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On the basis of 3 experiments, E. Wascher, U. Schatz, T. Kuder, and R. Verleger (2001; see record 2001-06699-017) concluded, "The variety of tasks subsumed under the term Simon effect turned out to be heterogeneous" (p. 749). This comment critically evaluates the validity of their conclusion by considering their hypotheses, methodology, specific conclusions, and proposed broader implications. Although the Simon effect is a behavioral phenomenon, E. Wascher et al. relied heavily on physiology in hypothesis generation, methodology, and interpretation of results. Moreover, methodological differences from most previous studies, combined with limited statistical support, nonreplication of previously reported behavioral phenomena, inconsistencies in results across experiments, and evidence against a contribution of intrahemispherical activation by visuomotor pathways, strongly suggest that their conclusion should be viewed with caution. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 4 Simon experiments the authors examined control over 2 routes of sensorimotor processing: response priming in the unconditional route and response selection via the conditional route. The Simon effect diminished as the frequency of noncorresponding trials increased. Location-based response priming was observed only when the stimulus followed a corresponding event but not after a noncorresponding trial. Therefore, the unconditional route appears to be suppressed whenever the task context indicates priming as potentially disadvantageous. Moreover, the task-irrelevant stimulus location was used for response selection as a function of correspondence probability. Although exact repetitions of stimulus-response sequences caused a marked speed-up of responses, this 3rd mechanism is independent of unconditional route suppression and frequency-based adjustments in the conditional route. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recently, it was proposed that the Simon effect would result not only from two interfering processes, as classical dual-route models assume, but from three processes. It was argued that priming from the spatial code to the nonspatial code might facilitate the identification of the nonspatial stimulus feature in congruent Simon trials. In the present study, the authors provide evidence that the identification of the nonspatial information can be facilitated by the activation of an associated spatial code. In three experiments, participants first associated centrally presented animal and fruit pictures with spatial responses. Subsequently, participants decided whether laterally presented letter strings were words (animal, fruit, or other words) or nonwords; stimulus position could be congruent or incongruent to the associated spatial code. As hypothesized, animal and fruit words were identified faster at congruent than at incongruent stimulus positions from the association phase. The authors conclude that the activation of the spatial code spreads to the nonspatial code, resulting in facilitated stimulus identification in congruent trials. These results speak to the assumption of a third process involved in the Simon task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Simon effects might partly reflect stimulus-triggered response activation. According to the response-discrimination hypothesis, however, stimulus-triggered response activation shows up in Simon effects only when stimulus locations match the top-down selected spatial codes used to discriminate between alternative responses. Five experiments support this hypothesis. In Experiment 1, spatial codes of each response differed by horizontal and vertical axis position, yet one axis discriminated between alternative responses, whereas the other did not. Simon effects resulted for targets on discriminating axes only. In Experiment 2, both spatial axes discriminated between responses, and targets on both axes produced Simon effects. In Experiment 3, Simon effects resulted for a spatial choice-reaction task but not for a go/no-go task. Even in the go/no-go task, a Simon effect was restored when a two-choice reaction task preceded the go/no-go task (Experiment 4) or when participants initiated trials with responses spatially discriminated from the go response (Experiment 5). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the Simon effect, participants make a left or right keypress in response to a nonspatial attribute (e.g., color) that is presented on the left or right. Reaction times (RTs) increase when the response activated by the irrelevant stimulus location and the response retrieved by instruction are in conflict. The authors measured RTs and movement parameters (MPs) of pointing responses in a typical Simon task. Their results show that the trajectories veer toward the imperative stimulus. This bias decreased as RTs increased. The authors suggest that the time course of trajectory deviations reflects the resolution of the response conflict over time. Further, time pressure did not affect the size of the Simon effect in MPs or its time course, but strongly reduced the Simon effect in RTs. In contrast, response selection before the onset of a go signal on the left or right did not affect the Simon effect in RTs, but reduced the Simon effect in MPs and reversed the time course. The authors speculate about independent Simon effects associated with response selection and programming. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments examined transfer of noncorresponding spatial stimulus-response associations to an auditory Simon task for which stimulus location was irrelevant. Experiment 1 established that, for a horizontal auditory Simon task, transfer of spatial associations occurs after 300 trials of practice with an incompatible mapping of auditory stimuli to keypress responses. Experiments 2-4 examined transfer effects within the auditory modality when the stimuli and responses were varied along vertical and horizontal dimensions. Transfer occurred when the stimuli and responses were arrayed along the same dimension in practice and transfer but not when they were arrayed along orthogonal dimensions. These findings indicate that prior task-defined associations have less influence on the auditory Simon effect than on the visual Simon effect, possibly because of the stronger tendency for an auditory stimulus to activate its corresponding response. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has been recently proposed that the time course of the Simon effect may vary across tasks, which might reflect different types of stimulus-response (S-R) transmissions (E. Wascher, U. Schatz, T. Kuder, & R. Verleger, 2001). The authors tested this notion in 4 experiments by comparing Simon effects evoked by horizontal and vertical S-R arrangements. The temporal properties of the effect, as well as lateralized readiness potential-difference waves, indicated a fast and transient influence of the horizontal, but a slow and sustained influence of the vertical spatial stimulus feature on performance. Additional evidence for this temporal dissociation was obtained in experiments that induced a shortening or lengthening of the mean response time. Thus, the data strongly indicate that there are 2 temporally dissociable mechanisms involved in generating the Simon effect for horizontal and vertical S-R relations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The study of element-level stimulus–response compatibility (SRC) has predominantly focused on spatial and symbolic relationships and has involved measures of response time and (dichotomous) error rate. This article explores a new form of SRC that is observed when duration is the relevant feature of both the stimulus and the response, using a more extensive analysis of performance accuracy and variability. The results indicate that element-level SRC generalizes to situations involving time as the relevant dimension of stimuli and responses. Evidence of this was found in all of the extracted measures of performance; however, temporal SRC was shown to have independent effects on when and how accurately a response was made. Implications for SRC research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Operator efficiency in a key-pressing task was studied as a function of the positioning of the stimulus panel and response keyboard. Self-and automatic-pacing modes of presentation were used with the nine panel-keyboard combinations. Response time, error index, and latency (for automatic pacing only) measures were collected. No significant error differences were observed, but for each time measure the different treatments differed significantly. Location of the response keyboard was generally more important than location of the stimulus panel. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments examined automatic and intentional activation of task sets in a switching paradigm. Experiment 1 demonstrated incidental task sequence learning that was not accompanied by verbalizable task sequence knowledge. This learning did not affect task shift cost and may be attributed to automatic task-set activation. In Experiment 2, both shift cost and learning effect increased when the response–cue interval was short, indicating the influence of residual, persisting activation of the preceding task set. In Experiment 3, learning disappeared with a long cue–stimulus interval (CSI), which resulted in a strong preparation effect. This preparation, however, reduced reaction time level but was not specific to task shifts. Finally, experiment 4 showed that a within-subject CSI variation also leads to reduced shift costs. Together, the data suggest an activational account of task preparation and may have relevant implications for inhibitory accounts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether a Simon effect could be observed in an accessory-stimulus Simon task when participants were unaware of the task-irrelevant accessory cue. In Experiment 1A a central visual target was accompanied by a suprathreshold visual lateral cue. A regular Simon effect (i.e., faster cue-response corresponding reaction times [RTs]) was found. Experiment 1B demonstrated that this effect cannot be attributed to perceptual grouping of the target and cue. Experiments 2A, 2B, and 2C showed a reverse Simon effect (i.e., faster noncorresponding RTs) when participants were not aware of the cue. In this condition, the Simon effect would occur relative to the reorientation of attention from the cue, which would initially capture attention, toward the target. This conclusion is supported by the results of Experiments 3A and 3B, in which the reorientation of attention was induced by having the target flash after its onset. With suprathreshold cues either a reverse or regular Simon effect was observed by using a 100-ms or ≥200-ms onset flashing interval, respectively, whereas with subthreshold cues a reverse Simon effect was found irrespective of the interval length. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Brain-imaging research has shown that a viewed acting hand is mapped to the observer's hand representation that corresponds with the identity of the hand. In contrast, behavioral research has suggested that rather than representing a seen hand in relation to one's own manual system, it is represented in relation to the midline of an imaginary body. This view was drawn from the finding that indicated that the posture of the viewed hand determines how the hand facilitates responses. The present study explored how an identity of a viewed static hand facilitates responses by varying the onset time and the posture of the hand. The results were in line with the view that an observed hand can activate the observer's hand representation that corresponds with the identity of the hand. However, the posture of the hand did not influence these mapping processes. What mattered was the perspective (i.e., egocentric vs. allocentric) from which the hand was viewed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Manual responses can be defined by differing response parameters. Any of them may generate a Simon effect. For all those response parameters, the same implementation of the Simon effect (in terms of subserving mechanism) is assumed. In 3 experiments, subjects had to respond with either fingers or sticks. Temporal properties of the Simon effect changed with response parameters relevant in a task. The Simon effect for manual responses decayed. For stick responses, in which the action goal differed from the anatomical mapping of the acting hand, a sustained Simon effect was observed. However, if the action goal for stick responses was not instrumental for selecting the correct response, the Simon effect decayed. The findings are consistent with the notion of different mechanisms involved in generating a Simon effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated influences of irrelevant action effects on response selection in Simon tasks for which tone pitch was relevant and location irrelevant, and responses were clockwise- counterclockwise wheel rotations. When the wheel controlled left-right movement of a cursor in a direction opposite an instructed left-right hand-movement goal, the Simon