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For a linear time-invariant system with several disturbance inputs and controlled outputs, we show how to minimize the nominal H2-norm performance in one channel while keeping bounds on the H2-norm or H∞-norm performance (implying robust stability) in the other channels. This multiobjective H2 /H∞-problem in an infinite dimensional space is reduced to sequences of finite dimensional convex optimization problems. We show how to compute the optimal value and how to numerically detect the existence of a rational optimal controller. If it exists, we reveal how the novel trick of optimizing the trace norm of the Youla parameter over certain convex constraints allows one to design a nearly optimal controller whose Youla parameter is of the same order as the optimal one 相似文献
In certain applications, such as the colocated control of flexible structures, the plant is known to be positive real. Hence, closed-loop stability is unconditionally guaranteed as long as the controller is also positive real. One approach to designing positive real controllers is the LQG-based positive real synthesis technique of Lozano-Leal and Joshi. The contribution of this paper is the extension of this positive real synthesis technique to include an H∞-norm constraint on closed-loop performance 相似文献
This note considers the problem of finding a stable reduced-order model for a given stable model so that its H2 model reduction cost differs by less than a prescribed error from the optimal cost, which may or may not be achievable. It is shown that this new version of the long-standing H2 optimal model reduction problem can be reduced to a well-posed smooth constrained minimization problem whose global solution is guaranteed to exist. In addition, a globally convergent algorithm in the form of an ordinary differential equation is derived 相似文献
In this paper we consider the problem of minimizing the H2 -norm of the closed-loop map while maintaining its l1-norm at a prescribed level. The problem is analyzed in the case of discrete-time, SISO closed-loop maps. Utilizing duality theory, it is shown that the optimal solution is unique, and, in the nontrivial case where the l1 constraint is active, the optimal solution has a finite impulse response. A finite step procedure is given for the construction of the exact solution. This procedure consists of solving a finite number of quadratic programming problems which can be performed using standard methods. Finally, continuity properties of the optimal solution with respect to changes in the l1-constraint are established 相似文献
This paper presents the ability of electrostatic sprayed tin oxide (SnO2) and tin oxide doped with copper oxide (1, 2, and 4 at.% Cu) films to detect different pollutant gases, i.e., H2S, SO2, and NO2. The influence of a copper oxide dopant on the SnO2 morphology is studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique, which reveals a small decrease in the porosity and particle size when the amount of dopant is increased. The sensing properties of the SnO2 films are greatly improved by doping, i.e., the Cu-doped SnO2 films have large response to low concentration (10 ppm) of H2S at low operating temperature (100 °C). Furthermore, no cross-sensitivity to 1 ppm NO2 and 20 ppm SO2 is observed. Among the studied films, the 1 at.% Cu-doped SnO2 layer is the most sensitive in the detection of all the studied gases. 相似文献
The effects of the crystallographic orientation on the H2 gas sensing properties were investigated in highly oriented polycrystalline Pd-doped SnO2 films, which were obtained using rf magnetron sputtering of a Pd (0.5 wt%)-SnO2 target on various substrates (a-, m-, r-, and c-cut sapphire and quartz). All the films had a similar thickness (110 nm), root-mean-square (rms) roughness (1.3 nm), surface area, and chemical status (O, Sn, and Pd). However, the orientation of the films was strongly affected by the orientation of the substrates. The (1 0 1), (0 0 2), and (1 0 1) oriented films were grown on (a-cut), (m-cut), and (r-cut) Al2O3 substrates, respectively, and rather randomly oriented films were deposited on (0 0 0 1) (c-cut) Al2O3 and quartz substrates. In addition, the oriented Pd-doped SnO2 films were highly textured and had in-plane orientation relationships with the substrates similar to the epitaxial films. The (1 0 1) Pd-doped SnO2 films on and Al2O3 showed a considerably higher H2 sensitivity, and their gas response decreased with increasing sensing temperature (400–550 °C). The films deposited on and (0 0 0 1) Al2O3 showed the maximum sensitivity at 500 °C. The comparison of the H2 gas response between undoped and Pd-doped SnO2 films revealed that the Pd-doping shifted the optimum sensing temperature to a lower value instead of improving the gas sensitivity. 相似文献
