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锥头圆柱体高速入水空泡深闭合数值模拟研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
考虑入水过程的空化效应,基于有限体积法和流体体积(VOF)方法求解气、汽、液三相流动的RANS方程,并引入动网格技术,对小型锥头圆柱体高速自由垂直入水问题开展了数值模拟研究,得到了入水空泡演化过程以及深闭合过程空泡流场的流动特性和压力分布特性。将入水弹道及空泡形态的数值结果与理论分析结果进行了对比,验证了数值计算结果的正确性。对入水空泡深闭合的研究结果表明,高速条件下入水空泡的深闭合发生在面闭合之后、自由液面以下较深位置,空泡在深闭合后迅速溃灭。同时,在空泡内外多相流场的相互作用下,空泡壁尚未完全收缩至轴线便已闭合,闭合区域出现高压区,压力极值始终出现在空泡分离点处直至空泡溃灭。 相似文献
大口径弹体高速入水载荷特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对未来海上平台发射大口径抛射体入水冲击载荷问题,为了研究速度接近200 m/s时,不同速度、入水角度以及攻角对大口径平头弹体入水径向载荷以及轴向载荷的影响,基于LS-DYNA软件,采用多介质ALE方法,对速度在150~190 m/s,入水角度在45°~60°之间,具有3°~7°攻角的弹体入水模型进行数值模拟。结果表明:在同一入水速度的情况下,轴向载荷峰值随入水角度的增加而增加,径向载荷峰值随着入水角度的改变有一定的波动;在入水初期,径向载荷到达峰值后慢慢趋于稳定并收敛于0;径向载荷的峰值出现在轴向载荷撞水瞬间产生的第1次小峰值时刻;正攻角会使弹体产生顺时针旋转的径向载荷,负攻角会使弹体产生逆时针旋转的径向载荷,载荷大小随着攻角数值大小的增大而增大。 相似文献
为研究小型运动体高速倾斜入水时的空泡流动特性,采用求解雷诺时均Navier-Stokes方程的方法开展数值模拟。应用实验结果验证了数值方法的正确性。基于该方法对入水过程流体动力特性、流场结构特性与空泡发展进行分析,并研究了入水角度对入水流场的影响。研究结果表明:运动体在入水撞击阶段受到较大的阻力、升力和力矩,同时承受着极强的载荷;随着入水的深入,头部半球形高压区逐渐向头部中点移动,且空泡壁面的速度方向由指向水中向指向空泡内过渡;入水角度越小,撞击阶段阻力系数与砰击压力越小,入水后越容易发生弹道偏移,同时拉脱现象发生得越晚,入水空泡的最大尺寸越大。 相似文献
采用求解N-S方程的数值模拟方法研究超音速空腔流动中来流马赫数、空腔长深比和旋成体相对空腔的距离等参数对旋成体纵向气动特性的影响.数值模拟中采用LU-SGS方法、Roe通量差分分裂方法和S-A湍流模型.结果表明,马赫数和空腔长深比对离开空腔不同距离上的旋成体产生的法向力和轴向力影响不大.小长深比空腔对旋成体上的俯仰力矩基本没有影响,但中到大长深比空腔对旋成体上的俯仰力矩特性有明显影响,旋成体刚离开空腔时,中长深比空腔对旋成体产生更大的头部趋近空腔的俯仰力矩,且随着马赫数增加俯仰力矩峰值更大. 相似文献
弹体高速入水弯曲弹道实验研究 总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2
通过模型高速入水实验,利用高速摄像机拍摄了弹体入水过程和空泡形态演变过程,得到了4种头部外形模型的弹道曲线,并分析了头型、入水角、入水速度对水下弹道的影响。研究结果表明:椭圆斜截头弹体由于其特殊的头部更容易产生偏向水面的弯曲弹道,而其他3种弹体在一定速度内弹道比较稳定,基本趋于直线,虽然在有些工况下弹道发生了偏转,这是由于弹体加工过程中结构误差等造成的弹道不稳定性;入水角对弹道影响比较显著,小的入水角条件下弹体迅速向水面偏转,而入水角增大到一定程度时弹道向缸体底部偏转。所得结论可为高速入水武器的研究提供参考。 相似文献
旋成体仿生凹坑表面流场控制减阻仿真分析 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
应用SST k-ω湍流模型对仿生凹坑表面旋成体与光滑旋成体进行了对比数值模拟,解释了仿生凹坑表面减小摩擦阻力和压差阻力的原因以及对旋成体近壁区边界层的控制行为。研究结果表明:来流马赫数为0.4时置于旋成体后部的凹坑表面减小了旋成体8.05%的摩擦阻力,1.9%的压差阻力,总阻力减小了6.24%;仿生凹坑表面通过减小壁面的速度梯度和湍流强度减小摩擦阻力,通过减弱外部气流对旋咸体截尾底部气流的抽吸作用减小底部阻力;凹坑表面对边界层的控制行为表现为凹坑内部的低速旋转气流造成了凹坑内部气流与凹坑外部气流的气一气接触,形成涡垫效应;同时,旋转气流在凹坑底部产生的摩擦阻力作为一种附加动力产生推动效应。 相似文献
针对航行体高速入水过程中的流固耦合问题,采用有限元软件LS-DYNA中基于任意拉格朗日-欧拉(Arbitrary Lagrange-Euler,ALE)的流固耦合方法,首先对美国MK25鱼雷模型的入水过程进行动态模拟,获取模型入水过程中的冲击效应和随时间变化的过载,得到不同时刻的流固耦合形态,验证了仿真方法的有效性。然后针对某航行体模型的质量、缩比效应、速度、入水角度等因素进行了仿真研究,结果表明决定高速入水过载的最重要因素是入水速度,入水角度对过载的影响相对较小,分析缩比结果验证了缩比定律的有效性。 相似文献
Open rule-setting method advanced in this paper concentrates on providing designers of engines with a convenient way to express their design innovations and develop the expected prototypes in the early CAD stage, and constitute effective models for the following analysis process of CAE and CAPP. The problems arisen in the process of conceptual design with the traditional experience-based development method are analyzed. Based on those analyses, open rule-setting method is presented and some associated technical problems are discussed. The functional framework of open rule-setting system was built as software engineering methods. The speciality of the engine product as a kind of complex product and the requirement of the engine product based on its structural particularity to rule-setting system are considered carefully. A demonstration is supplied to illustrate how the open rule-setting method enhances the efficiency and quality of the engine conceptual design. 相似文献
By analyzing the working principle of Linux network device driver, discussing the Linux network driver structure and its key technologies, the general network driver structure and its design methodologies in Linux system are summarized. Through modifying the network device driver of Linux device driver 3rd version snull, c and improving the COW technology, the Zero-Copy technology in Linux (kernel version 2.6.11 ) is implemented. In the end, the success test tells us that the thorough analysis of network device driver is the foundation of many applications, and it also provides a certain improvement to a lot of real applications, even to military application development. 相似文献
