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Jasmonic acid (JA) is strongly implicated in the long-distance signal transduction cascade increasing nicotine synthesis in the roots of plants after leaf wounding. In order to explore the structural requirements of the inducing signal, we examined jasmonates, mimics, and a biosynthetic precursor for nicotine-inducing activity (NIA). We examine the importance of the keto group on the five-membered ring and the double bond in then-pentenyl chain by comparing the NIA of methyl jasmonate (MJ) with that of cucurbic acid, 1,3-dithiolane-MJ, 1,3-dioxolane-MJ, methyl dihydrojasmonate (DHMJ), 1,3-dioxolane-DHMJ, 1-oxo-indan-4-carboxylic acid ILE-methyl ester, and 1-hydroxyl-indan-4-carboxylic acid ILE-methyl ester. We found that: 1,3-dioxolane MJ, cucurbic acid, and 1,3-dioxolane DHMJ were less active than MJ and that the isoleucine (ILE) conjugates of 1-oxo- and l-hydroxyindanon-4-carboxylic acid had the same NIA as MJ. The activities of these indanon amino acid conjugates may be due to the structural similarity of their keto or hydroxyl groups on the five-membered ring to MJ or to the keto-enolized MJ. These results support the hypothesis that the enolization of the keto group during or prior to its interaction with the putative JA receptor is required for activity. We explore the importance of the esterification of the carboxyl functional group by comparing the NIAs of cucurbic acid and cucurbic acid methyl ester, l-oxo-indan-4-carboxylic acid, 1-oxo-indan-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester, and l-oxo-indan-4-carboxylic acid ILE-methyl ester. In all cases, the esters were more active than the free acids. We compared the NIA of MJ of different epimeric composition (8% and 20% 3R,7S-MJ); 12-oxophytodienoic acid (12-oxo-PDA) methyl ester, an important precursor of JA; and coronatine (a well-known phytotoxin and putative structural mimic of 12-oxo-PDA).We found that: (1) the epimeric composition of MJ did not affect its NIA; (2) 12-oxo-PDA methyl ester had lower NIA than MJ; and (3) coronatine significantly inhibited plant growth but did not increase nicotine biosynthesis. In summary, JA, rather than its biosynthetic precursor, 12-oxo-PDA, is likely the endogenous signal inNicotiana sylvestris, and the keto functional group on the five-membered ring and the double bond in then-pentenyl side chain are crucial components of JA for NIA.  相似文献   

Damage-induced alkaloids in tobacco: Pot-bound plants are not inducible   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Field-grown wild tobacco plants (Nicotiana sylvestris) were subjected to a defoliation regime designed to mimic the rate and amount of leaf mass removed by one tobacco hornworm per plant. Undamaged leaves on these plants undergo a dramatic (457% for leaf position 5, 410% for leaf position 8) increase in total leaf alkaloids compared to same-age and positioned control leaves on undamaged control plants. However, potted greenhouse-grown plants fail to exhibit the same damage-induced increase in alkaloid content. The greenhouse environment differs from the field environment in factors known to influence leaf alkaloid content, particularly soil N, P, K, near-UV radiation, and relative humidity. However, altering these environmental factors does not make potted plants able to increase their leaf alkaloid levels in response to defoliation. Transplanting plants into larger pots with more soil does allow the plants to respond to defoliation. Thirty days after transplanting, the plants are again unresponsive to damage, probably as a result of becoming pot-bound. This result suggests a mechanism for the induction response, specifically that leaf damage triggers synthesis of these alkaloids in the roots, and offers a potentially valuable experimental tool for the study of induced-plant defenses in tobacco and other plants that synthesize alkaloids in their root tissues.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of inhibitors of the octadecanoid pathway (n-propyl gallate, acetosalicylic acid, salicylhydroxamic acid, methyl salicylate, and antipyrine) on wound- and jasmonate-induced nicotine accumulation and compared the nicotine-inducing ability of exogeneous additions of linolenic acid (18:3) and its methyl ester, linoleic acid (18:2), abscisic acid, traumatic acid, and methyl dihydrojasmonate to the nicotine-inducing ability of exogenous additions of methyl jasmonate (MJ). The first four of these inhibitors significantly reduced wound-induced nicotine accumulation when applied in a lanolin paste to wounded tissues immediately after wounding at concentrations of 89–90µg/plant. When methyl salicylate and propyl gallate were mixed individually with MJ, neither inhibited MJ-induced nicotine synthesis, which suggests that the inhibitors block jasmonate synthesis or release from stored pools and not its effects. Linolenic acid or its methyl ester applied to undamaged plants or damaged plants (to either damaged or undamaged leaves) or to the roots of hydroponically growing plants did not induce nicotine accumulation or increase nicotine accumulation above levels found in damaged plants. Similarly, traumatic acid, linoleic acid, and abscisic acid did not induce nicotine accumulations. Methyl dihydrojasmonate, which is biosynthetically derived from linoleic acid, had 12–56% of the nicotine-inducing acitivity of MJ when added to the roots of hydroponically grown plants. The signal transduction pathway mediating wound-induced nicotine production therefore shares many features of the pathway eliciting wound-induced proteinase inhibitor production but differs in not being regulated at the lipase step in jasmonic acid production and not being responsive to abscisic acid.  相似文献   

