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Gas chromatography (GC) has been a standard analytical tool in lipid chemistry. The rapid attenuated total reflection (ATR) infrared (IR) American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Recommended Practice (Cd 14d-97) was compared to the capillary GC AOCS Recommended Practice (Ce 1f-97) that was optimized to accurately determine total trans fatty acids on highly polar stationary phases. This comparative evaluation was validated in an independent laboratory. These procedures were used to quantitate the total trans fatty acid levels in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, measured as neat (without solvent) triacylglycerols (TAG) by ATR and as fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) derivatives by capillary GC. Unlike FAME, TAG determination by ATR required no derivatization, but samples had to be melted prior to measurement. Five blind replicates for each of three accuracy standards and three test samples were analyzed by each technique. The GC and ATR determinations were in good agreement. Accuracy was generally high. The ratios of ATR mean trans values (reported as percentage of total TAG) to the true values (based on the amount of trielaidin added gravimetrically) were 0.89, 0.98, and 1.02 for accuracy standards having about 1, 10, and 40% trans levels. The corresponding GC values, determined as percentage of total FAME, were 0.98, 0.99 and 1.04. The ratios of mean trans values determined by these techniques were ATR/GC 0.85, 1.04, and 1.01 for test samples having trans levels of about 0.7, 8, and 38%, respectively. The optimized GC procedure also minimzed the expected low bias in trans values due to GC peak overlap found with the GC Official Method Ce 1c-89. Satisfactory repeatability and reproducibility were obtained by both ATR and GC.  相似文献   

A Nicolet 410 Fourier (FTIR) spectrophotometer, equipped with a DGTS detector and a sample cell with NaCl windows (nominal pathlength=50 μm), was used for the development of an FTIR method for routine analysis of low trans levels in physically refined oils. The approach of the study differed from those previously described in that a separate calibration curve was established for each type of oil. Quantitation was established by use of Basic Quant Software® and by measuring the peak height at 967 cm?1 relative to a baseline drawn between 1002 and 932 cm?1. The slope of the different calibration curves established in six vegetable oils (soybean, corn, sunflower, high-oleic sunflower, low-erucic rapeseed, and high-erucic rapeseed) was close to 1 (0.9942–1.0041), and correlation coefficients (r 2) were rather good (0.9990–0.9999). FTIR spectra of 20 soybean oil samples were collected and quantitated with the different calibrations. Compared to previous reported literature data, increased accuracy (mean difference=0.05%; standard deviation of difference=0.11%) and reproducibility (r 2=0.09–0.12%) were obtained when the FTIR spectra were quantitated with a calibration curve based on 10 physically refined soybean oil samples.  相似文献   

The effect of using different gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) hardware to quantify low concentrations of fatty acids was studies. A fused-silica capillary column was operated in two different chromatographs (A and B) that were interfaced to three different chromatographic data systems to process the flame-ionization detector signals (systems A, B1, and B2). A test routine was developed that allowed the proper selection of peak processing parameters for the automatic recognition and integration of fatty acids occurring at trace levels. However, agreement of analytical results between the three analytical systems was not satisfactory; components at concentrations <0.10 g/100 g could not be quantified with high reliability, although the same capillary column and identical sample solutions were used (quasi-repeatability conditions). Even for major fatty acids, deviations up to 1.0 g/100 g were noted, which could only be attributed to the use of different GLC hardware. Attention should be paid to these technical restrictions when formulating product specifications based on fatty acid profile parameters.  相似文献   

