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Peritoneal exudative and alveolar macrophages secrete a nonlysosomal neutral protease which hydrolyses particulate elastin suspended in agar. A variety of particles were administered to macrophages in culture to determine their effect on the secretion of this elastase. Among the particles were silica, two types of asbestos, and kaolinite--all minerals implicated in the production of lung diseases accompanied by reorganization of connective tissue. Peritoneal exudative macrophages increased their secretion of elastase in response to phagocytosis of all the pathogenic particles examined. The increase, however, was not as great as that observed with latex beads, the most inert particles. Although these same particle types were phagocytized by cultured alveolar macrophages, none of them augmented the elastase secretion of alveolar macrophages above the resting level, and many decreased it. The lessened stimulation of elastase secretion by peritoneal macrophages and the decrease in the resting level of elastase secretion of alveolar macrophages probably reflect the cytotoxicity of the particles.  相似文献   

Bacterial surface hydrophobicity (SH) plays a role in adhesion of bacteria to host surfaces and ingestion by phagocytic cells. Streptococcus dysgalactiae (n = 60) isolated from bovine intramammary infections were examined for expression of SH after growth in Todd-Hewitt broth (THB) and THB supplemented with skim milk, whey, lactose, and casein. Strains were significantly more hydrophobic after growth in THB and THB plus whey and more hydrophilic after growth in THB plus skim milk. Both trypsin and proteinase K abolished SH in three strains tested. Mild pepsin treatment had little effect on SH, while heat treatment at 70 degrees or 80 degrees C abolished SH in two strains tested. A hydrophilic strain of S. dysgalactiae did not adhere as well to bovine mammary epithelial cells as a hydrophobic strain. Trypsin treatment significantly reduced adherence of a hydrophobic strain of S. dysgalactiae to epithelial cells while adherence of a hydrophilic strain remained unaltered. A hydrophilic strain of S. dysgalactiae was significantly more resistant to phagocytosis by bovine mammary gland macrophages than a hydrophobic strain. Differences in expression of SH may play an important role in determining the ability of S. dysgalactiae to establish successfully within the mammary gland.  相似文献   

This study was performed to explore whether alveolar macrophage (AM) phagocytosis would be impaired during endotoxemia. Therefore, we characterized in vivo AM phagocytic function in rats following either intravenous (i.v.) or intratracheal (i.t.) administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The i.v. administration of LPS to rats at dosages of 0, 1, 2, and 5 mg/kg showed that increasing LPS doses were significantly associated with increased AM phagocytosis of 198Au colloid (P < .01), decreased recovery of AMs in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) (P = .017), no significant differences in neutrophil recovery by lavage (P = .15), or in the concentration of albumin in BAL (P = .14). Across the dosages of LPS administered i.t. (i.e., 0, 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg), there was no difference in AM phagocytosis (P = .29), a significant decrease in AM recovery (P = .002), a significant increase in neutrophil number (P = .01), and little effect on the concentration of albumin (P = .06). Thus, we found that the administration of endotoxin to rats did not impair in vivo AM phagocytic function. In fact, our findings suggest that the i.v. administration of LPS may increase AM phagocytosis of 198Au.  相似文献   

Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) specimens (n = 213) from AIDS and non-HIV immunosuppressed patients were investigated for the presence of Pneumocystis carinii infection by fluorescence microscopy of Papanicolaou-stained slides. Alveolar casts, extracellular pneumocysts and phagocytosed cysts and their degradation products in pulmonary alveolar macrophages were identified. The number of phagocytosed pneumocysts within human pulmonary alveolar macrophages was recorded and correlated with the number of extracellular cysts and alveolar casts, in both groups of patients. Both phagocytic and degradation capacity were depressed in AIDS patients. This observation may explain the large number of extracellular organisms found in BAL specimens of AIDS patients compared with non-HIV-positive immunocompromised individuals.  相似文献   

We evaluated the ability of human pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAMs) to mediate (3H)-thymidine incorporation by blood lymphocytes severely depleted of monocytes when stimulated with soluble microbial and allogeneic lymphocyte antigens. Low (less than 2%) concentrations of PAM's from nonsmokers or blood monocytes did not support optimal responses. Over all, at greater than or equal to 10% concentrations, PAM's from nonsmokers supported higher responses than monocytes. At less than or equal to 10% concentrations, PAM's from heavy cigarette smokers mediated significantly less incorporation than did similar concentrations of PAM's from nonsmokers (p less than 0.05). The findings indicate that PAM's from healthy nonsmokers are functionally competent macrophages in terms of mediating lymphoproliferation in cultures stimulated with antigens. This classical macrophage function is impaired with cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

