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We compared the sensitivity and specificity of a tissue factor-based assay (FVR) with the addition of a phospholipid/silica preparation, to the commercially available aPTT-based method, APCR (CoatestTM), and a modified aPTT-based method (APCM) which utilized factor V-depleted plasma, for the detection of the factor V Leiden mutation. A total of 110 patients were included in this study. This included 32 patients on coumadin therapy, 7 patients on heparin therapy, 5 patients on both anticoagulants therapy, and 24 patients who were positive for anticardiolipin antibody (ACL) and/or lupus inhibitor (LI). Our data demonstrate that the FVR is not affected by anticoagulation treatment or ACL/LI antibodies, whereas in the APCR method, 33 patients cannot be determined either due to the anticoagulant therapy or presence of the ACL and/or LI. With the APCM method, the clotting endpoint could not be determined in 1 patient due to the presence of a strong LI. The additional phospholipid/silica material utilized in the FVR enhanced the APC degradation of factor Va and therefore sharpened the demarcation between the factor V Leiden-positive and -negative patients. The sensitivity for the APCR, APCM and FVR was 42, 97 and 100% respectively. The specificity for the APCR, APCM and FVR was 94, 96 and 100% respectively.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) signal transduction is mediated by two receptor Ser/Thr kinases acting in series, type II TGFbeta receptor (TbetaR-II) phosphorylating type I TGFbeta receptor (TbetaR-I). Because the failure of interaction cloning, thus far, to identify bona fide TbetaR-I substrates might reasonably have been due to the use of inactive TbetaR-I as bait, we sought to identify molecules that interact specifically with active TbetaR-I, employing the triple mutation L193A,P194A,T204D in a yeast two-hybrid system. The Leu-Pro substitutions prevent interaction with FK506-binding protein 12 (FKBP12), whose putative function in TGFbeta signaling we have previously disproved; the charge substitution at Thr204 constitutively activates TbetaR-I. Unlike previous screens using wild-type TbetaR-I, where FKBP12 predominated, none of the resulting colonies encoded FKBP12. A novel protein was identified, TbetaR-I-associated protein-1 (TRAP-1), that interacts in yeast specifically with mutationally activated TbetaR-I, but not wild-type TbetaR-I, TbetaR-II, or irrelevant proteins. In mammalian cells, TRAP-1 was co-precipitated only by mutationally activated TbetaR-I and ligand-activated TbetaR-I, but not wild-type TbetaR-I in the absence of TGFbeta. The partial TRAP-1 protein that specifically binds these mutationally and ligand-activated forms of TbetaR-I can inhibit signaling by the native receptor after stimulation with TGFbeta or by the constitutively activated receptor mutation, as measured by a TGFbeta-dependent reporter gene. Thus, TRAP-1 can distinguish activated forms of the receptor from wild-type receptor in the absence of TGFbeta and may potentially have a functional role in TGFbeta signaling.  相似文献   

Twenty-one previously untreated multiple myeloma (MM) patients and 10 previously treated patients with refractory or relapsed disease received two or three cycles of intermediate-dose melphalan (70 mg/m2) (IDM), administered intravenously every 6 weeks. Seven previously untreated patients received three and all other patients received two courses of IDM. The objective of the study was to reduce the toxicity of high-dose melphalan (140 mg/m2) (HDM) while maintaining its cytotoxic efficacy and secondly to ensure the possibility of collecting sufficient numbers of peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) for transplantation. 18 (85%) previously untreated patients responded, of whom four achieved CR (18%). In addition five out of 10 previously treated patients with refractory or relapsed disease responded although bone marrow toxicity in this category was a major drawback. Toxicity was moderate, consisting of alopecia and moderate bone marrow suppression: the granulocyte count dropped below 0.5 x 10(9)/l and platelets below 25 x 10(9)/l for a median of 8 and 6 d, respectively. No serious infections occurred and the majority of patients attended the out-patient clinic. In 12/14 previously untreated patients sufficient peripheral blood CD34+ cells for harvest were present in the repopulation phase after the first IDM. In nine patients peripheral blood stem cells were collected and eight patients have undergone successful transplantation. Repeated IDM followed by filgrastim is highly effective in untreated MM and may be safely administered to reduce tumour load prior to PBSC collection. Autologous stem cells harvested after repeated IDM have a full long-term repopulating capacity.  相似文献   