effect was reduced. When the wheel was held at the bottom, this reduction was due to some participants coding responses relative to the cursor and others relative to the hands. However, when the wheel was held at the top, it was due to participants integrating cursor movements with hand movements as a single action concept. In contrast, a cursor triggered by the wheel movement showed little influence on the Simon effect, even when contiguity and contingency with the wheel movements were high. Experience with the controlled cursor in a prior trial block or between trials established a causal relation that enabled participants to code the triggered cursor as belonging to the action concept and thus reduce the Simon effect. Multiple factors determine the influence of an irrelevant action effect on performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although neurological and physiological studies indicate a right hemisphere superiority in global processing and a left hemisphere superiority in local processing of Navon-type hierarchical letters (D. Navon, 1977), most investigations of lateralized perception in healthy participants report neither asymmetry. In 6 experiments the authors examined the influence of attentional demands, stimulus properties, and mode of response on perceptual asymmetries for global and local perception. Consistent with their theoretical predictions, asymmetries were more robust on divided- than focused-attention tasks and in response to stimuli in which local and global levels were equally salient compared with those with greater global than local saliency. Contrary to their prediction, perceptual asymmetries were not influenced by the complexity of the motor response. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments examined whether the psychological refractory period (PRP) effect can be eliminated with ideomotor compatible (IM) but not stimulus-response compatible (SR) tasks, as reported by A. G. Greenwald and H. G. Shulman (1973). Their tasks were used: a left or right movement to a left- or right-pointing arrow (IM) or to the word left or right (SR) for Task 1; saying "A" or "B" (IM) or "1" or "2" (SR) to an auditory A or B for Task 2. The stimulus onset asynchronies were 0, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 1,000 ms in Experiment 1, and only 0, 100, 200, and 1,000 ms in Experiments 2-4. The arrow was in the center of the screen in Experiments 1-3 and to the left or right in Experiment 4. As in Greenwald and Shulman's Experiment 2, the instructions stated that most often the 2 stimuli would be presented simultaneously. A PRP effect was obtained in all conditions, most likely because response-selection decisions are required even for IM tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has been suggested that performance in the Stroop task is influenced by response conflict as well as task conflict. The present study investigated the idea that both conflict types can be isolated by applying ex-Gaussian distribution analysis which decomposes response time into a Gaussian and an exponential component. Two experiments were conducted in which manual versions of a standard Stroop task (Experiment 1) and a separated Stroop task (Experiment 2) were performed under task-switching conditions. Effects of response congruency and stimulus bivalency were used to measure response conflict and task conflict, respectively. Ex-Gaussian analysis revealed that response conflict was mainly observed in the Gaussian component, whereas task conflict was stronger in the exponential component. Moreover, task conflict in the exponential component was selectively enhanced under task-switching conditions. The results suggest that ex-Gaussian analysis can be used as a tool to isolate different conflict types in the Stroop task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of attention in speeded Garner classification of concurrently presented auditory and visual signals was examined in 4 experiments. Within-trial interference (i.e., congruence effects) occurred regardless of the attentional demands of the task. Between-trials interference (i.e., Garner interference) occurred only under conditions of divided attention when making judgments about auditory signals. Of importance, the data show congruence effects in the absence of Garner interference. Such a pattern has been rarely reported in studies of the classification of purely visual stimuli and contradicts theoretical accounts asserting that the effects share a common locus. The data question the notion that Garner classification reveals fundamental insights about the nature of the perceptual processing of bimodal stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Immediate recall for spatial information was studied as a function of stimulus load under 2 display formats, 2 response formats, and 2 response set conditions. 4 groups of 10 Ss each served under 15 replications of all response-format, stimulus-load conditions; groups were distinguished on the basis of display format and set. Each S viewed either a spatial or tabular display of 14-26 geometrical stimuli for 16 sec.; he was then required to report, on either a tabular or spatial response form, the location of relevant stimuli. Correct responses and misplacement errors increased more rapidly for the spatial format as more stimuli were presented. Recoding from 1 display to the other response format did not yield serious decrements. Contrary to expectation, response set enhanced all conditions to a nearly equivalent degree. Results are interpreted in terms of the "chunking" hypothesis. (16 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

36 schizophrenic and 36 neurotic depressive Ss were given a visual-spatial generalization task under either social or nonsocial (impersonal) censure conditions. The following hypotheses derived from previous investigations were tested: (1) schizophrenics would show higher gradients of generalization than neurotic depressives, and (2) generalization gradients would be higher under conditions of social as opposed to nonsocial censure, especially in schizophrenics. The data supported Hypothesis 1 but not Hypothesis 2. There was no evidence for differential responding between these 2 groups with respect to either stimulus generalization or response to censure. It was suggested that hypotheses concerning the schizophrenic's performance in these 2 situations have been biased and oversimplified by use of normal, rather than patient, control groups in previous investigations. (22 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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