We consider a semigroup model with jumps in the state that covers distributed parameter systems with impulse control or sampled-data distributed parameter systems with control realized through zero-order or first-order hold. We then introduce the H2 and H∞ problems for this system and give the solutions in terms of the solutions of Riccati equations with jumps 相似文献
This paper describes the fabrication procedure as well as the sensing properties of new hydrogen sensors using Fe2O3-based thin film. The film is deposited by the r.f. sputtering technique; its composition is Fe2O3, TiO2(5 mol%) and MgO(0–12 mol%). The conductance change of the film is examined in various test gases. The sensitivity to hydrogen gas is enhanced by treating the film in vacuum at 550 °C for 4 h and then in air at 700 °C for 2 h. The sputtered film is identified to be polycrystalline -Fe2O3 based on X-ray diffraction patterns. However, the surface layer is considered to be changed to Fe3O4 after heating in vacuum and then to γ-Fe2O3 after heating in air. The film is thus a multilayer one with a thin γ-Fe2O3 layer on a -Fe2O3 layer. The sensing mechanism is discussed based on measurements of the physical properties of the film, such as the temperature dependence of the sensor conductance, X-ray diffraction pattern, surface morphology, RBS (Rutherford back-scattering) spectrum and optical absorption spectrum. 相似文献
This paper presents a nonlinear control design for both the H2 and H∞ optimal control for current-fed induction motor drives. These controllers are derived using analytical stationary solutions that minimize a generalized convex energy cost function including the stored magnetic energy and the coil losses, while satisfying torque regulation control objectives. Explicit control expressions for both the H2 and H∞ optimal design are given. Furthermore, the optimal attenuation factor, i.e., the optimal H∞ norm and the corresponding worst case disturbance, are both computed explicitly 相似文献
Investigates robust filtering design problems in H2 and H∞ spaces for continuous-time systems subjected to parameter uncertainty belonging to a convex bounded-polyhedral domain. It is shown that, by a suitable change of variables, both designs can be converted into convex programming problems written in terms of linear matrix inequalities. The results generalize the ones available in the literature to date in several directions. First, all system matrices can be corrupted by parameter uncertainty and the admissible uncertainty may be structured. Then, assuming the order of the uncertain system is known, the optimal guaranteed performance H2 and H∞ filters are proven to be of the same order as the order of the system. A numerical example illustrate the theoretical results 相似文献
Vishal BalouriaAuthor Vitae Arvind KumarAuthor VitaeA. SinghAuthor Vitae S. SamantaAuthor VitaeA.K. DebnathAuthor Vitae Aman MahajanAuthor VitaeR.K. BediAuthor Vitae D.K. AswalAuthor Vitae S.K. GuptaAuthor VitaeJ.V. YakhmiAuthor Vitae 《Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical》2011,157(2):466-472
The conductometric gas sensing characteristics of Cr2O3 thin films - prepared by electron-beam deposition of Cr films on quartz substrate followed by oxygen annealing - have been investigated for a host of gases (CH4, CO, NO2, Cl2, NH3 and H2S) as a function of operating temperature (between 30 and 300 °C) and gas concentration (1-30 ppm). We demonstrate that these films are highly selective to H2S at an operating temperature of 100 °C, while at 220 °C the films become selective to Cl2. This result has been explained on the basis of depletion of chemisorbed oxygen from the surface of films due to temperature and/or interaction with Cl2/H2S, which is supported experimentally by carrying out the work function measurements using Kelvin probe method. The temperature dependent selectivity of Cr2O3 thin films provides a flexibility to use same film for the sensing of Cl2 as well as H2S. 相似文献
Zhiyong Geng Lin Huang 《Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on》2000,45(8):1519-1522
