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Chemical Durability of Silicon Oxycarbide Glasses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) glasses with controlled amounts of Si—C bonds and free carbon have been produced via the pyrolysis of suitable preceramic networks. Their chemical durability in alkaline and hydrofluoric solutions has been studied and related to the network structure and microstructure of the glasses. SiOC glasses, because of the character of the Si—C bonds, exhibit greater chemical durability in both environments, compared with silica glass. Microphase separation into silicon carbide (SiC), silica (SiO2), and carbon, which usually occurs in this system at pyrolysis temperatures of >1000°–1200°C, exerts great influence on the durability of these glasses. The chemical durability decreases as the amount of phase separation increases, because the silica/silicate species (without any carbon substituents) are interconnected and can be easily leached out, in comparison with the SiOC phase, which is resistant to attack by OH or F ions.  相似文献   

Thermal Shock Behavior of Silicon Oxycarbide Foams   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramic foams, obtained from the pyrolysis of a preceramic polymer, were subjected to thermal multiple cycles from 800°–1200°C to room temperature in a water bath. Flexural and compression strengths, as well as elastic modulus, were characterized before and after quenching. Excellent thermal shock and cycling resistance behavior was observed, with only moderate strength and stiffness degradation. The phase assemblage of the foam remained unchanged, and no crack formation in the foams was observed. However, microstructural characterization revealed the development of porosity in the struts and cell walls due to the oxidation of residual carbon in the amorphous SiOC material, thereby contributing to a small decrease in stiffness after quenching.  相似文献   

Synthesis and Characterization of Silicon Oxycarbide Glasses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been found that X-ray amorphous silica glasses containing up to 18% carbon can be synthesized using a sol/gel process. In this study, the sols were prepared using four different organometallic precursors—methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and phenyltrimethoxysilanes. 1H NMR,13C NMR, and TGA revealed that the methoxy groups are hydrolyzed in the solutions and, therefore, are absent in the gels. But the alkyl groups are retained in the dry gels. The 29Si NMR data verified that the Si—C bonds associated with these alkyl groups are intact in the dry gels. Most importantly, however, Si—C bonds are found in the glasses obtained after heat-treating the gels at high temperature in an inert atmosphere; i.e., the synthesis does, in fact, create an oxycarbide network structure. TGA showed that the dense oxycarbide glasses are stable to 1000°C in argon and in air.  相似文献   

The crystallization behavior of organometallic-precursor-derived amorphous Si-C-N ceramics was investigated under N2 atmosphere using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and solid-state 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Amorphous Si-C-N ceramics with a C/Si atomic ratio in the range of 0.34–1.13 were prepared using polycarbosilane-polysilazane blends, single-source polysilazanes, and single-source polysilylcarbodiimides. The XRD study indicated that the crystallization temperature of Si3N4 increased consistently with the C/Si atomic ratio and reached 1500°C at C/Si atomic ratios ranging from 0.53 to 1.13. This temperature was 300°C higher than that of the carbon-free amorphous Si-N material. In contrast, the SiC crystallization temperature showed no clear relation with the C/Si atomic ratio. The TEM and NMR analyses revealed that the crystallization of amorphous Si-C-N was governed by carbon content, chemical homogeneity, and molecular structure of the amorphous Si-C-N network.  相似文献   

Mechanical Properties of Silicon Oxycarbide Ceramic Foams   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The mechanical properties of ceramic foams obtained through a novel process that uses the direct foaming and pyrolysis of preceramic polymer/polyurethane solutions were investigated. The elastic modulus, flexural strength, and compressive strengths were obtained for foams in the as-pyrolyzed condition; values up to 7.1 GPa, 13 MPa, and 11 MPa, respectively, were obtained. The strength of the foam was virtually unchanged at temperatures up to 1200°C in air; however, long-term exposure at 1200°C led to a moderate degradation in strength, which was attributed to the evolution of intrastrut porosity during the oxidation of residual free carbon, as well as devitrification of the foams struts.  相似文献   

This paper reports results that show the effect of microwave absorption on the bulk crystallization of two glasses in the CaO—ZrO2—SiO2 system. The glass samples were devitrified using either microwave or conventional heating, to compare the results obtained from the two different techniques. Remarkably different crystallization paths were observed, depending mostly on the composition of the glass. This observation was especially true when microwave heating was used, where the dielectric losses observed in silicate glasses are related to the ZrO2 content. X-ray diffraction analysis was performed on the powdered samples, to determine the crystalline phases present. The microstructure and microanalysis results of these glass-ceramic compositions are presented and are related to the different ZrO2 contents.  相似文献   

The nucleation and crystallization kinetics of new glasses obtained by melting mixtures of a Spanish carbon fly ash with glass cullet and dolomite slag at 1500°C has been evaluated by a calculation method. These glasses, whose microstructure was examined by TEM carbon replica, were susceptible to controlled crystallization in the 800°–1100°C range. The resulting glass-ceramics developed acicular and branched wollastonite crystals or a network of dendritic pyroxene mixed with anorthite feldspar (SEM and EDX analysis). The time–temperature–transformation curves (processing of the XRD data) showed the crystallization kinetics and the critical cooling rate to be in the 12°–42°C/min range.  相似文献   

