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<正>世界第二堂"太空授课",中国首堂"天宫课堂"于北京时间2013年6月20日上午10:00"开讲",神舟十号航天员指令长聂海胜在亲自示范"如何在太空中测量航天员的质量"时,显示其质量是74千克。然而,据公开资料显示,聂海胜体重多年一直保持67千克。为什么聂海胜胖了7千克?为此,有人怀疑测量仪出现误差;有人推测航天员发生了太空浮肿;  相似文献   

<正>"神舟十一号"载人飞船成功发射,中国太空探索又迈出举世瞩目的一步。航天员在"天宫二号"空间实验室上可没闲着,他们要健身、养蚕、看电视。除此之外,他们还不忘发挥中国人的种菜天赋,在银河系开辟了"菜园子"。两位航天员要在"天宫二号"空间实验室上种6株水稻和30株拟南芥,并观察种子从萌芽、生长、开花和结籽  相似文献   

<正>探长:在航天员加加林没有上天之前,谁也不知道人类能否在太空中生存。动物航天员由此诞生了,它们作为载人航天的先驱者和航天医学研究的实验者,为太空探险做出了不可磨灭的贡献,它们为人类推开了通向浩瀚宇宙的大门。  相似文献   

<正>细心的小朋友可能会发现这样一个有趣的现象:人从地上跳起来很快就会落回地面,而太空中的宇航员会飘起来。这是为什么呢?原来,地球上的物体都会受到地球万有引力,也就是重力的作用。重力的大小会随着高度的增加而减小,离地面越远,重力就越小。航天员乘坐飞船在太空中环绕地球飞行时,由于远离地球,受到地球引力的作用非常小,当然就会失去重力了。在失重的状态下,航天员就会像气球一样在太空中飘浮。  相似文献   

丹戈 《中国消防》2014,(5):51-55
美国的阿波罗计划 作为地球唯一的天然卫星,也是距离地球最近的天体,月球自然成为人类进行空间探测的首要目标。从1958年开始的18年间,苏联和美国共向月球发射了81个探测器。1961年4月12日,苏联航天员加加林乘“东方”1号飞船进入太空实现了轨道飞行,人类实现了邀游太空的伟大理想。  相似文献   

9月24日从中国科学院上海技术物理研究所获悉,该所研制的“神舟七号出舱活动照明灯“将为航天员出舱行走以及太空图像拍摄提供照明。这将是世界上首次使用LED光源作为载人航天器的照明系统,也是我国首个用于太空舱外的照明系统。  相似文献   

季龙 《中国消防》2010,(20):21-21
<正>日前,在山东省枣庄市、滕州市参加"飞天圆梦——中国航天员走进滕州校园"活动的杨利伟等6位著名航天员,写下有每人亲笔签名的"愿枣庄消防越来越好"的寄语,交到枣庄公安消防支队执勤的消防官兵手中,并赠送了纪念品,表达了航天界对枣庄消防的美好祝愿。连日来,杨利伟、费俊龙、聂海胜等6名航天员深入滕州市各中小学校,为广大学生讲述中国宇航方面的知识,鼓励学生们认真学习,从小树立远大志向和梦想,争取将来为中国航天事业的发展作出贡献。6位航天员在住  相似文献   

正本刊讯6月17日,神舟十二号发射圆满成功,3名航天员顺利进驻中国空间站。这是中国人首次进入了自己的空间站,是中国载人航天史上由中国人书写的又一壮举,标志中国空间站建造任务再次向前迈出了一大步。与3名宇航员一起奔赴太空的,还有中国建材集团所属中国建材总院石英院制造的耐辐照石英玻璃。  相似文献   

以"探究食品中干燥剂的成分"为例,阐述如何进行"情境探究式"复习,实现初三化学复习课的高效。  相似文献   

应用主成分分析法,计算了23种中药中微量元素之间的相关矩阵、载荷矩阵及各因子的综合得分,结果表明各主成分其主要作用的元素分别是:第1主成分是Fe;第2主成分是Se和As;第3主成分是Ni和Cu。其中各微量元素的因子得分和主成分分析可以用于这23种中药药材的综合质量评价,为中药药理研究提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper shares an exploratory case study of the development of the Toronto Food Strategy as an urban food strategy, through the lens of public health. It asks: what is a food strategy and how does it work? We will answer these questions through an analysis and discussion of the Food Strategy development process and attention to three key mechanisms: (1) framing or directing attention to the diverse policy instruments that deal with food, (2) brokering working relationships between diverse stakeholders and across existing governance arrangements, and (3) leveraging existing resources. We also distinguish the work of the Food Strategy from the role of food policy councils in how they cultivate deliberative spaces to catalyse policy change.  相似文献   

