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1. The metabolism of debrisoquine sulphate in the dog has been studied and is similar to that in rat and man. 2. Two acidic urinary metabolites, shown to be present in rat, dog and man, have been isolated from rat urine. After derivatization they were characterized by n.m.r. and mass spectroscopy as methyl 2-[2-(4,6-dimethylpyrimidylamino)-methyl]-phenylacetate and 2-[2-(4,6-dimethylpyrimidylamino)-ethyl]benzoate.  相似文献   

Considers C. J. Herrick's 1924 suggestion that primates possess diminished olfactory capabilities compared with other mammals. This is true for absolute detection threshold of odors by the dog and the rat; but data on the differential threshold for odor concentration change are available only for man and the pigeon. By the method of conditioned suppression the differential threshold of 7 Charles River CDF rats was found to be greater than that for man (.5 vs .1 log units, respectively). It appears that Herrick's opinion was in error for at least this 1 parameter of the primate olfactory system. In addition, evidence points to a significant role of olfaction in primate behavior. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The branched-chain fatty acid phytanic acid is a constituent of the diet, present in diary products, meat and fish. Degradation of this fatty acid in the human body is preceded by activation to phytanoyl-CoA and starts with one cycle of alpha-oxidation. Intermediates in this pathway are 2-hydroxy-phytanoyl-CoA and pristanal; the product is pristanic acid. After activation, pristanic acid is degraded by peroxisomal beta-oxidation. Several disorders have been described in which phytanic acid accumulates, in some cases in combination with pristanic acid. In classical Refsum disease, the enzyme that converts phytanoyl-CoA into 2-hydroxyphytanoyl-CoA--phytanoyl-CoA hydroxylase--is deficient, resulting in highly elevated levels of phytanic acid in blood and tissues. Also in rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata, phytanic acid accumulates, owing to a deficiency in the peroxisomal import of proteins with a peroxisomal targeting sequence type 2. In patients affected with generalized peroxisomal disorders, degradation of both phytanic acid and pristanic acid is impaired owing to absence of functional peroxisomes. In bifunctional protein deficiency, the disturbed oxidation of pristanic acid results in elevated levels of this fatty acid and a secondary elevation of phytanic acid. In addition, several variant peroxisomal disorders with unknown aetiology have been described in which phytanic acid and/or pristanic acid accumulate. This review describes the discovery of phytanic acid and pristanic acid and the initial attempts to elucidate the origins and fates of these fatty acids. The current knowledge on the alpha-oxidation and beta-oxidation of these branched-chain fatty acids is summarized. The disorders in which phytanic acid and/or pristanic acid accumulate are described and some remarks are made on the pathogenic mechanisms of elevated levels of phytanic acid and pristanic acid.  相似文献   

Folate metabolism was studied in normal, folate-deficient and alcoholic man by tracer measurements of plasma clearance, urinary excretion, tissue storage and release of folate using both [3H]pteroylglutamic acid (3H-PteGlu) and 14C-methyl-H4PteGlu. Alcohol ingestion did not adversely affect tissue uptake of folates. Whether in normal or folate deficient subjects, the relative clearance rates of 3H-PteGlu and 14C-methyl-H4PteGlu were maintained in the face of alcohol ingestion and there was no evidence of increased urinary loss of intact vitamin or labelled breakdown products. As measured by the flushing technique, the rate of storage or tissue binding of 3H-PteGlu was not influenced by folate deficiency, folate store depletion or alcohol ingestion. However, alcohol may retard the release of methyl-H4PteGlu from tissue stores to plasma. A significantly greater recovery of 14C-methyl-H4PteGly with flush was observed in those normal subjects who ingested alcohol for 6 d. A partial block in the rate of release of tissue folate stores would be a possible mechanism behind the rapid depression in serum methyl-H4PteGlu levels and early induction of megaloblastic erythropoiesis which has been observed following acute alcohol ingestion.  相似文献   

1. The metabolism of irsogladine (ISG) was studied in hepatic microsomes from the rat, dog, monkey and man, and marked species differences were observed in N-oxidation of ISG. The rank order of the activity of the N-oxidation was shown to be man < monkey < dog < rat. 2. Anti-NADPH-P450 reductase antibody inhibited the formation of the N-oxidized metabolite of ISG (ISG-N-oxide) in hepatic microsomes from rats by 74%. Anti-CYP2C11 antibody also inhibited the formation of ISG-N-oxide in hepatic microsomes from rat by 73%, whereas anti-CYP2E1, 3A2 and 4A1 antibody did not inhibit N-oxidation. Thus, CYP2C11 in the rat is at least partially responsible for the N-oxidation of ISG in the rat. 3. Anti-CYP2C11 antibody also inhibited the formation of ISG-N-oxide in hepatic microsomes from the dog and monkey by 61 and 46% respectively. Therefore, a isoform(s) similar to CYP2C11 partially contributed to the N-oxidation of ISG in the dog and monkey. In contrast, human CYP2C9, a member of the human CYP2C subfamily, did not catalyse the N-oxidation of ISG. 4. These findings show that the marked species difference in the N-oxidation of ISG is caused by the difference in the catalytic properties of CYP2C among the species examined.  相似文献   

