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模拟集成电路参数型故障定位方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对模拟集成电路参数型故障的测试难题,提出了定位模拟集成电路参数型故障的功率谱相关分析方法.利用小波滤波器组对被测电路响应进行子带滤波后,计算子带响应序列的相干函数.通过对以相干函数序列表征的功率谱进行相关分析,不仅可以实现模拟集成电路参数型故障的数字化故障特征提取,而且还可以完成对参数型故障的定位.利用国际标准电路ITC97的状态变量滤波器和跳蛙滤波器,通过对比实验,验证了本文方法对定位参数型故障的有效性,为实现模拟集成电路参数型故障诊断的高覆盖率和诊断自动化提供了一种新途径.  相似文献   

针对模拟集成电路参数型故障的测试难题,提出了定位模拟集成电路参数型故障的功率谱相关分析方法.利用小波滤波器组对被测电路响应进行子带滤波后,计算子带响应序列的相干函数.通过对以相干函数序列表征的功率谱进行相关分析,不仅可以实现模拟集成电路参数型故障的数字化故障特征提取,而且还可以完成对参数型故障的定位.利用国际标准电路ITC97的状态变量滤波器和跳蛙滤波器,通过对比实验,验证了本文方法对定位参数型故障的有效性,为实现模拟集成电路参数型故障诊断的高覆盖率和诊断自动化提供了一种新途径.  相似文献   

ADCs are fully characterized by both static and dynamic parameters. Testing methods usually combine a histogram-based approach with a spectral analysis to determine the complete set of ADCs parameters. In the view of a unique test procedure, this paper investigates the correlation between both kinds of parameters. Experimental results demonstrate that under appropriate test conditions, the dynamic parameters extracted from a classical FFT exhibit significant variations against ADC offset, gain and non-linearity errors, opening the way of a low-cost test strategy in the frequency domain.  相似文献   

介绍了无锡DS-33频道地面数字电视的覆盖规划过程,通过理论计算和覆盖仿真,详细分析广电大厦发射点、二茅峰发射点的覆盖效果以及对周边城市同频道模拟电视信号的干扰情况,并由实际测试结果验证规划的可行性,为其他城市的地面数字电视覆盖规划提供参考。  相似文献   

We propose a low-cost method for testing logic circuits, termed balance testing, which is particularly suited to built-in self testing. Conceptually related to ones counting and syndrome testing, it detects faults by checking the difference between the number of ones and the number of zeros in the test response sequence. A key advantage of balance testing is that the testability of various fault types can be easily analyzed. We present a novel analysis technique which leads to necessary and sufficient conditions for the balance testability of the standard single stuck-line (SSL) faults. This analysis can be easily extended to multiple stuck-line and bridging faults. Balance testing also forms the basis for design for balance testability (DFBT), a systematic DFT technique that achieves full coverage of SSL faults. It places the unit under test in a low-cost framework circuit that guarantees complete balance testability. Unlike most existing DFT techniques, DFBT requires only one additional control input and no redesign of the underlying circuit is necessary. We present experimental results on applying balance testing to the ISCAS 85 benchmark circuits, which show that very high fault coverage is obtained for large circuits even with reduced deterministic test sets. This coverage can always be made 100% either by adding tests or applying DFBT.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. MIP-9200526. Parts of this paper were published in preliminary form in Proc. 23rd Symp. Fault-Tolerant Computing, Toulouse, June 1993, and in Proc. 31st Design Automation Conf, San Diego, June 1994.  相似文献   

李昊 《现代雷达》2012,34(3):78-82
为了提高测试用例继承中缺陷发现效率,提出了一种有效的雷达软件测试用例复用模型,并将其应用到雷达软件测试用例优化设计中.根据工程实际情况,在公共测试用例库的基础上,以提高测试效率、降低测试成本为目标函数,采用蚁群算法进行用例集的寻优,给出复用用例的筛选、简化、抽象和适应性修改方法;以复用用例测试执行结果作为评估依据,持续改进和更新复用用例数据库,实现高执行率和成功率的测试用例复用.  相似文献   

以使用中间件故障注入增加软件测试覆盖率为目的,对故障注入技术和原理进行了介绍;并通过实际工程例子提出了一种基于中间件故障注入技术的应用,同时比较了采用故障注入技术后的软件逻辑覆盖测试结果与使用常规测试手段进行的覆盖测试结果,为嵌入式软件的逻辑覆盖测试提供了一种便利、有效的方法。  相似文献   

This article presents new approaches for testing VLSI array architectures used in the computation of the complexN-point Fast Fourier Transform. Initially, an unrestricted single cell-level fault model is considered. The first proposed approach is based on a process whose complexity is independent (or C- as constant) of the number of cells in the FFT architecture. This is accomplished by showing a topological equivalence between the FFT array and a linear (one-dimensional) array. The process of fault location is also analyzed. The second proposed method is based on a testing process whose complexity is linear with respect to the number of stages (columns) of the FFT array. A component-level fault model is also proposed and analyzed. The implications of this model on the C-testability process are fully described.This research is supported by grants from NSF and NSERC.  相似文献   

