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In this paper, we present the development of interior magnet motors reducing iron loss at high rotational speed under the flux weakening control. The rotor core and magnet shapes are determined by the automatic numerical calculation using combination of the optimization method and the adaptive finite element method. The optimized motor is manufactured to prove the effectiveness by the measurement of the iron loss. Both results of the calculation and the measurement indicate that the iron loss of the proposed motor at the high rotational speed under the flux weakening control is reduced by half compared with the initial rotor shape while the torque is nearly constant. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 168(3): 59–66, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience. wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20827  相似文献   

内埋式永磁同步电机的弱磁控制策略   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对内埋式永磁同步电机的弱磁控制,提出一种修正电流设定值的方法.该方法由两部分组成:弱磁区域的确定和设定电流修正值的计算.电机运行所在的弱磁区域由恒转矩曲线方向和电流调节器输出电压递减方向之间的夹角来确定,输出电压的递减方向信息通过梯度下降法计算得到;设定电流修正值的大小根据该弱磁区域内转矩、电压变化量的方向信息和电流调节器输出电压与电压设定值的差值来确定.通过实验验证了该控制策略的正确性和可行性,实验结果表明所提出的控制策略控制精确度高、响应速度快、鲁棒性好.  相似文献   

A novel flux-weakening scheme for the interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) is proposed. This is implemented based on the output of the synchronous PI current regulator-reference voltage to the PWM inverter. The onset of flux weakening and the flux level are adjusted inherently by the outer voltage regulation loop to prevent saturation of the current regulator. Attractive features of this flux weakening scheme include no dependency on the machine parameters. The guarantee of current regulation at any operating condition, and smooth and fast transition into and out of the flux weakening mode. Experimental results at various operating conditions including the case of detuned parameters are presented to verify the feasibility of the proposed control scheme  相似文献   

嵌入式永磁同步电机自适应在线参数辨识   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对嵌入式永磁同步电机参数辨识问题,提出一种自适应在线参数辨识方法,可在同一模型中对定子电阻、d轴电感、q轴电感和永磁体磁链进行辨识.该方法基于模型参考自适应系统,在同步旋转d-q坐标系下,构造出q轴电流自适应观测器,利用q轴电流观测误差,借助Lyapunov超稳定理论建立参数的辨识模型并推导出待辨识参数的自适应律,保证了特定条件下系统的稳定性和辨识参数的收敛性,解决了参数在线辨识算法的鲁棒性差、算法复杂等问题.仿真和实验结果表明,辨识参数能够在较短的时间内收敛到真实值附近,并且具有较小的误差.  相似文献   

为提高内置式永磁同步电机驱动系统的运行效率,提出了一种内置式永磁同步电机的效率最优直接转矩控制方法。在建立计及定子铁心损耗的内置式永磁同步电机模型的基础上,分析了电机损耗与转矩、转速和定子磁链的关系,导出了不同运行工况条件下效率最优定子磁链幅值的计算式。通过动态调节定子磁链给定值,实现了内置式永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统的效率最优控制。实验结果表明,给出的优化控制策略在保持直接转矩控制快速动态响应特性的同时,可有效提高电机的运行效率。  相似文献   

Control strategies for an interior permanent magnet (IPM) machine suitable for field weakening are considered. Different control approaches that identify a robust and fast torque control scheme are investigated. A flux-oriented frame based on a flux observer is chosen. An allowable operating area in the state plane is selected, and the related boundaries are implemented in the control scheme. Simulated behavior is given, together with the experimental behavior obtained with a prototype drive  相似文献   

以高压直驱永磁风力发电机为研究对象,参照Windformer的设计,在传统永磁同步风力发电机的基础上,采用XLPE高压电缆作为定子绕组,进行1.5 MW/10.5 k V内转子新型高压直驱永磁风力发电机电磁设计,在Ansoft Maxwell环境下建立二维模型,对其空载情况下静态电磁场进行仿真,得到发电机内部各部件空载时电磁场分布情况。分析仿真结果,并与传统直驱永磁风力发电机空载电磁场分布进行对比,可证明该高压直驱永磁风力发电机电磁设计方案能够达到设计的主要要求。  相似文献   