Mechanism of damage-induced alkaloid production in wild tobacco   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Greenhouse-grown tobacco plants of the speciesNicotiana sylvestris (Solanaceae) subjected to leaf damage show a fourfold increase in the alkaloid content of their undamaged leaves. This increase in nicotine and nornicotine concentrations begins 19 hr after the end of the damage regime, reaches a maximum at nine days, and wanes to control levels 14 days after the start of leaf damage. The increase in leaf alkaloid content in damaged plants is largely due to a 10-fold increase in the alkaloid concentration of the xylem fluid entering leaves, which, in turn, suggests that increased synthesis of alkaloids is occurring in the roots. This research distinguishes between positive and negative cues affecting the change in xylem fluid alkaloid concentrations. A negative cue, such as auxin, when lost or diminished as a result of leaf damage could signal the alkaloidal response. Indeed, exogenous applications of auxin to damaged leaves inhibit the alkaloidal response. However, attempts to block endogenous auxin transport by steam girdling or applying an auxin transport inhibitor fail to mimic the effect of leaf damage on leaf alkaloid concentrations. The damage cue appears to be a positive cue that is related to the timing and the amount of leaf damage rather than to the amount of leaf mass lost. Moreover, when performed proximally to leaf damage, steam girdling truncates the alkaloidal response. This induced alkaloidal response appears to be triggered by a phloem-borne cue that allows the plant to distinguish between different types of leaf damage. The physiological and ecological consequences of the mechanism of this damage-induced alkaloidal response are further explored.  相似文献   

Leaf damage by herbivores inNicotiana sylvestris Spegazzini and Comes (Solanaceae) produces a damage signal that dramatically increasesde novo nicotine synthesis in the roots. The increased synthesis leads to increases in whole-plant nicotine pools, which in turn make plants more resistant to further herbivore attack. Because signal production and the response to the signal occur in widely separated tissues, the speed with which different damage signals exit a damaged leaf can be studied. We propose that electrical damage signals should exit a leaf faster (less than 60 min) than chemical damage signals. Excision of a leaf induces a smaller increase in nicotine production than does puncture damage, so we examined our proposition by excising previously punctured leaves at 1, 60, and 960 min after leaf puncture and quantifying the induced whole-plant nicotine pools six days later when the induced nicotine production had reached a maximum. Significant induced nicotine production occurred only if punctured leaves were excised more than 1 hr after puncture, which is consistent with the characteristics of a slow-moving chemical signal rather than a fast-moving electrical signal. We explore the nature of the chemical signal and demonstrate that additions of 90µg or more of methyl jasmonate (MJ) in an aqueous solution to the roots of hydroponically grown plants inducede novo nicotine synthesis from15NO3 in a manner similar to that induced by leaf damage. We examine the hypothesis that jasmonic acid (JA) functions in the transfer of the damage signal from shoot to root. Using GC-MS techniques to quantify whole-plant JA pools, we demonstrate that leaf damage rapidly (<0.5 hr) increases shoot JA pools and, more slowly (<2 hr), root JA pools. JA levels subsequently decay to levels found in undamaged plants within 24 hr and 10 hr for shoots and roots, respectively. The addition of sufficient quantities (186µg) of MJ in a lanolin paste to leaves from hydroponically grown plants significantly increased endogenous root JA pools and increasedde novo nicotine synthesis in these plants. However, the addition of 93µg or less of MJ did not significantly increase endogenous root JA pools and did not significantly affectde novo nicotine synthesis. We propose that wounding increases shoot JA pools, which either directly through transport or indirectly through a systemin-like signal increase root JA pools, which, in turn, stimulate root nicotine synthesis and increase whole-plant nicotine pools.  相似文献   

