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机器人的视觉相当于机器人的眼睛,机器人视觉系统是当下研究热点。本文主要研究基于视觉信息的机器人系统,通过对获得的图像信息的处理来实现对机器人的控制。详细讨论了摄像机标定、图像处理等方面的设计,实现了对机器人控制系统的设计。 相似文献
位置跟踪是移动机器人自主导航中的一个主要任务.扩展的卡尔曼滤波定位方法是一个常用的位置跟踪方法,但是在对非线性系统方程进行线性化近似过程中引入了线性化误差.文中给出了一个基于线性系统模型的位置估计方法.用一个高维的状态向量表示机器人的位置空间,并选用环境路标的全局信息作为观测向量,此时系统动态模型和系统观测模型都是线性的,从而直接运用最优的线性卡尔曼滤波技术进行移动机器人位置估计.这种方法免除了非线性方程的线性近似过程,避免了线性化误差.实验表明,位置估计过程是收敛的、一致的. 相似文献
A mobile robot being used for an undergraduate course in mechatronics engineering was converted from a conventional lead acid battery to a hydrogen fuelled polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) micro fuel cell as the power source. The application of the robot is first outlined. Next, the design of the fuel-cell-based power supply system as assembled from the commercial components is described. Finally, the performance of the fuel cell is documented. The performance was found to match that of the conventional battery. An operational problem associated with the purging of water had to be solved. Although the cost of the fuel cell was 50 times that of the battery, the exercise did serve to demonstrate the potential of the technology. 相似文献
Cécile Delgorge Fabien Courrèges Lama Al Bassit Cyril Novales Christophe Rosenberger Natalie Smith-Guerin Concepció Brù Rosa Gilabert Maurizio Vannoni Gérard Poisson Pierre Vieyres 《IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine》2005,9(1):50-58
This paper presents a new tele-operated robotic chain for real-time ultrasound image acquisition and medical diagnosis. This system has been developed in the frame of the Mobile Tele-Echography Using an Ultralight Robot European Project. A light-weight six degrees-of-freedom serial robot, with a remote center of motion, has been specially designed for this application. It holds and moves a real probe on a distant patient according to the expert gesture and permits an image acquisition using a standard ultrasound device. The combination of mechanical structure choice for the robot and dedicated control law, particularly nearby the singular configuration allows a good path following and a robotized gesture accuracy. The choice of compression techniques for image transmission enables a compromise between flow and quality. These combined approaches, for robotics and image processing, enable the medical specialist to better control the remote ultrasound probe holder system and to receive stable and good quality ultrasound images to make a diagnosis via any type of communication link from terrestrial to satellite. Clinical tests have been performed since April 2003. They used both satellite or Integrated Services Digital Network lines with a theoretical bandwidth of 384 Kb/s. They showed the tele-echography system helped to identify 66% of lesions and 83% of symptomatic pathologies. 相似文献
Client-server-based mobile robot control 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A control architecture for an autonomous mobile robot usually consists of two components: (1) intelligent control software and (2) an operating system for resource access. From the point of view of a computer scientist, it is desirable to achieve a certain level abstraction from the resource (be it sensor or effector). Here, this is achieved by introducing a client-server framework for realizing abstract resource access and intelligent control. Hardware details are hidden in a middleware layer, which is inserted in between operating system and applications. In this paper, we present the most important features of our client-server approach. The servers decouple hardware and software dependencies. Communication is realized through the use of classes, offering a wide variety of client-server interaction. Event-driven servers and clients lead to quick responses in dynamic environments. Our approach gives reusability, portability, testability, and maintainability through data abstraction. It was successfully applied in our experimental platform ARS 相似文献
Yongoug Chung Chongkug Park Harashima F. 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2001,48(4):853-863
For more accurate path tracking of a four-wheeled two-degrees-of-freedom mobile robot (WMR), a position control algorithm is proposed with two separated feedback loops, a velocity feedback loop and a position feedback loop. In the most conventional position control system of a WMR, internal error is mainly considered, while external error has, as yet, hardly been treated, although it plays an important role in accurate position control. This external error is caused by unexpected environmental situations. The proposed control algorithm is designed to compensate for both internal error and external error. This algorithm makes it possible to accurately follow the designed trajectory 相似文献
Xiannuan Liang Yang Xiao Jingyuan Zhang Hongmei Deng Athanasios V. Vasilakos 《Telecommunication Systems》2013,52(4):2519-2532
In this paper, we are interested in a single robot detecting intrusions across a rectangular perimeter. We build a stochastic model to analyze the detection quality achieved by a single robot moving along the rectangular perimeter, based on the velocity and the mobility pattern. We define the following intrusion event mode: intrusions occur at a random point along the rectangular perimeter, and stay at that point for a random length of time. In our model, a robot is set to periodically move along a certain route at a variable speed. We derive the general expression for intrusion loss probability. Under the reasonable assumption that, once an intrusion takes place at a random point in the rectangular perimeter, it stays there for a random length of time, which follows an exponential distribution, we then derive the solution to the above problem. 相似文献
