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The variations of the shape memory effects in the Cu-13Zn-15Al(mole fraction, %) alloy upon successive heating (the rate of heating is 5℃/min) have been studied by means of ρ-T curve , shape memory effect measurement, optical metallographical observation and X-ray diffraction. The first abnormal reverse shape memory effect occurs when the tested alloy is heated to the temperature below 320℃ ; when it is heated to the temperature between 320℃ and 450℃, the forward shape memory effect occurs; in the two stages, the shape of the sample remains the same as that in the furnace when it is taken out from the furnace and air-cooled; when the tested alloy is heated to the temperature above 450℃, the shape of the sample remains unchanged during heating, but the second reverse shape memory effect occurs after it is air-quenched.  相似文献   

采用差示扫描量热仪研究了Ti50Ni35Cu15以及Ti50Ni45Cu5(摩尔分数,%)形状记忆合金的温度记忆效应.结果表明:温度记忆效应仅在Ti-Ni-Cu合金的逆转变加热过程出现,在单斜结构马氏体与母相逆相变(B19'→B2)及正交结构马氏体与母相逆相变(B19→B2)过程中均能发生温度记忆效应;在随后的完全循环过程中,温度记忆记忆效应不再出现,DSC相变曲线又"恢复"到其原始形态;而在马氏体相变冷却过程中未发现温度记忆效应.分析表明,不完全相变过程中的弹性能再分布是可能的温度记忆效应机制.  相似文献   

The two-way shape memory effect(TWSME) in a Ti36 Ni49 Hf15 high temperature shape memory alloy (SMA) was systematically studied by bending tests. In the TiNiHf alloy, the martensite deformation is an effective method to get two-way shape memory effect even with a small deformation strain. The results indicate that the internal stress field formed by the bending deformation is in the direction of the preferentially oriented martensite variants formed during the bending deformation. Upon cooling the preferentially oriented martensite variants form under such an oriented stress field, which should be responsible for the generation of the two-way shape memory effect.Proper training process benefits the formation of the oriented stress field, resulting in the improvement of the twoway shape memory effect. A maximum TWSME of 0.88% is obtained in the present alloy.  相似文献   

通过差示扫描量热法测试和拉伸测试等手段,研究了时效处理对钛镍形状记忆合金丝材超弹性的影响。研究结果表明,在400℃、450℃和500 ℃时效,随时效时间延长,合金的超弹性下降,短时时效易获得良好的超弹性;随时效温度升高,合金的超弹性下降,低温时效易获得良好的超弹性。在400℃、450℃和500 ℃时效,随时效时间延长,马氏体-奥氏体逆相变终了温度Af点逐渐升高,R′相相变峰值温度R′p和M相逆相变峰值温度Ap点升高,R相变吸热峰面积逐渐减小。随时效温度升高,马氏体逆相变终了温度Af点降低,R′相相变峰值温度R′p点升高,R相变吸热峰和M相逆相变趋于合并,R相吸热变峰面积增加。  相似文献   

利用拉伸实验、光学显微镜和透射电镜研究了退火工艺、时效工艺和循环应变对Ti-50.8Ni-0.1Zr合金形状记忆行为的影响。350~400 ℃和600~700 ℃退火态合金呈超弹性(SE),450~550 ℃退火态合金呈形状记忆效应(SME);300 ℃/(1~50 h)和400 ℃/1 h时效态合金呈SE,400 ℃/(5~50 h)和500 ℃/(1~50 h)时效态合金呈SME。随退火温度升高,合金应力应变曲线平台应力σM先降低后升高,最小值200MPa在500 ℃退火后取得;残余应变εR先升高后降低,最大值2.64%在500 ℃退火后取得。随时效时间延长,300 ℃时效态合金的σM降低,εR始终较小;400 ℃和500 ℃时效态合金的σM降低,εR先升高后趋于稳定。随循环次数增加,呈SE的合金由部分非线性SE转变为完全非线性SE,且σM和能耗△W先降低后趋于稳定;呈SME的合金的σM和△W先降低后趋于稳定。  相似文献   

Effect of carbon, compound RE, quenching temperature, pre-strain and recovery temperature on shape memory effect (SME) of Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-C-RE shape memory alloy was studied by bent measurement, thermal cycle training, SEM etc. It was shown that the grains of alloys addition with compound RE became finer and SME increased evidently. SME of the alloy was weakening gradually as carbon content increased under small strain (3%). But in the condition of large strain (more than 6%), SME of the alloy whose carbon content range from 0.1% to 0.12% showed small decreasing range, especially of alloy with the addition of compound RE. Results were also indicated that SME was improved by increasing quenching temperature (>1000℃). The amount of thermal induced martensite increased and the relative shape recovery ratio could be increased to more than 40% after 3-4 times thermal training. The relative shape recovery ratio decreased evidently depending on rising of pre-strain. Furthermore, because speed of martensite transi  相似文献   

