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钢材加工配送中心浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国内外钢材加工配送行业现状,阐明了建立加工配送中心的意义,并提出了建议.  相似文献   

钢材配送中心及其成本数模探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏栋  王国华 《河南冶金》2008,16(6):19-21
介绍了国内钢材配送中心的发展情况,并对钢材配送中的仓储成本和配送成本进行了研究,分析了仓储和配送成本的影响因素,提出仓储配送综合成本的数学模型,并对成本的最优解进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

根据调研以及当前我国钢铁、汽车行业所面临的市场环境,分析了加工配送出现的新情况,钢铁企业为增强核心竞争力,不断加快建设剪切配送中心,并赋予加工配送中心新的功能内涵;结合包钢首瑞剪切配送中心和此行业现状,指出了当前配送中心存在的问题和风险,并对这些问题进行初步的分析探讨,为包钢建设配送网络提供有力的参考。  相似文献   

赵赪  周军  白云 《冶金信息导刊》2007,(4):46-48,17
针对钢材加工配送中心ERP系统中如何通过一个直观的方式去提示企业用户合理安排原材料加工,从而提高原材料的利用率的问题,结合钢材加工配送中心的企业特点,提出了原料分配模型设计并且以图形化显示的方法:同时阐述了这一模型设计原理、关键点和实现过程。  相似文献   

张菽浪 《特钢技术》2005,10(3):24-24
本文从目前我国钢铁工业的发展形势及国内市场需求的角度,探讨了钢材深加工的发展方向问题,对如何使产品从初级产品逐步向用户延伸的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

发展钢材加工配送中心,已成为国内外众多钢铁企业延伸产业链,提升核心竞争力的战略选择。由于企业产品结构、营销体制的差异以及经济发展环境的不同,各企业建设和发展钢材加工中心的模式也不尽相同。面对产品同质化竞争日趋激烈、  相似文献   

随着我国经济"调结构、转方式"的进一步深入,钢材消费需求必将逐步升级。钢铁企业,尤其板材比例较大、品种钢水平较高的钢铁企业将逐步缩减纯粹的钢材贸易业务,争取与下游企业建立战略合作关系,形成产、销、研以及加工配送一体的产业链。  相似文献   

介绍了宝钢钢材深加工发展情况及宝钢对钢材深加工产业的管控模式,分析了宝钢介入钢材深加工产业的原因及成功的经验。  相似文献   

赵赪 《冶金自动化》2007,31(4):13-17
针对钢材加工配送中心ERP系统中成本结算过程复杂、数据量大的问题,结合钢材加工配送中心的企业特点,提出了存货成本结算导航技术,有效地解决了这一问题。本文阐述了这一技术的关键点和实现过程。实践证明,该方法在实施过程中操作性强,简单实用,大大缩短了钢材加工配送中心的成本结算周期,提高了企业的管理水平,增强了企业的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

钢材采取切割加工配送的方式销售,是一种新型的钢材销售方式,它引入先进管理模式,通过降低库存,提高钢材利用率来降低生产成本,实行规模经营战略,利用技术优势和交通便利条件,为不同用户提供加工配送服务。有着广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

段飞虎  朱荣  林腾昌  李联生 《炼钢》2012,28(1):44-47,65
研究了氧含量对硫系易切削钢中硫化物夹杂及对切削性能的影响。结果表明:在一定范围内,钢中氧含量越高越有利于改善切削性能,其原因是氧含量高时,钢中会形成大量的纺锤形(Mn、Fe)(S、O)复合夹杂物。在切削过程中,这类硫化物能割断基体的连续性,在刀具表面形成一层保护膜,从而降低刀具的磨损。实验室切削试验表明:w(O)=0.014%时,硫系易切削钢的切削性能优于45钢,能够获得理想的切削性能。  相似文献   

The results of investigation and analysis of telluride and sulfides in free cutting steel containing tellurium and sulfur can be summerized as follows. No tellurium is found in steel matrix. All the tellurium exists in solid solution in manganese sulfide. The extra amount of tellurium in excess of the solubility in manganese sulfide exists as MnTe in steel. The tellurium content in manganese sulfide is 2.5 wt% on average, and the sulfur content in MnTe is about 3 wt %. In annealed steel, the content of iron solutionized in MnS (steel containing 1–2 % Mn) and in MnTe are both about 2 wt %. MnTe usually forms complex inclusions with MnS. The greater the Te/S, the higher the MnTe content in the complex inclusions. There is no single phase MnTe in steel with Te/S as high as 0.84. When steel is hot worked, MnTe deforms more easily than MnS. MnTe appears light grey in a bright field, and opaque in a dark field. In cast steel it is anisotropic and in forged steel it is isotropic under polarized light. In cold drawn steel, most of the MnS is anisotropic and remained so after annealing at 1100°C. If Te/S in steel is too high, the MnTe formed is prone to stretch in the working direction during press work. Hence, in so far as controlling the shape of the sulfide with the aid of tellurium is concerned, a Te/S of about 0.1 is appropriate. When the MnTe and MnS in steel are separated electrolytely in the four different solutions used in this work, the equilibrium potential of MnS is relatively positive, and that of MnTe is relatively negative in comparison with iron. When an organic solution (No. 3) is used, the MnS in steel can be almost completely and MnTe partly separated.  相似文献   

