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中国经济新旧动能转化,传统经济向数字经济转型,提供新的动能与市场机遇。我国服装企业纷纷迈向数字经济新模式,加速制造业转型升级。但在当下,针对中国服装制造业企业智能数字化水平整体较低。文章以数字经济为切入点,围绕"浙江服装智能制造转型升级",梳理数字经济,剖析供需结构性失衡与双侧错配困局,运用案例分析法,研究基于数字经济驱动的浙江服装智能制造转型对策,为服装智能制造企业发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

服装产业是中国经济发展中的重要支柱.近年来,我国服装产业受到世界经济增速放缓的影响,面临库存化严重、环境污染、利润下滑等问题日益突出.以技术改造为途径,推动产业结构调整升级,加快服装产业的数字化转型,对建设现代服装产业体系具有重要的技术支撑作用.  相似文献   

作为全球服装制造第一大国.中国的纺织服装产业一直给人以低附加值的印象。不过,随着产业升级步伐的加快,这种情况正在悄然改变。而其对高新技术和设备的巨大需求,正在为全球IT业界营造诱人商机。  相似文献   

邢帆 《中国信息化》2013,(18):36-37
宁波纺织服装业制造水平一直在全国保持着领先地位,成为宁波最富有竞争力和传统优势的支柱产业。近年来,宁波加快了纺织服装产业升级发展,众多服装企业改变了原本注重规模扩张的思维模式,转而注重追求产业链和企业管理水平的竞争,业务化与信息化融合程度的竞争。  相似文献   

文章为破解产业与企业创新升级发展问题,引入模块化设计思维进行产业创新研究。通过浅析产品模块化设计的思维与形式,提出设计驱动产业升级的概念,探究设计驱动产业升级的路径与方法,从而提升企业创新力,增强社会协同效益。结合模块化硬件的功能结构组合,对产业升级现状、问题、发展拆分研究。将高效益、重标准、多灵活的设计肌理应用于产业新机制与模型的构建,筹建新形势下的产业升级模块,加速产业从优升级趋势,落实并规范设计产业化的核心优势。  相似文献   

1月7日,2020(第十届)中国互联网产业年会在北京召开。中国互联网协会合作部主任张姗姗在会上发布了《中国互联网行业社会责任指数及十大示范案例》,全面介绍了中国互联网企业社会责任指数研究成果,发布了企业社会责任建设实践的十大示范案例。中国互联网行业社会责任经过几年发展和探索,取得了长足的进步,企业履责意识不断提升,目前已经积累了一些良好的社会责任实践经验。  相似文献   

<正>目前,信息消费已呈现出结构升级的特点,智能化、宽带化趋势将有力带动终端消费和宽带接入产品的升级。对相关产业的支撑带动能力也在不断增强,可直接拉动相关产业的发展。浙江省是我国民营经济最活跃的地区,在电子商务等信息消费领域也领全国风气之先。浙江联通近年来在信息消费领域开展了大量有价值的工作,并取得了不错的成绩。为此,《人民邮电》报记者对浙江联通总经理于英涛进行了专访,请他分析并解读信息消费相关问题。《人民邮电》报:消费正在成为国民经济增长的主要动力,信息消费对刺激有效需求、促进经济增长具有重要作用,作为地方运营企业的负责人,您如何理解信息消费的内涵和外延?  相似文献   

世界经济已进入一个全球化竞争和发展的时代,服装行业必然也要参与其中。处于垄断竞争市场中的中国本土服装品牌想要在激烈的竞争中求生,需要经历一系列艰难的产业升级:明确产业结构的调整方向,利用自身优势资源分区域的实施结构调整的措施;加强纺织服装业的科技含量;借鉴国际先进的管理理念及营销模式,进一步扩大品牌的社会影响力和市场占有率,这样才能带来更高的销售额和国际认可度。  相似文献   