The work was conducted on Wistar rats who had received orally the xenobiotic hexachlorocyclohexane (HClCH) in different doses. The sizes of the alveolar macrophages and type II pneumocytes as well as the parameters of macrophage phagocytosis were studies. Administration of HClCH in subtoxic doses not exceeding the pesticide residues in the food in the first two months stimulated synthesis of the surfactant and its phagocytosis by the alveolar macrophages; further administration of the primer led to exhaustion of the cell function. A toxic HClCH dose induced synchronous stimulation of the functional interaction of the alveolar macrophages and type II pneumocytes by the end of the second month. Synthesis of the surfactant and its phagocytosis were stabilized in the period of the after-effect of the drug.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the morphological and functional changes of pulmonary alveolar macrophages of rats after splenectomy, and the applied effects of splenic tissue autotransplantation in practice. METHODS: 87 Wistar rats were randomly divided into shamoperation group, splenectomy group and splenic tissue autotransplantation group. Six months after splenectomy, alveolar macrophges were subjected to brochoalveolar lavage described by Shennib. The dynamic survival and adherent rate of alveolar macrophages in culture, lysosomal enzyme content, hydrogen peroxide production and expression level of interleukin 1 (IL-1) activity of alveolar macrophages were quantitatively measured. The alveolar macrophages ultrastructure was observed by utilizing transmission electron microscope. RESULTS: The splenectomized rat's alveolar macrophages were different from alveolar macrophages of sham-operated rats. Their surface filopodia was reduced and shortened, lysosome fewer and its acid phosphatase quantity decreased, adherence postponed, hydrogen peroxide production and expression of IL-1 activity impaired. Splenic tissue autotransplantation fairly restored the splenic effects on maturation and function of alveolar macrophages. CONCLUSION: Splenic tissue autotransplantation is a simple useful operation for preserving splenic function after splenectomy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare two types of cyclosporin (Cs) particles, SDZ OXL 400 and SDZ IMM 125, the latter being more hydrophilic, to understand their uptake by airway macrophages. Alveolar macrophages (AM), harvested by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) of hamster lungs, were cultured with two different doses (0.1 mg and 0.5 mg) for 1 h, 6 h, and 24 h. Control incubations without Cs particles or with latex particles were carried out simultaneously. Cell viability, cell activation (i.e., respiratory burst, interleukin-6 (IL-6) synthesis) and mean volume of particles phagocytosed per macrophage were measured. Both types of Cs particles did not modify the AM viability, and failed to induce IL-6 synthesis during phagocytosis but slightly decreased the cell oxidative respiratory burst. The comparison between SDZ OXL 400 and SDZ IMM 125 showed that for the lower dose the mean volume of both Cs types phagocytosed was similar at 1 h and 6 h. At 24 h an increase of the mean volume phagocytosed was seen for SDZ IMM 125 but not for SDZ OXL 400. For the higher dose the mean volume of SDZ IMM 125 phagocytosed was higher than SDZ OXL 400 at 1 h and 6 h and comparable for both types at 24 h. SDZ IMM 125 particles were phagocytosed more rapidly than SDZ OXL 400. The mean volume of phagocytosed latex particles increased with time and dose and was higher than for both Cs particle types. In conclusion, AM were seen to phagocytose particles of different physical properties (i.e., form, size, and shape), chemical properties (i.e., inert or peptidic) and degrees of hydrophilicity in a different manner.  相似文献   

