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Psychopathy in instrumental and reactive violent offenders.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Can violent offenders who commit acts of instrumental aggression for goal-oriented purposes such as robbery be distinguished from those who commit acts of reactive (or hostile) aggression in response to provocation? Because violent offenders often have a history of both instrumental and reactive aggression, this study distinguished between offenders with a history of at least 1 instrumental violent offense and offenders with a history of reactive violent offenses. Two studies tested the hypothesis that instrumental offenders would score higher than reactive offenders and nonviolent offenders on R. D. Hare's (1991) Psychopathy Checklist. The first study sample consisted of 106 violent and nonviolent offenders recruited from a medium-security correctional facility. The second study sample consisted of 50 violent offenders referred for pretrial forensic evaluation. In both samples, instrumental offenders could be reliably distinguished from reactive offenders on the basis of violent crime behavior and level of psychopathy. Group differences could not be attributed to participant age, race, length of incarceration, or extent of prior criminal record. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have previously shown that CD44 partly mediates ovarian cancer cell attachment to peritoneal mesothelium through recognition of mesothelial-associated hyaluronate. CD44 is a major receptor for hyaluronate and exists as a standard 90-180-kDa form (CD44H), as well as several higher molecular mass variant forms produced by alternative splicing. To determine whether functional differences exist between CD44H and its variants we have investigated the relationship between CD44 isoform expression and mesothelial adhesion in 12 ovarian cancer cell lines. Eight lines were CD44 positive (range, 83-94%) and demonstrated significant binding to mesothelium and hyaluronate, whereas two lines showed reduced CD44 levels (3-13%) and demonstrated decreased binding. Interestingly, two other lines (OVC-3 and SW626) expressed CD44 in the majority of cells (>93%) and yet bound weakly to mesothelium. Mean linear fluorescence intensity of CD44 expressed by OVC-3 and SW626 cells was approximately one-half that of strongly binding cell lines, suggesting that the ability to adhere may be partly related to CD44 surface density. However, immunoprecipitation and immunoblot analyses revealed that standard CD44H represented only 23-31% of total CD44 in weakly binding cells, with the majority of species being comprised of CD44 variants. Indirect immunofluorescence of OVC-3 and SW626 cells confirmed the presence of CD44 variants containing exons v3, v6, and v9. In contrast, CD44H represented the majority (75-86%) of total CD44 expressed by strongly binding cell lines such as CAOV-3 and UPN36T. Transfection of CD44H cDNA into weakly binding OVC-3 cells restored significant mesothelial binding which was partly blocked by anti-CD44 antibody. These data suggest that the expression of CD44 is necessary but not sufficient for mediating attachment of ovarian cancer cells to mesothelium. Although CD44 variants may constitute the major CD44 species in certain ovarian cancer cell lines, it appears that these CD44 species are not always capable of mediating significant binding to mesothelium or hyaluronate. Rather, an adequate level of CD44H is the critical determinant of binding in this system. The role of CD44 variants in the process of ovarian cancer metastasis will require further investigation.  相似文献   

The authors investigated factors that may determine whether perpetrators of violent crime develop intrusive memories of their offense. Of 105 young offenders who were convicted of killing or seriously harming others, 46% reported distressing intrusive memories, and 6% had posttraumatic stress disorder. Intrusions were associated with lower antisocial beliefs before the assault, greater helplessness, fear, dissociation, data-driven processing and lack of self-referent processing during the assault, more disorganized assault narratives, and greater negative view of the self, negative interpretations of intrusive memories, perceived permanent change, and self-blame. In a logistic regression analysis, the cognitive and emotional variables explained substantial variance over and above demographic factors. The results suggest that cognitive factors that predict reexperiencing symptoms in victims of crime generalize to perpetrators. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Laboratory research on the effects of temperature has led P. A. Bell and R. A. Baron (see record 1976-27853-001) to propose a curvilinear model relating negative affect and aggression. Two alternative explanations, one artifactual and the other based on attributions for arousal, are presented that predict a linear relationship between temperature and aggression in real-world settings. Two studies examining the relation of violent crime to ambient temperature over 90 summer days in Chicago and over a 2-yr period in Houston both yielded linear relationships and revealed significant day-of-the-week effects. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines transference in the assessment and treatment of trauma resulting from incidents of adulthood, with particular focus on the experience of victims of violent crime. In furtherance of treating the individual rather than a diagnosis, such as posttraumatic stress disorder, it proposes the term violence-based parataxic distortion (V-PD) to differentiate between projections and distortions based on traumatic experiences of the crime as distinct from transference reactions that relate to past object relationships, specifically with significant others from early development, self-organization, and characterological formation. The interplay between transference reactions, V-PDs, and the real relationship is examined, with illustrations. It is noted that distortions may arise regarding organizations, institutions, and governmental entities, as well as individuals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An experiment to test the hypothesis that psychopathy is associated with deficient passive avoidance learning under punishment. 75 High Pd and 75 Low Pd female undergraduates, equated for intelligence, learned a list of 10 nonsense syllables under 1 of 3 conditions of reinforcement: verbal reward, verbal punishment, and absence of comment by E. Punishment significantly retarded the learning of Low Pd Ss, but not that of High Pd Ss. No significant differences occurred under reward or neutral conditions. The hypothesis was considered confirmed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines countertransference in the assessment and treatment of recovery from traumatic incidents of adulthood, with specific focus on victims of violent crime. It reviews Freud's impediment theory, with particular attention to implications concerning empathic strain and vicarious traumatization. It introduces Wilson and Lindy's Type I Countertransference (avoidance), Type II Countertransference (overidentification), and their respective manifestations. It then proposes a Type III Countertransference (communicative) that applies a more totalistic perspective that utilizes concepts of splitting, projection, projective identification, and intersubjectivity. It differentiates between countertransference orientations to trauma that are content-based or processed-based as well as those that may be figure or ground. Finally, it presents some common countertransference reactions and roles that become enacted and therefore have treatment implications, examines the interaction between therapeutic and real relationships as contributors to those scenarios, and presents case examples. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered a self-report questionnaire to measure lateral preferences (hand, foot, eye, and ear) in 258 male prison inmates (mean age 29.8 yrs) divided into high, medium, and low psychopathy groups on the basis of a 22-item psychopathy checklist. As a group, Ss displayed much the same pattern of lateral preferences as did a normative group of 1,211 male noncriminals described by C. Porac and S. Coren (1981), with the exception that criminals were more likely to be right-side dominant than were noncriminals. The inmate groups did not differ from one another on any of the lateral preference measures, although there was a tendency for the incidence of consistent left-handedness to be higher in the medium than in the high or low psychopathy groups. Lateral preferences were unrelated to type or severity of criminal history or aggressive and violent behavior. Results conflict with models that attempt to use evidence of sinistrality as a basis for global inferences about cerebral dominance and dysfunction in delinquency, criminality, and psychopathy. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Utilized a delayed, differential paradigm to investigate electrodermal, cardiac, and vasomotor conditioning in 18 psychopathic, 18 nonpsychopathic, and 18 "mixed" inmates. 3 tones, each 10 sec. long, were presented 16 times each in random order, alone, or followed by a shock or slide of a nude female. The psychopaths gave very little evidence of differential electrodermal conditioning. However, they acquired differential cardiac and digital vasomotor responses just as readily as did the nonpsychopaths to the CS followed by shock or by slides. Neither group gave any evidence of differential cephalic vasomotor conditioning. The psychopaths exhibited a lower level of tonic electrodermal activity and were less electrodermally responsive than were the other Ss. There were no differences between groups in tonic heart rate or in cardiac or digital vasomotor responsivity. However, the psychopaths responded to shock with cephalic vasodilation while the nonpsychopaths responded with vasoconstriction. (34 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines treatment issues in the assessment and treatment of trauma resulting from incidents of adulthood, as exemplified by the experience of victims of violent crime. Issues addressed include resistance, trauma-engineered identifications, roles based on violence-based parataxic distortions, and recommendations for an integrative ongoing listening perspective. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined whether jail detainees with schizophrenia, major affective disorders, alcohol or drug use disorders, or psychotic symptoms (hallucinations and delusions) are arrested more often for violent crimes 6 yrs after release than are detainees with no disorders. Trained interviewers assessed 728 randomly selected male jail detainees using the National Institute of Mental Health Diagnostic Interview Schedule and then obtained follow-up arrest data for 6 yrs. Neither severe mental disorder nor substance abuse or dependence predicted the probability of arrest or the number of arrests for violent crime. Ss with symptoms of both hallucinations and delusions had a slightly higher number of arrests for violent crime, but not significantly so. These findings held even after controlling for prior violence and age. The findings do not support the stereotype that mentally ill criminals invariably commit violent crimes after they are released. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The hypothesized relation between uncomfortably hot temperatures and aggressive behavior was examined in two studies of violent and nonviolent crime. Data on rates of murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft were gathered from archival sources. The first three crimes listed are violent; the latter four are less violent (labeled nonviolent). On the basis of previous research and theory (Anderson & Anderson, 1984), it was predicted that violent crimes would be more prevalent in the hotter quarters of the year and in hotter years. Furthermore, it was predicted that this temperature–crime relation would be stronger for violent than for nonviolent crime. Study 1 confirmed both predictions. Also, differences among cities in violent crime were predicted to be related to the hotness of cities; this effect was expected to be stronger for violent than for nonviolent crimes. Study 2 confirmed both predictions, even when effects of a variety of social, demographic, and economic variables were statistically removed. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used a tachistoscopic recognition task to test the hypothesis that psychopathy is associated with dysfunction of the dominant hemisphere. 55 prison inmates were divided into groups with high, medium, and low ratings of psychopathy. Ss were required to identify 3-letter words presented in a vertical arrangement either in the left visual half field (LVF) or the right visual half field (RVF) 1.5° from a central fixation point. Each of 24 words was presented twice, once in each visual half field, at an exposure time of 80 msec. The exposure time was then shortened to 40 msec, and a 2nd set of 24 words was presented twice, once in each visual half field. In general, words presented in the RVF were more readily identified than those presented in the LVF. There was no evidence that psychopathy was associated with any deficit in RVF performance even when handedness and writing position were taken into account. Further, based on responses to a laterality questionnaire, there were no group differences in "left-sidedness." Results do not support the hypothesis of dominant hemisphere dysfunction in psychopathy. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Factor analysis of a measure of psychopathy was conducted in a sample of 95 clinic-referred children between the ages of 6 and 13 yrs. These analyses revealed 2 dimensions of behavior, one associated with impulsivity and conduct problems (I/CP) and one associated with the interpersonal and motivational aspects of psychopathy (callous/unemotional: CU). In a subset of this sample (n?=?64), analyses indicated that scores on the I/CP factor were highly associated with traditional measures of conduct problems. In contrast, scores derived from the CU factor were only moderately associated with measures of conduct problems and exhibited a different pattern of associations on several criteria that have been associated with psychopathy (e.g., sensation seeking) or childhood antisocial behavior (e.g., low intelligence, poor school achievement, and anxiety). These analyses suggest that psychopathic personality features and conduct problems are independent, yet interacting, constructs in children, analogous to findings in the adult literature. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Determined the comorbidity of psychopathy and alexithymia in 37 female inmates of a medium-security prison. The authors also investigated the association between psychopathy and alexithymia with the use of affective language in response to questions about an emotional event, and with their propensity for violence. The extent of psychopathy and alexithymia were assessed with the Hare Psychopathy Checklist—Revised (PCL-R) and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS), respectively. Using standard cutoff scores, 30% were identified as psychopaths, and 32% as alexithymics. Three Ss were both psychopaths and alexithymics. The correlation between PCL-R and TAS total scores was not significant, but the socially deviant impulsive factor of the PCL-R significantly correlated with the TAS items that reflect inability to discriminate feelings and bodily sensations. Alexithymia, but not psychopathy, was negatively related to measures of affective speech content. Both psychopathy and alexithymia were associated with a history of violence. In spite of several manifest similarities, psychopathy and alexithymia appear to be different clinical constructs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Made physiological recordings while 16 psychopaths (P), 16 nonpsychopaths (NP), and 16 "mixed" (M) Ss received a saline injection, followed 15 min. later by an adrenalin injection. Tonic skin conductance of Group NP was generally greater than that of Groups M and P, a difference that increased throughout the course of the experiment. There were no significant group differences in tonic heart rate (HR), respiration rate, blink rate, or electromyogram (EMG) activity. Both saline and adrenalin injections produced sharp increases in skin conductance, blink rate, digital vasoconstriction, and EMG activity, but these changes were more persistent with adrenalin. Adrenalin also produced large and prolonged increases in HR, while saline had virtually no effect. There were no significant differences between groups in responsivity except in electrodermal activity the increases in skin conductance following saline and adrenalin were smaller in Group P than in Group NP. Physiological responses given by each group were unrelated to scores on the Activity Preference Questionnaire. Results do not support earlier claims that psychopaths show extreme cardiac lability in response to adrenalin, but are consistent with the view that psychopaths are electrodermally hypoactive. (25 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To examine the role of cognitive-affective appraisals and childhood abuse as predictors of crime-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, 157 victims of violent crime were interviewed within 1 month postcrime and 6 months later. Measures within 1 month postcrime included previous physical and sexual abuse in childhood and responses to the current crime, including shame and anger with self and others. When all variables were considered together, shame and anger with others were the only independent predictors of PTSD symptoms at 1 month, and shame was the only independent predictor of PTSD symptoms at 6 months when 1-month symptoms were controlled. The results suggest that both shame and anger play an important role in the phenomenology of crime-related PTSD and that shame makes a contribution to the subsequent course of symptoms. The findings are also consistent with previous evidence for the role of shame as a mediator between childhood abuse and adult psychopathology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that behavioral aspects of psychopathy are associated with suicidal behavior, whereas the affective and interpersonal aspects are not. The authors tested the robustness of this bifurcated association across 1,711 persons and 12 samples of adult and juvenile criminal offenders, forensic psychiatric patients, and civil psychiatric patients. The authors observed a small but significant partial correlation (.13) between the behavioral/impulsive lifestyle features of psychopathy and suicidality, but no effect for affective/interpersonal features. Several method and sample features (mental disorder; psychopathy and suicidality measurement format) significantly strengthened or weakened this association. The authors conclude that it is not possible to speak of "the" association between psychopathy and suicide, but that this relationship appears to be partially dependent on methodological (i.e., self-report vs. clinician-administered psychopathy measures) and sample composition (i.e., age; mental illness) factors. Recommendations for practice are provided, including that clinicians should not consider psychopathy a buffer against suicidal behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) is a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of psychopathy in criminal populations. Although it was designed to measure a unitary construct, the instrument has been shown to comprise several factors. To determine whether the PCL contains a factor structure that is stable and replicable, we factor-analyzed data from six samples of male prison inmates (N?=?1,119) in Canada, the United States, and England. Split-half cross-validation and analysis of congruence coefficients indicated that a two-factor solution could be replicated in all six samples. Factor 1 was defined by core personality traits, including superficiality; habitual lying and manipulation; callousness; and lack of affect, guilt, remorse, and empathy. Factor 2 was defined by a chronically unstable and antisocial lifestyle. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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