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Construction management has become a vital aspect of the construction process over the years. This paper reviews the Master’s programs in construction engineering and management (CEM) offered by departments of civil engineering in the United States. The findings indicate that only 20% of the American educational institutions, which offer accredited civil engineering programs, offer Master’s programs in CEM. Most of the Master’s programs in CEM constitute an effort to convey information to students on mainly six categories, namely, contract administration, project management, scheduling, equipment management, construction technology, and CEM research. It seems that the Master’s programs in CEM do not differ much from program to program in terms of content. When the trends in course offerings are compared in 1982, 1996, and 2008, there seems to be minimal change except for the number of courses in project management that went up significantly while the number of courses in cost estimating went down. The trends in the remaining courses have been stable. Even though contents and trends in CEM programs appear to be relatively stable, there seems to be some variability in the concentration of the course offerings. Some CEM programs concentrate on some of the categories at the expense of other categories. A close relationship and a sound dialogue between construction educators and the industry are likely to lead to Master’s programs that are in sync with the expectations of the industry.  相似文献   

培育创新能力是研究生教育的核心,而创新来源于实践,因此把加强实践训练作为研究生教育创新的着力点是教育发展的必然趋势.文章结合北京航空航天大学研究生创新实践基地建设的实际,介绍了基地建设的指导思想、主要模式和取得的成效,探讨了基地建设中值得关注的几个问题.  相似文献   


Metal-particle composites can be relatively easy to produce by filling the interspaces in the particle aggregate with melt by pressure casting. Molten tin was used to infiltrate SiC particle aggregates. Different particle aggregate sizes were used. The aggregate was heated in a mould of 40 mm in diameter and 100mm in height, and the mould was set on a press of capacity up to 600 kg/cm2. As soon as the tin was poured into the mould, it was pressed at a predetermined pressure so that the melt could flow into the interspaces between the particle aggregates. The parameters controlling this technique were studied. The effects of particle sizes and volume fractions on the hardness and the microstructure of the composites were identified.


Les composites à matrice métallique renforcés de particules peuvent être produits aisément en forcant la matrice en fusion dans les interstices d'aggrégats de particules par un procédé de coulée sous pression. L'etain liquide agit comme infiltrant dans des aggrégats composés de differentes grosseurs de particules. L'aggrégat est tout d'abord chauffé dans un moule dont le diamètre est 40 mm et la hauteur 100mm, et celui-ci est monte sur une presse dont la capacité atteint 600 kg/cm2. L'étain en fusion est alors versé dans le moule et pressé à une pression prédéterminée pour que le métal liquide s'écoule entre les particules de l'aggrégat. Les paramètres contrôlant cette technique ont été étudiés. Les dfets de la dimension des particules ainsi que leur fraction volumique sur la dureté et la microstructure du composite, ont été identifiés.  相似文献   


The information given below is a general guide to graduate programs in metallurgy and material science at Canadian universities. As a general rule, students who do not have private funds or a graduate scholarship from their own countries may be qualified to receive a graduate assistantship from the University of interest. These graduate assistantships, which are awarded on the basis of academic merit, cover living expenses in Canada in return for some help in a teaching program. However, all students, whether privately funded or financially supported by a graduate assistantship must be academically qualified for research and graduate studies and are only accepted by the University on the basis of a superior academic record. Well-qualified students from any country are encouraged to apply to any of the Departments listed below. Please do not write to the Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an analysis of study traits and approaches to learning of undergraduate and postgraduate students of construction law. It draws on a longitudinal study of construction law education and on reflections on educational practice in a U.K. university. This paper concentrates on student engagement with the study of construction law and presents two examples from practice of what works well and what does not work so well in terms of engaging students in the teaching and learning of construction law. Using some pedagogic theory, a rationale for improving the teaching, learning, and assessment régime of construction law is proposed.  相似文献   

3 厚板市场容量有限 所谓航空级板带材是从品质方面来衡量的,其中有相当一大部分用于其它工业即非航空工业.  相似文献   

从经济基础、主体基础、基本要求、政治保障、思想基础5方面阐述了新农村法治建设的路径,以期能为新农村建设提供法治依据.  相似文献   

自2005年以来,全世界掀起了一股铝及铝合金厚板系统改扩建与建设热潮,起源于美国,将终止于中国。工业发达国家多是扩建,而发展中国家则多是新建项目,改扩建内容的核心是增加高技术的辊底式固溶处理炉。发达国家的这轮改扩建工作于2008年结束,而中国的新建项目则可能要延续到2012年。截止到2007年底,全世界生产铝及铝合金厚板有13个国家的18家企业,总生产能力约1050kt/a。工业发达国家厚板的生产能力经过改扩建后约增加了50%,而中国仅中铝东北轻合金有限责任公司与西南铝业(集团)有限责任公司的新建项目在2009年末完成后形成的新生产能力就是原来生产能力的9倍,中国将成为全球厚板产能最大者,但距生产大国还有相当大的距离。厚板市场容量有限,进入此领域的投资者在项目规模、建厂时间、建厂地点等方面应作好充分的论证与规划。2010年全球对铝及铝合金厚板的需求量约800kt,2015年980kt左右,对厚板生产技术不可低估。中国还宜建铸造厚板项目与厚板深加工中心。若中国能在2012年以后自己解决航空工业所需要的铝合金厚板,那就是一个很了不起的成就。  相似文献   

