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Interfacial reactions of Si/Co films on (001) oriented GaAs substrate, in the temperature range 300–700°C for 30 min, have been investigated using a combination of x-ray diffraction, Auger electron spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Cobalt starts to react with GaAs and Si at 380°C by formation of Co2GaAs, and Co2Si phases, respectively. At 420°C, the entire layer of Co is consumed, and the layer structure is observed with the sequence Si/CoSi/CoGa(CoAs)/Co2GaAs/GaAs. Contacts produced in this annealing regime are rectifying and the Schottky barrier heights increase from 0.69 eV(as-deposited state) up to 0.81 eV (420°C). In the subsequent reaction, CoSi grows at the expense of the decompositions of CoGa and CoAs at 460°C. In addition, the ternary phase also is decomposed and only the CoSi phase remains upon the GaAs surface at 600°C. Contacts produced at higher temperature regime (>460°C) have low barriers. The interface between CoSi and GaAs is stable up to 700°C. The results of interfacial reactions can be understood from the calculated Si−Co−Ga−As quaternary phase diagram.  相似文献   

硅(001)衬底上生长的ZnO薄膜的AFM研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对采用电子束反应蒸镀方法在低温下在硅(001)衬底上外延生长的ZnO薄膜的表面构像进行了原子力显微镜(AFM)观察,分析研究不同的衬底温度对薄膜表面形貌及结构特性的影响。在250℃衬底温度下获得的ZnO薄膜,膜表面平整,结构致密,表面平均不平整度小于3nm,说明在该衬底温度下获得的ZnO薄膜是高透明度、高质量、高度取向的单晶薄膜。  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the Schottky barrier behavior of Ti/Pt/GaAs and Pt/Ti/ GaAs bimetal Schottky diodes, we have investigated the interfacial morphology of Ti and Pt thin films on GaAs(l00) substrate. The characterization was based on coverage profiling of Auger electron spectroscopy in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy. Emphasis was placed on film uniformity and atomic interdiffusion. The results showed Ga and As outdiffusion in Pt/GaAs interface and some oxygen incorporated in Ti film, but no evidence of clustering for both metal/GaAs systems.  相似文献   

Sputter deposition of ZnO films on GaAs substrates has been investigated. ZnO films were radio frequency (rf)-magnetron sputter deposited on GaAs substrates with or without SiO2 thin buffer layers. Deposition parameters such as rf power, substrate-target distance, and gas composition/pressure were optimized to obtain highly c-axis oriented and highly resistive films. Deposited films were characterized by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), capacitance, and resistivity measurements. Thermal stability of sputter-deposited ZnO films (0.5–2.0 μm thick) was tested with a post-deposition heat treatment at 430°C for 10 min, which is similar to a standard ohmic contact alloying condition for GaAs. The ZnO/SiO2/GaAs films tolerated the heat treatment well while the ZnO/GaAs films disintegrated. The resistivity (1011 Ω-cm) of the ZnO films on SiO2-buffered GaAs substrates remained high during the heat treatment. The post-deposition anneal treatment also enhances c-axis orientation of the ZnO films dramatically and relieves intrinsic stress almost completely. These improvements are attributed to a reduction of grain boundaries and voids with the anneal treatment as supported by SEM and x-ray diffraction measurement results.  相似文献   

基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算,通过对Si(001)和氮化Si(001)表面单层Zn/Se原子结合的方式,模拟ZnSe外延薄膜的二维生长模式,从单层原子结合能、界面原子电子得失、共价结合成键的角度解释了Zn/Se原子在衬底表面的黏附性问题,阐述了薄膜生长初期界面无定形Se出现等现象,分析了氮化Si(001)表面对薄膜二维均匀生长的作用,结果显示N的引入缓和了Si衬底的非极性共价结合与ZnSe原子间的极性离子键结合之间的异质差异。  相似文献   

Transparent conducting Co doped ZnO thin films have been fabricated by Ultrasonic spray. The thin films were deposited at three different substrate temperatures of 300, 350 and 400 ℃. The obtained films had a hexagonal wurtzite structure with a strong (002) preferred orientation. The maximum crystallite size value of the film deposited at 350 ℃ is 55.46 nm. Spectrophotometer (UV-vis) of a Co doped ZnO film deposited at 350 ℃ shows an average transmittance of about 90%. The band gap energy increased from 3.351 to 3.362 eV when the substrate temperature increased from 300 to 350 ℃. The electrical conductivity of the films deposited at 300, 350 and 400 ℃ were 7.424, 7.547 and 6.743 (Ω·cm)-1 respectively. The maximum activation energy value of the films at 350 ℃ was 1.28 eV, indicating that the films exhibit a n-type semiconducting nature.  相似文献   

