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Matrix metalloproteinases of the stromelysin family are expressed in the human endometrium as a consequence of cellular events during the menstrual cycle that require extracellular matrix remodeling. We have recently documented the presence of these enzymes in lesions of endometriosis, a benign disease that presents as persistent ectopic sites of endometrial tissue, usually within the peritoneal cavity. Endometriosis can develop after retrograde menstruation of endometrial tissue fragments, and establishment of ectopic sites within the peritoneal cavity requires breakdown of extracellular matrix. To examine whether matrix metalloproteinases might contribute to the steroid-dependent epidemiology and cellular pathophysiology of endometriosis, we have developed an experimental model of endometriosis using athymic nude mice as recipients of human endometrial tissue. Our results demonstrate that estrogen treatment of human endometrial tissue in organ culture maintains secretion of matrix metalloproteinases, and promotes establishment of ectopic peritoneal lesions when injected into recipient animals. In contrast, suppressing metalloproteinase secretion in vitro with progesterone treatment, or blocking enzyme activity with a natural inhibitor of metalloproteinases, inhibits the formation of ectopic lesions in this experimental model.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the predictive value of clinical variables for the finding of a positive minor salivary gland biopsy (focus score > or = 2) in patients investigated for Sj?gren's syndrome (SS). METHODS: One hundred twenty-one patients with sicca symptoms were referred to a multidisciplinary SS clinic in a tertiary hospital. Each patient was evaluated on protocol and labial salivary gland (LSG) biopsy was obtained. Using the San Diego criteria as a model, patient data were subjected to a cross sectional analysis on an algorithm to determine when the LSG biopsy would be most useful for determining the diagnosis of SS in clinical practice. RESULTS: Eighty-four patients had sufficient data to be included in the study. Forty patients had LSG biopsy with focus score < 2 and 44 had focus score > or = 2. Twenty-three patients had objective evidence of sicca and positive serology according to criteria standards. Eighteen of these had a positive biopsy (78%). The remaining 5 patients had many extraglandular features suggestive of SS, and the biopsies appeared to add little practical information. Patients with incomplete criteria for sicca could be diagnosed as possible SS (3 of 4 criteria) with a positive biopsy in 14 of 18 cases. The finding of anti-Ro or anti-La positivity in patients with incomplete criteria for sicca predicted a positive LSG biopsy in 85.7% of such cases. Patients with incomplete sicca and negative anti-Ro and anti-La had a negative LSG biopsy in 82% of cases. CONCLUSION: The LSG biopsy is most necessary in patients who have partial San Diego criteria for sicca and positive anti-Ro or anti-La antibody. Where SS is not reasonably suspected, or where the diagnosis is clinically obvious, the LSG biopsy adds little useful clinical information.  相似文献   

Contrary to their opposing action on human T-lymphocytes and monocytes, both Interleukin (IL-)10 and IL-6 are potent differentiation factors of human B-cells. Both are known to induce immunoglobulin (Ig) production. The precise mechanism of this converging effect of IL-6 and IL-10 remains elusive, however. Here we investigated the role of IL-6 in the IL-10 dependent B-cell differentiation into Ig secreting cells. We found that co-stimulation of SAC-stimulated human peripheral B-lymphocytes with IL-10 and IL-6 exhibited no additive effect on Ig production over stimulation with IL-10 alone, and that IL-6 receptor blockade only mildly inhibited IL-10 induced Ig synthesis. In fact, we could show that stimulation of B-cells with IL-10 somewhat suppressed SAC induced autocrine IL-6 production. Despite this suppression IL-6 levels remained sufficiently high to stimulate its receptor, and IL-6 binding to the B-cell surface was not affected. The failure of IL-6 to exert an additional effect on SAC+IL-10 induced Ig production suggests that IL-10 may recruit components of the IL-6 intracellular pathway for Ig induction. In conclusion we could demonstrate that IL-10 acts on B-cell differentiation independently of autocrine IL-6 and that it had a considerably mild effect on B lymphocytic autocrine IL-6 secretion. This still allows an IL-6 effect in the presence of IL-10 which appears adaptive with a view to the converging effects of these two cytokines on human B lymphocytes. Our study thus adds to the appreciation of the complex cytokine regulation of the immune system.  相似文献   