The macrophage mannose receptor, a pattern recognition molecule and component of innate immunity, mediates binding and phagocytosis of Pneumocystis carinii and likely represents an important clearance mechanism in the lungs of immunocompetent hosts. The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of alveolar macrophages from HIV-infected individuals to bind and phagocytose P. carinii, and to investigate the role of the macrophage mannose receptor in mediating this interaction. Compared with healthy individuals, alveolar macrophage phagocytosis of P. carinii from HIV+ persons was reduced up to 74% (P = 0.02), primarily reflecting a reduction in the number of organisms associated with each macrophage (P = 0.019). Furthermore, macrophages from HIV+ individuals demonstrated up to an 80% (P < 0.05) reduction in mannose receptor surface expression and endocytosis. Mannose receptor affinity was unaltered, and mRNA levels were modestly reduced (P < 0.05). Cells from HIV+ individuals with CD4(+) counts < 200 cells/mm3 (representing individuals at high clinical risk for P. carinii pneumonia) demonstrated the lowest levels of P. carinii phagocytosis and mannose receptor endocytosis. In vitro HIV infection of alveolar macrophages from healthy individuals reduced mannose receptor endocytosis to 53.2% (P < 0.05) and P. carinii binding and phagocytosis to 67.4% (P < 0.05) of control. Our studies suggest that HIV infection may alter innate immunity in the lungs, and that impaired alveolar macrophage mannose receptor-mediated binding and phagocytosis of P. carinii may contribute to the susceptibility of HIV-infected individuals to this opportunistic pulmonary pathogen.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrocortisone on the phagocytosis and intracellular killing by mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro was studied by a method making it possible to measure these processes separately. The results showed that in vivo treatment with 15 mg of hydrocortisone acetate did not significantly decrease the phagocytosis of several bacterial species such as Staphylococcus albus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The killing indexes of normal macrophages for the various microorganisms were found to be significantly different. This may indicate that the bactericidal mechanisms are not uniform for these bacteria. The effect of hydrocortisone on the intracellular killing was also variable. For Staphylococcus albus a normal killing index was found. For the other species of bacterial and for Candida albicans some decrease was found, but this was only significant for Salmonella typhimurium. It is concluded that a decrease host resistance due to glucocorticosterioid treatment is not caused by a direct effect of these drugs on the phagocytosis and intracellular killing by mononuclear phagocytes.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant-specific protein, SP-C, isolated from porcine lung lavage, has been deacylated to investigate the role of the two thioester linked palmitoyl chains located near the N-terminus. Surface thermodynamic properties, secondary structure, and orientation of native and deacylated SP-C in 1, 2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) monolayers has been characterized by combined surface pressure-molecular area (pi-A) isotherms and infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) measurements. The isotherms indicate that deacylation of SP-C produces more fluid monolayers at pressures less than 30 mN m-1. The helical secondary structure and tilt angle (70-80 degrees relative to the surface normal) of SP-C remained essentially unchanged upon deacylation in DPPC monolayers at a surface pressure approximately 30 mN m-1. The results are consistent with a model that acylation of SP-C may influence the rapid protein-aided spreading of a surface-associated surfactant reservoir, but not the structure of DPPC or SP-C in the monolayer at higher surface pressures.  相似文献   

1. In the present study, we evaluated the role of repeated administration on conditioning place preference (CPP) induced by fencamfamine (FCF) in male rats. 2. Repeated FCF (3.5 mg/kg) or saline once or daily for ten consecutive days enhanced sniffing duration and decreased locomotion and rearing duration. 3. At the 3.5 mg/kg dose, FCF produced a significant place-preference effect. 4. Repeated exposures to FCF intensified its reinforcing properties. 5. These results suggest that repeated FCF administration sensitizes its rewarding effects, as with other addictive substances.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages (AM) obtained from F344 rats were rendered tumoricidal by incubation in vitro with cellfree culture supernatant fluids rich in macrophage-activating factor (MAF) activity harvested from mitogen-stimulated F344 rat lymphocytes. AM activated by this procedure destroyed syngeneic, allogeneic, and xenogeneic tumor cells but were not cytotoxic for nonneoplastic cells. MAF was encapsulated in multilamellar lipid vesicles (liposomes) and its ability to render AM tumoricidal was compared with that of free (unencapsulated) MAF. Liposome-encapsulated MAF rendered AM cytotoxic at concentrations up to 16,000 times lower than free MAF. These data demonstrate that AM can respond in vitro to lymphokines and that MAF encapsulated within liposomes is far more efficient in rendering AM tumoridical than free MAF.  相似文献   

