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从生态水泥与普通水泥的概念,着重讲述普通生态水泥与矿渣型生态水泥的各种特性以及与普通水泥在生产工艺、生产费用到对环境的影响分别加以对比和介绍,并对生态水泥的发展趋势进行了归纳,同时提出发展生态水泥,改善人居环境,促进人与自然和谐共存.  相似文献   

针对水泥炉窑工艺特点和氮氧化物生成特点,分析了水泥炉窑现有NOx排放控制技术的局限性,总结了近年来水泥炉窑NO_x控制影响机制最新研究进展以及高效脱硝技术最新应用.水泥分解炉炉内或炉外煤气化低氮燃烧技术,充分利用CaO固相催化CO还原NO_x特性,实现了高效低氮燃烧;水泥分解炉首尾喷氨SNCR高效脱硝解决了CaO对脱硝抑制问题,并防止了大量氨逃逸;由于水泥窑炉烟气碱金属含量高,为了防止催化剂中毒和堵塞,SCR脱硝技术在水泥炉窑的应用还需要进一步完善;水泥炉窑O_2/CO_2燃烧技术和液态催化剂脱硝技术具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

水泥是国民经济建设的重要基础原材料,也是资源和能源的消耗大户.随着我国全面建设小康社会目标的实施,未来5年内水泥生产和消费每年保持在12亿吨以上,约占全世界水泥产量的40%左右,生产水泥所需矿石、煤炭和电力不足的矛盾将越来越突出.为了降低经济发展对资源、能源的过渡消耗,充分发挥现有资源能源的最大效益,2005年6月温家宝总理在全国建设节约型社会电视电话会议上明确提出了"要大力发展散装水泥".2005年7月,国务院印发<关于加快发展循环经济的若干意见>,将建材工业列为发展循环经济的重点,要求对资源的高效利用和循环利用,提高资源产出效益.散装水泥不仅节约水泥的包装材料和费用,减少水泥浪费,保护生态环境,而且也是建材、建筑等相关行业发展循环经济的重要组成部分和助推器.  相似文献   

叙述了中国水泥工业的产业政策,介绍了水泥生产的原料、产品与能耗及水泥生产的基本生产工艺与设备,提出了水泥工业运营期的环境影响因素。  相似文献   

散装水泥是相对于袋装水泥而言的。是指水泥从工厂生产出来后,不用任何小包装,直接通过专用设备或容器,从工厂运输到中转站或用户手中。使用散装水泥的优越性:一是节省水泥包装袋,减少生产包装袋所需木材、煤、电、水等资源的消耗;二是减少水泥包装、运输、使用过程中纸袋破烂和拆袋造成的环境污染,节约木材还保护了森林和生态环境;三是生产企业节省了包装环节电、包装袋、人工费等,降低了成本。用户购买散装水泥质量有保证,价格便宜,降低了工程造价。生产企业和用户还可减少散装水泥专项资金支出,获得较好的经济效益;四是在水泥供、运、储…  相似文献   

本文着重阐述了纯低温水泥窑余热锅炉在设计当中应当重点考虑的问题,并对水泥工业余热发电的现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

水泥行业的主要排放污染物之一就是氮氧化物。水泥行业需要通过技术手段来降低氮氧化物的排放,从而减轻对环境的压力。主要从技术层面和实例分析了水泥行业氮氧化物减排的相关问题。  相似文献   

国外水泥工业能源单耗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢志军 《中国能源》1993,(12):27-28
<正> 建材工业是高能耗产业。1990年,我国建材工业全行业能源消耗为11907万吨标准煤,占全国能源消费总量的12.06%。其中,水泥工业消耗能源4070.85万吨标准煤,占建材行业的34.19%。研究这样一个耗能大户能源单耗水平与国际先进水平的差距,进而研究其节能潜力是很有意义的。近十年来,我国水泥产量年平均增长率为13%。单位能耗水平也有所下降,水泥综合能耗由1981年的0.2120吨标准煤/吨水泥下降到1990年的0.1941吨标准煤/吨水泥(见表1)。即1358.7千卡/公斤水泥。而日本1990年水泥综合能耗为792.2千卡/公斤水泥,原西德为717.4千卡/公斤水泥。  相似文献   

