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A two-month-old female German shepherd dog was presented with a history of ulcerated central pads of all four feet. On physical examination, the footpads were swollen, soft and ulcerated. On the nasal planum there was a partially depigmented nodule. Multiple biopsies were taken from the cutaneous lesions and histological examination revealed focal collagen degeneration and vasculitis. A diagnosis of familial cutaneous vasculopathy was made. Seven months later the nasal nodule had disappeared and the footpads were still swollen but non-ulcerated. At this time, the dog manifested a generalised pustular demodicosis.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the effects of socioeconomic development, the status of women, and family planning on fertility and the extent to which these effects vary among the nineteen districts of Bangladesh. The 1983 and 1991 Bangladesh Contraceptive Prevalence Survey data are used to examine the effects of these factors on differences in contraceptive use among currently married women aged 15-49. The proportion of currently married women aged 15-49 using contraception was 46.3 per cent in 1991, a considerable increase from 26.5 per cent in 1983. Contraceptive use rates for all the districts increased substantially over the period between 1983 and 1991 and the gap between Dhaka's rate and those of other districts was narrower in 1991 than in 1983. An analytical model composed of socioeconomic development, status of women, and family planning variables is tested using logistic regression. The logit model is used to evaluate the effects of a selected group of variables on the probability of using contraceptive methods. The analysis demonstrates clearly that socioeconomic development and women's status significantly impact the use of contraceptive methods in Bangladesh. The results also suggest that better-educated, employed women are more likely to use contraception than those who have little or no formal education and who are not employed. In 1983, rural-urban differences in contraceptive use were significant, but in 1991 area of residence was not significant, which suggests that family planning programs may have played an important role in providing contraceptive information and technology to rural areas. Our analysis also suggests that family planning programs operated more efficiently in some districts than in others, and regional differences remained important in 1991 as they were in 1983. Decomposition analysis suggests that shifts in population structure favored increased contraceptive use in Bangladesh. This analysis also indicates that change in rate is also important, contributing about 21 per cent of the overall increase in contraceptive use.  相似文献   

Authors translated the Corah's "Dental Anxiety Scale" (DAS) into Hungarian. 143 dental patients, and 74 dental student's, were investigated and the DAS values were compared to the State-Trait Anxiety Invertory (STAI-S and STAI-T) values. Mean values were: DAS: 9.92, STAI-S: 39.17, STAI-T: 41.34. Authors found lower scores in the case of dental students comparing to patients (p < 0.001), and women comparing to men (p < 0.001). DAS values increased slowly with age, and decreased at 60 years old, or older patients. Married patients had higher DAS and STAI-S scores, but lower STAI-T scores comparing to the unmarried and divorced patients.  相似文献   

This study is based on the empirical fact that among nurses large variations occur not only in clinical competency but also in individual productivity. The article proposes that competency-based targeted staff development programs can improve productivity as well as nursing performance. Research presented here shows that the nurses on units using targeted staff development increased the time spent on professional and direct care and reduced nonprofessional and indirect care tasks in comparison to nurses on the control nursing unit.  相似文献   

The only widely applied cancer screening programmes are those for cancers of the cervix and female breast. Participation in breast cancer screening has been shown to depend on income and education, health insurance and type of health service. Women in low social classes tend to have lower screening participation rates than those in higher classes. Socioeconomic differences in screening practices tend to decrease when participation is promoted, cultural and economic barriers are removed, and social support is offered. In both developed and developing countries, women of low socioeconomic status have a higher than average risk of cervical cancer, and a lower than average participation in Pap smear screening.  相似文献   

The study attempted to evaluate the importance of the variables of form of symbolism and abstractness-concreteness for status differences on tests of conceptual ability. Five hypotheses were proposed. Subjects were 181 white sixth-grade New York City public school children whose average age was about eleven and who were divided into two groups, HS (N = 99) and LS (N = 82). "As groups, HS children selected more definitions of an abstract type than did the LS group." Other data concerning relationships between socioeconomic status to conceptual ability are presented and discussed. 21 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Predictors of overall and on-the-job substance (alcohol and marijuana) use were studied in a sample of young workers. The 18 predictors represent 6 general domains of risk factors: demographic, personality, substance use outcome expectancies, workplace substance availability, workplace social control, and work stressors. Data were obtained from a sample of 319 individuals ages 16 to 19. Hierarchical tobit regression analyses revealed that 5 of the 6 domains of risk factors were related to employee substance use. Similarities and differences were found in the predictors of overall and on-the job substance use and in the predictors of alcohol and marijuana use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The National Family Planning Board is the agency of Government empowered to prepare, carry out and promote family planning programs in Jamaica. The Board has prioritized the expansion and sustainability of family planning services in large part through encouraging the participation of the private sector. To enhance the availability, acceptability and effectiveness of private physician family planning services, information was collected on the service practices of 90% of physicians, through face to face interviews. Bruce's framework was used to evaluate the findings of the study. The study indicated that: A wide variety of contraceptives are available - Basic equipment and adequate supplies are in place for the provision of services - Provider bias, inappropriate contraindicators and process and scheduling hurdles exist. The major recommendations relate to the: Revision of norms and guidelines for all contraceptives - Continuation of contraceptive technology updates for private physicians - Revision of legal/regulatory barriers which restrict access to some contraceptives for certain target groups.  相似文献   