Ricardo Carelli Guillermo Forte Luis Canali Vicente Mut Gastn Aragus Eduardo Destfanis 《Mechatronics》2008,18(4):187-194
The present work proposes an autonomous tracking control system and a control structure to combine autonomous and teleoperation commands in a bicycle-type mobile robot. This compounded operation renders great flexibility to the control system of the mobile robot. For autonomous operation, a simple tracking controller that includes compensation of the robot dynamics is developed. This tracking control system is proved to be stable in the sense that it asymptotically reaches the tracking objective. Teleoperation with visual access to the robot’s workspace is integrated via a joystick with the autonomous operation of the robot. Simulations and experimental results on a prototype robot show the feasibility and performance of the proposed control system. 相似文献
Retrieving accurate location information about an object in real-time, as well as any general information pertinent to the object, is a key to enabling a robot to perform a task in cluttered, dynamically changing environment. In this paper, we address a novel technique for the guidance of mobile robots to help them identify, locate, and approach a target in our daily environments. To this end, we propose a standard for the use of radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems and develop a prototype that can be easily installed in the existing mobile robots.Specifically, when an RF signal is transmitted from an RF transponder, the proposed RFID system reads the transponder-encoded data and simultaneously picks up the direction of the transponder using the received signal strength pattern. Based on the angle of signal arrival, we develop the guidance strategies that enable a robot to find its way to the transponder position. Moreover, to cope with multi-path reflection and unexpected distortions of the signals that resulted from environmental effects, we present several algorithms for reconstructing the signals. We demonstrate that an off-the-self mobile robot equipped with the proposed system locates and approaches a stationary target object. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the proposed system operating at a frequency of 315 MHz falls within a reasonable range in our normal office environment. 相似文献
介绍了一种无线两轮驱动机器人小车和软硬件实现方法,计算机通过串口无线控制机器人小车和接收机器小车反馈回来的运动状态信息。在对几种近距无线通信协议进行分析和比较的基础上,选用Zigbee协议栈技术作为基本的通信协议,并基于该协议实现遥控机器人小车和监测小车的运动状态,通过监测机器人的运动状态来提高控制的准确度。CC2430无线单片机负责无线通信和组网,MSP430单片机作为主控制芯片,MSP430通过产生两路PWM波来控制两路直流电机,实现机器人根据计算机发出的各种命令执行不同的动作。该机器人已用于危险环境监测研究当中。 相似文献
轮式移动机器人运动控制系统研究与设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于差速转向原理,设计了一套轮式移动机器人的运动控制系统。首先选择小车的模型(运动模型),进行运动学和力学分析,得出左右两侧车轮的速度约束,然后设计机器人的运动控制模块和无线遥控模块。运动控制模块可分为控制电路和驱动电路两大模块,控制电路以DSP作为核心控制部件,捕获编码器的信息并产生PWM信号;驱动电路以直流电机H桥集成芯片为驱动部件,接收来自DSP的控制信号。无线遥控模块选用AVR单片机作为控制核心,实现A/D转换和指令发送等功能。实验证明,该系统不仅能实现较长距离的无线控制,传输可靠,而且速度控制准确,车体运动灵活。 相似文献
The robots that will be needed in the near future are human-friendly robots that are able to coexist with humans and support humans effectively. To realize this, humans and robots need to be in close proximity to each other as much as possible. Moreover, it is necessary for their interactions to occur naturally. It is desirable for a robot to carry out human following, as one of the human-affinitive movements. The human-following robot requires several techniques: the recognition of the target human, the recognition of the environment around the robot, and the control strategy for following a human stably. In this research, an intelligent environment is used in order to achieve these goals. An intelligent environment is a space in which many sensors and intelligent devices are distributed. Mobile robots exist in this space as physical agents providing humans with services. A mobile robot is controlled to follow a walking human using distributed intelligent sensors as stably and precisely as possible. The control law based on the virtual spring model is proposed to mitigate the difference of movement between the human and the mobile robot. The proposed control law is applied to the intelligent environment and its performance is verified by the computer simulation and the experiment. 相似文献
A fault adaptive control methodology for mobile robots is presented. The robot is modeled as a continuous system with a supervisory controller. The physical processes of the robot are modeled using bond graphs, and this forms the basis of a combined qualitative reasoning and quantitative model-based estimation scheme for online fault detection and isolation during robot operation. A hierarchical-control accommodation framework is developed for the supervisory controller that determines a suitable control strategy to accommodate the isolated fault. It is shown that for small degradations in actuation effort, a robust controller achieves fault accommodation without significant loss of performance. However, for larger faults, the supervisor needs to switch among several controllers to maintain acceptable performance. The switching stability among a set of trajectory tracking controllers is presented. Simulation results verify the proposed fault adaptive control technique for a mobile robot. 相似文献