Nitrogen surplus models for nicotine production induced by leaf damage predict that the observed increase in root nicotine synthesis after leaf damage results from overflow metabolism; reduced nitrogen existing in excess of growth requirements is shunted into nicotine biosynthesis. To test the nitrogen surplus model for induced nicotine production, we measured the concentrations of the majorN-containing metabolites exported from the roots and the nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of roots and shoots in damaged and undamagedNicotiana sylvestris plants. Leaf damage: (1) had no significant effect on root or shoot NRA, (2) increased nicotine export and decreased amino-acid and amide export from the roots of NO3-fertilized plants, and (3) had no significant effect on the export of anyN-containing metabolite from the roots of NH4-fertilized plants. These results are not consistent with the nitrogen surplus model and indicate that leaf damage has a direct influence on root alkaloid metabolism.  相似文献   

We used N2-fixing and nonfixing lupines to examine the effects of plant nutrition on short-term alkaloid production in damaged leaves. Three different treatments were used: damaged leaves from N2-fixing plants; undamaged leaves from these damaged, N2-fixing plants; and damaged leaves on nitrogen-limited, nonfixing plants. Relative to controls, alkaloids increased in concentration more quickly in the N2-fixing than in the nitrogen-limited plants. The magnitude of this increase in alkaloids was correlated with the initial alkaloid concentration. These results suggest that nitrogen-rich plants may benefit from faster and higher alkaloid induction than nitrogen-limited plants. In addition, the detailed dynamics of individual alkaloids are consistent with earlier proposals for the mechanism of lupine alkaloid induction.  相似文献   

The Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability (EICA) hypothesis posits that invasive plants in introduced habitats with reduced herbivore pressure will evolve reduced levels of costly resistance traits. In light of this hypothesis, we examined the constitutive and inducible expression of five chemical defense traits in Alliaria petiolata from four invasive North American and seven native European populations. When grown under common conditions, significant variation among populations within continents was found for trypsin inhibitors and peroxidase activity, and glucosinolates and trypsin inhibitors were significantly jasmonate-inducible across populations. Across populations, constitutive levels of glucosinolates and trypsin inhibitors were negatively correlated with their degree of induction, with three North American populations tending to have lower constitutive levels and higher inducibility of glucosinolates than the seven European populations. Alliarinoside and isovitexin 6″-O-β-d-glucopyranoside levels were both higher in North American plants than in European plants, but levels of these compounds were generally increased by jasmonate in European plants and decreased by the same treatment in North American plants. Aside from the tendency for invasive populations to have reduced constitutive glucosinolate levels coupled with increased inducibility, little support for the predictions of EICA was evident in the chemical defenses that we studied.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction between plants (horsenettle; Solanum carolinense) and herbivorous insects (flea beetles; Epitrix spp., and tobacco hornworm; Manduca sexta) by focusing on three questions: (1) Does variation in nitrogen availability affect leaf chemistry as predicted by the carbon-nutrient balance (CNB) hypothesis? (2) Does variation in plant treatment and leaf chemistry affect insect feeding? (3) Is there an interaction between the insect herbivores that is mediated by variation in leaf chemistry? For three successive years (1998-2001), we grew a set of clones of 10 maternal plants under two nitrogen treatments and two water treatments. For each plant in the summer of 2000, we assayed herbivory by hornworms in both indoor (detached leaf) and outdoor (attached leaf) assays, as well as ambient flea beetle damage. Estimates of leaf material consumed were made via analysis of digitized leaf images. We also assayed leaves for total protein, phenolic, and glycoalkaloid content, and for trypsin inhibitor, polyphenol oxidase, and peroxidase activity. Despite strong effects of nitrogen treatment on growth and reproduction, only total protein responded as predicted by CNB. Leaf phenolic levels were increased by nitrogen treatment, polyphenol oxidase activity was decreased, and other leaf parameters were unaffected. Neither hornworm nor flea beetle herbivory could be related to plant treatment or genotype or to variation in any of the six leaf chemical parameters. A negative relationship between flea beetle and hornworm herbivory was found, but was not apparently mediated by any of the measured leaf chemicals. Because leaf resistance was maintained in low nitrogen plants at the apparent expense of growth and reproduction, our results support the concept of a fitness cost of defense, as predicted by the optimal defense hypothesis.  相似文献   