通过对腐蚀溶液的优化,获得了一种刻蚀效果良好的锆钛酸铅(PZT)薄膜的腐蚀溶液配方。文中所采用的PZT薄膜是通过溶胶?蛳凝胶(sol?蛳gel)法获得的,在研究腐蚀溶液组分、温度以及浓度对腐蚀速率影响的基础上,成功获得了PZT薄膜微图形化的湿法腐蚀工艺。通过实验研究,获得了横向和纵向腐蚀速率随温度和浓度变化曲线,侧蚀比(横比纵)小于1:1.07,且图形表面无残留物。  相似文献   

Cd_(1-x)Zn_xS thin films were deposited on glass substrates by a vacuum coevaporation method.The structural,compositional,and optical properties of as-deposited Cd_(0.8)Zn_(0.2)S films were investigated using X-ray diffraction(XRD),X-ray fluorescence(XRF),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS),and optical transmittance spectrum.The thin films are hexagonal in structure,with strong preferential orientation along the(002) planes.The composition of Cd_(1-x)Zn_xS thin films monitored by a quartz crystal oscil...  相似文献   

We describe the epitaxial growth of InSb films on both Si (001) and GaAs (100) substrates using molecular-beam epitaxy and discuss the structural and electrical properties of the resulting films. The complete 2 μm InSb films on GaAs (001) were grown at temperatures between 340°C and 420°C and with an Sb/In flux ratio of approximately 5 and a growth rate of 0.2 nm/s. The films were characterized in terms of background electron concentration, mobility, and x-ray rocking curve width. Our best results were for a growth temperature of 350°C, resulting in room-temperature mobility of 41,000 cm2/V s.  For the growth of InSb on Si, vicinal Si(001) substrates offcut by 4° toward (110) were used. We investigated growth temperatures between 340°C and 430°C for growth on Si(001). In contrast to growth on GaAs, the best results were achieved at the high end of the range of T S =  C, resulting in a mobility of 26,100 cm2/V s for a 2 μm film. We also studied the growth and properties of InSb:Mn films on GaAs with Mn content below 1%. Our results showed the presence of ferromagnetic ordering in the samples, opening a new direction in the diluted magnetic semiconductors.  相似文献   

Pure nickel and gold thin films were vacuum-deposited on (111) silicon single crystals. When Ni/Au/Si or Au/Ni/Si samples were heated to about 550° insitu, hexagonal or deformed hexagonal shaped crystallites were formed on the silicon substrates. The composition of these crystallites was determined by using x-ray diffraction, scanning elec-tron microscopy and scanning Auger microprobe methods. The crystallites were identified as NiSi2. The crystal-lites on the (111) silicon plane parallel to the surface appeared as regular hexagons while the inclined crystal-lites resembled trapezia. The results of Auger spectra and in-depth composition profiles for Ni, Au, and Si showed that the NiSi2 crystallites are islands in a matrix of Au-Si eutectic. Work supported by the Materials Research Division of the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine, both experimentally and theoretically, the kinetics of formation and microstructure of product phases in thin film reactions, using the Nb/Al and Ti/Al systems as our prototypes. The results of calorimetry and microscopy studies are interpreted using simple kinetic and morphology models. In particular, the kinetic models employed here focus on the nucleation and growth components of the phase formation process and the morphology models provide a starting point for the classification of product grain structures. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

本文研究晶格矢配较大的Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物向Si基底转移薄层的技术,为此制备了Si/SiO2/Si结构的应力缓冲衬底。利用智能切割(smart-cut)技术制备薄层GaAs并以低温SiO2层过渡与应力缓冲衬底相键合,达到GaAs向Si基底的转移目的。并对结果进行了分析和讨论,认为该技术是可行的。同时特别强调了低温淀积SiO2层的完美性对最终转移的GaAs薄层的完整性是重要的。  相似文献   

A single-point diamond machine fabricated patterns with a series of equispaced lines in an area of nominally 10 μm × 10 μm. On a single GaAs wafer, patterns having 80, 100, 120, and 140 lines were machined. Sample patterns were formed with 5-mg and 7-mg loads. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) characterized the surface morphology and depth of cut of these patterns as a function of load and indicated a consistent depth of cut for a given load. Subsurface damage in these layers was compared using the ratio of the TO to the LO phonon peak intensities in the μ-Raman spectra with and without annealing.  相似文献   

Several mechanics and thermomechanics problems associated with the deposition of thin films on substrates are reviewed. They include: (1) Stress concentrations in interfacial cracks, and the corresponding calculation of the energy release rate for crack growth along the film-substrate interface. (2) The effect of microstructure and of stress relaxation by diffusional creep during the growth of a thin film on the residual stresses present in the film; and (3) the thermal conductivity in film-substrate assemblies, and the issue of extracting film thermal properties from composite measurements. The relation between bulk and thin film values of the thermal conductivity is discussed. The issue of interfacial thermal resistance, which may lead to interfacial temperature drops of the order of 0.6° K is also addressed, and discussed in view of the inhomogeneous interface in films deposited by electron beam evaporation or ion beam sputtering.  相似文献   