文章以桨距各部分的数学模型为基础,以功率偏差为控制输入,以实际经验为依据确定了模糊论域和模糊规则库,以额定风速以上系统输出恒功率为目标,设计了直驱型永磁同步风电系统的PID控制器。利用Matlab建立了直驱型永磁同步风力发电控制系统的仿真模型,并进行了仿真,仿真结果表明模糊PID控制器能够进行变桨距控制,风能转换系统可以实现恒功率输出。  相似文献   

直驱式永磁同步发电系统的功率输出直接受发电机转速的影响。为了提高小型直驱式永磁同步发电系统的输出功率,通过分析风力机的工作特性以及最大功率追踪原理,指出经典爬山法的缺点,并提出一种新的变步长爬山法。根据前一次转速扰动和功率变化的梯度关系来决定下一次的扰动步长,可以提高系统的动态响应,扰动方向与经典爬山法一致。在最大功率点附近,功率波动小于一定值时,停止搜索,来实现最大功率追踪的快速性和稳定性。用仿真结果验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Permanent magnet synchronous motors are widely used for several industrial applications. Some applications such as electric vehicles and compressor drives require a constant power operation. The operating limits and the constant power speed range deeply depend on the machine parameters. The relationships between the motor parameters and the operating performance have been theoretically examined. This paper examines the performances of the prototype synchronous motors, where the stator structure and the rotor structure of all motors are the same. The permanent magnets are inserted into the rotor slits and the volume of the permanent magnet is adjusted to control the magnet‐flux linkage. The effects of adding the magnet to the rotor on the machine parameters and the operating performance are examined based on the various experimental results. The prototype motor has flexibility as to speed versus power performance by adjusting the volume of the permanent magnet. The theoretical results with respect to the operating limits and the motor parameters are also confirmed experimentally. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 131(4): 70–77, 2000  相似文献   

永磁体不对称放置削弱内置式永磁同步电动机齿槽转矩   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对内置切向式转子结构磁极偏移时,每极磁密的大小和分布都不相同的问题,基于解析法研究了偏移角度的确定方法.与表面式永磁电机不同,内置切向式结构在永磁体不对称时,每极极弧宽度会发生变化,影响每极磁密的大小和分布,两者都对齿槽转矩有影响,因此确定永磁体位置时须考虑两者的影响.基于内置式永磁同步电动机齿槽转矩解析表达式,分析每极磁密大小与分布对齿槽转矩的影响,研究磁极偏移角度的确定方法,并与表面式永磁电机磁极偏移角度进行了对比.采用有限元法计算不同偏移角度对齿槽转矩有影响的磁密谐波和齿槽转矩,有限元计算结果表明,由于考虑了磁极偏移对每极磁密的影响,磁极偏移能有效地削弱齿槽转矩.  相似文献   

永磁直驱同步风电场多机动态等值模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以提高仿真效率为目的,建立了一种适用于永磁直驱同步电机风电场的多机动态等值模型。该模型在同调等值法的基础上,选择能综合反映风电机组运行状态的变量矩阵作为分群指标,通过模糊聚类算法对指标矩阵进行处理,将具有相近运行点的风电机组划分到同一机群。并用一台风电机组并联一个电流源组成等值机组表征该机群,最后通过多个表征机群的等值机组的组合建立了风电场动态等值模型。在此基础上,利用电力系统电磁暂态ATP/EMTP软件平台进行实例仿真,仿真结果验证了该等值模型的有效性。  相似文献   

海上的风力发电已经逐渐变成一种大趋势.大功率的电机对装置的散热要求很高,因此对电机进行温度场分析可以很好地指导电机冷却系统的设计.强迫水冷电机与自然风冷电机相比具有散热效果好、噪声产生少,以及使用寿命更高等优点.本文以一台外转子永磁直驱风力发电机组为研究对象,基于流固耦合和共轭传热的分析方法,利用 Αnsys软件对正常工作下的电机进行温度场分析,从而得到电机内部主要部件的温度分布.最终,通过对一台10MW外转子电机进行流固耦合分析,对比计算不同冷却水流速下的电机温升分布,得出冷却流体流速与电机温升的关系曲线,为电机冷却设计提供参考.  相似文献   