现阶段我国的集群企业升级存在较大的价值空间。全球价值链嵌入在集群企业内部能力相对薄弱阶段对集群企业升级能力的提升更为显著。集群企业通过嵌入全球价值链获取升级所需的技术能力、制造能力和营销能力进而实现企业升级。在此基础上,本文提出全球价值链嵌入推动集群企业升级的直接和间接路径理论模型。通过对浙江四大产业集群的实证分析,结果表明,全球价值链嵌入不仅有助于推动集群企业的产品升级和流程升级,同样也推动着集群企业的功能升级和链条升级。且集群企业的技术能力、制造能力和营销能力是升级得以实现的中介变量。  相似文献   

安防关系国家安全、社会稳定和人民生命财产安全。本文梳理了安防及安防产业的概念和边界,以浙江杭州安防产业发展为案例,探究了安防产业发展概况和发展优势,分析了安防产业集群发展原因,最后分别从国家层面、地区层面和企业层面提出了发展我国安防产业的政策建议。  相似文献   

The basic functional demands on working clothes are protection and comfort. These basic demands are determined by the three variables: (1) level of activity of the worker, (2) environmental pollution and impacts, (3) surrounding climate. The environmental mapping is a systematic method to detect, quantify and analyse the demands on working clothes in different working situations. A pilot study was carried out in Swedish industry to investigate the general conditions regarding working clothes and to find the correspondence between clothing demands and environmental factors. The second study was motivated by clothing problems in the mechanical engineering industry. In both studies the three determining variables for the clothing of each interviewed person were given certain code values according to their measured or graded values. The pilot study confirmed the theoretical model for work classification. The model serves as an instrument for finding relevant clothing demands for clothing development and clothing procurement, and as a source of information for the workers so that they can check the clothing demands for their own working conditions. In the study of the mechanical engineering industry all 310 interviewed workers with 20 different professions could be divided into three groups with different clothing demands. These quantified functional clothing demands were transformed into certain demands in terms of textile material and model design. The development work finally resulted in new clothes, an overall and bib-and-brace trousers in various suitable materials.  相似文献   

随着第一次世界大战的结束,20世纪20年代的欧洲服装产业及发生了翻天覆地的变化。伴随着女性的社会地位地位与生活方式的变迁,这一时代的审美眼光也颠覆了以往的标准。同时,装饰艺术运动席卷欧洲,这种艺术风潮影响了20年代时尚风潮的方向,造就了一批极具天赋头脑灵活的设计师,而他们为这一时期所设计的最具代表性的服装便是直筒女裙。国内业界对这一时期女裙的特点研究,仍是停留在廓形和整体风格,而未对具有标志性的装饰特点加以分类研究。美国大都会博物馆馆藏丰富,尤其是这一时期的裙装实物,实属难得,文章以大都会博物馆馆藏1920年代女裙实物为研究对象,研究和总结这一时期女裙装饰手法,从而加深对该时期服饰风格的理解和掌握,能够运用到以后的设计与创新中。  相似文献   

2008年中国服装业出现了市场向内销倾斜的拐点,出现了产业向商业交融的拐点,出现了品牌向创意发展的拐点等等。随之,对服装创意人才的需求愈发加大,服装人才的培养模式需要更符合时代的发展。本文提出高校服装工艺教学的创新模式——服装工艺技术必须注意导入创意思维进行教育,意在构建一个全方位的服装工艺教学的新模式,阐述技术与创意思维相关联的必要性及高校服装工艺教育的信息化模式的新面貌。  相似文献   

With the rapid expansion of social networks and fashion websites, clothing recommendation has attracted more attention of researchers, since various web data bring opportunities for recommender systems to solve the problems of cold start and sparsity. For clothing recommender system, user social circle and fashion style consistency of clothing items are two important factors, which have critical impacts on user decision making. In this paper, two practical problems are considered: how to visually analyze fashion style consistency between clothing items and how to implement personalized clothing recommendation by combining user social circle and fashion style consistency. To address the first problem, a Siamese Convolutional Neural Network (SCNN) with a novel sampling strategy is employed to measure the fashion style consistency of clothing items. It can learn a feature transformation from clothing images to a latent feature space, where the representations of clothing items with similar styles locate closer than those with different styles. For the second problem, three social factors (i.e., personal interest, interpersonal interest similarity and interpersonal influence) and fashion style consistency are fused into a unified personalized recommendation model based on probabilistic matrix factorization (PMF). To comprehensively evaluate our model, extensive experiments have been conducted on two real world datasets collected from a popular social fashion website, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for personalized clothing recommendation.  相似文献   