A two-port memory contains two duplicated sets of address decoders, which operate independently. Testing such memories requires the use of single-port tests as well as special two-port tests; the test strategy determines which tests have to be used. Many two-port memories have ports which are read-only or write-only; this impacts the possible tests for single-port and two-port memories, as well as the test strategy. In this paper the effects of interference and shorts between the address decoders of the two ports on the fault modeling are investigated. Fault models and their tests are introduced. In addition, the consequences of the port restrictions (read-only or write-only ports) on the fault models and tests are discussed, together with the test strategy.  相似文献   

针对自主研发的SOI-CMOS工艺FPGA芯片VS1000,开发出一种FPGA测试工具(VVK)软件系统.VVK是借助Verilog HDL描述电路和UCF约束电路的特性开发并实现的全自动测试方法.其意义在于解决了设计FPGA芯片过程中面临的最冗繁棘手的验证和测试难题,可以实现FPGA全芯片、内部各种逻辑模块的功能结构的验证和测试.该工具可以用于FPGA流片前的行为级、晶体管级的仿真和验证、FPGA圆片测试、以及FPGA芯片抗辐照测试.验证和测试的结果证明了这套方法的正确性、高效性,同时这种测试方法也适用于其他架构FPGA的测试.  相似文献   

光缆是电信运营商通信传输的物理基础,快速高效的光缆故障测试定位,是为客户提供可靠和安全服务的根本保证.本文通过探讨光缆测试光纤引接至光缆抢修单位驻地和跨站点连通测试光纤进行故障的快速定位的方法,以缩短故障抢修时长.  相似文献   

当前建设3G室内信号覆盖系统可选用多种信源方案和分布方式,针对这一现状,列举了一些室内覆盖方案,并对其系统可靠性进行了分析,指出过量采用没有蓄电池供电的RRU会影响系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

如何快速、实时地计算与绘制多雷达传感器覆盖范围是目前雷达仿真的重点和难点。为解决此问题,在分析国内外研究成果基础上引入CGAL开源库,提出了一种解决方法,并基于典型的三角网格求交算法和Delaunay三角剖分算法进行了仿真分析。仿真结果充分验证了所提解决方法的有效性、合理性与实用性。  相似文献   

扫描测试和扫描链的构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先论述了扫描设计与测试向量自动生成(ATPG)这种测试方法的关键技术,并由此为依据,提出部分扫描设计中,扫描链构造的分层次的三个选取原则。  相似文献   

新形势下广播电视无线传输覆盖发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着媒体技术的快速发展以及媒体融合的持续深化,广播电视无线传输覆盖在广播电视行业发展中的重要性愈加显现。然而,针对新形势下广播电视媒体发展的实际要求,当前的无线传输覆盖技术仍然存在较大的提升空间,这就需要结合媒体发展的实际情况进行深度的挖掘和有效开展。在明确广播电视无线传输覆盖的特点及优势的基础上,就新形势下广播电视无线传输覆盖发展面临的挑战以及相应的科学应对策略进行现实性的分析论证,以探索无线传输覆盖发展的新思路、新路径。  相似文献   

This paper elaborates on a new class of orthonormal power-based algorithms for fast estimation and tracking of the principal or minor subspace of a vector sequence. The proposed algorithms are closely related to the natural power method that has the fastest convergence rate among many power-based methods such as the Oja method, the projection approximation subspace tracking (PAST) method, and the novel information criterion (NIC) method. A common feature of the proposed algorithms is the exact orthonormality of the weight matrix at each iteration. The orthonormality is implemented in a most efficient way. Besides the property of orthonormality, the new algorithms offer, as compared to other power based algorithms, a better numerical stability and a linear computational complexity.  相似文献   

基于机载预警雷达的威力与空中目标飞行速度和飞行方向之间的关系,说明了目标回波信号落入雷达探测清洁区、副瓣杂波区和盲区的条件,并分析了机载预警雷达不同方位的探测威力。提出一种速度盲区的表示方法,可简单地计算出速度盲区的比例。  相似文献   

With the advancement of technology in recent years, effective fault diagnosis became a necessity to verify the performance and ensure the quality of complex systems. In this paper, an original verification methodology for complex consumer electronic devices is presented. Verification of the system which consists of hardware (integrated circuit) and corresponding software within a flat panel TV set is in the focus. Proposed methodology provides reliable functional failure detection using the concept of black box testing. Further, the approach is fully automated, improving the reliability and speed of failure detection. The methodology effectiveness has been experimentally evaluated and the analysis results have been reported.  相似文献   

张勇 《电视技术》2017,41(3):66-69
2015年初国家新闻出版广电总局在全国范围内启动了“中央广播电视节目无线数字化覆盖工程”,基本实现12套中央电视节目的无线数字化覆盖.将针对工程中插入本地电视节目技术方案进行重点分析,结合廊坊市电视台实例,对插入本地电视节目的工作规划步骤进行了总结,为相关部门开展无线数字化覆盖工程提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

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