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This study used a natural task, with no emphasis placed on speeded responses, to investigate unconscious information processing. Using the ELITE system, a kinematic analysis was performed of the upper limb reach-to-grasp movement. Nine experiments explored how the presence of distractors affects the transport and grasp component of this movement. Experiment 1showed that the kinematics for grasping apples, mandarins, cherries, and bananas were measurably different. Experiments 2A–D, 3, and 4 showed that these kinematics were not affected by the presence of nearby distractor fruits of either the same or a different kind. In Experiment 5, interference effects became evident when participants were required to perform a subsidiary task involving the distractor (counting the number of times a laterally placed fruit was illuminated). Experiment 6, requiring both grasping a target fruit and counting the number of times that this fruit was illuminated, revealed no interference effects. Taken together, these results suggest that selection for action does not involve substantial passive processing of distractors. However, dual-action processing of simultaneously presented objects does appear to involve automatic processing of even the task-irrelevant properties of the distractor. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We examined automatic spatial alignment effects evoked by handled objects. Using color as the relevant cue carried by an irrelevant handled object aligned or misaligned with the response hand, responses to color were faster when the handle aligned with the response hand. Alignment effects were observed only when the task was to make a reach and grasp response. No alignment effects occurred if the response involved a left?right key press. Alignment effects emerged over time, becoming more apparent either when the color cue was delayed or when relatively long, rather than short, response times were analyzed. These results are consistent with neurophysiological evidence indicating that the cued goal state has a modulatory influence on sensorimotor representations, and that handled objects initially generate competition between neural populations coding for a left- or right-handed action that must be resolved before a particular hand is favored. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Configural coding is known to take place between the parts of individual objects but has never been shown between separate objects. We provide novel evidence here for configural coding between separate objects through a study of the effects of action relations between objects on extinction. Patients showing visual extinction were presented with pairs of objects that were or were not co-located for action. We first confirmed the reduced extinction effect for objects co-located for action. Consistent with prior results showing that inversion disrupts configural coding, we found that inversion disrupted the benefit for action-related object pairs. This occurred both for objects with a standard canonical orientation (e.g., teapot and teacup) and those without, but where grasping and using the objects was made more difficult by inversion (e.g., spanner and nut). The data suggest that part of the affordance effect may reflect a visuo-motor response to the configural relations between stimuli. Experiment 2 showed that distorting the relative sizes of the objects also reduced the advantage for action-related pairs. We conclude that action-related pairs are processed as configurations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Referential behavior theory (RBT), a general dynamical approach to psychological and related systems that operate through a control or referencing process, is introduced. A review of existing evidence shows that this approach can apply to a variety of human and animal systems and tasks, whether the framing language is that of homeostasis, error correction, coupled biological oscillators, motor control, adaptive change, cognitive goal-setting, evaluation and refinement, or neural network learning. Thus, RBT provides a path for reconciliation of dynamical and information-processing accounts of action and cognition. RBT generates a class of mathematical equations, one of which, the discrete control equation (DCE), forms the basis for more detailed investigation. The primary focus here is on the application of the DCE to the temporal structure of regular human movement. Given certain conditions, the equation produces various standard (and new, more general) forms of the circle map class that governs relative phase in motor coordination and, hence, generates well-documented nonlinear "dynamical" motor phenomena such as behavioral attractors, phase transitions, critical slowing, and so on. Under certain other conditions, the DCE produces the linear stochastic timing models… (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an earlier report (K. L. Harman, G. K. Humphrey, and M. A. Goodale, 1999), the authors demonstrated that Os who actively rotated 3-dimensional (3-D) novel objects on a computer screen later showed faster visual recognition of these objects than did Os who had passively viewed exactly the same sequence of images of these virtual objects. In Exp 1 of the present study, using 24 18–30 yr olds, the authors show that compared to passive viewing, active exploration of 3-D object structure led to faster performance on a "mental rotation" task involving the studied objects. They also examined how much time Os concentrated on particular views during active exploration. As found in the previous report, Os spent most of their time looking at the "side" and "front" views ("plan" views) of the objects, rather than the 3-quarter or intermediate views. This preference for the plan views of an object led to the examination of the possibility in Exp 2 that restricting the studied views in active exploration to either the plan views or the intermediate views would result in differential learning. 24 18–28 yr olds were used in Exp 2. It was found that recognition of objects was faster after active exploration limited to plan views than after active exploration of intermediate views. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined 14- to 26-month-old infants' understanding of the spatial relationships between objects and apertures in an object manipulation task. The task was to insert objects with various cross-sections (circular, square, rectangular, ellipsoid, and triangular) into fitting apertures. A successful solution required the infant to mentally rotate the object to be fit into the aperture and use that information to plan the action. The object was presented standing up in half of the trials; in the other half, it was lying down. The results showed that infants solved the problem consistently from age 22 months and that a successful solution was associated with appropriate preadjustments before the hand arrived with the block to the aperture. No sex differences were found. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explaining how the cognitive system can create new structures has been a major challenge for cognitive science. Self-organization from the theory of nonlinear dynamics offers an account of this remarkable phenomenon. Two studies provide an initial test of the hypothesis that the emergence of new cognitive structure follows the same universal principles as emergence in other domains (e.g., fluids, lasers). In both studies, participants initially solved gear-system problems by manually tracing the force across a system of gears. Subsequently, they discovered that the gears form an alternating sequence, thereby demonstrating a new cognitive structure. In both studies, dynamical analyses of action during problem solving predicted the spontaneous emergence of the new cognitive structure. Study 1 showed that a peak in entropy, followed by negentropy, key indicators of self-organization, predicted discovery of alternation. Study 2 replicated these effects, and showed that increasing environmental entropy accelerated discovery, a classic prediction from dynamics. Additional analyses based on the relationship between phase transitions and power-law behavior provide converging evidence. The studies provide an initial demonstration of the emergence of cognitive structure through self-organization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Argues that cognitive psychology and metaphysics are opposite poles of a single inquiry. The argument is advanced by contrasting the theories of D. Hume and Aristotle on physical objects. The works of Piaget (1967) and T. G. Bower (1974) on the development of the concept of physical objects are examined. (French abstract) (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The hippocampus, objects, and their contexts.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rats with hippocampal aspiration lesions and controls were trained on delayed nonmatching to sample with small complex goal boxes, presented trial uniquely. A series of experiments then used pairs of large or small boxes, presented repeatedly. The lesions impaired choice accuracy when the rats were tested with large empty boxes but not when small boxes containing 3-dimensional objects were used. There was a comparable impairment when the rats were tested with pairs of large complex boxes, which contained arrays of objects, identical to those used in the smaller boxes but necessarily spaced further apart. Subsequent experiments revealed that the lesion deficit with large boxes was reduced by insertion of a continuous line of distinctive objects and eliminated by trial-unique presentation of large boxes. The results are discussed in terms of (non) spatial accounts of hippocampal function and the compensatory effects of novel object cues. We conclude that, for hippocampal rats, spatial cues, although useless, can nonetheless be profoundly disruptive. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The interpretation of reaction time (RT) data requires strong assumptions about how Ss trade accuracy for speed of performance and about whether there is a discrete or continuous transmission of information from one component process to the next. Conventional RT and speed–accuracy trade-off procedures are not, by themselves, sufficiently powerful to test these assumptions. However, the deficiency can be remedied in part through a new speed–accuracy decomposition technique. The technique uses a hybrid mixture of (a) conventional RT trials in which Ss must process a given test stimulus with high accuracy and (b) peremptory response-signal trials in which Ss must make prompted guesses before stimulus processing has been finished. Data from this "titrated RT procedure" are then analyzed in terms of a parallel sophistication-guessing model, under which normal mental processes and guessing processes are assumed to race against each other in producing overt responses. With the model, the amount of partial information that Ss have accumulated about a test stimulus can be estimated at each intermediate moment during a reaction time trial. An application of speed–accuracy decomposition to 5 studies of word recognition illustrates the potential power of the technique. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Actions do not have inherent meaning but rather can be interpreted in many ways. The interpretation a person adopts has important effects on a range of higher order cognitive processes. One dimension on which interpretations can vary is the extent to which actions are identified abstractly—in relation to broader goals, personal characteristics, or consequences—versus concretely, in terms of component processes. The present research investigated how visual perspective (own 1st-person vs. observer’s 3rd-person) in action imagery is related to action identification level. A series of experiments measured and manipulated visual perspective in mental and photographic images to test the connection with action identification level. Results revealed a bidirectional causal relationship linking 3rd-person images and abstract action identifications. These findings highlight the functional role of visual imagery and have implications for understanding how perspective is involved in action perception at the social, cognitive, and neural levels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Gonadal and stress hormones modulate neuroplasticity and behaviour. This review focuses on our findings over the past decade on the effects of estrogens and androgens on hippocampal neurogenesis, hippocampus-dependent learning and memory and the effects of reproductive experience in the rodent. Evidence suggests that acute estradiol initially enhances and subsequently suppresses cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus of adult female rodents. Repeated exposure to estradiol modulates hippocampal neurogenesis and cell death in adult female, but not male, rodents while, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone upregulate hippocampal neurogenesis in adult male rodents. Estradiol dose-dependently affects different brain regions involved in working memory (prefrontal cortex, hippocampus), reference memory (hippocampus) and conditioned place preference (amygdala). Pregnancy and motherhood differentially regulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis and spatial working memory in the dam after weaning. These studies and others demonstrate that the female brain responds to steroid hormones differently than the male brain. It is of the upmost importance to investigate the effects on neuroplasticity and behaviour in both the male and the female, particularly when modelling diseases that exhibit sex differences in incidence, etiology or treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Because