Young tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) grown in sand in a greenhouse and subjected to different fertilization regimes were used to test the effects of nitrogen availability on constitutive levels of phenolics and on constitutive and inducible activities of polyphenol oxidase and proteinase inhibitors. Theories that emphasize physiological constraints on the expression of phytochemicals predict an increase in levels of carbon-based allelochemicals under moderate nitrogen stress but predict, under the same conditions, an attenuation of chemical responses involving nitrogen-containing compounds such as proteinase inhibitors and polyphenol oxidase. We found that nitrogen availability had a strong effect on constitutive levels of phenolics; weaker effects on constitutive polyphenol oxidase activity, constitutive proteinase inhibitor activity, and inducible polyphenol oxidase activity; and no effect on inducible proteinase inhibitor activity. These results point to a need for the integration of theories that emphasize physiological influences on secondary metabolism with those that emphasize ecological influences on secondary metabolism and suggest that current theories of plant defense do not adequately account for enzymatic and proteinaceous defenses against arthropods.  相似文献   

Although little is known about the patterns of chemical defense allocation in reproductive tissues, optimal defense theory predicts a high constitutive allocation due to the tissues' high fitness value. To examine this prediction, we quantified the short- and long-term changes in the nicotine pools of reproductive tissues in response to both floral and leaf damage. Recently opened flowers (stage 5 capsules) do not alter their nicotine pools within a day in response to herbivory byManduca sexta larvae or mechanical damage to the corolla. Similarly, leaf damage during both vegetative and reproductive growth does not influence the nicotine pools of the first three stage-5 capsules produced. However, the nicotine pools of capsules produced later in reproductive growth were significantly larger (1.2- to 1.9-fold) on plants with leaf damage. These differences in floral nicotine pools were a result of both increases in nicotine pools of capsules on damaged plants and decreases in the nicotine pools of capsules on undamaged plants during reproductive growth. Leaf damage did not affect the rate of capsule maturation or the mass of stage-5 capsules at any time during reproductive growth. An allometric analysis of nicotine pools and biomass of reproductive parts in all stages of development from damaged and undamaged plants demonstrates that damaged plants allocated a significantly larger quantity of nicotine to reproductive parts in all stages of development than did undamaged plants. Given that nicotine is thought to be synthesized in the roots and transported to leaves and reproductive parts, nicotine could be allocated to reproductive parts in proportion to the number of developing capsules on a plant. We excised the first 27 stage-5 capsules on plants with and without leaf damage, with the expectation that plants with fewer capsules would allocate a larger amount of nicotine to the remaining capsules. In contrast to the prediction of this passive allocation model, floral excision did not affect nicotine pools on plants with or without leaf damage. These results demonstrate that the allocation of nicotine to reproductive parts is more strongly influenced by damage to vegetative rather than reproductive tissues. Reproductive parts are constitutively defended over the short term, but the set points for defense allocation are apparently increased by damage to vegetative tissues during reproductive growth. The decrease in allocation of nicotine to reproductive parts in undamaged plants during reproductive growth suggests an optimization of resource allocation as plants realize their potential fitness.  相似文献   

Extracts of needles from Scots pine,Pinus sylvestris L., grown on fertile (A) or poor (B) soil, and from lodgepole pine,P. contorta Doug. (C), have been analyzed with HPLC and UV detection. By application of multivariate analysis, the phenol pattern was shown to vary between species and between habitats. Within groups A and B, moose food choice was highly correlated to phenol pattern. Concentrations of most of the analyzed compounds were internally correlated. Information related to pine growth rate could also be extracted from the phenolic pattern for A, B, and C. Moose food choice was not correlated to pine growth rate.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of leaf vascular connections on systemically transmitted herbivore-induced gene expression in Nicotiana attenuata. Although systemic signaling is clearly associated with the plant vascular system, few studies consider vascular architecture when measuring systemically induced defenses. N. attenuata is a plant with dispersed phyllotaxis approximating 3/8 in the rosette stage of growth. We mimicked Manduca sexta herbivory by introducing larval regurgitant to wounds produced with a standardized continuous mechanical wounding and investigated mRNA accumulation of genes. Herbivory in N. attenuata induces the expression of genes coding for a proteinase inhibitor protein (PI), threonine deaminase (TD, EC, a luminal-binding protein (BiP), and an -dioxygenase (-DOX). We measured the systemic response of sink leaves when orthostichous (growing at an angular distance of 0 degrees) source leaves were treated, and vice versa, and compared it to the systemic response of leaves growing at the maximum angular distance of 180 degrees. Vascular architecture clearly controlled the intensity of systemic mRNA accumulation within the 4-hr time frame of the experiment. In addition, we found signal translocation to be bidirectional, travelling from source to sink as well as from sink to source leaves, which argues against a phloem-based assimilate-linked signal identity.  相似文献   