In 1993, inherited resistance to activated protein C (APC) was described as a novel risk factor for venous thrombosis. APC-resistance is present in 20-60% of venous thrombosis cases. It is caused by a single point mutation in the factor V gene which substitutes arginine (R) at position 506 with a glutamine (Q). The mutation is common in Caucasians with up to 15% prevalence in the population, whereas it is not found among other human races. Mutated factor V (FVR506Q, FV:Q506 or FV Leiden) is partially resistant to APC which results in a hypercoagulable state conferring a life-long increased risk of thrombosis. Individuals having FV:Q506 combined with other anticoagulant defects have a high risk of thrombosis, and it is now generally accepted that severe thrombophilia is a multigenetic disease. Easy functional and genetic tests for inherited APC-resistance will profoundly influence the development of prophylactic regimens and hopefully result in a decreased incidence of thrombosis.  相似文献   

Coralyne binds tightly to both T.A.T- and C.G.C(+)-containing DNA triplexes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Coralyne is a DNA-binding antitumor antibiotic whose structure contains four fused aromatic rings. The interaction of coralyne with the DNA triplexes poly(dT).poly(dA).poly(dT) and poly[d(TC)].poly[d(GA)].poly[d(C+T)] was investigated by using three techniques. First, Tm values were measured by thermal denaturation analysis. Upon binding coralyne, both triplexes showed Tm values that were increased more than those of the corresponding duplexes. A related drug, berberinium, in which one of the aromatic rings is partially saturated, gave much smaller changes in Tm. Second, the fluorescence of coralyne is quenched in the presence of DNA, allowing the measurement of binding parameters by Scatchard analysis. The binding isotherms were biphasic, which was interpreted in terms of strong intercalative binding and much weaker stacking interactions. In the presence of 2 mM Mg2+, the binding constants to poly(dT).poly-(dA).poly(dT) and poly[d(TC)].poly[d(GA)].poly[(C+T)] were 3.5 x 10(6) M-1 and 1.5 x 10(6) M-1, respectively, while the affinity to the parent duplexes was at least 2 orders of magnitude lower. In the absence of 2 mM Mg2+, the binding constants to poly[d(TC)].poly[d(GA)].poly[d(C+T)] and poly-[d(TC)].poly[d(GA)] were 40 x 10(6) M-1 and 15 x 10(6) M-1, respectively. Thus coralyne shows considerable preference for the triplex structure but little sequence specificity, unlike ethidium, which will only bind to poly(dT).poly(dA).poly(dT). Further evidence for intercalation of coralyne was provided by an increase in the relative fluorescence quantum yield at 260 nm upon binding of coralyne to triplexes as well as an absence of quenching of fluorescence in the presence of Fe[(CN)6]4-.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A factor V506 Arg-Gln mutation is the most common inherited cause of thrombophilia in adults. To date, there are no data regarding the detection of this mutation in neonatal blood or the relationship of this dysfunctional factor V to neonatal thrombosis. This study compared a modified activated protein C resistance functional assay with the PCR-based DNA assay for the factor V mutation in 115 prospectively collected umbilical cord blood samples. The incidence of activated protein C resistance in cord blood was 6%. The sensitivity and specificity of the modified assay for the factor V Leiden mutation was 100%.  相似文献   

The 2.8 A crystal structure of Gla-domainless activated protein C   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of the Gla-domainless form of the human anticoagulant enzyme activated protein C has been solved at 2.8 A resolution. The light chain is composed of two domains: an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain modified by a large insert containing an additional disulfide, followed by a typical EGF-like domain. The arrangement of the long axis of these domains describes an angle of approximately 80 degrees. Disulfide linked to the light chain is the catalytic domain, which is generally trypsin-like but contains a large insertion loop at the edge of the active site, a third helical segment, a prominent cationic patch analogous to the anion binding exosite I of thrombin and a trypsin-like Ca[II] binding site. The arrangement of loops around the active site partially restricts access to the cleft. The S2 and S4 subsites are much more polar than in factor Xa and thrombin, and the S2 site is unrestricted. While quite open and exposed, the active site contains a prominent groove, the surface of which is very polar with evidence for binding sites on the primed side, in addition to those typical of the trypsin class found on the non-primed side.  相似文献   