The equation proposed by Augis and Bennett for determining the kinetic exponent of the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami (JMA) model is thoroughly analyzed; a new expression, calculated accurately with no assumptions introduced, is proposed. This new method of calculation has been extended to the different kinetic models more commonly used in the literature for describing solid-state reactions. However, determining the JMA exponent from the Augis and Bennett method can lead to an incorrect interpretation of the reaction mechanism unless an additional, independent test is used. A testing method for verifying the applicability of the Augis and Bennett method is proposed. The kinetic analysis of the crystallization of Ge0.3Sb1.4S2.7 has been used for checking this method.  相似文献   

Glass in the MgO-Li2O-A12O3-SiO2 system was observed to crystallize readily at temperatures from 700° to 900°C. The primary crystalline phase evolved was Li2Si2O5, and the secondary phase evolved was Li2SiO3. The glass was amorphous after heating in air at 1050°C for 30 min. The addition of 0.5 wt% SiC powder resulted in the crystallization of Li2SiO3 during heating in air at 1050°C for 30 min. It was suggested that the difference in crystallization behavior with Sic addition was due to dissolution of Sic into the oxide glass.  相似文献   

We present experimental and analytical results for the pyrolysis reactions underlying the conversion of a cross-linked polymer into an amorphous ceramic material. The activation energies, obtained from thermogravimetric data, and chemical analysis of the volatiles by mass spectroscopy are used to identify the reaction pathways. The reaction is determined to be first-order, which is consistent with its solid-state nature. The magnitude of the weight loss is analyzed to calculate the number of molecular sites in the polymer that participate in the reaction. The experiments were conducted on a polymer made from silsesquioxanes that convert into silicon oxycarbide ceramics on pyrolysis. The results show that <2.5% of the silicon atoms in the polymer are removed as volatile silanes, and less than one-half of the carbon atoms are lost as methane. These results are a first step in understanding the molecular basis for the ceramic yield, as well as the evolution of the nanostructure as the material changes from an organic into a ceramic state by reactions that can occur at <850°C.  相似文献   

The chemical stability of an amorphous silicon carbonitride ceramic, having the composition 0.57SiC·0.43Si3N4·0.49C is studied as a function of nitrogen overpressure at 1873 K. The ceramic suffers a weight loss at p N2 < 3.5 bar (1 bar = 100 kPa), does not show a weight change from 3.5 to 11 bar, and gains weight above 11 bar. The structure of the ceramic changes with pressure: it is crystalline from 1 to 6 bar, amorphous at ∼10 bar, and is crystalline above ∼10 bar. The weight-loss transition, at 3.5 bar, is in excellent agreement with the prediction from thermodynamic analysis when the activities of carbon, SiC, and Si3N4 are set equal to those of the crystalline forms; this implies that the material crystallizes before decomposition. The amorphous to crystalline transition that occurs at ∼10 bar, and which is accompanied by weight gain, is likely to have taken place by a different mechanism. A nucleation and growth reaction with the atmospheric nitrogen is proposed as the likely mechanism. The supersaturation required to nucleate α-Si3N4 crystals is calculated to be 30 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

采用液相法,以含氢聚硅氧烷和乙烯基环四硅氧烷为前驱体,经注模、交联和热解制备出净成型的硅氧碳陶瓷体,研究了该体系的成型、交联和热解行为,以及高温热解过程中陶瓷结构和组成的转变。研究表明:该体系有很好的成型能力,以不同材质和形状的模具均可成型,经热解可制备出各种形状和尺寸的硅氧碳陶瓷材料;交联体在整个热解过程中均保持完整,可获得不同温度(400~1 000 ℃ )的无开裂的热解体;硅氧碳陶瓷在高温热解过程中通过 Si—O 和 Si—C 键重排由无定形的 Si—O—C 网络转化为含 SiC 和 SiO2纳米晶的陶瓷结构  相似文献   

A route preparing SiOC/SiC nanocomposites directly by pyrolysis of organosilane slurry residue was investigated. Organosilane slurry residue's unique composition, containing both silicon and carbon, offers an intriguing platform for developing advanced ceramic materials. The pyrolysis process is examined comprehensively, revealing the chemical reactions and structural changes leading to SiC crystals formation. The phase evolution at various annealing temperatures was revealed. Crystallization behavior in the process were studied. The results reveal that SiOC matrix was generated at annealed temperature 800°C and SiC nanoparticles were formed at 1300°C. In comparison to phase separation of SiOC, carbothermal reduction of SiO2 was domain in SiC formation. This research advances the understanding of SiOC/SiC nanocomposites, highlighting the value of repurposing industrial byproducts for sustainable and innovative materials development.  相似文献   