For quantitation ofcis- andtrans-fatty acid isomers, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) on highly polar stationary phases or the combination (GLC-IR) may be used. IR offers the advantage of simplicity and speed, but the lower determination limit of 5% and the lack of detailed information limit its use. Detailed fatty acid information, required for, e.g., food-labeling purposes, can only be obtained with GLC methods. Most of the GLC methods are optimized for partially hydrogenated samples. AOCS Official Method Ce 1c-89 prescribes a single, highly polar stationary phase, SP2340, but underestimates the amount oftrans isomers due to 18∶1 positional isomer overlap. The combined GLC-IR method may circumvent this problem but at the cost of time, effort, and precision.Trans isomers in refined (deodorized or stripped) oils are different in type and levels from isomers in partially hydrogenated oils; theirtrans isomers are mono-trans trienoic and dienoic isomers, occurring at levels up to about 1–3%. GLC conditions for hydrogenated samples are often not suitable for refined oils because of overlap problems, but this time in the 18∶3 region. Through careful selection of stationary phase and temperature program optimization (Drylab®GC), we have developed a single method that is suitable for hydrogenated, as well as refined, processed oils. The accuracy was checked withcis andtrans fatty acid fractions isolated by silverion exchange high-performance liquid chromatography. Thetrans values obtained with the optimized method are in good agreement with the results obtained for the isolated fractions. We propose that recommended methods describe GLC conditions in terms of separation criteria rather than recommending only a fixed combination of stationary phase and temperature program.  相似文献   

The analytical performance of capillary gas‐liquid chromatographic (GLC) methods for the quantitative determination of trans fatty acids (TFA) in physically refined rapeseed and soybean oils was evaluated by 3 intercomparison studies. The participants were allowed to use their own methodology regarding derivatization and GLC conditions and were not requested to follow a fixed method protocol. However, certain requirements relating to the separation efficiency (chromatographic separation of critical pairs) and the accuracy (validation of the response factors using a certified reference material) of the method(s) applied, had to be fulfilled. All 12 participating laboratories employed fused silica capillary columns coated with cyanopropyl polysiloxane for the separation of fatty acid methyl esters. Analytical precision was sufficient (relative standard deviation for reproducibility 13%) for the quantification of trans isomers occurring at levels >0.1 g/100 g in physically refined vegetable oils, i.e. trans isomers of linolenic acid. For TFA levels <0.1 g/100 g (trans isomers of oleic and linoleic acid) precision dropped sharply (relative standard deviation for reproducibility >30%).  相似文献   

An attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy procedure was collaboratively studied among two sets of five laboratories for quantitating the total trans fatty acid levels in neat (without solvent) hydrogenated vegetable oils, measured as triacylglycerols in one study, and as fatty acid methyl ester derivatives in the other. Unlike the fatty acid methyl esters, the triacylglycerols required no derivatization but had to be melted prior to measurement. To obtain a symmetric absorption band at 966 cm−1 on a horizontal background, the single-beam spectrum of the trans-containing fat was "ratioed" against that of a refined oil or a reference material that contained only cis double bonds. A single-bounce horizontal attenuated total reflection cell that requires 50 μL of undiluted test samples was used for oils, melted fats, or their methyl esters. For fatty acid methyl esters, the reproducibility relative standard deviations were in the range of 0.9 to 18.46% for 39.08 to 3.41% trans, determined as methyl elaidate per total fatty acid methyl esters. For five pairs of triacylglycerol blind duplicates, the reproducibility and repeatability relative standard deviations were in the ranges of 1.62 to 18.97%, and 1.52 to 13.26%, respectively, for 39.12 to 1.95% trans, determined as trielaidin per total triacylglycerols. Six pairs of spiked triacylglycerol blind duplicates (quality assurance standards) exhibited high accuracy in the range of 0.53 to 40.69% trans and averaged a low bias of 1.3%. These statistical analysis results were compared to those collaboratively obtained by the recently adopted AOCS Cd14-95 and AOAC 994.34 Infrared Official Methods.  相似文献   