This paper describes a partnership between the University of Missouri–Rolla and the Université Abou-Bekr Belka?d de Tlemcen in Algeria in order to support the development of programs of instruction and faculty training in Algeria in the areas of engineering and construction management in order to create a self-sustaining educational infrastructure in Algeria. Specifically, the partnership aims to provide educational and technical assistance to Algeria in order for them to develop: (1) new graduate programs in engineering and construction management and (2) modern teaching methodologies including Internet and distance learning. Objectives of the partnership were to provide engineering and construction management skills and expertise in order to achieve international standards in the management area. The desired impact is summarized in terms of the ability to identify operations problems and implement solutions for improved strategic competitiveness, make sound decisions, plan, and control the key resources of an organization—money and people, critically analyze, evaluate, improve, or adapt existing technical and managerial systems, design and develop new technical and managerial systems, and coordinate different projects with a better harmony and cost effectiveness. The long-term expected outcomes of the partnership are Algerian faculty with strong backgrounds in engineering and construction management, a self-sustained learning environment for Algerian institutions, including engineering management and construction management graduate programs, continuing education, and short courses, and Internet-based multimedia teaching material for collaboration between the Algerian institutions and local industry.  相似文献   

An in-situ neutron diffraction technique was used to investigate the lattice-strain distributions and plastic deformation around a crack tip after overload. The lattice-strain profiles around a crack tip were measured as a function of the applied load during the tensile loading cycles after overload. Dislocation densities calculated from the diffraction peak broadening were presented as a function of the distance from the crack tip. Furthermore, the crystallographic orientation variations were examined near a crack tip using polychromatic X-ray microdiffraction combined with differential aperture microscopy. Crystallographic tilts are considerably observed beneath the surface around a crack tip, and these are consistent with the high dislocation densities near the crack tip measured by neutron peak broadening. This article is based on a presentation given in the symposium entitled “Neutron and X-Ray Studies for Probing Materials Behavior,” which occurred during the TMS Spring Meeting in New Orleans, LA, March 9–13, 2008, under the auspices of the National Science Foundation, TMS, the TMS Structural Materials Division, and the TMS Advanced Characterization, Testing, and Simulation Committee.  相似文献   

A construction case is analyzed where there is a potential for involvement of multiple claims between owner, architect, contractor, subcontractor, and manufacturer. A particular event at a building site causes disturbances where multiple parties are affected. Different questions arise as to the duties and liabilities of the different parties. How does this situation of multiple claims affect the parties responsible? This hypothetical case study used in an educational setting analyzes the liabilities and responsibilities of different parties. Case law support is provided. The study of such a case encourages student learning of the application of contract law in practice.  相似文献   

为解决城市化发展带来的城市问题,成都市创造性提出了以"自然之美、社会公正、城乡一体"为核心理念建设"世界现代田园城市".本综述对与世界现代田园城市有相关性的田团城市、生态城市、可持续发展城市等理论及相关文献进行梳理,总结了相关理论在世界田因城市建设中有价值的理论依据,并提出了世界现代田因城市的建设也应以人口、社会、经济、自然、资源五大要素为核心,应综合考虑自然与社会.城市与乡村在社会活动中存在的差异提出科学的规划理念,关注城乡空间、功能、经济的平衡等措施.  相似文献   

Is the use of scenarios combined with the Socratic method an effective method to teach legal subjects to nonlaw students on a building and construction program? The scenarios are intended to (1) enable students to understand the legal theories through the practical application of those theories to problems posed in a scenario and (2) stimulate reasoning, analysis, and critical thinking through the Socratic method among students accustomed to memorizing handouts of PowerPoint slides. Both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered and analyzed to determine the effectiveness of using scenarios and the Socratic method in a required, first-year, entry-level, law module. Preliminary data of this ongoing research appears to indicate that the former goal (of providing a practical application and understanding of theories) was generally achieved while the latter goal (of promoting analysis and critical thinking skills among the students) was achieved to a lesser degree. As a subgroup of the subject, students will be repeating the module, a rare opportunity presents itself to delve into this question in more detail in the future.  相似文献   

谭蓉 《中国锰业》1998,16(1):6-8
通过分析近几年来世界电解金属锰(下称电解锰)的需求与我国电解锰的生产、生产能力间的关系,探讨电解锰价格和供需状况的变化规律。  相似文献   

国际机制是和谐世界构建的重要路径,也是实现国家利益与世界利益和谐互动的基本手段.构建和谐亚太是推动和谐世界建设的切实步骤,积极参与和完善亚太地区有关合作机制,是保障中国与本地区其它国家共享和平与繁荣的重要条件.当前亚太地区的合作机制建设已取得较大进展,但也存在若干不足.未来中国与其他相关方仍需立足于地区实际,稳步推进本地区相关合作机制建设,通过和谐地区建构为中国的和平发展创造一个良好的周边环境和战略依托.  相似文献   

实地考察了十堰市周边地区农村庭院的水泥混凝土路面存在的问题,并深入剖析其产生原因,最后提出相应的改进措施,以期为新农村建设的开展提供参考.  相似文献   

Advances have been made in engineering–geological studies of roadbeds in permafrost areas of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. The methodology used in engineering–geologic investigations has been greatly improved and provisions and regulations have been devised to guide engineering activities. Special attention has been paid to ground temperature and ice content because they are two of the most important and unique parameters for permafrost. Based on the data collected from recent studies, recommendations are made to enhance the stability of roadbeds. Under climate warming, a “roadbed cooling” approach is suggested for road constructions in “warm” permafrost. Advances have been also made in the prediction of changes in the permafrost engineering–geological environment, as induced by climate warming.  相似文献   

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