Multi-laser-target tracking is an important subject in the field of signal processing of laser warners. A clustering method is applied to the measurement of laser warner, and the space-time fusion for measurements in the same cluster is accomplished. Real-time tracking of multi-laser-target and real-time picking of multi-laser-signal are introduced using data fusion of the measurements. A prototype device of the algorithm is built up. The results of experiments show that the algorithm is very effective. 相似文献
A method to calculate the surface shape error, which is caused by the installing error between the workpiece and the lapping tool in the process of form lapping, is proposed. The mathematical model which the installing translation error influences on the workpiece surface shape error is established. The changing rule of the error is simulated through the calculating example of the paraboloid workpiece. The results indicate that the surface shape error of the workpiece is increasing with the increase of the installing translation error, it is also increasing gradually along the center point of the curve surface to the edge, and the influence is severer to the curve surface with great curvature than that of the small curvature when the translation error is the same. 相似文献
The paper introduces the performances of magnetostrictive actuators and its applications, discusses the design methods for the structure and internal magnetic circuit of a giant magnetostrictive actuator, and makes tests on the output displacement and force characteristics for an actuator using homemade magnetostrictive material. The experimental result shows that the actuator has satisfactory output precisions and ranges in transient and stable states, and can be used in lowfrequency vibration control system of precise equipment. 相似文献
Tetraacetyldibenzylhitane (TADBIW) was subjected to debenzylation by nitrosating with inorganic materials available commercially to synthesize tetraacetyldinitrosohexaazaisowurtzitane (TADNSIW). TADNSIW was purified, and its structure was determined by FTIR, 1H NMR, MS and element analysis. The debenzylation reaction of TADBIW gave quantitative benzaldehyde as a by-product. This indicates that the reaction produces an imine cation as an intermediate. Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (HNIW) was prepared from unpurified TADNSIW with the yield over 96.0 % and the purity more than 98.0 %. And the mechanism of the reaction from TADNSIW to HNIW is proposed to be oxidation of nitroso and nitration of acetyl on the molecule of TADNSIW, This reaction system involved is simple, and the reaction can complete within a short time and under mild conditions. The product can be easily to separate and the waste disposed readily. 相似文献
Manfred Held 《兵工学报(英文版)》2006,2(1):22-32
First the different anti-tank mines laying possibilities are shortly summarized: hand emplaced, with mine layers, ground or helicopter relatively topographical well defined, and with cluster systems of projectiles, rockets and aircraft dispensers. Then examples of the three generations of anti-tank mines are presented:Ⅰ generation: detonating only beneath the track; Ⅱ generation: detonating beneath the track and belly; Ⅲ generation: mines with off-route actions. Weight and cost comparisons are strongly favoring the off-route Ⅲ-generation mines. 相似文献