The addition of Na and S into alumina catalysts brought about a decrease in the catalytic activity for the reduction of NO with ethane in excess oxygen. Aluminas containing Na or S in different amounts were subjected to activity tests for the related reactions to elucidate the causes of the suppressive effects of the addition of Na and S on the reduction of NO. The reactions taken as test reactions were the oxidation of NO with oxygen, the reaction of NO2 with ethene in the absence of oxygen, and the reaction of ethene with oxygen. The addition of Na suppressed the oxidation of NO, and the reaction of NO2 with ethene to form N2, but promoted the reaction of ethene with oxygen to a great extent. The addition of Na also caused the formation of NO in the reaction of NO2 with ethene. The changes which the addition of Na brought about are all unfavorable directions for the reduction of NO. The most important effect of the addition of Na on the decrease in the reduction of NO is suggested to be due to the enhancement of the reaction of ethene with oxygen. The addition of S suppressed the oxidation of NO to a great extent, but did not affect much the reaction of ethene with oxygen. Like the case of the Na addition, the addition of S caused the formation of NO in the reaction of NO2 with ethene.  相似文献   

Plants respond to herbivore and pathogen attack by a variety of direct and indirect mechanisms that include the induction of secondary metabolites. The phytomedicinal plant Hypericum perforatum L. produces two different classes of secondary metabolites: hyperforins, a family of antimicrobial acylphloroglucinols; and hypericins, a family of phototoxic anthraquinones exhibiting antimicrobial, antiviral, and antiherbivore properties in vitro. To determine whether these compounds are part of the herbivore-specific inducible plant defense system, we used an in vitro detached assay to assess the effects of specialist and generalist herbivore damage on the levels of hypericins and hyperforin. Greenhouse-grown H. perforatum plant sections were challenged with the specialist, Chrysolina quadrigemina, or with one of the following generalist feeders: Spilosoma virginica, Spilosoma congrua, or Spodoptera exigua. Feeding by the specialist beetle or mechanical wounding caused little change in phytochemical levels in plant tissue, whereas the small amount of feeding by the generalists caused 30-100% increases in hypericins and hyperforin as compared to control levels. Although the leaf damage index of the specialist feeding was 2.7 times greater, C. quadrigemina had little effect on H. perforatum chemical defenses in response to feeding damage in comparison to generalist feeding.  相似文献   

A set of clones of 10 maternal plants was grown for three successive years (1998-2000) under two nitrogen treatments and two water treatments. Path analysis revealed strong direct and indirect effects of nitrogen treatment on growth and reproduction, but fruit morphological and chemical variables were not strongly affected. Fruit pulp chemistry varied only slightly across treatments despite the large differences in growth and reproduction associated with resource variation. Leaf and ripe fruit chemical contents were not significantly correlated across treatments, and maternal plants, and leaf chemical variables did not help explain fruit chemical variation when included as covariates in ANCOVA analyses, suggesting no physiological constraints of leaf chemistry on ripe fruit chemistry. Results suggest that, while maternal plants may vary somewhat in fruit chemistry, and fruit chemistry may vary somewhat depending upon environmental conditions, levels of primary and secondary metabolites within fruits are not best explained by supply-side hypotheses. Ripe fruit chemistry remained relatively constant in the face of drastically changing resource levels, suggesting an adaptive function and supporting the Defense Tradeoff hypothesis. Fruit quality, both in terms of nutritional make-up and putative defensive properties, was maintained despite strong effects on plant growth and reproduction. Because glycoalkaloids are general defense compounds, we conclude that ripe fruit chemistry most likely reflects a balance between selection for attraction of seed dispersers and defense against pests and pathogens.  相似文献   

