framework able to handle mixed boundary conditions is described. Numerical examples dealing with the radiation and the scattering of elastic waves by a circular body are presented. The results show the performance of the proposed method in both accuracy and efficiency. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In spite of significant advancements in automatic mesh generation during the past decade, the construction of quality finite element discretizations on complex three‐dimensional domains is still a difficult and time demanding task. In this paper, the partition of unity framework used in the generalized finite element method (GFEM) is exploited to create a very robust and flexible method capable of using meshes that are unacceptable for the finite element method, while retaining its accuracy and computational efficiency. This is accomplished not by changing the mesh but instead by clustering groups of nodes and elements. The clusters define a modified finite element partition of unity that is constant over part of the clusters. This so‐called clustered partition of unity is then enriched to the desired order using the framework of the GFEM. The proposed generalized finite element method can correctly and efficiently deal with: (i) elements with negative Jacobian; (ii) excessively fine meshes created by automatic mesh generators; (iii) meshes consisting of several sub‐domains with non‐matching interfaces. Under such relaxed requirements for an acceptable mesh, and for correctly defined geometries, today's automated tetrahedral mesh generators can practically guarantee successful volume meshing that can be entirely hidden from the user. A detailed technical discussion of the proposed generalized finite element method with clustering along with numerical experiments and some implementation details are presented. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A weighted least squares finite point method for compressible flow is formulated. Starting from a global cloud of points, local clouds are constructed using a Delaunay technique with a series of tests for the quality of the resulting approximations. The approximation factors for the gradient and the Laplacian of the resulting local clouds are used to derive an edge‐based solver that works with approximate Riemann solvers. The results obtained show accuracy comparable to equivalent mesh‐based finite volume or finite element techniques, making the present finite point method competitive. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper concerns the development of robust and high accuracy finite elements with only corner nodes using a partition‐of‐unity‐based finite‐element approximation. Construction of the partition‐of‐unity‐based approximation is accomplished by a physically defined local function of displacements. A 4‐node quadratic tetrahedral element and a 3‐node quadratic triangular element are developed. Eigenvalue analysis shows that linear dependencies in the partition‐of‐unity‐based finite‐element approximation constructed for the new elements are eliminable. Numerical calculations demonstrate that the new elements are robust, insensitive to mesh distortion, and offer quadratic accuracy, while also keeping mesh generation extremely simple. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A numerical technique for non‐planar three‐dimensional linear elastic crack growth simulations is proposed. This technique couples the extended finite element method (X‐FEM) and the fast marching method (FMM). In crack modeling using X‐FEM, the framework of partition of unity is used to enrich the standard finite element approximation by a discontinuous function and the two‐dimensional asymptotic crack‐tip displacement fields. The initial crack geometry is represented by two level set functions, and subsequently signed distance functions are used to maintain the location of the crack and to compute the enrichment functions that appear in the displacement approximation. Crack modeling is performed without the need to mesh the crack, and crack propagation is simulated without remeshing. Crack growth is conducted using FMM; unlike a level set formulation for interface capturing, no iterations nor any time step restrictions are imposed in the FMM. Planar and non‐planar quasi‐static crack growth simulations are presented to demonstrate the robustness and versatility of the proposed technique. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cold working is one method used to enhance the fatigue life of holes in aerospace structures. The method introduces a compressive stress field in the material around the hole and this reduces the tendency for fatigue cracks to initiate and grow under superimposed cyclic mechanical load. To include the benefit of cold working in design the stress intensity factors must be evaluated for cracks growing from the hole edge. Two-dimensional (2D) finite element analyses have been carried out to quantify the residual stresses surrounding the cold worked hole. These residual stresses have been used in a finite element calculation of the effective stress intensity factor for cracks emanating from the hole edge normal to the loading direction. The results of the 2D analysis have been compared with those derived using a weight function method. The weight function results have been shown always to underestimate the stress intensity factor. A three-dimensional (3D) FEA has been carried out using the same technique for stress intensity factor evaluation to investigate the effect of through thickness variation of residual stress. Stress intensity factors calculated with the 3D analysis are generally higher than those calculated using the 2D analysis.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computational technique based on the extended finite element method (XFEM) and the level set method for the growth of biofilms. The discontinuous‐derivative enrichment of the standard finite element approximation eliminates the need for the finite element mesh to coincide with the biofilm–fluid interface and also permits the introduction of the discontinuity in the normal derivative of the substrate concentration field at the biofilm–fluid interface. The XFEM is coupled with a comprehensive level set update scheme with velocity extensions, which makes updating the biofilm interface fast and accurate without need for remeshing. The kinetics of biofilms are briefly given and the non‐linear strong and weak forms are presented. The non‐linear system of equations is solved using a Newton–Raphson scheme. Example problems including 1D and 2D biofilm growth are presented to illustrate the accuracy and utility of the method. The 1D results we obtain are in excellent agreement with previous 1D results obtained using finite difference methods. Our 2D results that simulate finger formation and finger‐tip splitting in biofilms illustrate the robustness of the present computational technique. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Digital imaging technologies such as X‐ray scans and ultrasound provide a convenient and non‐invasive way to capture high‐resolution images. The colour intensity of digital images provides information on the geometrical features and material distribution which can be utilised for stress analysis. The proposed approach employs an automatic and robust algorithm to generate quadtree (2D) or octree (3D) meshes from digital images. The use of polygonal elements (2D) or polyhedral elements (3D) constructed by the scaled boundary finite element method avoids the issue of hanging nodes (mesh incompatibility) commonly encountered by finite elements on quadtree or octree meshes. The computational effort is reduced by considering the small number of cell patterns occurring in a quadtree or an octree mesh. Examples with analytical solutions in 2D and 3D are provided to show the validity of the approach. Other examples including the analysis of 2D and 3D microstructures of concrete specimens as well as of a domain containing multiple spherical holes are presented to demonstrate the versatility and the simplicity of the proposed technique. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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