Kinetics of the formation of trans linoleic acid and trans linolenic acid were compared. Pilot plant-scale tests on canola oils were carried out to validate the laboratory-scale kinetic model of geometrical isomerization of polyunsaturated fatty acids described in our earlier publication. The reliability of the model was confirmed by statistical calculations. Formation of the individual trans linoleic and linolenic acids was studied, as well as the effect of the degree of isomerization on the distribution of the trans fatty acid isomers. Oil samples were deodorized at temperatures from 204 to 230°C from 2 to 86 h. Results showed an increase in the relative percentage of isomerized linolenic and linoleic acid with an increase in either the deodorization time or the temperature. The percentage of trans linoleic acid (compared to the total) after deodorization ranged from <1 to nearly 6%, whereas the percentage of trans linolenic acid ranged from <1 to >65%. Applying this model, the researchers determined the conditions required to produce a specially isomerized oil for a nutritional study. The practical applications of these trials are as follows: (i) the trans fatty acid level of refined oils can be predicted for given deodorization conditions, (ii) the conditions to meet increasingly strict consumer demands concerning the trans isomer content can be calculated, and (iii) the deodorizer design can be characterized by the deviation from the theoretical trans fatty acid content of the deodorized oil.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition was determined in 39 samples of beef, 20 samples of veal, and 34 samples of lamb, representative of the supply of ruminant meat in Denmark. Five cuts of beef and veal and three cuts of lamb with increasing fat content were selected, and analysis of the fatty acid methyl esters was performed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) on a polar 50-m capillary column CP Sil 88 with flame-ionization detection. Lamb had the highest content of saturated fatty acids (52.8±1.8 g/100 g fatty acids), higher than beef and veal (45.3±3.1 and 45.4±0.8 g/100 g fatty acids, respectively). Cis monounsaturated fatty acids were 49.2±3.1, 44.9±1.8, and 37.7±1.7, and polyunsaturated fatty acids were 3.3±0.7, 5.8±2.0, and 5.0±0.1 g/100 g fatty acids in beef, veal, and lamb, respectively. Beef contained 2.1±0.8 g trans C18:1 per 100 g fatty acids, about half that found in veal (4.0±1.2 g/100 g fatty acids) and lamb (4.5±0.6 g/100 g fatty acids). Trans C16:1 was 0.24±0.01, 0.14±0.02, and 0.79±0.02 g/100 g fatty acids in beef, veal, and lamb, respectively. Only small variations in trans and other fatty acids could be demonstrated between cuts. The overlap between cis and trans C18:1 by capillary GLC was verified by argentation-thin-layer chromatography followed by GLC, on three samples of veal and three samples of lamb. In veal 1.0 g, and in lamb 1.4 g trans C18:1 per 100 g fatty acids were hidden under the cis C18:1 peak. The mean intake of trans fatty acids from ruminant meat is estimated at 0.2 g/d.  相似文献   

Trans fatty acids in foods are usually analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). However, this method may produce erroneously low values because of insufficient separation between cis and trans isomers. Separation can be optimized by preceding silver-ion thin-layer chromatography (Ag-TLC), but this is laborious. We have developed an efficient method for the separation of 18-carbon trans fatty acid isomers by combining GLC of FAME with GLC of fatty acid 4,4-dimethyloxazoline (DMOX) derivatives. We validated this method against conventional GLC of FAME, with and without preceding Ag-TLC. Fatty acid isomers were identified by comparison with standards, based on retention times and mass spectrometry. Analysis of DMOX derivatives allowed the 13t, 14t, and 15t isomers to be separated from the cis isomers. The combination of the GLC analyses of FAME and DMOX derivatives gave results comparable with those obtained by GLC of FAME after preceding Ag-TLC, while saving about 100 h of manpower per 25 samples. It allowed the identification and quantitation of 11 trans and 8 cis isomers and resulted in 25% higher values for total C18:1 trans, compared with the analysis of FAME alone. The combination of DMOX and FAME analyses, as applied to the analysis of 14 foods that contained ruminant fat and partially hydrogenated vegetable and fish oils, indicated that the most common isomers were 11t in ruminant fats, 9t in partially hydrogenated fish fats, and either 9t or 10t in partially hydrogenated vegetable fats. The combination of GLC analyses of FAME and DMOX derivatives of fatty acids improves the quantitation of 18-carbon fatty acid isomers and may replace the laborious and time-consuming Ag-TLC.  相似文献   