This paper studies the problem of H2 norm checking for a MIMO system with parameter uncertainties. Under the assumptions that the coefficients of the numerator polynomial of the system's transfer function are multi-affine functions of the uncertain parameter that varies in a convex polytope, and that the coefficients of the denominator polynomial of the system's transfer function are affine functions of the uncertain parameter which varies in a convex polytope, a vertex checking result is obtained 相似文献
We relate the H∞ and H2 norms for multi-input/multi-output sampled-data feedback control systems, where a continuous-time plant is controlled by a digital compensator with hold and sampler. Upper bounds on both H2 and H∞ norms are obtained based on fundamental relations derived by two different approaches, namely the hybrid state-space approach and the fast sampling and lifting approach 相似文献
Corrado Di Natale Arnalod D''Amico Fabrizio A.M. Davide Guido Faglia Paolo Nelli Giogio Sberveglieri 《Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical》1994,20(2-3):217-224
In this paper formed by SnO2-based sensors, for the quantitative measurement of H2S and NO2 mixtures, have been studied. The performance of the arrays, obtained by merging together a set of SnO2 sensors of different kinds, has been evaluated in terms of a set of figures of merit. The analysis allows us to select the arrays with the best performance among all the possible configurations obtainable using the available set of sensors. 相似文献
针对一类具有未知扰动的线性系统的故障检测(FD)问题,通过对系统进行重构,设计出了系统的H2/H-优化FD观测器。利用构造的Lyapunov函数和线性矩阵不等式,证明并给出了FD观测器有解的充分条件和优化设计方法。所设计的观测器使系统具有渐近稳定性,抑制干扰能力强,满足所给的范数指标。仿真结果验证了所设计方法的有效性。 相似文献
Shang-Wei TsaiAuthor VitaeJin-Chern ChiouAuthor Vitae 《Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical》2011,152(2):176-182
In situ SiO2-doped SnO2 thin films were successfully prepared by liquid phase deposition. The influence of SiO2 additive as an inhibitor on the surface morphology and the grain size for the thin film has been investigated. These results show that the morphology of SnO2 film changes significantly by increasing the concentration of H2SiF6 solution which decreases the grain size of SnO2. The stoichiometric analysis of Si content in the SnO2 film prepared from various Si/Sn molar ratios has also been estimated. For the sensing performance of H2S gas, the SiO2-doped Cu-Au-SnO2 sensor presents better sensitivity to H2S gas compared with Cu-Au-SnO2 sensor due to the fact that the distribution of SiO2 particles in grain boundaries of nano-crystallines SnO2 inhibited the grain growth (<6 nm) and formed a porous film. By increasing the Si/Sn molar ratio, the SiO2-doped Cu-Au-SnO2 gas sensors (Si/Sn = 0.5) exhibit a good sensitivity (S = 67), a short response time (t90% < 3 s) and a good gas concentration characteristic (α = 0.6074). Consequently, the improvement of the nano-crystalline structures and high sensitivity for sensing films can be achieved by introducing SiO2 additive into the SnO2 film prepared by LPD method. 相似文献
R.B Vasiliev M.N Rumyantseva N.V Yakovlev A.M Gaskov Author vitae 《Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical》1998,50(3):186-193
CuO/SnO2 heterostructures as well as SnO2(CuO) polycrystalline films have been studied for H2S sensing. Gas sensing properties of these materials have been compared in conditions: 25–300 ppm H2S in N2 at 100–250°C. A shorter response time of the heterostructures as compared to that of the SnO2(CuO) films has been found. It is suggested that the improvement of dynamic sensor properties of SnO2/CuO heterostructures is caused by the localization of electrical barrier between CuO and SnO2 layers. 相似文献
In-Sung Joong-Ki Sun-Jung Ki-Young Jae-Hong Byeong-Kwon Jong-Heun 《Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical》2009,142(1):105-110
The CuO-functionalized SnO2 nanowire (NW) sensors were fabricated by depositing a slurry containing SnO2 NWs on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-guided substrate and subsequently dropping Cu nitrate aqueous solution. The CuO coating increased the gas responses to 20 ppm H2S up to 74-fold. The Ra/Rg value of the CuO-doped SnO2 NWs to 20 ppm H2S was as high as 809 at 300 °C, while the cross-gas responses to 5 ppm NO2, 100 ppm CO, 200 ppm C2H5OH, and 100 ppm C3H8 were negligibly low (1.5–4.0). Moreover, the 90% response times to H2S were as short as 1–2 s at 300–400 °C. The selective detection of H2S and enhancement of the gas response were attributed to the uniform distribution of the sensitizer (CuO) on the surface of the less agglomerated network of the SnO2 NWs. 相似文献