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Wood preservation can be made more environmentally compatible (1) by confining the use of wood preservative chemicals to the necessary minimum, and (2) by the use of effective and at the same time environmentally compatible wood preservatives. The aims and main points of testing and evaluating the environmental compatibility of wood preservatives are described. Crucial in this concern is the emission rate of the active ingredients of the wood preservatives (which leave the impregnated wood by leaching or evaporation), and this rate should be as low as possible for reasons of both long-term efficacy and low environmental load. The main pathways of possible environmental input of the active ingredients are leaching and evaporation during storage, transport and use of the impregnated wood and the input of their components or decomposition products during waste management. Looking at the leaching of non-fixing, not yet fixed as well as fixed wood preservative salts and organic active substances some problems arising in the practice of wood preservation and in the evaluation of the environmental compatibility of wood preservatives are dealt with and possible solutions are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassungbedeutet mit Abbildungen.  相似文献   

On the Microscopy of Starch Granules of Germinated Potatoes. Microscopic examinations of normally germinated as well as germinated and dried potato tubers and of the germs as such showed that the generalized assertion of D. Grebel, according to which a “melting” should be characteristical for the fermentative degradation (germination) of starch, cannot be confirmed. Indeed, the described melting phenomena occurred with single starch granules, the majority of the fermentatively deformed starch granules, however, showed the typical changes (channel formation) as they are to be seen with starch granules of cereals. With partially dried potato tubers and their germs the starch granules showed changes like those occurring with curcuma starch. Factors that are responsible for this symptom are being discussed.  相似文献   

Cereal varieties cultivated in Germany, such as wheat, rye, grain-maize, barley, and oats were analyzed for fumonisins, including also imported maize from Argentina. In a total of 410 wheat samples and 140 rye samples of two harvesting years (1993, 1994) and in random samples of barley and oats no fumonisins were detected at all. In german grain-maize of 1993, only low fumonisin contents (17–33 ng/g) were detected occasionally. Some grain-maize samples of the 1994 harvest contained significantly higher fumonisin amounts, partly up to the mg/kg-range, which obviously is due to the extremely high temperatures during summer. In some samples of variety tests of the country the fumonisin B1 content amounted up to 4828 ng/g and the total fumonisin content (FB1-FB3) up to 7132 ng/g respectively. In 1994 a total of 317 native grain-maize samples was tested, of it 109 samples of German cultivation and 208 samples from variety tests of different federeal states. Maize samples from Baden-Württemberg, which are representative to the maize harvest of this state, had a fumonisin contamination of 14%, the mean value of the contaminated samples amounting to 206 ng/g. Of the imported maize from Argentina, all the investigated 21 samples had a fumonisin content (FB1-FB3) of 14–1106 ng/g, the mean fumonisin content amounting to 175 ng/g.

Zusammenfassung Am Beispiel der Samenanatomie von Kapok,Ceiba pentandra (L.)Gaertn. wird auf einige Merkmale, die in der Literatur nicht bzw. anders dargestellt werden, hingewiesen.So findet eine Peridermbildung bei Kapoksamen entgegen den Angaben vonGassner nicht statt. Neben erwähnten Oxalatdrusen kommen in der Samenschale auch Einzelkristalle vor. Aufsichtsbilder auf die Epidermis der Samen lassen Spaltöffnungen erkennen. Bei Querschnittsbildern der Palisaden sind keilförmige Schichtungslinien zu beobachten. Schließlich fallen im Bereich der Nabelpartie zahlreiche schleimhaltige Zellen auf, deren Vorkommen in Kapoksamen uns bisher nicht bekannt war.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMitteilung aus der Staatl. Lebensmitteluntersuchungsanstalt der Technischen Hochschule zu Karlsruhe.  相似文献   

Nutrient value assessment of vegetables The criterion for the nutrient value of vegetables ist their specific contribution to the nutrition of man, whereby particular emphasis must be placed on vitamin C, carotene, raw fibre, calcium and iron. The contents of these constituents have been summarized as “factor of essential nutritive value”. The metabolic processes and other biochemical transformations, however, require a dynamical consideration of the mentioned factor with regard to the changing nutrition components. In review of the dependence of quality changes on storage temperature (Θ) and storage period in days (xi) a model is presented demonstrating a “dynamical factor of the essential nutrient, value WNFΘ;xi” for different vegetable crops. It is supplemented by the corresponding regression functions and nomograms for its calculation, which emanate from the degree of quality of product at the moment of harvesting. For quickly perishable vegetables WNFΘ;xi decreased by up to 27%. Species which store well as well as favourable storage conditions produced significantly lower decreases. Introducing a dynamical assessment of the nutritive value may contribute to a preciser rating of the physiological value of vegetables.  相似文献   

Bavendamm first evaluated the resistance against basidiomycetes using an equation: He compared the weight loss expressed as percentage of the wood species to be tested with that of a well-known home grown species. This suggestion was adopted by v. Hof. A critical assessment of his papers led to the proposal of a new definition of v. Hof's equation. Here the influencing parameters of test methods and test fungi are eliminated which leaves the typical properties of the wood species for evaluation. This makes it possible to compare the results of different laboratory tests.  相似文献   

Numerous papers have been published in the last 50 years concerning the resistance of wood species against basidiomycetes. If only those papers are considered, which report on the resistance of timber used in moderate climates, a direct comparison is difficult. This paper describes the main parameters, which vary from test to test and influence the results of laboratory examinations as well as of field tests. It is furthermore shown that technical wording, used to describe the most commonly used durability classes, is not uniform.  相似文献   

The estimation of investment projects of various manufacturing methods for the same production have, above all, to be based on the economies guaranteed by the particular method in the course of its life-span. In regard to a life-span of several years, dynamic estimation methods have to be employed allowing a detached evaluation of the investestment projects. In this article the “internal economies interest rate method” was discussed by means of a practical example on behalf of German Republican conditions and flexible production methods enabling a dynamic estimation of the economies between both production methods.  相似文献   

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