A systematic study on the temperature memory effect (TME) in a polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloy was presented. The investigation was carded out through a series of differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) tests. Two types of tests were conducted, namely single-step test and multi-step test. The influence of the step temperature on the peak/trough temperatures in the subsequent heating process and the associated energy absorption/release in the phase transformations was investigated. Using a simple theoretical model, the exact mechanism behind TME was studied.  相似文献   

用退火、DSC、XRD、深冷处理及机械训练等方法,对Ni(50.62%)Ti(49.38%)合金的显微组织、相变温度、相组成、形状回复率进行研究,探索提高该合金形状记忆效应的新方法。结果表明,该合金Ms点为-2℃,As点为22℃;退火态Ni-Ti合金主要由奥氏体及少量粒状的Ti3Ni4相组成;用液氮与乙醇经不同比例混合配制成的介质进行深冷处理,随着深冷温度的降低,合金的形状回复率增大;随着训练次数的增加,其回复率曲线呈抛物线状;该合金在3次机械训练-196℃深冷时回复率最好,为51.27%。  相似文献   

热处理对TiNi形状记忆合金回复稳定性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了热处理对TiNi合金回复稳定性能的影响。结果表明,马氏体相变温度Msσ和Mfσ随热机械循环次数增加而上升,而马氏体逆相变温度Asσ和Afσ随热机械循环次数的增加而下降。随着热机械循环次数的增加,相变温度逐步稳定。退火温度小于500℃,热机械循环下TiNi合金的回复性能稳定,退火温度达550℃时,TiNi合金组织长大,应力诱发马氏体变形时容易发生滑移,回复应变随热机械循环次数增加而下降,回复稳定性能变差。  相似文献   

研究了回复退火温度及淬火工艺对Fe-20Mn-5Si-5Cr-3Ni合金形状记忆效应的影响.结果表明,合适的回复退火温度能够有效提高Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni合金的形状记忆效应,淬火工艺对合金的形状回复率有较大影响.合金在500~600℃回复退火可以获得较好的形状记忆效应;600℃淬火后形状回复率最高达92%.在水中或油中淬火后,合金的形状记忆效应差别不大.  相似文献   

用激冷甩带法制备了Ti-46Ni合金薄带,用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪、示差扫描热分析仪和弯曲试验研究了合金薄带的组织特征、相变行为和形状记忆效应。结果表明,铸态及400~600℃退火态Ti-46Ni合金薄带的显微组织形态呈树枝状,晶粒细小,由B19?马氏体和B2母相组成;在冷却、加热过程中,该合金薄带发生一阶段马氏体相变;铸态和退火态Ti-46Ni合金薄带均具有良好的形状记忆效应。  相似文献   

If the reverse transformation of a shape memory alloy is arrested, a kinetic stop will appear in the next complete transformation. The kinetic stop temperature has a close relation with the previous arrest temperature. This kinetic stop can be regarded as a "memory" of the previous arrest temperature. This phenomenon is named temperature memory effect(TME). The TME induced by incomplete cycling in Ti-Ni-Nb and Ti-Ni-Cu alloys was systematically investigated by performing either a single incomplete cycle, or a sequence of incomplete cycles with different arrested temperatures. The results indicate that TME only exists in the heating process, and TME can occur both in B 19'→B2 and B 19→B2 reverse transformation during heating process. But, there is no evidence of TME during cooling in the Ti-Ni-X ternary alloys. And the reverse transformation temperature interval (At-As) of the Ti44-Ni47-Nb9 alloy induced by TME can be significantly enlarged compared with that of the Ti-Ni-Cu alloy by performing multi-times incomplete transformation cycling with a decreasing order arrested temperature.  相似文献   

