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碱性固体聚合物电解质(ASPE)是一类全新的电解质,具有质轻、易成膜、粘弹性好和稳定性好等许多无机电解质和有机溶剂电解质不可比拟的性能.本文综述了碱性固体聚合物电解质的种类、离子传导性、提高其性能的途径及其应用,并对其发展前景作了简要的探讨.  相似文献   

针对聚氧化乙烯(PEO)聚合物电解质室温电导率较低的问题,设计掺杂液晶离聚物(LCI)改善PEO/PLA共混相结构以提高聚合物室温电导率。通过差示扫描量热分析、偏光显微镜技术、扫描电子显微镜技术、电化学阻抗测试等对其进行表征。结果表明:制备的固态聚合物电解质在较低的LCI掺杂下显示出显著的电导率改善。掺杂1.0wt.%LCI在17℃下电导率达到3.58×10~(-5) S/cm,相比于PEO电解质电导率提高了三个数量级。  相似文献   

本文介绍了固体电解质四型气体传感器的原理和特点,评述了薄膜和厚膜固体电解质材料及传感器件的发展现状,并且认为四型双固体电解质传感器因其无参比电极,不需密封最有希望发展为薄膜化的微型复合传感器。  相似文献   

综述了固体聚合物电解质(SPE)技术的应用研究进展,主要包括废水处理、电化学合成、燃料电池、分离、传感器以及水电解等方面,讨论了其研究现状,并展望了SPE技术在各方面的应用前景.  相似文献   

用交联季铵化聚乙烯基吡啶作感湿膜的湿度传感器,在全湿度范围内,随着湿度的升高,其电阻呈线性联系地从10^7Ω降至10^3Ω。研究了合成条件对湿敏元件电性能的影响,发现传感器的电阻值依赖于吸湿量,而与季铵化程度无关。  相似文献   

固体聚合物电解质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林耕 《黎明化工》1990,(4):29-31,36

本文介绍了固体聚合物电解质在全固体电池方面的应用及其发展,叙述了新型固体聚合物电解质——亚甲氧基连接的聚氧化乙烯的研究工作。和聚氧化乙烯-盐电解质相比,亚甲氧基连接的聚氧化乙烯经氟甲基磺酸锂掺杂后的电导率在室温下提高3个数量级。  相似文献   

黄绵延  陈华艳  许莉  王宇新 《化工学报》2007,58(12):3170-3174
磺化杂萘联苯聚醚酮(SPPEK)膜在温度高于100℃时会因严重失水而导致电导率急剧下降。为此,合成出具有较高电导率的吸湿性质子导体1,2,4-三羧基丁烷-2-膦酸锆[Zr(PBTC)],并将其掺杂到SPPEK中制备出Zr(PBTC)/SPPEK复合膜。实验表明,Zr(PBTC)的掺杂能有效提高复合膜在高温低湿情况下的吸水能力,从而提高其电导率。SPPEK膜在120℃、相对湿度为40%情况下电导率仅有约10-4 S·cm-1,而相同条件下30% Zr(PBTC)/SPPEK复合膜的电导率达到2×10-3 S·cm-1。而且相对湿度越小,复合膜电导率的提高幅度越大,在相对湿度小于20%时,复合膜的电导率大约比SPPEK膜高两个数量级。  相似文献   

李岩 《化学工业》2014,(5):35-36
新材料是国家七大战略性新兴产业之一.也是我国石化和化学工业加快转变发展方式的重要着力点,并且与能源、信息、装备制造、节能环保、生物医学等产业密切相关。目前,新材料已被列入国家、各级地方政府以及生产企业的规划重点,投资者重点研究的热点领域。材料的“新”与“旧”其实是相对的,既取决于产品本身的技术含量、使用性能、工艺水平,也与该国的社会发展阶段、区域市场的稀缺程度有关。特别在材料科学飞速发展、生产技术日新月异的现代社会.“新材料”的内涵、所包括的品种也在以空前的速度更新换代——一些较为熟知的“新材料”已经或正在逐步实现大量生产和普遍使用.同时又不断有更加新颖的材料产品涌现。因此,要提升我国新材料产业发展水平,就必须开拓视野,紧密跟踪国内外新材料产业发展的前沿动向.不断向材料产业金字塔的顶端迈进,早日使我国成为国际新材料产业的领跑者。鉴于上述目的,本刊从2012年第11期起,增设“新材料进展”专栏,请石油和化学工业规划院陈瑞峰主持.每期重点介绍2~3个近期在国内外取得重大研究突破和产业化应用的新型材料,希望能够帮助致力于新材料产业发展的研究者和企业家们开阔视野.寻找到更新、更好的产业投资机会。电子化学材料是化工新材料的重要分支,一般泛指电子工业使用的专用化工材料产品,按用途可分成集成电路用电子化学材料、平板显示器用电子化学材料、印制电路板用电子化学材料、新能源电池用电子化学材料等大类。本期重点介绍新能源电池用电子化学材料中的后起之秀——锂电池用固体电解质.包括聚合物电解质和无机固体电解质。  相似文献   