Breast cancer cell lines vary in invasive behavior and one highly invasive cell line (MDA-MB-231) proteolytically degrades extracellular matrix with invadopodia (Thompson et al. 1992, J Cell Physiol, 150, 534-44; Chen et al 1994, Breast Cancer Res Treat, 31, 217-26). Invadopodial proteolysis of extracellular matrix is thought to be necessary for invasion; however, this has not been demonstrated directly. To obtain such evidence, normal (HBL-100) and malignant (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231) breast cells were evaluated for invadopodial proteolysis of extracellular matrix and invasive behavior. We report that invadopodial proteolysis of immobilized fibronectin is positively correlated with invasion of cells into type I collagen gels. Moreover, reducing the proteolytic activity of invadopodia with the metalloproteinase inhibitor, batimastat (BB-94), also decreases invasion indicating that breast cancer cell invasion is dependent upon proteolytically active invadopodia.  相似文献   

Immunocytokines are antibody-cytokine fusion proteins that combine the unique targeting ability of antibodies with the multifunctional activities of cytokines to activate effector cells in the tumor microenvironment. Here, we demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of a tumor-specific immunocytokine, huKS1/4-IL2, which effectively inhibited growth and dissemination of lung and bone marrow metastases of human prostate carcinoma in severe combined immunodeficient mice. This antitumor effect was specific and highly effective, irrespective of reconstitution of these mice with human lymphokine-activated killer cells. Survival times of mice treated with huKS1/4-IL2 were increased 4-fold as compared with animals treated with a mixture of the corresponding antibody and recombinant human interleukin-2 (rhIL2). A persistent antitumor response after treatment with the huKS1/4-IL2 immunocytokine in B, T, and natural killer cell-deficient severe combined immuodeficient-BEIGE mice, depleted of granulocytes, implies a major role for macrophages in this treatment effect. Our data demonstrate that immunocytokine-directed interleukin-2 therapy to tumor sites is an immunotherapeutic approach with potent effects against disseminated metastases of human prostate carcinoma and suggest that this treatment could be effective in an adjuvant setting for patients with minimal residual disease.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To test the hypothesis that extracellular matrix turnover, mediated by the matrix metalloproteinases, modulates aqueous humor outflow facility in a human outflow model. METHODS: Matrix metalloproteinase activity was manipulated and outflow facility evaluated using perfused human anterior segment organ culture. Purified matrix metalloproteinases, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), and several families of synthetic inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases were added to the perfusion medium. Matrix metalloproteinase expression was increased by adding recombinant interleukin (IL)-1alpha. Kinetic inhibition analysis was conducted for stromelysin, gelatinase A, and gelatinase B with the various inhibitors. Live-dead staining was used to evaluate culture viability. RESULTS: Increasing metalloproteinase activity, by adding purified metalloproteinases or by inducing their expression by IL-1alpha treatment, increased outflow facility. Inhibition of endogenous trabecular metalloproteinase activity using TIMP or several families of synthetic metalloproteinase inhibitors reduced outflow rates. The elevation and the reduction of outflow rates were reversible, with changes requiring 1 to 3 days. Kinetic enzyme inhibition analysis produced 50% inhibitory concentration values for these inhibitors that were compatible with the concentration ranges for outflow inhibition. CONCLUSIONS. The ability of several specific matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors to reduce outflow facility implies that endogenous extracellular matrix turnover by these enzymes was required for the maintenance of trabecular outflow resistance, at least in this human culture model. These observations provide support for the hypothesis that controlled extracellular matrix turnover is important in the regulation of aqueous humor outflow facility.  相似文献   

We have investigated cutaneous purified protein derivative-induced delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses in healthy volunteers to determine features associated with both the generation and resolution of the reaction. The clinical peak of the response occurred at day 3; however, T cell numbers were maximal on day 7. There was a preferential increase of CD4+ CD45RO+ T cells on day 7, which was largely due to proliferation, since a mean of 19% was in cycle. The proliferation of this subset was associated with the presence of IL-15, which was expressed as early as 12 h, and IL-2, which showed peak expression at 7 days. By day 14, there was a significant decrease in both the mean T cell number/unit area and IL-2 and IL-15 expression in perivascular infiltrates. Maximal CD95 (Fas/Apo-1) ligand and TNF-alpha expression were observed at 7 days and were associated with the presence of 1.83% (range 0.81-2.48%) apoptotic T cells. At 14 days, CD95 ligand and TNF-alpha expression were reduced significantly, and the presence of 2.5% (range 1.5-3.75%) of apoptotic T cells at this time was probably due to cytokine deprivation, associated with decreased Bcl-2 relative to Bax expression. The induction and resolution of the Mantoux reaction may depend on the expression of cytokines, such as IL-2 and IL-15, which regulate both proliferation and apoptosis in T cells. Failure to control either of these phases of the Mantoux reaction may contribute to the chronicity of inflammatory responses in certain cutaneous diseases.  相似文献   

Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) report cognitive difficulties (impaired attention, memory and reasoning). Neuropsychological tests have failed to consistently find cognitive impairments to the degree reported by CFS patients. We tested patients with CFS and sedentary controls in protocols designed to measure sensory reactivity and acquisition of the classically conditioned eyeblink response. Patients with CFS exhibited normal sensitivity and responsivity to acoustic stimuli. However, CFS patients displayed impaired acquisition of the eyeblink response using a delayed-type conditioning paradigm. Sensitivity and responsivity to the airpuff stimulus were normal. In the absence of sensory/motor abnormalities, impaired acquisition of the classically conditioned eyeblink response indicates an associative deficit. These data suggest organic brain dysfunction within a defined neural substrate in CFS patients.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: Biochemical study of human intervertebral discs collected at surgery from patients with low back pain associated with disc degeneration or scoliosis. Matrix metalloproteinases were studied by quantitative zymography. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether changes in the expression of matrix metalloproteinases will bring about tissue remodelling that contributes to the progressive nature and pathology of these diseases of the intervertebral disc. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: The diseases of the intervertebral disc, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis, are both characterized by changes in the extracellular matrix components that will affect the mechanical function of the tissue. Matrix metalloproteinases are known to have the capability of degrading all the known extracellular matrix components of the disc. METHODS: Matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 were detected by gelatin-gel zymography and quantified by laser scanning densitometry. Both pro and active forms of the enzymes were measured. Thirty-four discs from patients with low back pain and 29 from patients with scoliosis were investigated. RESULTS: A correlation was found between the increasing levels of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 and the grade of degenerative disc disease. In addition, the levels of these enzymes show a differential expression across the scoliotic disc with the highest levels in samples taken from the convexity of the curve. CONCLUSIONS: The difference between the concave and convex side of the scoliotic curve indicates that mechanical loads might influence the expression of these enzymes. The increased expression of these enzymes in both degenerative disc disease and scoliosis strongly suggests that they may affect the progressive nature of these diseases.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play critical roles in tissue remodeling under various physiologic and pathologic conditions. We recently reported the expression of three membrane-type MMPs (MT-MMPs) by cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of rats (Shofuda et al, 1997). To investigate the roles of the MT-MMPs in the matrix remodeling of blood vessels, expression of MT1-MMP and MT3-MMP was examined in normal and balloon-injured rat carotid arteries by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Both MT-MMP mRNAs were detected in the intimal-dedifferentiated SMCs, but were negligible in the medial SMCs or in any of normal vascular cells. To elucidate the regulatory mechanism for the MT-MMPs expression, effects of various factors on cultured rat SMCs were also examined. MT1-MMP mRNA was constantly expressed at a high level, and its expression was weakly increased by treatment with interleukin-1beta or tumor necrosis factor-alpha. When the cells were incubated with type IV collagen, the MT1 -MMP expression was markedly decreased. On the other hand, expression of MT3-MMP mRNA was strongly increased by platelet-derived growth factor and fibronectin. These results suggest that type IV collagen may act as a negative regulator for the expression of MT1-MMP in the medial SMCs, whereas platelet-derived growth factor and fibronectin may up-regulate MT3-MMP expression under pathologic conditions. Furthermore, the elevated expression of MT1-MMP and MT3-MMP in SMCs was well associated with their dedifferentiated phenotype.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been reported to be involved in inflammatory disorders of the central nervous system (CNS). However, little is known about the role of MMPs in the pathogenesis of HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM)/Tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP). To address this issue, we examined the tissue expression and localization of MMPs and their inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in the spinal cord lesions of HAM/TSP using immunohistochemistry. In addition, the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of MMPs and TIMPs of the patients with HAM/TSP were determined using sandwich enzyme immunoassays (SIA) and gelatin zymography. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that collagen IV and decorin immunoreactivity on the basement membrane of CNS parenchymal vessels was partially disrupted where inflammatory mononuclear cells infiltrated in active-chronic lesions of HAM/TSP. In these lesions, MMP-2 (gelatinase A) was immunostained mainly on the surface of foamy macrophages and lymphocytes, whereas MMP-9 (gelatinase B) expression was positive in the intravascular and perivascular mononuclear cells but not on foamy macrophages. In contrast, inactive chronic lesions of the spinal cords of the HAM/TSP contained fewer MMP-2-positive or MMP-9-positive mononuclear cells than active-chronic lesions. Many parenchymal vessels had thickened vascular walls which showed increased immunoreactivity to decorin. SIA revealed that production levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in both blood and CSF were higher in the patients with HAM/TSP than those in non-inflammatory other neurological disease controls (ONDs). Using zymography, proMMP-9 was detected more frequently in the CSF of patients with HAM/TSP than those in ONDs. Taken together, our data indicate that MMP-2 and MMP-9 may play an important role in the blood-brain barrier breakdown and tissue remodeling in the CNS of HAM/TSP.  相似文献   

Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is released during the induction phase of contact sensitivity and was shown in prior functional studies to convert epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) from potent inducers of primary immune responses to specifically tolerizing cells in vitro. To investigate whether IL-10 also subserves the function of a tolerizing agent in vivo ears of BALB/c or C3H mice were injected intradermally with 1-2 micrograms of recombinant mouse (rm)IL-10 8 h before epicutaneous application of 3% trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB; a contact allergen). As a control, mice were injected with phosphate-buffered saline or IL-10 plus neutralizing amounts of anti-IL-10 mAb. 5 d later, mice were challenged with 1% TNCB on contralateral ears and ear swelling response was measured 24 h later. Whereas control-treated mice showed a normal ear swelling response to epicutaneous challenge (delta mm-2 = 25 +/- 5), ear swelling response of IL-10-treated animals was significantly inhibited (delta mm-2 = 3 +/- 2). Coinjection of IL-10-specific mAb together with rmIL-10 completely abrogated this effect. To differentiate between a state of nonresponsiveness and induction of tolerance by IL-10, mice initially treated with IL-10 and TNCB were resensitized with 3% TNCB in the absence of any treatment after 14 d of rest (group 1). Again mice were challenged 5 d later and ear swelling responses were tested. Whereas control mice treated with allergen alone (group 2) showed a good swelling response (delta mm-2 = 28 +/- 6), IL-10-treated mice (group 1) showed a minimal response towards application of allergen (delta mm-2 = 4 +/- 2). To show that anergy induction by IL-10 was antigen-specific, mice initially treated with IL-10 plus TNCB were exposed to 0.5% dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) 14 d later (group 1). After challenge with 0.1% DNFB, IL-10-treated mice showed an ear swelling response (delta mm-2 = 13 +/- 3; group 1) similar to that of control mice only sensitized with DNFB (delta mm-2 = 14 +/- 3; group 3). In an attempt to show the induction of antigen-specific tolerance in these mice in vitro, regional lymph nodes of mice initially treated with TNCB plus IL-10 (group 1) and control-treated mice (groups 2 and 3) were prepared and cultured in the presence of TNBS, dinitrobenzene sulfonate (DNBS), or medium to measure antigen-specific proliferation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human interleukin 10 (huIL-10) is a cytokine that regulates the synthesis of type 1 helper T cell derived cytokines such as gamma-interferon, interleukin 2, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. The potential immunosuppressive activities of huIL-10 suggest that this protein may be clinically useful for treating autoimmune diseases. Due to the potential clinical value of this cytokine, physicochemical studies have been performed regarding its association state and biological/structural stability. These studies include performing size-exclusion chromatography, chemical cross-linking, equilibrium ultracentrifugation, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The results indicate huIL-10 is predominantly a noncovalent homodimer at neutral pH and 4 degreesC for concentrations greater than 0.003 mg/mL (0.08 microM dimer). An apparent pKa value of approximately 4.8 was calculated for both the pH-dependent subunit dissociation and pH-induced loss in MC/9 biological activity. A temperature analysis revealed a linear relationship between the percent dimer and relative MC/9 activity, thus, these results and the pH-dependent activity results suggest that the huIL-10 dimer is the active species. The GndHCl-induced unfolding of rhuIL-10, monitored by far-UV circular dichroism, revealed a unique biphasic unfolding process which contained both a subunit dissociation process (<1.6 M GndHCl) as well as the unfolding of a highly alpha-helical monomer intermediate ([GndHCl]1/2 = 3.5 M). The monomer intermediates generated with 1.6 M GndHCl or pH 2.5 retained approximately 80% and 89% of the alpha-helical content of the native protein, respectively. Although a soluble and highly helical monomer state can be generated, the observed correlation between unfolding studies and biological activity suggests the dimer is the active species. These results are consistent with both the recent observation that the three-dimensional structure of rhuIL-10 is a 2-fold symmetric homodimer and that a complex between the extracellular domain of the recombinant human IL-10 receptor and IL-10 is consistent with two IL-10 homodimers and four receptors.  相似文献   

Samples of connective tissue obtained from the hoof of six laminitic and eight non-laminitic adult horses were analysed zymographically to investigate whether connective tissue matrix metalloproteinases are activated or induced during laminitis. The activity or matrix metalloproteinases was substantially greater in the tissues from the laminitic horses than in the tissues from the non-laminitic horses. A comparison of the collagenolytic activity in the laminitic and control tissues showed that collagenolytic activities corresponding to the 92 kDa (P < 0.001), 72 kDa (P < 0.01) and 66 kDa (P < 0.01) bands were induced in the laminitic tissues.  相似文献   

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