Two gas chromatography (GC) procedures were compared for routine analysis of trans fatty acids (TFA) of vegetable margarines, one direct with a 100-m high-polarity column and the other using argentation thin-layer chromatography and GC. There was no difference (P>0.05) in the total trans 18∶1 percentage of margarines with a medium level of TFA (∼18%) made using either of the procedures. Both methods offer good repeatability for determination of total trans 18∶1 percentage. The recoveries of total trans isomers of 18∶1 were not influenced (P>0.1) by the method used. Fatty acid composition of 12 Spanish margarines was determined by the direct GC method. The total contents of trans isomers of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids ranged from 0.15 to 20.21, from 0.24 to 0.99, and from 0 to 0.47%, respectively, and the mean values were 8.18, 0.49, and 0.21%. The mean values for the ratios [cis-polyunsaturated/(saturated +TFA)] and [(cis-polyunsaturated + cis-monounsaturated)/(saturated +TFA)] were 1.25±0.39 and 1.92±0.43, respectively. Taking into account the annual per capita consumption of vegetable margarine, the mean fat content of the margarines (63.5%), and the mean total TFA content (8.87%), the daily per capita consumption of TFA from vegetable margarines by Spaniards was estimated at about 0.2 g/person/d.  相似文献   

Analysis of alpha-linolenic acid geometrical isomers in deodorized or heated oils by capillary gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) on polar cyanoalkyl polysiloxane stationary phases requires some care to avoid interferences with other fatty acids. Depending on the temperature of the column, thecis-11 20∶1 acid may elute before, with or after thecis-9,cis-12,cis-15 18∶3 acid during GLC. In some instances [temperature higher than 180°C with a CP Sil 88 column (Chrompack, Middelburg, The Netherlands)], the 20∶1 acid coelutes with thetrans-9,cis-12,cis-15 18∶3 acid, leading to abnormally high levels of this last isomer. Consequently, the degree of isomerization of alpha-linolenic acid will be over-estimated under such conditions. It is recommended that the behavior ofcis-11 20∶1 acid relative to temperature be checked carefully prior to the determination of alpha-linolenic acid geometrical isomers by GLC. Temperatures lower than 160°C seem appropriate to separate all of these components from each other and fromcis-11 20∶1 acid in a 50 m×0.25 mm i.d. CP Sil 88 capillary column.  相似文献   

A silver-ion high-performance liquid chromatography column (hexane/acetonitrile as solvent, ultraviolet detection) was used to analyze the fatty acid distribution (as fatty acid methyl esters) of a representative sample of hydrogenated oil. Fractions containingcis- andtrans-18:1 isomers were readily separated. The positional fatty acid isomers were separated by rechromatographing these fractions. The elution order and percent compositions were compared with results obtained by gas chromatography. Of the Δ8 to Δ14trans-18:1 isomers, only the Δ8 and Δ9 pair could not be separated. The Δ8 and Δ9cis-18:1 pair also could not be separated, and the Δ10 isomer was poorly separated from this pair. Area percents were comparable to results obtained by gas chromatography.  相似文献   

The geometrical and positional isomers of linoleic acid of a partially hydrogenated canola oil-based spread were isolated and identified. Through partial hydrazine reduction and mass spectral studies,cis-9,trans-13 octadecadienoic acid was identified as the major isomer. Other quantitatively important isomers characterized werecis-9,trans-12;trans-9,cis-12 andcis-9,cis-15. These four were also the major isomers in margarine based on common vegetable oils. A number of minor isomers were detected and some structures identified weretrans-9,trans-12;trans-8,cis-12;trans-8,cis-13;cis-8,cis-13;trans-9,cis-15;trans-10,cis-15 andcis-9,cis-13. The proportions of the various isomers are given for some margarines in the Canadian retail market. The amounts oftrans-9,trans-12 isomer in Canadian margarines were generally below 0.5% of the total fatty acids.  相似文献   