A number of studies have found a negative relationship between IQ and delinquent involvement. Some researchers maintain that IQ is a spurious variable in the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and delinquency, whereas others assert that IQ bears a causal relationship to delinquency that is independent of the effects of SES. Results from 2 Danish prospective longitudinal studies are presented that support the latter view. Ss in the 1st study were 129 males born between September, 1959 and December, 1961; all male offspring born between 1944 and 1947 served as Ss in Study 2 (N?=?31,436). In each study, a significant negative correlation between IQ and level of delinquent involvement remained after SES effects were partialled out. It is posited that low IQ children may be likely to engage in delinquent behavior because their poor verbal abilities limit their opportunities to obtain rewards in the school environment. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Notes that while mental health services and research with traditional therapies are scarce, innovative treatment approaches are employed increasingly with low-income patients. It is suggested that pertinent data must be carefully considered lest the present trend produce separate and unequal services for various social groups. While socioeconomic status appears to be a significant correlate of acceptance for, and duration of, individual psychotherapy, it does not relate to treatment outcome. Clarification of this discrepancy requires a more precise identification of the social groups comprising the "lower-classes," a clearer understanding of the environmental demands faced by such patients, and an objective assessment of specific socioeconomic status factors that may exclude a given patient from a given treatment. It is concluded that resolution of such issues is necessary for a realistic allocation of available mental health services. (75 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In two different studies, we evaluated the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalence rate and the condom use in a group of female sex workers working in Italy. STUDY DESIGN: In the first study we collected data on HIV serologic testing of female sex workers; in the second study, we evaluated the use of condoms and high-risk sexual practices by sex workers with their clients and nonpaying partners. RESULTS: Overall, 131 of 802 (16%) were HIV positive: 36 of 558 (6%) professional sex workers and 95 of 244 (39%) sex workers who used intravenous drugs. There was a significant increase of seroprevalence among professional sex workers between 1988 to 1990 and 1991 to 1995 (2% versus 11%, P < or = 0.001), whereas among the sex workers who used intravenous drugs, the increase was not significant (37% versus 40%, P = 0.70). Similarly, the HIV seroprevalence in the Italian professional sex workers is constant in the two periods of time (2% versus 1%). In the second study, 97 of 102 (95%) sex workers reported regular condom use with clients, whereas 63% of sex workers reported they never used them with nonpaying partners. Fourteen sex workers reported having nonpaying partners who used intravenous drugs and 6 reported having nonpaying bisexual partners; 8 of these 20 partners were HIV positive. CONCLUSION: The results of the first study showed a significant increase of seroprevalence among professional sex workers, whereas the high seroprevalence among sex workers who used intravenous drugs was constant. The results of the second study showed that sex workers may be at higher risk for HIV infection through noncommercial sexual intercourses.  相似文献   

High resolution, magnetic resonance imaging was used to quantitatively study the morphometry of the superior oblique muscles of two patients with superior oblique myokymia, as well as 18 superior oblique muscles of 14 patients with normal superior oblique function. The cross sectional area of each superior oblique muscle was measured at 3-millimeter intervals along the entire muscle length. In both cases of myokymia, the affected superior oblique muscles were significantly smaller than normal (P < .05). These anatomical changes in the superior oblique muscle of patients with myokymia suggest that an antecedent injury to the trochlear nerve has occurred. This injury, even if clinically unapparent, may be the initial event which leads to subsequent development of superior oblique myokymia.  相似文献   