用快速率(1.0ML/s)生长MBE InAs/GaAs(001)量子点。原子力显微镜观察结果表明,在量子点体系形成的较早阶段,量子点密度N(θ)随InAs沉积量θ的变化符合自然指数形式N(θ)∝ek(θ-θc),这与以前在慢速生长(≤0.1ML/s)条件下出现的标度规律N(θ)∝(θ-θc)α明显不同。另外,在N(θ)随θ增加的过程中,快速率生长量子点的高度分布没有经历量子点平均高度随沉积量θ逐渐增加的过程。这些实验观察说明,以原子在生长表面作扩散运动为基础的生长动力学理论至少是不全面的,不适用于解释InAs量子点的形成。这些观察和讨论说明,即使在1.0ML/s的快速率生长条件下,量子点密度也可以通过InAs沉积量有效地控制在1.0×108cm-2以下,实现低密度InAs量子点体系的制备。  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法在单晶硅上制备了钴铁氧体薄膜。在不同温度下对样品进行了退火处理,通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和振动样品磁强计(VSM)等分析了样品的物相组成、晶粒大小、表面形貌、样品厚度及不同温度下的磁性能。结果表明:制备出的CoFe2O4薄膜为尖晶石结构,表面比较致密,平均晶粒尺寸20~50 nm。在173~400 K范围内,随着温度的升高,钴铁氧体薄膜的矫顽磁场逐步减小,而磁矩是先增加后减少,并对产生的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper describes our investigation on the thermal stability of sputterdeposited, piezoelectric, ZnO thin films, using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements of metal-insulator-semiconductor structures, and electron microprobe. We focus on out-diffusion of Zn from ZnO thin films at a high temperature (450°C) and the composition change of zinc and oxygen after high temperature annealing (up to 700°C), since these factors are related to reliability and integrated circuits-process-compatibility of the ZnO films which are being used increasingly more in microtransducers and acoustic devices. Our experiments with electron microprobe show that ZnO thin films sputter-deposited from a ZnO target in a reactive environment (i.e., with O2) are thermally stable (up to 700°C). Additionally, the out-diffusion of zinc atoms from the ZnO films at a high temperature (450°C) is verified to be negligible using the XPS and C-V measurement techniques. The usage of a compound ZnO target, reactive environment with O2 and optimized deposition parameters (including gas ratio and pressure, substrate temperature, target-substrate distance and rf power, etc.) is critical to deposit thermally stable, high quality ZnO films.  相似文献   

We study the effects of (1) the variation of grain boundary energy with misorientation and (2) the large lattice misfit (>3%) between the films and substrates on grain growth in films by method of Monte Carlo simulations. The results from the grain growth simulation in YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) films was found to concur with previous experimental observation of preferred grain orientations for YBCO films deposited on various substrates such as (001) magnesium oxide (MgO) and (001) yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ). The simulation has helped us to identify three factors influencing the competition of these [001] tilt boundaries. They are: (1) the relative depths of local minima in the boundary energy vs. misorientation curve, (2) the number of combinations of coincidence epitaxy (CE) orientations contributing to the exact misorientation for each of the high-angle-but-low-energy (HABLE) boundaries, and (3) the number of combinations of CE orientations within the angular ranges bracketing each of the exact HABLE boundaries. Hence, these factors can be applied to clarify the origin of special misorientations observed experimentally.  相似文献   

Very thin films, less than 100 nm-thick, are used in a variety of applications, including as catalysts and for thin film reactions to form patterned silicides in electronic devices. Because of their high surface to volume ratio, these very thin films are subject to cap-illary instability and can agglomerate well below their melting temperatures. In order to develop a general understanding of agglomeration in very thin films, we have studied initially continuous and patterned films of gold on fused silica substrates. Two in situ techniques were used to monitor agglomeration: 1) heating and video recording in a transmission electron microscope, and 2) measurement of the intensity of laser light transmitted through a sample heated in a furnace. Electron microscopy allowed inves-tigation of the role of the microstructure of the Au film and analysis of light transmis-sion during heating allowed determination of temperature-dependent and film-thick-ness-dependent agglomeration rates. These results will be described along with models for the agglomeration process.  相似文献   

测量了AlInN薄膜(包括InN和AIN)的透射和反射光谱,结合四层透射和反射模型得到AlInN的一系列变温光学性质,包括吸收系数、能带带隙、乌尔巴赫带尾参数、折射率等等.采用一套经验公式,描述InN薄膜在本征吸收区和乌尔巴赫吸收区的吸收系数.发现带隙以下,AIN薄膜的折射率遵守Sellmeier经验公式.用基于态密度...  相似文献   

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