The adherence of Staphylococcus aureus to biomaterials used in orthopaedic surgery (polymethylmethacrylate, fresh bone, steel and titanium alloys) and to glass was studied in vitro at 1, 2, 6, 24 and 48 h of incubation. Nonslime-producing strains (72, 80 and 510) and slime-producing variants of these strains were used. An automated and fast method of ATP-bioluminiscence was applied to determine bacterial viability. The lowest adherence corresponded to polymethylmethacrylate and bone, and the highest to metals. Significant adherence was detected in all cases after 6 h and was strain dependent, being lowest for strain 72. In most cases, adherence of nonslime-producing variants was not significant compared with controls, and slime-producing were more adherent than nonslime-producing variants. These differences were maximal at 6 h or 48 h, depending on the strain and the material. The findings suggest that the appearance of slime-producing cells within a given nonslime-producing bacterial population may jeopardise postoperative immune systems and antibiotic efficacy as a consequence of biofilm formation on implants and prostheses.  相似文献   

Recent developments in arterial hemodynamics have indicated that the human arterial pressure waveform contains more information than is available from conventional sphygmomanometry. This information includes indices describing left ventricular systolic function and arterial properties. A cheap and reliable system was designed and implemented using readily available hardware for recording, analysis, and storage of arterial pressure waveforms. The system embodies an online technique for synthesizing ascending aortic pressure waveform from recordings made at different peripheral sites of the human arterial system. Eighteen indices are then derived from arterial pressure waveforms. This system can be used in an outpatient clinic for assisting in current pharmacological management of cardiovascular disease. It can also be extended to the critical care area, where the extra information provided aid in assessing the patient's condition.  相似文献   

A molecular model of the serine protease domain of protein C was constructed by standard comparative methods. Individual missense mutations were inserted into the model and plausible explanations for their interference with protein C structure/function were derived through consideration of location, steric effects and protein stability. A hydrophilic cluster of many Arg and Lys residues, found adjacent to the active site cleft, is proposed to be involved in thrombomodulin and/or protein S interactions. Analysis of comparative binding studies also suggested the presence of an extended substrate binding pocket in the model.  相似文献   

The article presents data of a complex clinical/radiation examination of flying personnel with diagnosed diffuse pathologies of pancreas. Consistent patterns of the fibrotic process in pancreatic parenchyma were related to professional specifics. Preponderance of ultrasonic investigations, mathematical analyses, and X-ray computer tomography for the enhanced diagnostic algorithm for the medical certification of flying personnel were demonstrated.  相似文献   

The DNA sequences of the polymorphic region (C4d) that belong to the infrequent complement C4 allotypes C4A13 and C4B12 have been obtained. In addition, C4A4 and C4B2 C4d sequences have been completed. C4A13 shows a new combination of amino acids at the following polymorphic positions: Asp1054, Pro1101 Cys1102, Leu1105, Asp1106, Asn1157, Ala1188, and Arg1191. These amino acids conform to the antigenic determinants Chido 1 and Rodgers 3; thus C4A13 is the only allele described thus far that carries both Ags. C4A13 and C4A4 carry the motif "ggctc*" (* means "deletion") at positions 14 to 19 in their intron 28; this motif had previously been reported only in C4B alleles. The C4B12 nucleotide sequence is analogous to C4B1b and C4B3 sequences, except for codon 1076, which is GCC in C4B1b and C4B3 and GGA in C4B12, which is coding for glycine in both cases. A recombination model for the generation of C4 alleles is formulated based on the analysis of these new sequences. One recombination would take place between positions 1157 and 1186 and would give rise to C4A13 and C4B5 or C4A3 (or C4A6) and C4B2; another one would occur between positions 1054 and 1076 and would generate C4A3 (or C4A6) and C4B12 or C4A2 and C4Bnew. Analysis of 1157 to 1186 and 1054 to 1076 fragments reveals the presence of putative sequence signals for recombination (similar to Escherichia coli chi recombination signal); the accumulation of such signals in fragments 1054 to 1076 supports the notion that a recombination hot spot for the C4 gene may exist and it also enhances new allele generation and intraspecies C4 gene homogenization.  相似文献   