The effect of cimetidine on human microsomal drug metabolism was studied. In five of six healthy volunteers therapeutic doses of cimetidine prolonged the half-life of antipyrine (range 12-37%; p < 0.05). Its clearance was decreased in five subjects (range 2-18%) and was increased in one subject (15%), the changes not being statistically significant. The volume of distribution increased on average by about 14% (range 9--19%; p < 0.001). Cimetidine in vitro inhibited the hydroxylation of benzo(a)pyrene and coumarin, as well as the O-deethylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin, by homogenised liver biopsies. The in vitro studies suggest that the effect of cimetidine on antipyrine elimination is due to inhibition of microsomal drug metabolism, which may prove an important drug interaction.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid and hepatic drug metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous in vivo studies indicate that hepatic microsomal drug metabolism decreases in ascorbic acid deficiency and is augmented when high supplements of the vitamin are given to guinea pigs. Kinetic studies with O-demethylase indicate no significant change in the apparent Km of p-nitroanisole in normal, ascorbic acid-deficient animals, or in animals given high supplements of ascorbic acid. The decrease in drug metabolism activity caused by ascorbic acid deficiency is not due to increased lipid peroxidation, nor was phosphatidyl choline significantly altered quantitatively or qualitatively in microsomes from ascorbic acid-deficient animals. Microsomal cytochrome P-450 prepared from ascorbic acid-deficient livers is less stable to sonication, dialysis and treatment with metal chelators. The decrease in cytochrome P-450 and O-demethylase activity associated with dialysis could be prevented by the addition of ascorbic acid. The molar ratio of microsomal ascorbic acid to cytochrome P-450 (plus P-420) is in the order of 2:1. This ratio is maintained during ascorbic acid deficiency in liver and adrenal tissue, during dialysis, on storage and with a partial purification of the cytochrome, which suggests a close association between ascorbic acid and the cytochrome. In addition, ascorbic acid protects cytochrome P-450 and aniline hydroxy lase activity from inhibition by ferrous iron chelators such as alpha, alpha'-dipyridyl. The chelator binds to cytochrome P-450 and prevents formation of the reduced cytochrome P-450-CO spectrum; it in turn gives a reduced spectrum with the cytochrome at 450 nm. These studies suggest that there is an interaction between ascorbic acid and cytochrome P-450 involving the reduced form of the heme iron.  相似文献   

Studies in animals have shown that many environmental pollutants induce the synthesis or inhibit the activity of microsomal mixed-function oxygenases that metabolize drugs, carcinogens and normal body constituents such as steroid hormones. These effects on microsomal enzyme activity alter the duration and intensity of action of foreign and endogenous chemicals in animals, and such effects on metabolism may influence the carcinogenicity of some pollutants in man. Studies on the effects of environmental chemicals on drug metabolism in man are sparse. Exposure of humans to DDT or lindane in a pesticide factory results in an enhanced rate of metabolism of antipyrine and phenylbutazone and an increased urinary excretion of 6-beta-hydroxycortisol. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons present in cigarette smoke, in charcoal-broiled meats, and in polluted city air are potent inducers of drug-metabolizing enzymes in animals. In humans, cigarette smoking stimulates the activity of placental enzymes that metabolize several drugs and carcinogens. In addition, cigarette smokers metabolize phenacetin, theophylline, and other drugs more rapidly in vivo than nonsmokers. Dietary factors are important in the regulation of drug metabolism in animals and man. Feeding rats brussels sprouts or cabbage stimulates the intestinal and hepatic metabolism of drugs in animals. This effect is caused, at least in part, by certain indoles normally present in these vegetables. The feeding of a charcoal-broiled beef diet to rats stimulates the metabolism of phenacetin in vitro, and a similar diet stimulates the in vivo metabolism of phenacetin in man. It is likely that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are the major inducers in charcoal-broiled beef.  相似文献   