薄片状TiNi形状记忆合金的激光对接焊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用低功率脉冲激光对厚度为0.2mm的TiNi形状记忆合金进行了对接焊,研究了接头的抗拉强度、断裂应变、相变过程和形状记忆效应.试验发现,低功率脉冲激光能够实现薄片状TiNi合金的良好焊接.冷轧态TiNi合金焊后接头的强度达到母材的97%,断裂应变为母材的95%,对接头进行焊后退火处理其强度有所提高,高于冷轧态母材、达到退火态母材的63.6%,断裂应变为退火态母材的82.5%.冷轧态TiNi合金焊接接头经焊后退火处理,其相变过程和退火态母材接近,形状记忆效应基本和退火态母材相同.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜、透射电子显微镜和电阻率测量技术,研究回复加热速度对上淬后Cu-8.8Al-10.27Mn合金的形状记忆效应的影响。结果表明:材料形状回复率随回复加热速度的减小而减小。当回复加热速度为20°C/min时,形状回复率可达75%;而当回复加热速度为1°C/min时,其形状回复率仅为8%。原位金相观察表明:材料的形状记忆效应是由马氏体逆转变后的残余孪晶形变马氏体的稳定性引起的。电阻率分析结果表明:残余孪晶形变马氏体的稳定性与其界面处空位与位错在慢速加热时形成的复合缺陷相关。而复合缺陷的形成会阻碍孪晶形变马氏体的逆转变。  相似文献   

采用电阻法和OM等手段研究了不同温度区间的热循环对Fe-14Mn-5.5Si-8Cr-5Ni合金微观组织和形状记忆效应的影响。结果表明:298 K~353 K、520 K、773 K和77 K~773 K热循环1次后,合金形状回复率均大幅度提高;298~773 K循环5次后的形状回复率提高了26%,77~773 K热循环5次后的形状回复率提高了36%。热循环显著减少了因淬火热应力导致的热诱发ε马氏体量,并且热诱发ε马氏体的逆转变向基体引入了大量的堆垛层错。与固溶态相比,热循环后再变形不仅使α’马氏体的数量显著减少,而且应力诱发ε马氏体以区域化的方式形成,因而合金的形状记忆效应显著提高。77~773 K的热循环比298~773 K的热循环更能显著提高合金形状记忆效应的原因是由于其引入了更多的堆垛层错。  相似文献   

为了进一步提高Fe-15Mn-4.5Si-10Cr-5Ni系形状记忆合金的形状记忆效应,利用OM、TEM及物理相分析等试验方法,研究了直接时效及固溶+时效热处理工艺对试验合金微观组织、第二相析出及形状记忆效应的影响。结果表明,试验合金经固溶处理后,因第二相粒子大幅度回溶,导致试验合金形状记忆性能下降较为明显;同时,因直接时效处理较固溶+时效处理显著提高了试验合金中Cr碳化物第二相析出量,使试验合金形状记忆性能大幅度提升。其中,试验合金在800 ℃直接时效可获得最佳形状回复率。  相似文献   

对不同尺寸的镍钛形状记忆合金试样进行了静态压缩试验,结果表明,镍钛形状记忆合金在静态压缩时表现出了明显的尺寸效应:在所研究的高径比范围内,随着高径比的增加,试样在加载阶段具有硬化现象,卸载阶段具有软化现象;母相及应力诱发马氏体相弹性模量都随高径比的增加而增加;相变超弹性曲线包围的面积,即相变滞后宽度也随高径比的增加显著增加;应力诱发马氏体相变初始应力随高径比的增加具有分段性,由此推测存在一临界高径比,在高于和低于临界高径比的两个范围内,相变初始应力都随高径比的增加而降低,在临界高径比处,相变初始应力跳跃很大。  相似文献   

研究了退火温度对淬火态预先存在热诱发ε马氏体的Fe-14Mn-5.5Si-8.0Cr-5.0Ni合金和无热诱发ε马氏体的Fe-19Mn-5.0Si-8.0Cr-6.0Ni合金记忆效应的影响。结果表明:预先存在热马氏体合金的形状回复率随退火温度的升高,先上升后下降,在500℃附近达到最大值。但无热马氏体存在合金的形状回复率随退火温度的变化却相反,在500℃附近达到最小值;两种合金的Ms温度都随退火温度的升高而下降,在500℃附近达到最低。预先存在热马氏体的合金由于退火后Ms温度的降低,减少了热诱发的马氏体量,因而形状记忆效应得到了提高;而无热马氏体存在的合金由于退火后Ms温度的进一步下降,使得应力诱发马氏体转变更不容易发生,因此形状记忆效应反而下降。  相似文献   

The shape memory effect was studied in an Fe-14Mn-5Si-9Cr-5Ni alloy rerolled at 1123 K after hot rolling at 1423 K, followed by solution treatment at different temperatures. It was found that the alloy exhibits a maximum degree of shape recovery in a bending test and a complete recovery tensile strain of 2.2% in samples that were solution heated at 973 K for 600 s and then quenched in water. The rerolled processing at 1123 K after hot rolling at 1423 K and the microstructure under solution treatment state are important for obtaining a good shape memory effect in the alloy.  相似文献   

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