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针对常规 PID 控制器参数镇定过程通常采用手工试凑方法费时费力,优化或理论设计方式算法结构复杂、不便于工程人员理解等局限,研究了一种基于闭环增益成形算法的鲁棒 PID 快速设计方法,以提高 PID 控制器设计的简洁性和鲁棒性.并分别针对当受控对象具有二阶或一阶传递函数形式,推导并给出了 PID 参数的相应计算格式.最后,应用于某型涡扇发动机控制器设计中.通过仿真结果表明,用以设计的 PID 控制器具有良好的控制性能和鲁棒性能,证明了此算法是值得应用和推广的.  相似文献   

腈纶聚合过程属于多输入多输出(MIMO)非线性系统,聚合连续搅拌反应釜(CSTR)温度和聚合反应转化效率是腈纶聚合生产的重要工艺指标。腈纶聚合过程的非线性、强耦合,参数时变性,使得这两个指标不能同时兼顾。针对腈纶水相聚合过程,采用自适应模糊控制方法,设计了腈纶聚合连续搅拌反应釜转化率和温度的解耦控制器。首先利用反馈线性化方法对腈纶水相聚合模型进行处理,设计系统的等效控制。模糊系统可以较好地逼近非线性函数,等效控制器中的非线性和参数不确定性,可采用模糊系统进行逼近。模糊参数的求解在线实时进行,参数自适应律由Lyapunov综合法获得。针对模糊逼近误差,采用minmax鲁棒最优控制方法,抑制误差干扰项对系统的影响。系统仿真结果表明,解耦控制方法能够在保证聚合过程的转化效率的前提下,调节反应温度。该方法对于提高聚合产品的性能,对提高产品的差别化率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

变增益智能PID控制器设计   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
针对典型的具有滞后的一阶惯性环节进行了变增益智能PID控制器的设计和数字仿真研究。仿真结果表明,该控制器对滞后较大的对象比常规最优PID控制器具有更好的控制性能。  相似文献   

负载反馈扰动是造成逆变器输出畸变的主要原因之一。通过结构框图等效,在连续域建立了单相半桥逆变器的简化扰动模型,从而把负载扰动转化成灵敏度极小化问题。在此基础上提出了一种基于闭环增益成形的单相半桥逆变器控制策略,仿真与实验结果验证了理论的有效性。  相似文献   

针对化工生产过程中强非线性对象的动态建模问题,本文提出了具有代表性的连续搅拌反应釜的非机理模糊建模方法。从系统的输入输出数据出发,根据辨识精度将系统空间划分为个子空间,然后由隶属函数将子空间模型联接成全局模型来表征系统的整体非线性特性。仿真结果表明,该模型输出能够很好地跟踪系统的参考输出,效果明显。  相似文献   

方斌 《计算机技术与发展》2010,20(3):203-206,210
基于逆Nyquist曲线,提出了一种线性系统在PID控制下确定增益稳定范围的方法,为PID控制器增益的稳定提供了一条快速而有效的途径。由逆Nyquist曲线上的实部为极值的点,将PID增益分割成若干区间。再运用广义的Her—mite-Biehler定理得出一个推理和二个条件,通过纵向直线与逆Nyquist曲线的交点数,可获得系统在PID控制下增益稳定的区间。仿真实例验证了该方法的有效性。该方法应用简便,能有效解决PID控制下增益的稳定范围。  相似文献   

方斌 《微机发展》2010,(3):203-206,210
基于逆Nyquist曲线,提出了一种线性系统在PID控制下确定增益稳定范围的方法,为PID控制器增益的稳定提供了一条快速而有效的途径。由逆Nyquist曲线上的实部为极值的点,将PID增益分割成若干区间。再运用广义的Her—mite-Biehler定理得出一个推理和二个条件,通过纵向直线与逆Nyquist曲线的交点数,可获得系统在PID控制下增益稳定的区间。仿真实例验证了该方法的有效性。该方法应用简便,能有效解决PID控制下增益的稳定范围。  相似文献   

介绍一种带有模糊增益调整的PID控制器,开发了一套软件,并分别将它和传统的PID控制器作用到电阻炉,对二者的控制结果进行了比较。实验结果表明,这种PID控制器能够减小超调,提高控制精度。  相似文献   

船舶横向运动鲁棒PID控制及优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对船舶横向运动控制特点,为达到航向舵控制航向同时达到减横摇的目的,提出了一种基于闭环增益成形和模糊优化算法的鲁棒PID控制器设计方法。根据具有工程实际意义的横摇和艏摇带宽直接构造出横摇、艏摇鲁棒PID控制器,并基于横摇与艏摇频谱,组合成横向控制器。由于用舵来减摇不可避免地增加了舵机的工作负担造成较大的舵机损耗,为此提出对横摇和艏摇控制器输出加入权重分配,采用模糊算法优化横向控制器权系数的方法,达到系统性能综合最优。仿真结果表明所设计的控制器具有较强的鲁棒性,合理的权系数选择,不但可以达到降低舵机损耗的目的,而且提高了航向控制精度。该控制器设计简单,易于船舶横向运动控制的实际工程应用,具有一定的研究价值。  相似文献   