对无取向电工钢进行电火花线切割实验,研究切割过程中不同的电流密度水平对切割面形貌的影响。采用三维测量激光显微镜对原始切割面的形貌进行观察,采用扫描电子显微镜观察经同等水平的超声振动方式处理后的切割面,以衡量表面附着层的附着能力。结果表明,随着电流密度水平的升高,切割面呈粗糙化趋势,由均匀光滑的小幅度凸起区和凹陷区逐渐替代为易于氧化的不规则台阶,台阶在高度方向的过渡区域为近垂直状;在过高的电流密度下,出现被氧化区包围的光亮近球形再凝固体。所以,高电流密度对控制切割面质量不利,采用较低电流密度的电火花线切割技术具有较高优势。  相似文献   

Adiabatic instability in the orthogonal cutting of steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reversion of Fe-18.5 Ni-0.52 C tempered martensitic steel to austenite under shear was used to study the formation of discontinuous chips by orthogonal cutting. For certain combinations of cutting speed, depth of cut, and tool rake angle, chips with bands of reverted austenite along their sheared edges were formed. Tensile tests on the same material exhibited transformed austenite on the specimen fracture surfaces for tests conducted below 200°C. Metal cutting theory predicts that continuous plastic deformation during chip formation cannot heat the material to its reversion temperature. Analysis of the machine-sample interaction before chip separation shows that adiabatic instability can occur, resulting in localized shearing and a temperature rise to at leastA s. Only those chips which are heated during continuous deformation to temperatures between 100° and 200°C undergo adiabatic instability and reversion. Formerly National Science Foundation Trainee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.  相似文献   

夏九丽 《包钢科技》2000,26(3):15-17
针对高速线材沸腾钢盘条产生中心孔洞缺陷的情况,对40炉有中国中心孔洞缺陷的工艺控制情况的调查,分析了产生中心孔洞缺陷的原因。  相似文献   

Machinability of medium carbon tin- bearing free cutting steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tin- bearing free cutting steel is environmentally friendly material. The test steel of 100mm in diameter with Sn of 0. 16 mass% by smelting in industrial frequency induction furnace and hot forging was prepared. Machinability experiments of the test steel using a stepless speed regulation lathe(C6140) was conducted. Besides, the distribution of tin, sulfur and manganese in the tested steel using secondary ion mass spectrometer was analyzed. The research results show that the coefficient of relative machinability of the test steel is 1. 75, the style of cutting chip mainly is C- shaped, in addition to this, there is a small amount of helical chip. Therefore, the test steel has excellent machinability, and it can meet the requirements of high speed machining. It is considered that grain boundary embrittlement caused by segregation of tin at ferrite grain boundaries, liquid metal embrittlement and lubrication action caused by low melting point of tin, are main reasons of the improvement of machinability.  相似文献   

利用纳米压痕技术对钢中BN、MnS、Al2O3、TiN等夹杂物进行纳米压痕表征,详细讨论了BN夹杂物对钢的切削性能的改善作用,并分析了纳米压痕表征及宏观硬度测量的误差.研究表明:铸态BN夹杂物硬度低于MnS夹杂物,锻造态BN夹杂物硬度高于MnS夹杂物,三者均远低于钢基体;铸态与锻造态BN夹杂物均能在钢中起到应力集中源、润滑及包裹硬质点的作用,改善钢的切削性能;纳米压痕表征及宏观硬度测量均存在一定的误差.  相似文献   

对BN型易切削钢的冶炼工艺与切削加工性进行了研究.通过实验室热态实验得到不同B、N元素含量的试样,利用理论计算研究试样中主要夹杂物的析出规律,然后对BN夹杂物的形貌、尺寸及组成进行分析,最后对试样进行力学性能测试及切削实验.结果发现在钢中添加B、N元素能够明显改善钢的切削性能,且不影响钢的力学性能.  相似文献   

Contact loads have been determined on the working surfaces of high-speed steel milling cutters, in which the working conditions have been extended up to the critical ones. After set intervals, the wear on the cutting surface and the hardness have been determined. This indicates that the working life of cutters made of R6M5F3-MP steel is more than twice that of tools made of traditional R6M5F3 steel.  相似文献   

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