Urban food insecurity is partly the result of interactions between households and the broader food system. There is considerable discussion and debate on the most appropriate measures of household food insecurity but very little on how to quantify interactions between households and the system. One priority is to develop food security metrics that incorporate household interactions with the food retail environment. The Hungry Cities Food Purchases Matrix (HCFPM) is one such metric developed for relating household food sourcing behaviour to that environment. The matrix has been successfully used by the Hungry Cities Partnership to shed light on food sourcing and food system interactions in a number of cities in the Global South. Using Maputo as a case study, this paper discusses the objectives, structure and potential of the HCFPM for African cities and illustrates how in can provide important insights into household-food system interactions. The HCFPM therefore opens up a new way of understanding household purchasing behaviour and associated food insecurity.  相似文献   

<正>首先,中西餐的烹调方法不同。西餐的烹调书中写明了面粉需要几克,糖需要几汤匙,黄油需要几杯等等,甚至连用到的鸡蛋的大小也有说明。烹调西餐就像在实验室里做实验一样。所以只要参考着烹调书,西餐是很好做的。但是要做出美味的中餐,即使你有参考书也不是一件容易的事。因为烹饪书里不会告诉你原料的用量,比如盐,只会告诉你"适量",而不会  相似文献   

Alps Inox公司在1998年时凭借创新的多功能煤气炉获得了巨大的成功。10年之后,领先设计师尼克·莫雷托(Nico、Moretto)让这个拥有50年历史的公司重焕青春.  相似文献   

潘胜利 《园林》2006,(8):50-51
莲(Nelumbo nucifera),睡莲科、莲属。荷花古称菡萏、芙蕖或水芙蓉。荷花与佛教有密切的联系,佛教两大宗之一的大乘佛教(我国的佛教多属大乘),皆用荷花作佛像座。他们认为荷花出淤泥而不染,象征佛祖从生死烦恼中出生,又从生死烦恼中解脱。按佛教解释,荷花是"报身佛所居之净土"。唐崔融《为百官贺千叶瑞莲表》载:"按《华严经》云,莲花世界是庐舍郍佛成道之国。一莲花有百亿国。《无量清净经》云,无量清净佛,七宝池中生莲花上。夫莲花者出尘离染,清净无暇。有以见如来之心,有以察如来之法。"《彦周诗话》曰:"世间  相似文献   

The Food System     
Shelley Jordon describes her artwork as celebrating “the power and the beauty of domestic spaces and objects…culled from daily life.” Food is among the most basic of daily human needs, yet what is most basic often gets overlooked. Alpenrose, her image of a breakfast table, brings this human need to the fore, as authors Ka-meshwari Pothukucki and Jerome L. Kaufman argue that food systems need a place among the concerns of planners.

The artist, who is an associate professor of art at Oregon State University, resides in Portland, Oregon. Her works can be found in galleries and private collections throughout the West Coast.

Planning lays claim to being comprehensive, future-oriented, and public-interest driven, and of wanting to enhance the livability of communities. It is concerned with community systems—such as land use, housing, transportation, the environment, and the econ-omy—and their interconnections. The food system, however, is notable by its absence from most planning practice, research, and education. We present evidence for the limited presence of the food system in planning's list of concerns by scanning leading journals, texts, and classic writings, and by reporting on a survey of 22 U.S. city planning agencies. We analyze this low level of attention and discuss reasons and ideas for planning involvement to strengthen community food systems.1  相似文献   

罗强  夏小茜 《中国厨卫》2008,(5):140-143
春日里,嫩嫩绿绿的豌豆,蚕豆让人眼馋,用它们来制作食品,绝对清香味美,营养丰富。  相似文献   

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