基于幅值裕度和相位裕度的PID参数最优整定方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
给出一种基于幅值裕度和相位裕度的PID参数最优整定方法.首先,基于改进的D–分割法确定满足幅值裕度和相位裕度要求的控制参数稳定域,然后根据最大灵敏度函数、超调和调节时间定义控制器设计的目标函数,在所得到的控制参数稳定域中计算出一组最优的控制参数值.仿真结果表明,该整定方法能够保证闭环系统具有强鲁棒性、良好的跟踪性能和抗干扰性能.它不仅适用于稳定时滞对象,而且还适用不稳定时滞对象.  相似文献   

A simple approach with a small number of tuning parameters is a key goal in fractional order controller design. Recently there have been a number of limited attempts to bring about improvements in these areas. In this paper, a new design method for a fractional order PID controller based on internal model control (IMC) is proposed to handle non-integer order systems with time delay. In order to reduce the number of tuning parameters and mitigate the impact of time delay, the fractional order internal model control scheme is used. Considering the robustness of the control system with respect to process variations and model uncertainty, maximum sensitivity is applied to the tuning of the parameters. The resulting controller has the structure of a fractional order PID which is cascaded with a filter. This is named a fractional IMC–PID controller. Numerical results are given to show the efficiency of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

This article presents a design of the internal model control(IMC)based single degree of freedom(SDF) fractional order(FO)PID controller with a desired bandwidth specification for a class of fractional order system(FOS). The drawbacks of the SDF FO-IMC are eliminated with the help of the two-degree of freedom(TDF)FO PID controller. The robust stability and robust performance of the designed controller are analyzed using an example.  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust fractional-order controller is designed to control the congestion in transmission control protocol (TCP) networks with time-varying parameters. Fractional controllers can increase the stability and robustness. Regardless of advantages of fractional controllers, they are still not common in congestion control in TCP networks. The network parameters are time-varying, so the robust stability is important in congestion controller design. Therefore, we focused on the robust controller design. The fractional PID controller is developed based on active queue management (AQM). D-partition technique is used. The most important property of designed controller is the robustness to the time-varying parameters of the TCP network. The vertex quasi-polynomials of the closed-loop characteristic equation are obtained, and the stability boundaries are calculated for each vertex quasi-polynomial. The intersection of all stability regions is insensitive to network parameter variations, and results in robust stability of TCP/AQM system. NS-2 simulations show that the proposed algorithm provides a stable queue length. Moreover, simulations show smaller oscillations of the queue length and less packet drop probability for FPID compared to PI and PID controllers. We can conclude from NS-2 simulations that the average packet loss probability variations are negligible when the network parameters change.  相似文献   

为改善分数阶PID控制器的控制性能,借鉴整数阶模糊免疫PID控制器,把模糊免疫调节与分数阶PID控制器结合起来,设计了分数阶模糊免疫PID控制器。仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性,不但提高了分数阶PID控制器跟踪性能,而且还具有良好的鲁棒性和抗干扰性。  相似文献   

A new design method of PID structured controllers to achieve robust performance is developed. Both robust stabilization and performance conditions are losslessly expressed by bilinear constraints in the proportional‐double derivative variable ( k P, k DD) and the integral‐derivative variable ( k I, k D). Therefore, the considered control design can be efficiently solved by alternating optimization between ( k P, k DD) and ( k I, k D), which is a 2D computationally tractable program. The proposed method works equally efficiently whenever even higher order differential or integral terms are included in PID control to improve its robustness and performance. Numerical examples are provided to show the viability of the proposed development. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Classical proper PID controllers are designed for linear time invariant plants whose transfer functions are rational functions of sα, where 0<α<1, and s is the Laplace transform variable. Effect of input-output time delay on the range of allowable controller parameters is investigated. The allowable PID controller parameters are determined from a small gain type of argument used earlier for finite dimensional plants.  相似文献   

An analytical method of PID controller design is proposed for parallel cascade control. Firstly, a general structure for parallel cascade control is proposed that takes both setpoint and load disturbance responses into account. Analytical tuning rules for the PID controllers are then derived for the general process model by employing the IMC design procedure. The proposed method offers a simple and effective way to obtain the PID controller rules for parallel cascade control system which takes into account the interaction between primary and secondary control loops. The simulation results illustrate the application of the proposed method and demonstrate its superiority compared to several alternatives.  相似文献   

基于TS模型的增益自校正单神经元PID控制算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将单神经元自适应PID控制算法和基于TS模型的模糊推理系统相结合,提出了增益模糊自校正单神经元PID控制算法。该算法使得传统单神经元自适应PID控制的神经元增益具备在线自动调整的功能,对于变增益的不确定性系统的控制,获得了很好的控制性能。  相似文献   

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