The effects of pentoxifylline (POX) on macrophage migration and myelin uptake were studied in an in vitro model of myelin phagocytosis. The POX is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor which inhibits TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor alpha) production and reduces ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1) expression by macrophages. Both of these molecules have earlier been shown to be involved in the process of myelin recognition and degradation. In the present series of experiments, cocultured peripheral nerves and macrophages were treated with different concentrations of POX. Untreated controls were massively invaded by macrophages which ingested the degenerating myelin sheaths. High concentrations of POX (100 microg ml(-1)) inhibited macrophage invasion of the nerves. Lower POX concentrations (50 microg ml(-1)), in contrast, lead to an increased myelin uptake by phagocytic cells without affecting macrophage migration. These data indicate that POX may regulate different effector functions of macrophages such as migration and myelin phagocytosis during Wallerian degeneration. This is important for inflammatory demyelinating conditions in the central or peripheral nervous system (PNS) in which macrophages are also important effector cells. Since POX is used as an immunomodulatory drug in demyelinating diseases, its effects on the described macrophage functions may be of high relevance. An increased myelin uptake during Wallerian degeneration may also support a more efficient axonal regeneration by removing axonal outgrowth inhibitors.  相似文献   

In many apoptotic cells, phosphatidylserine (PS), that is normally restricted to the inner membrane layer, is externalized and subsequently recognized by phagocytes. However, it has been unclear whether PS externalization is sufficient for phagocytosis induction. In a cultured cell line undergoing Fas-mediated apoptosis, PS externalization preceded other apoptotic events. When transbilayer movement of membrane phospholipids was analyzed, a decrease of the uptake of PS and phosphatidylethanolamine and an increase of phosphatidylcholine incorporation were observed upon apoptosis induction. Apoptotic cultured cells were phagocytosed by macrophages in a manner dependent on externalized PS before plasma membrane permeability increased. Moreover, a N-ethylmaleimide treatment caused PS externalization independent of apoptosis, and such cells underwent PS-mediated phagocytosis. These results suggested that PS is externalized as a result of membrane phospholipid redistribution and externalized PS by itself induces apoptosing cell phagocytosis.  相似文献   

A vaccine that uses a live, attenuated human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may offer the best hope of a vaccine against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A recent improvement should increase the safety of the live-virus approach: a "suicide gene" inserted into the viral RNA, which causes infected cells to die when treated with ganciclovir. We envision using this strategy not only to prevent AIDS, but also to treat it.  相似文献   

Due to their resistance to classical chemotherapies, most human colorectal cancers have a high incidence and a poor prognosis. Immunotherapy using interleukin 2 (IL2) has provided disappointing results in the treatment of these cancers. Recently, however, we have demonstrated that a treatment combining a cell-differentiating agent, sodium butyrate (NaBut) with IL2 resulted in a remission of established peritoneal colorectal carcinomatosis in rats. Separately, neither NaBut nor IL2 treatment cured these tumour-bearing rats. NaBut is known to induce cell differentiation and subsequent apoptosis in epithelial cells, while IL2 stimulates the immune cells capable of participating in tumour rejection. We postulated that the significant therapeutic effect of NaBut/IL2 treatment could be attributed to a NaBut-induced increase in the immunogenicity of the cancer cells. We report here that NaBut induced an apoptotic process in rat colon tumour cells in vivo and in vitro. We observed, in an efficient cure, colocalization of apoptotic bodies and monocytes/macrophages at the periphery of the tumour. We propose that these apoptotic bodies are phagocytosed in vivo by the macrophages. We also showed in vitro that a subpopulation of macrophages involved in the phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells expresses cell surface molecules associated with antigen presentation and stimulates the proliferation of naive splenocytes. Our data suggest that therapies that recruit massive induction of the apoptotic process in tumour cells could favour tumour antigen presentation via their specific phagocytosis by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). We propose that the development of specific therapies that stimulate both tumour cell apoptosis and the immune system could offer new opportunities in anti-cancer treatments of poorly immunogenic cancer cells.  相似文献   

Research conducted primarily over the past 5-8 years on the psychosocial effects of pediatric chronic physical disorders on children and their families is reviewed. A large body of studies show that both children and their mothers, as groups, are at increased risk for psychosocial adjustment problems compared to peers, but that there is considerable individual variation in outcome. Since the last review on this topic (Eiser, 1990a), many studies have been conducted to identify risk and resistance factors associated with differences in adjustment among these children and their mothers. Improvements are noted in the theoretical basis for this work, programmatic nature of some of the research, and efforts at producing clinically relevant information. Evaluations of interventions, however, are lagging. Critical issues and future directions regarding developmental approaches, theory, method, measurement, and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

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