陈贻炽 《江苏化工》1995,23(3):27-30
本文分析了陶瓷类和聚合物湿度传感器的性能和感湿机理,并比较了这两大类传感器的特性。  相似文献   

李芳  张力 《上海化工》2004,29(1):22-25
采用溶液浇铸法制得以偏二氟乙烯与六氟丙烯共聚物P(VdF-HFP)为基质的聚合物固体电解质,并测定了该类电解质的电导率。讨论了锂盐浓度、增塑剂配比、纳米SiO2粉末掺入以及温度对膜的离子电导率的影响;结果表明:以P(VdF-HFP)为基质的电解质的室温电导率最高达到2.81×10-3S·cm-1。利用红外分析对聚合物固体电解质的导电性进行分析,探讨了聚合物固体电解质膜的各组分间相互作用的规律。  相似文献   

阻抗型聚合物湿度传感器HMPTAC/St共聚物感湿膜的感湿性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将2 羟基 3 甲基丙烯酰氧丙基氯化三甲铵(HMPTAC)与苯乙烯(St)进行共聚反应,所得产物有良好的感湿性。用以制成的湿度传感器测湿范围宽(为10%~90%RH),再现性好(在±2%RH以内),耐环境变化。放置120天以上,感湿性能变化较小(在±3%以内)。  相似文献   

Humidity Sensor Characteristics of Woodceramics   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The humidity sensor characteristics of Woodceramics were investigated. The Woodceramics used in this experiment were prepared at 650–900°C. The size of specimens selected was 1 × 1 × 10 mm . One was used as-cut and the other was polished. Above 700°C, the resistance of the specimen was below 50 and the decrease of resistance with increasing relative humidity was small. The specimen prepared at 650°C had a resistance of about 1 k. The resistance of as-cut specimens decreased with increase in relative humidity, but that of the polished specimen did not change significantly. The difference between as-cut and polished samples was explained by the differences in surface micro-structure.  相似文献   

高分子固体电解质研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了高分子固体电解质的电性能、离子传导特性以及提高高分子固体电解质性能的途径及近期发展 ,并对其发展前景作了简要的探讨。  相似文献   

湿度对发射药热自燃的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
介绍了一种用于在加湿条件下 ,测定发射药的热自燃时间的实验方法 ,利用此方法分别测定了单、双基发射药在不同湿度下的自燃时间 ,并对实验结果进行了处理与分析  相似文献   

高分子材料热导率影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
总结了影响高分子材料导热性能的因素;阐述和分析了导热性填料种类、温度、结晶度、分子链取向、密度和湿度对导热性高分子材料热导率的影响。  相似文献   

C. Wieser 《Fuel Cells》2004,4(4):245-250
During the past few years, the feasibility of using polymer electrolyte fuel cells in automotive power trains at an impressive performance level has been proven repeatedly. However, current fuel cell stacks are still largely based on decade‐old polymer electrolyte membrane technology thus limiting performance, durability, reliability, and cost of the fuel cell systems. The major challenge for membrane R&D constitutes the demand for polymer electrolytes that allow for system operation at higher temperatures and lower water management requirements without increased conduction losses. None the less, demanding automotive requirements will not compromise on other properties such as mechanical and chemical stability and gas permeability.  相似文献   

The contrasting effect of compression on the ability of gas diffusion layer (GDL) in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell to conduct fluid, heat and electron implies that there is an optimal clamping force for cell performance. For a given GDL, understanding its associated optimal compression needs to know how its conductive ability changes with compressive pressure. In this paper we investigated the impact of compression on the effective diffusion coefficient and thermal conductivity of a carbon‐cloth GDL. The interior microstructures of the GDL under different compressions were acquired using X‐ray tomography; microscopic models were then developed to simulate gas diffusion and heat transfer in the microstructures in both in‐plane and through‐plane directions. The effective diffusion coefficient and thermal conductivity were calculated by volumetrically averaging the simulated gas diffusive and thermal flux rates at micron scale. The results show that both effective diffusion coefficient and thermal conductivity were anisotropic and their values in the in‐plane direction were higher than in the through‐plane direction. With porosity decreasing under the compression, the effective diffusion coefficient decreased faster in the through‐plane direction than in the in‐plane direction; the formula derived by Nam and Kaviany was capable of describing the change of the effective diffusion coefficient with porosity in the in‐plane direction but not in the through‐plane direction. For heat transfer, as the porosity decreased, the thermal conductivity increased faster in the through‐plane direction than in the in‐plane direction, and the increase in both directions could fit to the formula of Das et al.  相似文献   

The water content within the polymer electrolyte membrane is essential to have good proton conduction and high efficiency of a fuel cell system. In this paper a new technique to increase the fuel cell efficiency acting on the internal humidity will be presented. In order to understand the potentialities and the limitations of such technique, the method was studied in a theoretical approach and then applied on a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (1 kW PEMFC) that supplies the energy for the traction of a prototype vehicle, which took part in the last Shell Eco‐marathon competition. Finally has been verified that the membrane water content is related to the hydrogen consumption and for some applications (e.g., military single‐use equipment), the “filling” method could be advantageous over humidified system and non‐humidified systems. To ensure the proper success of the procedure it is also applied the differential method to fault detection.  相似文献   

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