Iridoid glycosides are a group of terpenoid secondary plant compounds known to deter generalist insect herbivores. In ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata), the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol can be induced following damage by insect herbivores. In this study, we investigated whether the same compounds can be induced following infection by the fungal pathogen Diaporthe adunca, the causal agent of a stalk disease in P. lanceolata. Significant induction of aucubin and catalpol was observed in two of the three plant genotypes used in this study following inoculation with the pathogen. In one of the genotypes, induction occurred within 6 hr after inoculation, and no decay was observed within 8 days. The highest level of induction was observed in reproductive tissues (spikes and stalks) where infection took place. In these tissues, iridoid glycoside levels in infected plants were, on average, 97% and 37% higher than the constitutive levels in the corresponding control plants, respectively. Significant induction was also observed in leaves (24%) and roots (17%). In addition to significant genotypic variation in the level of induction, we found genetic variation for the tissue-specific pattern of induction, further broadening the scope for evolutionary fine-tuning of induced responses. Recent studies have revealed a negative association between iridoid glycoside levels in P. lanceolata genotypes and the amount of growth and reproduction of D. adunca that these genotypes support. However, for the three genotypes used in the present study, differences in resistance were not related to their constitutive or induced levels of iridoid glycosides, suggesting that additional resistance mechanisms are important in this host-pathogen system. We conclude that iridoid glycosides in P. lanceolata can be induced both by arthropods and pathogenic micro-organisms. Pathogen infection could, therefore, potentially enhance resistance to generalist insect herbivores in this species.  相似文献   

Somatic growth and reproduction were examined in individual laboratory-grown female Gambusia affinis fed with high (H), medium (M) and low (L) ration levels from birth to the first-time spawning. Results showed that the body length and weight, condition factor (CF), wet weight gain (WGw), specific growth rate in wet weight (SGRw) and ration levels in terms of energy (RLe) decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with decreasing ration levels from birth to first-time spawning. On the contrary, the food conversion efficiency in terms of energy (FCEe) increased significantly (p < 0.05) with the decreasing ration levels from birth to first-time sexual maturity. Furthermore, higher percentages of energy intake from food were allocated to somatic and gonad growth in M and L groups compared to the H group before sexual maturity; In addition, the time for first-time spawning in groups M and L was longer than that of the H group. As a result, the gonad-somatic index (GSI) and oocytes/embryos weight in M and L groups were similar to that of the H group, although the ovary weight and oocytes/embryos numbers were all lower than that of the H group. Also, similar growth performances were observed in second-generation offspring, which were produced by female parents fed with different ration levels. These findings suggest that the female G. affinis could produce a number of healthy offspring under conditions of food restriction, and that this could be achieved by increasing the energy allocated to gonad development, reducing fecundity and delaying spawning time. These life strategies ensured that G. affinis could survive and thrive in adverse environmental conditions and exhibit characteristics of invasive fish species.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted at Samaru, Nigeria over a three-year period (1986–88) to study the effects of N and P fertilization on the response of promiscuously nodulating soybean toBradyrhizobium japonicum inoculation in a ferruginous tropical soil. Phosphorus fertilization enhanced nodulation, while N fertilization had no consistent effect on nodulation. Both N and P increased dry matter production. Seed yields were not influenced by the application of N. However, P increased seed yields in two out of three years. Response of seed yield to P fertilization was significant up to 26.4 kg P ha–1.Bradyrhizobium inoculation consistently enhanced nodulation while it increased seed yield in only one out of three years. Results demonstrate that P is an important nutrient for soybean production in ferruginous tropical soils. The roles of promiscuously nodulating soybean in the maintenance of tropical soil fertility are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a method using paraffin oil solutions and gas chromatography to measure and correct for differences in volatility among test compounds applied to filter paper and to address the problem of minimizing solvent contributions to EAG responses. To examine the effect of the volatility bias, we evaluated the EAG responses of female fir coneworm, Dioryctria abietivorella, to five volatile plant compounds, using a new method to normalize EAG responses to account for the loss of antennal sensitivity that occurs over time. Stimuli were generated either from equimolar (uncorrected) solutions or from corrected solutions that were adjusted to yield equimolar airborne concentrations in the air puffed over antennae. When uncorrected solutions were tested, the two most volatile compounds, (E)-2-hexenal and (E)-3-hexenyl acetate, elicited significantly larger EAG responses than three terpenes. When corrected concentrations were tested, the ranking of these responses changed: (E)-2-hexenal elicited significantly smaller EAGs than (–)--pinene, (–)-limonene, and (E)-3-hexenyl acetate. On the other hand, there was no effect on the ranking of EAG responses to the two monoterpenes and a sesquiterpene, (–)-trans-caryophyllene, relative to each other. Normalization of EAG data did not affect the overall results (i.e., stimulus rankings) but did reduce their variance within preparations. The results show that when compounds with widely different volatilities are compared in olfactory bioassays, the concentrations of test solutions should be adjusted to produce emissions with equimolar airborne concentrations.  相似文献   

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