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Parental Mediation of Television Advertising Effects 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Thomas S. Robertson 《The Journal of communication》1979,29(1):12-25
A comprehensive review of research finds evidence scattered and incomplete but suficient for some conclusions and suggestive of directions for further study. 相似文献
The limits of mental channel capacity and the depth of information processing may partially explain the discrepancy between what is watched and what is remembered. 相似文献
This paper outlines the advantages and necessity of controlling viewing conditions for the critical review of color film and picture on color TV monitors. Practices and standards of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for the review of color film by direct projection are given. These are different in several significant respects from formerly used practices and are designed to give subjective response similar to that gotten when the film is viewed on a TV monitor. Viewing conditions for TV monitor pictures are also specified. 相似文献
Ritualized and Instrumental Television Viewing 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Alan M. Rubin 《The Journal of communication》1984,34(3):67-77
Television Viewing and School Achievement 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mark Fetler 《The Journal of communication》1984,34(2):104-118
Selective Television Viewing: A Limited Possibility 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Nancy Signorielli 《The Journal of communication》1986,36(3):64-76
Carine T. G. M. Ex Jan M. A. M. Janssens Hubert P. L. M. Korzilius 《The Journal of communication》2002,52(4):955-971
This study explored the relationship between television viewing and young females' images of motherhood. The respondents were 166 Dutch adolescents (age 15–17) and young women (age 20–22) with various educational backgrounds. None were mothers. We examined the young females' self-image and ideal image of motherhood and explored the extent to which television viewing and viewing motives were related to these images. It was not the total amount of television exposure, but the exposure to certain sitcoms and soaps that appeared to be related to girls' and young women's images of their future motherhood. Sitcoms and soaps that portrayed mothers with a more traditional orientation were associated with young females' anticipation of a traditional motherhood image. Motives for television viewing, indicating a ritualized viewing style, were also related to a traditional view of motherhood. 相似文献
Children's Fright Reactions to Television News 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In a random survey of parents of kindergarten, second, fourth, and sixth grade children, 37% of the children were reported to have been frightened or upset by a news story on television. The percentage of children being frightened by news increased from kindergarten to the elementary school years, whereas the tendency to be frightened by fantastic, unreal content showed a decreasing trend. The top categories of stories producing fear were violence between strangers, foreign wars and famines, and natural disasters. me tendency to respond with fright to violence between strangers increased with age, and the tendency to be upset by natural disasters decreased with age. Proposed explanations for the observed age differences were based on developmental differences in children's understanding of the fantasy-reality distinction and in their responsiveness to perceptually salient stimuli. 相似文献
Alisha M. Crawley Daniel R. Anderson Angela Santomero Alice Wilder Marsha Williams Marie K. Evans Jennings Bryant 《The Journal of communication》2002,52(2):264-280
This is, we believe, the first investigation of the effects of experience with a particular program series on children's subsequent television viewing behavior and comprehension. Three- to 5-year-old, regular, experienced Blue's Clues viewers were compared to new, inexperienced viewers. In Study 1, experienced Blue's Clues viewers looked less but overtly interacted more with a new episode of Blue's Clues . This effect was most pronounced during recurrent format portions of the episode. They also showed greater comprehension of familiar content. Study 2 compared experienced and inexperienced viewers on viewing behavior and comprehension of an episode of a different series. Experienced Blue's Clues viewers looked less but overtly interacted more; there were no differences in comprehension. These results suggest that a television series can teach children a style of television viewing transferable to new episodes and to new series. 相似文献
One explanation for the high divorce rate in our society focuses on the idealistic expectations with which many people enter into marriage. The media have been cited as the source of or major contributor to these expectations; however, no empirical evidence exists to support that claim. Based on a survey of 285 never-married university students, this study sought to examine the relationship between television viewing, holding idealistic expectations about marriage, and intentions to marry. Results from regression and path analyses indicate that, although overall television viewing has a negative association with idealistic marriage expectations, viewing of romantic genre programming (e.g., romantic comedies, soap operas) was positively associated with idealistic expectations about marriage. Further, a strong and positive association between these expectations and marital intentions was evidenced. These findings are discussed in terms of both cultivation theory and the uses and gratifications perspective of media influence. 相似文献
Viewing the Viewers: Viewing Behaviors by Children and Adults During Television Programs and Commercials 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Kelly L. Schmitt Kimberly Duyck Woolf Daniel R. Anderson 《The Journal of communication》2003,53(2):265-281
Videotapes of in-home television viewing of 50 individuals in five age groups (2-, 5-, 8-, and 12-year-olds, and adults), recorded over a 10-day period, revealed that 46% of time with television was spent in some activity instead of or in addition to looking at the TV. Social interaction was the most common nonviewing activity for all viewers, followed by playing and eating for children and reading for adults. Women were more likely than all other groups to do chores. Nonviewing behaviors occurred most often during programming that attracted less visual attention, particularly ads. Except for 2-year-olds, children's attention dropped during ads to a greater extent than did that of adults. The findings have implications for theories of television use and impact including uses and gratifications, displacement, and formal feature theory. 相似文献
Joanne M. Quarfoth 《The Journal of communication》1979,29(3):210-218
Not until second grade were a majority of children able to differentiate human from animated and puppet characters. 相似文献