1987年浙江省水泥总产量已达1216万吨,比1986年增长52%,总耗能已达230万吨标准煤.全省立窑生产的水泥产量已占全省水泥总产量的90%以上.由于水泥行业缺煤少电,经常处于避峰的状况,水泥生产能力约有20%不能发挥.由于能源价格的不断升高,水泥企业的能源成本已占水泥生产总  相似文献   

水泥是高耗能产品,生产一吨水泥要消耗约200公斤标煤的能源,因此减少水泥的使用量,在消费过程中提高水泥的利用效率,是节约能源的重要途径。提高水泥利用效率的办法主要有以下几种:一、推广散装水泥替代袋装水泥我国目前水泥生产中80%以上的水泥都是采用袋装水泥出厂的。  相似文献   

为充分反映出船舶管路的整体应力分布和周向应力应变的变化情况,采用壳单元建立管路有限元模型,并考虑法兰、阀门、仪表等管路附件以及吊支架对管路抗冲击性能的影响;根据BV规范对冲击能量进行转换,得出两种不同的时域曲线作为冲击载荷,对比分析了不同冲击载荷对计算结果的影响;最后对成套管路的冲击响应结果进行分析,综合评估了其整体抗冲击性能,指出成套管路的抗冲击薄弱环节。  相似文献   

将碳纳米管加入以硬脂酸丁酯作为囊芯的材料,脲醛树脂作为囊壁材料的原位聚合微胶囊体系,合成具有储热性能的碳纳米管微胶囊材料,研究了微胶囊技术与碳纳米管技术对硬脂酸丁酯相变材料储热性能的影响.采用扫描电镜观察样品表面形貌与分布,傅里叶红外光谱仪对样品进行结构表征,采用差式量热扫描仪对样品进行热性能分析,采用Hotdisk热物性分析测试仪对样品的导热系数进行测量.结果表明,碳纳米管均匀分散在囊芯硬脂酸丁酯中,提高了该材料的相变潜热和导热特性.制成的微胶囊呈球形,完整包覆了硬脂酸丁酯碳纳米管复合材料,提高了相变材料的热稳定性.碳纳米管复合材料的热物性能和储热性能与碳纳米管的分散方法,尺寸和品质,甚至测量方法和仪器有关系,本实验结果对所采用的相变材料和碳纳米管的相关作用进行了研究,提供了这方面的实验数据.  相似文献   

空间太阳集热器完善性及(火用)效率分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于对太阳辐射的分析,理论计算了外层空间太阳集热器的完善性系数和转化效率,并分别以获得最大完善性系数和最大转化效率为条件,给出集热器最佳工作温度所满足的方程,讨论了两种具体太阳集热器的最佳工作温度,给出了由两种方法确定的最佳工作温度随环境温度变化的关系曲线,比较了它们之间的相对大小,对影响最佳工作温度的因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

Thick YSZ (8 mol% Y2O3–ZrO2) films were coated by EPD, which was performed on non-conducting and graphite-coated NiO–YSZ composites. Weights of depositions had depended on the applied voltage linearly for both types of NiO–YSZ composites. In addition, weights of depositions were significantly higher when graphite-coated substrates were used. Uniform and dense depositions were successfully obtained by both methods. Adhesion strength was evaluated by micro hardness testing. However, it was observed that the interfacial adhesion was improved when graphite-coated substrates were used. The qualities of the deposited YSZ films were different after the subsequent sintering and cracks were developed on the surface of sintered YSZ films when non-conducting substrates were used. SEM observations showed that there were thicker YSZ films on the graphite-coated substrates than on the non-conducting ones. After the reduction process, NiO–YSZ composites were altered to Ni–YSZ cermet, which showed a good electrical conductivity all over it.  相似文献   

Lithium atoms were dispersed in CHAbazite-type zeolite to investigate the effects of differing amount of dispersed atoms on hydrogen storage. Each structures were relaxed after lithium modification using Density Functional Theory calculations. The changes in the surface area and energetic properties, such as electrostatic potentials and charge transfers, were investigated for the final structures. Then, the partial charges which were calculated according to the Hirshfeld method, were assigned to the structures. Finally, charged structures were used for hydrogen adsorption calculations. It was found that increased amount of lithium atoms does not affect the hydrogen storage capacity continuously. So, after a certain number of dispersed atoms is reached, hydrogen storage capacity begins to decrease. The limit values were 12 and 3 for the low and high pressure ranges when the adsorbed amounts of hydrogen were 0.157 and 1.545% by weight for the same structures at 298 K, respectively. 12 and 3 lithium atoms dispersion enhance the storage capacity 6 and 3 times as much as pure silica based CHAbazite type zeolite.  相似文献   