硫氮玻璃的析晶性能与结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对二元(Ge-S)和三元(As-Ge-Se)系统硫系基玻璃和引入Si3N4的硫氮玻璃试样析晶性能的比较,对硫氮玻璃的析晶行为与其结构之间的关系进行了较深入的探讨。试验结果表明,随着Si3N4的引入,硫系玻璃的析晶温度得以提高或伴随析晶放热峰的消失。这表明氮原子的引入加强了硫系基玻璃微观结构的连缀度,使硫氮玻璃的析昌能力有所下降。此外还在经过析晶热处理的硫氮玻璃试样的XRD中发现两个新衍射峰,且  相似文献   

Theoretical equations have been developed for crystal growth rate in layers of small frit (glass) particles during firing. Throughout the process, the crystalline and the glassy phases have different compositions; therefore, the system can be considered a pseudo-two-component system consisting of a crystallizable component (structural unit) and a noncrystallizable mixture of several components. The concentration of the crystallizable component decreases in the residual glassy phase during the crystal growth process, on integrating at the surfaces of crystals having the same composition. Throughout the crystal growth process, a concentration gradient of the crystallizable component is therefore produced in the glassy phase, which results in mass transport by diffusion of this component from the bulk residual glassy phase to the surfaces of the crystals. Equations have been derived assuming that the diffusion step of the crystallizable component through the residual glassy phase is the overall crystal growth process rate-controlling step.  相似文献   

Crystallization behavior of Si-C-O glasses in the temperature range of 1000°–1400°C was investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in conjunction with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). Si-C-O glasses were prepared by pyrolysis of polysiloxane networks obtained from homogeneous mixtures of triethoxysilane, TH, and methyldiethoxysilane, DH. Si-C-O glass composition depended on the molar ratio of the precursors utilized. At a ratio of TH/DH= 1, the formation of a carbon-rich glass was observed, whereas a ratio of TH/DH= 9 yielded a Si-C-O glass with excess free silicon. Both materials were amorphous at 1000°C, but showed a distinct difference in crystallization behavior on annealing at high temperature. Although TH/DH= 1 revealed a small volume fraction of SiC precipitates in addition to a very small amount of residual free carbon at 1400°C, TH/DH= 9 showed, in addition to SiC crystallites, numerous larger silicon precipitates (20–50 nm), even at 1200°C. Both materials underwent a phase separation process, SiC x O2(1-x)→ x SiC + (1 - x )SiO2, when annealed at temperatures exceeding 1200°C.  相似文献   

This work proposes a new approach, based on the reaction Si3N4+ 2B2O3+ 9C → 3SiC + 4BN + 6CO, to synthesize an SiC–BN composite. The composite was prepared by reactive hot pressing (RHP), at 2000°C for 60 min at 30 MPa under an argon atmosphere, following a 60 min hold at 1700°C without applied pressure before reaching the RHP temperature. TG-DTA results showed that a nitrogen atmosphere inhibited denitrification somewhat and retarded the reaction rate. The chemical composition of the obtained material was consistent with theoretical values. FE-SEM observation showed that in situ -formed SiC and BN phases were of spherical morphology with very fine particle size of ∼100 nm.  相似文献   

A study of a silicon carbide-coated boron fiber showed that it retained its room-temperature strength after being heated to 1000°C for 24 h in air. This fiber was consolidated successfully in a titanium matrix at 930°C without degradation, although previous results with another silicon carbide-coated boron fiber indicated that there might be a reaction problem at this temperature.  相似文献   

Machinability of Silicon Nitride/Boron Nitride Nanocomposites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The machinability and deformation mechanism of Si3N4/BN nanocomposites were investigated in the present work. The fracture strength of Si3N4/BN microcomposites remarkably decreased with increased hexagonal graphitic boron nitride ( h -BN) content, although machinability was somewhat improved. However, the nanocomposites fabricated using the chemical method simultaneously had high fracture strength and good machinability. Hertzian contact tests were performed to clarify the deformation behavior by mechanical shock. As a result of this test, the damage of the monolithic Si3N4 and Si3N4/BN microcomposites indicated a classical Hertzian cone fracture and many large cracks, whereas the damage observed in the nanocomposites appeared to be quasi-plastic deformation.  相似文献   

An effort was made toward modifying the Si3N4-SiC phase ratio in bulk nanocomposites obtained from polymer precursors. While pyrolyzing the polymer, flowing ammonia was introduced, to facilitate a chemical exchange, resulting in a different C/N ratio in the ceramic pyrolysis product. A pre-pyrolysis/binding/pyrolysis approach was used for sample consolidation. Comparison was made between the crystallization behavior of the pyrolysis-derived ceramic powders and consolidated bulk samples. A profound enhancement in crystallization tendency was observed in the consolidated samples whose nitrogen content was increased by ammonia treatment. A mechanism based on the particle/binder interface energy was proposed to account for this observation.  相似文献   

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