Interest in trans fat labeling has prompted efforts to develop new, more efficient methods for rapidly and accurately determining trans fat content in foods. The lower limit of quantitation, 5% trans fat (as percent of total fat), of transmission infrared official methods, such as AOAC 994.14 and 965.34, for total isolated trans fatty acids is too high to be generally useful for the determination of low levels of trans fats in foods. A novel and rapid (5 min) attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopic procedure was recently developed and applied to food products. This procedure was voted official method AOCS Cd 14d-99 by the American Oil Chemists' Society in 1999 after testing in a 12-laboratory international collaborative study. The results of this study are described in this paper. Analytical ATR-FTIR results exhibited high accuracy in the range investigated, 1–40% trans; results tended to have <2% high bias relative to the gravimetrically determined values. The precision of this internal reflection method was found to be superior to those of transmission infrared official methods. It is recommended that the applicability of the ATR-FTIR method be limited to trans levels of >1% (as percent of total fat).  相似文献   

This study examined trans monounsaturated fatty acid contents in all margarines and shortenings marketed in Denmark, and in frying fats used by the fast-food restaurants Burger King and McDonald’s. Trans C18:1 content was 4.1±3.8% (g per 100 g fatty acids) in hard margarines, significantly higher than the content in soft margarines of 0.4±0.8%. Shortenings had an even higher content of trans C18:1, 6.7±2.3%, than the hard margarines. Margarines and shortenings with high contents of long-chain fatty acids had about 20% total trans monoenoic of which close to 50% were made up of trans long-chain fatty acids. Both fast-food frying fats contained large amounts of trans C18:1, 21.9±2.9% in Burger King and 16.6±0.4% in McDonald’s. In Denmark the per capita supply of trans C18:1 from margarines and shortenings and frying fats has decreased steadily during recent years. The supply of trans C18:1 from margarines and shortenings in the Danish diet is now 1.1 g per day.  相似文献   

This study examined trans monounsaturated fatty acid contents in all margarines and shortenings marketed in Denmark, and in frying fats used by the fast-food restaurants Burger King and McDonald’s. Trans C18:1 content was 4.1±3.8% (g per 100 g fatty acids) in hard margarines, significantly higher than the content in soft margarines of 0.4±0.8%. Shortenings had an even higher content of trans C18:1, 6.7±2.3%, than the hard margarines. Margarines and shortenings with high contents of long-chain fatty acids had about 20% total trans monoenoic of which close to 50% were made up of trans long-chain fatty acids. Both fast-food frying fats contained large amounts of trans C18:1, 21.9±2.9% in Burger King and 16.6±0.4% in McDonald’s. In Denmark the per capita supply of trans C18:1 from margarines and shortenings and frying fats has decreased steadily during recent years. The supply of trans C18:1 from margarines and shortenings in the Danish diet is now 1.1 g per day.  相似文献   

Two classes of vegetable oils, olive and sunflower, were processed by physical refining in a pilot plant with a capacity of up to 30 L by means of discontinuous deodorization, and distillates were recovered by condensing and freezing using steam and nitrogen as stripping gases. Two heating systems were evaluated in the deodorizer. In the first, the deodorizer oil and the distilled gases were heated so as to maintain the same temperature in both. In the second, only the oil was heated, resulting in a difference in temperature between the oil and the distilled gases. In addition, two different oil temperatures were evaluated for each stripping gas. By means of the first heating system, the deacidification time for both oils was reduced and the efficiency of the process was notably improved. On the other hand, the higher temperature had a negative influence over both parameters. For both heating systems the sterol contents did not suffer significant variations. Substantial variations in trans FA were not observed, and the composition of FA remained stable except for linoleic acid, which decreased, although more slowly than when the temperature was not maintained, as a result of the rapid formation of its trans FA.  相似文献   