Activated protein C (APC) is a potent physiologic anticoagulant with profibrinolytic properties, and has been shown to prevent thrombosis in different experimental models. We investigated the effect of human APC on thrombin-induced thromboembolism in mice, a model of acute intravascular fibrin deposition leading to death within minutes. APC given intravenously (i.v.) as a bolus 2 min before thrombin challenge (1,250 U/kg) reduced mortality in a dose-dependent manner despite the lack of thrombin inhibitor activity. Significant inhibition of thrombin-induced death was observed at the dose of 0.05 mg/kg, and maximal protection was obtained with 2 mg/kg (> 85% reduction in mortality rate). Histology of lung tissue revealed that APC treatment (2 mg/kg) reduced significantly vascular occlusion rate (from 89.2 to 46.6%, P < 0.01). The protective effect of APC was due to the inhibition of endogenous thrombin formation as indicated by the fact that (a) the injection of human thrombin caused a marked decrease in the coagulation factors of the intrinsic and common pathways (but not of Factor VII), suggesting the activation of blood clotting via the contact system; (b) APC pretreatment reduced markedly prothrombin consumption; (c) the lethal effect of thrombin was almost abolished when the animals were made deficient in vitamin K-dependent factors by warfarin treatment, and could be restored only by doubling the dose of thrombin, indicating that the generation of endogenous thrombin contributes significantly to death; and (d) APC failed to protect warfarin-treated animals, in which mortality is entirely due to injected thrombin, even after protein S supplementation. Other results suggest that APC protects from thrombin-induced thromboembolism by rendering the formed fibrin more susceptible to plasmin degradation rather than by reducing fibrin formation: in thrombin-treated mice, fibrinogen consumption was not inhibited by APC; and inhibition of endogenous fibrinolysis by epsilon-aminocaproic or tranexamic acid resulted in a significant reduction of the protective effect of APC. Since APC did not enhance plasma fibrinolytic activity, as assessed by the measurement of plasminogen activator (PA) or PA inhibitor (PAI) activities, PAI-1 antigen, or 125I-fibrin degrading activity, we speculate that the inhibition of additional (endogenous) thrombin formation by APC interrupts thrombin-dependent mechanisms that make fibrin clots more resistant to lysis, so that the intravascular deposited fibrin can be removed more rapidly by the endogenous fibrinolytic system.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In the majority of cases, resistance to activated protein C is caused by the point mutation Arg506 to Gln in the factor V gene and has emerged as the most important hereditary cause of thromboembolism. METHODS: To determine to what extent resistance to activated protein C was present in children with thromboembolism and underlying cardiac disease, its occurrence was retrospectively investigated. By using a method based on activated partial thromboplastin time, with DNA technique derived from the polymerase chain reaction, we investigated nine children with underlying cardiac disease in whom thromboembolism had previously occurred. RESULTS: Heterozygous Arg506-to-Gln mutation in the factor V gene was diagnosed in five of the nine children investigated. In addition, protein C type I deficiency w as found in three patients, and two of the nine children showed increased lipoprotein (a) plasma values. Risk factors were present in all children with symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that deficiencies in the protein C anticoagulant pathway are likely to play an important role in the early manifestation of thromboembolism in children with underlying cardiac disease.  相似文献   

In acute intraocular inflammation, neutrophils release a variety of agents, that are potentially toxic to the surrounding tissues. The reactive oxygen metabolites, including superoxide are among these injurious agents. In the present study, retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were found to inhibit by 70% to 80% the production of superoxide by neutrophils that were stimulated either by the receptor-coupled activator, N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, or by the non-receptor-coupled activator, phorbol myristate acetate. The inhibition is effective with a relatively small number of RPE cells (0.65 x 10(5)) mixed in a large pool of neutrophils (7.6 x 10(5)). The transduction of this effect does not require a neutrophil-RPE cell surface contact since the RPE culture supernatants also effectively inhibit the superoxide production. This protein is secreted specifically by cultured and noncultivated intact RPE cells, but not by fibroblasts, corneal epithelial cells or intact choroidal tissues. The protein is not cytotoxic to the neutrophils, and the inhibitory effect occurs in a dose-dependent manner up to the concentration tested. This factor is unrelated to either transforming growth factor-beta, or transferrin. There was no evidence of RPE scavenging of superoxide generated enzymatically by hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase system, indicating that this factor does not have superoxide dismutase activity. When RPE cells were preincubated with 10 micrograms ml-1 cycloheximide, 60% of the activity was lost, suggesting that a de novo protein synthesis is required for the activity and that the protein is a significant steady-state product of RPE cells. Incubation of the released RPP with thermolysin (10 micrograms ml-1 15 min, 37 degrees C) also eliminated the activity. The degradation of activity by protease and inhibition of RPP activity by cycloheximide, therefore, confirmed the protein nature of the suppressive factor. This protein from RPE cells appears to act directly on the neutrophils, reducing the release of oxygen metabolites during activation, and thus limiting tissue injury during inflammation.  相似文献   

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