Conditioned clothing for alleviating the effects of heat and cold has found use mainly in military applications. There are a few circumstances in industry where the provision of such clothing could be an economic proposition. Very often, however, there are other factors that militate against its adoption, e.g. the need for protection against hazards other than heat and cold, problems of wearer acceptance and interference with the work. Clearly the solution of these problems requires close co-operation between industry and clothing manufacturers as has been achieved in the nuclear industry.  相似文献   

随着欧美文化的渗透、韩流入侵,国内品牌与国际品牌同台竞争日趋激烈,使得国内服装业面临巨大的压力。由于国际经济环境的改变。外销市场前景不佳,致使我国纺织服装市场发生了较大的变化。由原来的外销加工型向内销创新型转化。为此,走产品创新之路成为我们面临的难题。设计如何定位?产品如何创新?人才如何培养?面对这些问题我们要明白服装设计的产品特征与要求,才可以寻根摸底。找到方向。笔者凭着多年的服装设计经验和多年的教学经验,对多元文化背景下服装设计师产品特征做一个深刻地探析。通过分享实现共同进步。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to examine the relationships between and among firms' commitment to social responsibility, their declarations—or reporting—on their social responsibility, the application of social responsibility in the form of social innovation, and customer acceptance. A research model drawing on the attributes of stakeholder theory is tested using data collected from 355 firms. The findings indicate that firms with commitments to social responsibility are likely to report on their social responsibility and are also likely to be engaged in social innovation. However, a negative relationship was found between reporting on social responsibility and social innovation. This highlights the importance of differentiating between saying and doing. Finally, social innovation was found to contribute to customer acceptance, while reporting on social responsibility was not. When it comes to social responsibility, it might be fair to say that “talk is cheap”, while social innovation “speaks louder than words”.  相似文献   

基于Web的远程服装定制系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国加入WTO组织,中国的纺织服装行业面临着更加激烈的国际竞争。为了提高我国服装制造业的生产效率,实现高效快捷的服装定制生产,需要将传统服装定制过程中的测量、设计和销售建立在数字化、网络化的系统上。运用XML、VRML等语言和工具,设计了基于Web的远程服装定制系统,系统实现了人体测量数据的描述和交换以及虚拟服装设计,主要介绍了系统的设计与实现方法,包括系统的组成、系统的技术特点以及系统各模块的功能。  相似文献   

With the development of digital TV, especially 3D technologies, some applications in the digital home industry have been reported to meet and even exceed customer expectation in the market place for enterprise. In order to evaluate the clothing comfort performance in the digital e-commerce service, the clothing comfort model is very important. Considered the physical, physiological and psychological factors, a theoretical clothing comfort evaluation model is presented based on the adaptive fuzzy neural network in this paper. According to the characters of clothing comfort, Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNN) can provide a very human machine knowledge representation scheme friendly for acquiring, representing and using the knowledge of the domain expert. This is a significant advantage for clothing comfort evaluation where the exact system transfer functions cannot be well modeled and adequate training data sets are not available. The experiment results shown that there has the same prediction trend about the experiment result and simulation result. This clothing comfort evaluation model is used as a component in the smart clothing function user experience system.  相似文献   

本文探讨工艺美术运动到新艺术运动期间服装设计界两个最具代表性的成功案例:英国莱伯提公司携服装史学家高德文先生以时代思潮为指归,努力用设计来实现美学想象,其成功诠释了时装的一个规律:思想潮流可以引导流行趋势,把握时尚先机才能赢得商机;有"时尚苏丹"雅号的波列巧妙借用东方文化消解西方服装传统,解放女性的束胸,设计出线条流畅、造型自然的服装,以更"服装学"的成果表现了新艺术主义的精神。  相似文献   

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