This study presents the FA composition and trans FA (TFA) contents of different hydrogenated vegetable oils and blended fats marketed in Pakistan. Thirty-four vanaspati (vegetable ghee), 11 shortenings, and 11 margarines were analyzed. The contents of saturated FA, cis monounsaturated FA, and cis PUFA were in the following ranges: vanaspati 27.8–49.5, 22.2–27.5, 9.3–13.1%; vegetable shortenings 37.1–55.5, 15.8–36.0, 2.7–7.0%; and margarines 44.2–55.8, 21.7–39.9, 2.9–20.5%, respectively. Results showed significantly higher amounts of TFA in vanaspati samples, from 14.2 to 34.3%. Shortenings contained TFA proportions of 7.3–31.7%. The contents of TFA in hard-type margarines were in the range of 1.6–23.1%, whereas soft margarines contained less than 4.1% TFA.  相似文献   

TAG of butterfat were fractionated according to the type and degree of unsaturation into six fractions by silver-ion HPLC. The fractions containing TAG with either cis-or trans-monoenoic FA were collected and fractionated further by reversed-phase HPLC to obtain fractions containing cis TAG of ACN:DB (acyl carbon number:double bonds) 48∶1, 50∶1, and 52∶1 as well as trans 48∶1, 50∶1, and 52∶1. The FA compositions of these fractions were elucidated by GC. The MW distribution of each fraction was determined by ammonia negative-ion CI-MS. Each of the [M-H] parent ions was fractionated further by collision-induced dissociation with argon, which gave information on the location of cis-and trans-FA between the primary and secondary positions of TAG. The results suggest that the sn-positions of the monoenoic cis-and trans-FA depend on the two other FA present in the molecule. With 14∶0 FA in the TAG molecule, the 18∶1 FA in the sn-2 position are mostly present as cis-isomers. When there is no 14∶0 in the TAG molecule, the trans-18∶1 isomers seem to be more common in the sn-2 position. Also when other long-chain FA are present, the trans-isomers are more likely to be located in the secondary (sn-2) position.  相似文献   

Soybean oils were hydrogenated either electrochemically with Pd at 50 or 60°C to iodine values (IV) of 104 and 90 or commercially with Ni to iodine values of 94 and 68. To determine the composition and sensory characteristics, oils were evaluated for triacylglycerol (TAG) structure, stereospecific analysis, fatty acids, solid fat index, and odor attributes in room odor tests. Trans fatty acid contents were 17 and 43.5% for the commercially hydrogenated oils and 9.8% for both electrochemically hydrogenated products. Compositional analysis of the oils showed higher levels of stearic and linoleic acids in the electrochemically hydrogenated oils and higher oleic acid levels in the chemically hydrogenated products. TAG analysis confirmed these findings. Monoenes were the predominant species in the commercial oils, whereas dienes and saturates were predominant components of the electrochemically processed samples. Free fatty acid values and peroxide values were low in electrochemically hydrogenated oils, indicating no problems from hydrolysis or oxidation during hydrogenation. The solid fat index profile of a 15∶85 blend of electrochemically hydrogenated soybean oil (IV=90) with a liquid soybean oil was equivalent to that of a commercial stick margarine. In room odor evaluations of oils heated at frying temperature (190°C), chemically hydrogenated soybean oils showed strong intensities of an undesirable characteristic hydrogenation aroma (waxy, sweet, flowery, fruity, and/or crayon-like odors). However, the electrochemically hydrogenated samples showed only weak intensities of this odor, indicating that the hydrogenation aroma/flavor would be much less detectable in foods fried in the electrochemically hydrogenated soybean oils than in chemically hydrogenated soybean oils. Electrochemical hydrogenation produced deodorized oils with lower levels of trans fatty acids, compositions suitable for margarines, and lower intensity levels of off-odors, including hydrogenation aroma, when heated to 190°C than did commercially hydrogenated oil.  相似文献   

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