程之隆  李岚  吴雷  郭潇潇 《电测与仪表》2020,57(18):103-109
直驱永磁同步风力发电机通过背靠背变流器与电网连接,这会导致电力系统频率与发电机功率解耦,从而带来在系统频率变化时不具备惯性响应的问题。针对这一问题,文章将虚拟同步发电机(VSG)控制策略引入到逆变器的控制当中,利用虚拟惯量支撑系统频率的变化。同时,该方法结合了发电机与变流器,其中发电机侧变流器采用转子磁链定向的矢量控制来保持直流母线电压的恒定,而直流母线电压大小的变化会反映系统频率的变化,进而将电机出力情况和系统频率变化联系起来。最后,在MATLAB/Simulink中对同步发电机搭建相关仿真模型,并且仿真结果验证了这种控制策略对于系统频率调节的有效性。  相似文献   

针对表面-内置式永磁转子同步电机(SIPMSM)具有结构紧凑和功率密度高的特点,准确计算SIPMSM各部件的温度分布非常重要。采用电磁场-温度场耦合分析的方法对SIPMSM的三维全域温度场进行计算。建立SIPMSM的电磁场和温度场有限元模型,分析在同步运行速度下负载和永磁体退磁对SIPMSM三维全域温度场的影响,也分析了在额定负载下运行速度对SIPMSM三维全域温度场的影响。通过仿真与实验结果的对比分析,验证了样机模型的合理性和计算结果的正确性。  相似文献   

相较于交流配电网,直流配电网供电容量大、配电损耗少、拓扑结构灵活。相较于双馈风机,永磁直驱风机无需齿轮箱和电刷,损耗小、维护费用低。永磁直驱风机直流并网兼具二者优势,具有一定的市场潜力与研究价值。阐述永磁直驱风机直流并网时风机启停所面临的问题,并基于永磁同步电机(PMSM)的数学模型和常规控制策略,提出永磁风机分段控制方案,确保永磁风机的启动、入网、停机等环节的平滑过渡。在RTDS小步长(μs)模块中建立了永磁直驱风机直流并网的仿真模型,设计直驱风电系统直流并网启停控仿真算例。仿真结果表明该启停控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

The advantages of the conventional cylindrical linear pulse motor (C-LPM), which has a ring permanent magnet between the A- and B-phase stators, are its simple magnet shape and small motor diameter; the disadvantages are the thrust imbalance resulting from the magnetic flux path of the outer poles being longer than that of the inner poles. This thrust imbalance decreases the pull-in thrust and increases the positioning error. In this paper, a new C-LPM with an interior permanent magnet mover which reduces this thrust imbalance is proposed. Steady and dynamic thrust are also examined and a magnetic equivalent circuit is discussed. It is shown that a C-LPM with an interior permanent magnet mover effectively improves the thrust imbalance and the dynamic thrust  相似文献   

The design of a new type of axially-laminated interior permanent magnet motor drive showing an extremely wide constant-power speed range which exceeds 7.5:1 is described. The effect on the field-weakening performance of the number of poles, the pole-piece material, the rotor bolt holes, the airgap size, the rotor insulation ratio, and the magnet type are analyzed using analytical and finite-element techniques. A 7.5-kW synchronous reluctance and a 7.5-kW interior permanent magnet axially-laminated rotor were built for a commercial induction motor stator and experimental low-speed and field-weakening results are presented  相似文献   

风电机组工作状态可以分为正常、故障和故障恢复过程,故障期间和故障恢复过程中变流器的控制策略会改变.分析直驱永磁风电机组电压跌落测试数据,机组外特性存在逻辑判断、限幅等强非线性环节,难以进行机理建模.对机组进行非机理建模,根据机组输出的外特性构建其简化模型,其中阻抗反映机组短路电流特性,电流源控制回路反映机组功率输出特性.电流源控制回路根据直驱永磁风电机组定功率、定电压的控制特性构建,其考虑了控制目标、时间常数、限幅以及逻辑等环节.简化模型中的参数通过电压跌落实测数据辨识获得.仿真结果表明所提模型能准确反映机组在电压跌落过程中的特性,满足暂态稳定分析的要求.  相似文献   

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