action plans must anticipate the states of the world which will be obtained when the actions take place, effective actions depend on predictions. The present experiments begin to explore the principles underlying early-developing predictions of object motion, by focusing on 6-month-old infants' head tracking and reaching for moving objects. Infants were presented with an object that moved into reaching space on four trajectories: two linear trajectories that intersected at the center of a display and two trajectories containing a sudden turn at the point of intersection. In two studies, infants' tracking and reaching provided evidence for an extrapolation of the object motion on linear paths, in accord with the principle of inertia. This tendency was remarkably resistant to counter-evidence, for it was observed even after repeated presentations of an object that violated the principle of inertia by spontaneously stopping and then moving in a new direction. In contrast to the present findings, infants fail to extrapolate linear object motion in preferential looking experiments, suggesting that early-developing knowledge of object motion, like mature knowledge, is embedded in multiple systems of representation.  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 17(4) of Canadian Psychological Review (see record 2007-04413-001). A variety of formula corrections are provided.] Modern constructive cognition is defined and characterized by its implicit epistemology and explicit use of simulation models of the psychological organism (here called metasubject). It is argued that metasubject is capable of 3 forms of knowing: rational ("knowing that"), practical ("knowing how"), and experiential ("knowing it"). To explain the existence of these 3 forms of knowledge, a neo-Piagetian Theory of Constructive Operators is discussed in terms of the theory's 3 types of psychological units (i.e., predicates, transformations, and transformation-representing predicates). These units are compared to Piaget's related functional notions of figurative schemes, operative schemes, and executive (i.e., operational) schemes. Two types of structural learning--one involving mental effort and the other overlearning of content--are briefly described and contrasted. The theory's constructive cognitive explications of weak and strong (logical) truth, weak and strong (rational) causation, weak and strong (logical, linguistic) propositional structures, and various types of predication are discussed. (French abstract) (70 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of both communication mode (oral vs oral plus manual) and level of communicative competence (high vs low) on the play interaction of 28 profoundly deaf preschool children (3–5? yrs old) and their hearing mothers. Mothers and children from 2 groups, oral and simultaneous (oral plus manual) communicators matched on audiologic and demographic variables, were videotaped during free play. The tapes were later subjected to an interaction analysis that examined behavior at the level of the dyad rather than the individual. The duration and complexity of interaction were strongly affected by both the method and level of communication. Simultaneous dyads had interactions that were longer and more complex and contained more cooperation and positive affect than those of oral dyads. Simultaneous communication is discussed in terms of its benefits for both the communicative and social competence of profoundly deaf children. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the hypothesis that the accuracy with which a briefly shown word is perceived depends on both the affective tone of the word and the activation of the corresponding memory code. To increase activation, expectation and word frequency were manipulated. Ss were exposed to a 25-ms flash of a target word. They then chose, from a word pair, the target word. In half the trials, this word pair was given before the flash to create an expectation. Consistent with the hypothesis, when the words were infrequent, accuracy in perception was lower for affective than for neutral words regardless of expectation. When the words were frequent, there was no effect of affective tone in the absence of expectation; in the presence of expectation, accuracy was higher for affective than for neutral words. The valence of the affective words had no effect. Results are interpreted in terms of attentional mechanisms implicated in conscious perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A cluster analysis of critics' writings about children's literature led to the conceptualization of 4 discursive styles, parallel to Jung's 4 functions. The styles generally characterize different types of mentality engaged in literary studies. Characteristics of the work and careers of leading representatives from the "Age of Criticism" are used to illustrate the applicability of type theory. The nature of literary controversies, relationships between protagonists, and aspects of the development of thought among various critics of this period may be interpreted in terms of Jung's psychology of knowledge. Further study of types through analysis of discourse and its social and biographical context is recommended. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Animals and humans are able to predict and synchronize their daily activity to signals present in their environments. Environmental cues are most often associated with signaling the beginning or the end of a daily activity cycle, but they can also be used to time the presentation or availability of scarce resources. If the signal occurs consistently, animals can begin to anticipate its arrival and ultimately become entrained to its presence. While many stimuli can produce anticipation for a daily event, these events rarely lead to changes in activity patterns during the rest of the circadian cycle. Here the authors demonstrate that performance of a task requiring sustained attention not only produces entrainment, but produces a robust modification in the animals’ activity throughout the entire circadian cycle. In particular, normally nocturnal rats, when trained during the light phase (ZT 4) adopted a significant and reversible diurnal activity pattern. Of importance, control experiments demonstrated that this entrainment could not be attributed to the noncognitive components of task performance, such as handling, water deprivation, access to water used as a reward, or animal activity associated with operant training. These findings additionally indicate that levels of cognitive performance are modulated by the circadian cycle and that such activity can act as a highly effective entrainment signal. These results form the basis for future research on the role of neuronal systems mediating interactions between cognitive activity and circadian rhythms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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