1. The disposition and metabolic fate of 14C-granisetron, a novel 5-HT3 antagonist, was studied in rat, dog, and male human volunteers after intravenous and oral administration. 2. Complete absorption occurred from the gastrointestinal tract following oral dosing, but bioavailability was reduced by first-pass metabolism in all three species. 3. There were no sex-specific differences observed in radiometabolite patterns in rat or dog and there was no appreciable change in disposition with dose between 0.25 and 5 mg/kg in rat and 0.25 and 10 mg/kg in dog. Additionally, there were no large differences in disposition associated with route of administration in rat, dog and man. 4. In rat and dog, 35-41% of the dose was excreted in urine and 52-62% in faeces, via the bile. Metabolites were largely present as glucuronide and sulphate conjugates, together with numerous minor polar metabolites. In man, about 60% of dosed radioactivity was excreted in urine and 36% in faeces after both intravenous and oral dosing. Unchanged granisetron was only excreted in urine (5-25% of dose). 5. The major metabolites were isolated and identified by MS spectroscopy and nmr. In rat, the dominant routes of biotransformation after both intravenous and oral dosing were 5-hydroxylation and N1-demethylation, followed by the formation of conjugates which were the major metabolites in urine, bile and plasma. In dog and man the major metabolite was 7-hydroxy-granisetron, with lesser quantities of the 6,7-dihydrodiol and/or their conjugates.  相似文献   

1 The pharmacokinetics of metoclopramide have been studied in eight normal male volunteers. 2 The mean plasma beta half-life was 156.7 min after i.v. administration of 10 mg metoclopramide. 3 After oral dosing of 10 mg the mean half-life was 196.6 min and after 20 mg 317.5 min (P less than 0.05). 4 Bioavailability of a 10 mg oral dose of metoclopramide varied between 32 and 97%. 5 A major urinary metabolite was metoclopramide-N-4-sulphate and the amounts of conjugates appearing in urine to 24 h correlated significantly with the bioavailability. 6 In the dog the metabolic fate of metoclopramide is different to man with conjugation being a minor metabolic pathway. The half-life in the dog does not appear to be dose dependent. 7 The wide differences in bioavailability of metoclopramide in man may contribute to the unpredictable occurrence of side effects.  相似文献   

1. 14C-546C88 (14C-L-NG-methylarginine hydrochloride) was administered to rat and dog as a single 5-min intravenous infusion at 1.7 mg/kg (20 mg/kg/h) to aid in the preclinical safety evaluation of the compound. 2. The distribution and elimination of parent compound from plasma was rapid in both species. 3. Drug-derived radioactivity was eliminated slowly. There was up to 39% of the dose retained in the carcasses at the end of the 7-day collection periods. The main route of elimination was as 14CO2 in the expired air. Less than 8% of the dose was excreted in the urine, and < 5% in the faeces. 4. Drug derived radioactivity was widely distributed throughout the body with highest concentrations in tissues with a high protein turnover, such as glandular tissue and liver. 5. 14C-546C88 appeared to be eliminated primarily by metabolism and subsequent putative amino acid catabolism, resulting in retention of drug-derived radioactivity in tissues, and ultimate elimination as 14CO2 in the expired air. Potential routes of metabolism of 546C88 have been identified.  相似文献   

Fatty acid metabolism was investigated in adult male albino rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia at 25,000 ft simulated altitude for 6 h at 32 degrees C. Oxidation and esterification of palmitic acid-1-14C and de novo lipogenesis from acetate-1-14C were studied. Palmitic acid-1-14C oxidation in liver slices was normal while acetoacetate formation was increased. In vivo esterification of palmitic acid-1-14C to form triglycerides was increased while formation of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine was observed to decrease. Decreased incorporation into plasma phosphatidylcholine with unaltered total activity in plasma triglycerides was observed. The incorporation of acetate-1-14C was observed to remain unaltered in triglycerides and phospholipids of liver with a similar pattern in the plasma indicating unaltered de novo lipogenesis. There appears to be increased esterification of fatty acids with probably impaired release of triglycerides into plasma while fatty acid biosynthesis remains unaffected.  相似文献   

There is evidence that during lactation, uptake of the essential branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) by mammary glands exceeds their output in milk protein. In this study, we have measured the potential of lactating rats to catabolize BCAA. The activity, relative protein and specific mRNA levels of the first two enzymes in the BCAA catabolic pathway, branched-chain aminotransferase (BCAT) and branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKD), were measured in mammary gland, liver and skeletal muscle obtained from rat dams at peak lactation (12 d), from rat dams 24 h after weaning at peak lactation and from age-matched virgin controls. Western analysis showed that the mitochondrial BCATm isoenzyme was found in mammary gland. Comparison of lactating and control rats revealed that tissue BCATm activity, protein and mRNA were at least 10-fold higher in mammary tissue during lactation. Values were 1.3- to 1. 9-fold higher after 24 h of weaning. In mammary gland of lactating rats, the BCKD complex was fully active. In virgin controls and weaning dams, only about 20% of the complex was in the active state. Hypertrophy of the liver and mammary gland during lactation resulted in a 73% increase in total oxidative capacity in lactating rats. The results are consistent with increased expression of the BCATm gene in the mammary gland during lactation, whereas oxidation appears to be regulated primarily by changes in activity state (phosphorylation state) of BCKD.  相似文献   