近年来城市缺水问题日益严重,引水工程在国内如雨后春笋般出现,引水工程平原地区主要采用管道进行输水,为使地下管道有较长的寿命,在使用年限内不被腐蚀,管道防腐问题显得尤为重要,在管道防腐过程中采用混凝土进行衬砌更为普遍,而衬砌过程中出现空鼓问题比较突出。主要对管道混凝土衬砌过程中出现的空鼓问题进行分析,以及采取的主要措施进行阐述。  相似文献   

针对我国燃气轮机燃烧室污染物排放的现状,介绍了各国对民用航空和工业用燃气轮机的排放规定,分析了燃气轮机燃烧室主要污染物的生成机理、影响因素以及减少污染物排放的措施.对先进的低污染燃烧室中具有代表性和发展前景的四种类型燃烧室作了简要的介绍,它们分别为双环预混旋流(TAPS)燃烧室、贫油预混预蒸发(LPP)燃烧室、富油燃烧-焠熄-贫油燃烧(RQL)低污染燃烧室以及驻涡燃烧室(TVC).并且介绍了高温升燃烧室的研究现状以及关键技术难题.最后,对燃烧室火焰筒多斜孔冷却、冲击/多斜孔复合冷却、层板冷却以及冲击/气膜冷却等四种方式的现状进行了讨论.  相似文献   


Nigerian bitumen components (asphaltene, oil, and resins) were analyzed for functional groups of compound types present in them using infrared specrophotometry technique. These components were also subjected to trace metal analysis using the Buck Model 200 A atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Infrared peaks of alkenes, aldehydes, anhydrides, aromatics, and amides were shown in the bitumen components indicating that they were mixtures of paraffinic, aldehydric, anhydic, naphthenic, and heteroatomic containing compounds. Concentration of 8 metals (Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Co, V, Mn, and Fe) in the samples were studied to know the extent of possible catalytic poisoning and environmental degradation capacity, and more so the components in which these metals were more concentrated. The AAS result showed high concentration of Zn, Ni, V, and Fe in some components while other metals were not detected in the amount that were present in the bitumen components.  相似文献   


Two methods, catalyst physically mixing method (method I) and catalyst impregnation method (method II) were employed for Beypazar? and Tunçbilek lignites liquefaction. Fe2O3 and Mo(CO)6 were used as the catalysts. Oils obtained at the end of the catalytic coal liquefaction were qualitatively analyzed by gas chromatography (GC). With solvent/coal ratio increase, compounds with straight chain and high molecular weight were formed. Likewise, as the reaction time and catalyst concentration were increased, the number and the intensity of the compounds in the oils increased partially. Due to the increase in the reaction time, temperature and catalyst concentration, the oils were enriched in straight chain alkanes and aromatic polycyclic compounds. However, alkanes with straight chain were reduced by the effect of pyrolysis at temperatures over 400°C. Retention times of the compounds obtained by method II were higher than those of the compounds obtained by method I. Respectively, the compounds in the oils obtained by method II were found to have been composed by high quantities of high molecular straight chain alkanes and aromatic polycyclic compounds. Our data gave us ground to presume that the oils from both lignites were composed by straight chain alkanes and aromatic polycyclic compounds (tetralin, naphthalene and their derivatives, phenols, xylenols, biphenyl, naphthols, etc.). The oil compositions were strongly influenced by the liquefaction conditions.  相似文献   

城市住宅建筑供暖方式的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯国会 《节能》2002,(11):16-18
通过对辽宁省城市住宅建筑进行供暖方式和能源结构调查,在分析现状的基础上,列出了面临的问题,介绍了可能的各种供暖方式,并从一次能源利用、运行成本、初投资、适用性等方面作了评价,提出了不同现状下新旧建筑供暧方式的建议。  相似文献   

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