Two factors which are said to increase the acceptability of family planning in a developing country are, firstly, the ready availability of the facilities and, secondly, the raising of the socio-economic level of the community. This survey reports the effects on family planning of increasing socio-economic status on the one hand, and of urbanisation without an associated increase in the socio-economic level on the other. It is concluded that, although socio-economic status has some effect on family planning, it has a greater effect on the survival rate of children. Urbanisation, however, with family planning facilities more readily available, exerts a stronger influence upon the acceptance of family planning than socio-economic status.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Evidence on the association between socioeconomic status and the prevalence of neurotic disorder is contradictory. We studied the association between three elements of socioeconomic status and the prevalence of neurotic psychiatric disorder in a representative sample of adults aged 16-64 living in private households in the UK. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of 10,108 adults aged 16-65 resident in private households in the UK was selected by a multi-stage, clustered, random-sampling design. Neurotic disorders were defined using a standardised interview, the revised clinical interview schedule (CIS-R). Data for 9570 people were available for this study. FINDINGS: We used housing tenure and access to cars as measures of standard of living; both were associated with the prevalence of neurotic disorder even after adjustment for other socioeconomic and demographic variables, including Registrar General's Social Class and educational attainment. Those people with no access to a car had an odds ratio for neurotic disorder of 1.4 (95% CI 1.1-1.7), compared with those who had access to two or more cars. People who rented their homes were also at increased risk (1.3 [1.1-1.5]). We estimated that about 10% of the neurotic disorder in the UK could be attributed to the increased prevalence of those without cars who rented their homes. There was a complex interaction between Registrar General's Social Class and sex, and there was no independent association with educational attainment. INTERPRETATION: There is an independent association between low standard of living and the prevalence of neurotic psychiatric disorder. The UK has experienced one of the largest increases in income inequality within western market economies over the past 20 years, and this inequality may have had adverse consequences for the mental health of the population.  相似文献   

This study presents a focus group investigation of reasons why women in a rural, Sahelian community are reluctant to adopt family planning even when convenient services are made freely available. First, women opting to practice contraception must do so at considerable risk of social ostracism or familial conflict. Implementing individual preference is something that must be done without the support of others. Second, few women view personal decisions about contraceptives as theirs to make. Women and children are the property of the corporate family-kin and community militate against reproductive control. Third, although children are highly valued for a variety of economic, social, and cultural reasons, mortality risks remain extremely high. Low fertility imposes the unacceptable risk that a woman will have no surviving children at the end of her reproductive life. Taken together, these findings attest to the inadequacy of service strategies focused on the contribution of distribution, individual agency, or personal choice. Outreach should also build a sense of community legitimacy for the program, collective health action, and traditional leadership support for family planning behavior.  相似文献   

AIM: To characterise work related hand and lower arm injuries among New Zealand meat processors and to identify practices used for protecting the hands of this group of workers. METHODS: These involved identifying and describing, from Department of Health national data, hand and lower arm injuries sustained by meat workers in New Zealand which resulted in hospitalisation during the period 1979-88, examining injury case records from selected meat processing plants for the period 1987-93 and identifying protective clothing practices in the meat processing industry. RESULTS: A significant increase in the hospitalisation rate for the period 1979-88 was identified (3.3 per 1000 to 5.3 per 1000; chi(2) = 33.14, df = 1, p < 0.001) with cutting and piercing being the most common injury event. Reported use of protective gloves and covers for the lower arm by meat workers was high (93% and 66% respectively) and also probably increased. CONCLUSION: Why injury rates rose during a period in which use of protective gloves reportedly increased is unclear. Possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Through linkage of a Demographic and Health Survey to a situation analysis, this article explores whether current contraceptive use in Peru is affected by the service environment in which a woman resides. The investigation focuses explicitly on the impact of the quality of family planning services and finds that, net of personal and household characteristics, a significant, albeit small, effect exists for one specification of quality in the total sample and for the other specification a nearly significant (p = .053) effect exists. The analysis reveals that contraceptive prevalence would be 16 to 23 percent greater if all women lived in a cluster with the highest quality of care compared with the lowest. Methodological problems that arise in measuring quality of care at the cluster level and in linking quality to individual contraceptive use are also addressed.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on current levels and trends in fertility in Haiti and discusses some of the factors that determine the current situation. Particular attention is given to knowledge and use of contraception and the impact of the recently established national family planning program. The major source of data is the 1977 Haiti Fertility Survey, but more recent information on family planning program activities is also presented. Factors likely to influence future trends in fertility and family planning are presented in concluding.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of family structure and functioning in predicting substance use among Hispanic/Latino adolescents, surveyed in 9th and 10th grade. The sample (N = 1433) was half female, mostly of Mexican descent, and the majority was born in the United States. Living with a single father was associated with less parental monitoring and less family cohesion (γ = ?0.07, ?0.06, respectively). Living with a single mother was associated with less parental monitoring (γ = ?0.10). Living with neither parent was associated with less communication (γ = ?0.08), less parental monitoring (γ = ?0.09), more family conflict (γ = 0.06), and less family cohesion (γ = ?0.06). Less monitoring was associated with substance use at follow-up (β = ?0.17). Low rates of parental monitoring appear to mediate the association between parental family structure and substance use. Results suggest that improving basic parenting skills and offering additional social support and resources to assist parents in monitoring adolescents may help prevent substance use. These interventions may be particularly beneficial for single parents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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