The urinary metabolites of N-(2-phenyl-2-isoamyloxy) ethyl-pyrrolidine-hydrochloride (amixetrine) studied in man and in the dog demonstrated a comparable mode of transformation of the drugs for both species. The principal metabolites of amixetrine isolated from urine and purified with the aid of chromatographic techniques were identified by IR, NMR and mass spectrometry. Untransformed amixetrine and (1,2-phenyl-1-hydroxy)ethylpyrrolidine were found in small quantities. In man, as in the dog, the principal metabolite coming from an omega-1-oxidation of the isoamyl chain corresponded to 2-phenyl-2-butoxy-(3-methyl-3-ol)ethyl-pyrrolidine.  相似文献   

Morphine withdrawal was precipitated by injection of various morphine antagonists into restricted parts of the ventricular system or by microinjection of levallorphan into specific brain areas of rats made dependent on morphine by repeated pellet implantation. When the antagonists could spread only within the lateral ventricles and the 3rd ventricle, a weak withdrawal syndrome was induced; by antagonist administration into the restricted 4th ventricle, however, strong withdrawal signs like jumping were elicited even at small dosages. In microinjection experiments, structures in the midbrain and the lower brain stem proved to be the most sensitive to antagonist action. Although microinjections into thalamic nuclei also had some effect, it could not be excluded that the effects were due to uncontrolled spreading of the drug. This became especially clear from experiments with tritium-labeled levallorphan. It is concluded that brain structures located in the anterior parts of the floor of the 4th ventricle and/or caudal parts of the periaqueductal gray matter are important sites of action for the development of physical dependence on morphine.  相似文献   

Human, rat, and dog phase I and phase II xenobiotic metabolism in precision-cut liver slices and freshly isolated hepatocytes was compared using a range of substrates. Carbamazepine (50 microM) and styrene (2 mM) were used as probes to study the maintenance of cytochrome P450 and epoxide hydrolase-mediated metabolism in male Sprague-Dawley rat, precision-cut liver slices and hepatocytes. Carbamazepine metabolism in both models resulted in the formation of the bioactive 10,11-epoxide (KM = 766 microM and Vmax = 2.5 pmol/min/mg protein in precision-cut slices). Epoxide formation was higher (2.4-fold) in hepatocytes than slices. Styrene was deactivated to styrene diol at a higher rate in hepatocytes (9.7-fold) than slices. The lower rate of metabolism in slices compared with hepatocytes confirms our previous observations using testosterone, 7-ethoxycoumarin, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and 2-(5'-chloro-2'-phosphoryloxyphenyl)-6-chloro-4-(3H)-quinazolinone in the rat. Testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylation in human liver slices was similar to cultured hepatocytes, but lower than in freshly isolated hepatocytes. 7-Ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation was higher in freshly isolated human hepatocytes, as was the ratio of glucuronide to 7-hydroxycoumarin. Testosterone hydroxylations, 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation, and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene conjugation were also lower in male beagle dog slices, compared with freshly isolated hepatocytes. Attempts at long-term preservation of dog liver slices using vitrification and storage for up to 9 days at -196 degrees C resulted in the retention of phase I and phase II metabolism, although conjugation was lower than in freshly prepared slices. Xenobiotic metabolism in short-term incubations is consistently lower in dog and rat precision-cut slices than in freshly isolated hepatocytes; whereas, in humans, this quantitative difference is partly hidden by the large interindividual variation.  相似文献   

In the rat, cyclohexanecarboxylate was metabolized and excreted (mostly in the urine) as hippurate, hexahydrohippurate, 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrohippurate and benzoyl and cyclohexylcarbonyl beta-glucuronides. The pattern of metabolism is dose-dependent. With decreasing dose a progressive increase in the conversion into hippurate occurred. This was largely at the expense of glucuronide formation, although the proportions of hexahydro- and tetrahydro-hippurate were also decreased. The observed formation of hexahydrohippurate and 3,4,5,5-tetrahydrohippurate substantiates the proposed mechanism of aromatization of cyclohexanecarboxylate. It appears that these compounds arise via glycine conjugation of active intermediates in the aromatization process. Hexahydrohippurate and 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrohippurate may occur in the urine of rats as new mitabolities of shikimate, dependent for their formation on microbial metabolism.  相似文献   

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