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全球领先的酒店设计顾问公司HBA(Hirsch Bedner Associates)获希尔顿酒店集团委托,将把位于上海外滩2号的原上海总会大楼翻新成为上海外滩华尔道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria On The BundShanghai),该酒店预计于2011年开业,将成为亚洲首家华尔道夫酒店。继获邀负责上海和平饭店(将由Fairmont酒店集团管理)改造工程的设计之后,HBA将在外滩再现另一座地标性建筑的绝代风华。  相似文献   

设计:斯基德莫尔,奥因斯,梅里尔(SOM)DESIGN: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (S.O.M.)1996年建筑石材奖(中东与北非地区)第一部分(外立面)一等奖评委评论说,这项工程设计非常令人钦佩,特别是它在传统伊斯兰教风格建筑立面开大窗的创意。建筑物的设计很适应当地气候,从窗户望出去是一个不受强烈阳光照射的天井。这个天井是这个地区的建筑传统在现代的再现。由于这是一栋公共建筑,整个设计体现出了节能的构想。建筑是由一个三角形办公区和一个圆形停车区域组成的,这个简单的构思却产生了强烈的视觉冲击。利用石灰华定义整体…  相似文献   

为认真贯彻国办36号文件精神,充分发挥行业建筑(建设)协会在自律管理与项目经理职业化建设中的主导作用,搭建协会工作联动网络与平台,由中国建筑业协会于2008年5月4日在京组织召开了行业建筑(建设)协会推进职业化建设联席会议座谈会。  相似文献   

云南人防建筑设计院有限公司前身是昆明市人防建筑设计院,成立于1969年,于2009年改制为有限责任公司。是云南省唯一具备建筑行业(建筑工程、人防工程)双项甲级资质的现代设计企业。公司下设五个设计所(工作室),现有员工156名,  相似文献   

Peter Cook 1936年出生于英国,先后深造于伯恩茅斯艺术学院(1953—1958)和英国AA建筑学院(1958—1960),是建筑电讯派的创始人。2002年,这个曾深深影响当代建筑发展的组织收到了一份迟到的荣誉——英国建筑界最高荣誉奖皇家建筑师协会(RIBA)金奖。  相似文献   

第十二届中国国际建筑及建材机械展将于2005年12月6~8日在上海光大会展中心召开。中国建筑砌块协会定于2005年12月6-7日于展会期间,召开“混凝土砌块(砖)墙体与建筑节能技术研讨会”,围绕“混凝土砌块(砖)”及“建筑节能”两个关键词,进行专题交流活动。  相似文献   

全国建筑劳动力市场理论与实践研讨会综述全国建筑劳动力市场理论与实践研讨会于1996年12月6日至8日在河南省林州市举行,来自全国22个省(市)、自治区建委(建设厅)和国务院所属总公司的主管同志,建设部确定的建筑劳务基地的政府主管领导,浙江、江苏、山东...  相似文献   

植入计划是一套建筑再植入计划,以Google Earth为载体,将虚拟建筑植入各个城市或地区,最后以交互装置和文献的形式展示。创作者基于“复杂系统”概念——将我们的生活世界,社会,甚至人体本身作为一个复杂系统来进行观察,认知与研究,抛弃传统的建筑设计思维,通过对计算机算法的运用,改变传统意义上自上而下的设计方式,尝试将算法的内在逻辑及执行过程与建筑(物体)本身的逻辑相联系,从而产生出超出预想的设计成果,并将由此产生的数字文件(3D建筑模型)植入Google Earth中,进行虚拟再现。  相似文献   

上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公司环境与建筑装饰设计研究院于1999年7月18日宣告成立,它隶属于上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公司,自主经营,独立核算。目前正在改制并将更名为“上海现代建筑装饰环境设计研究院有限公司”。  相似文献   

国家标准《建筑抗震设防分类标准》(GB50223-95)介绍龚思礼(中国建筑科学研究院)我国于1995年4月19日发布了国家标准《建筑抗震设防分类标准》(GB50223-95)(以下简称为“本标准”),作为强制性国家标准,自1995年11月1月起施行...  相似文献   

随着建筑行业群体交流需求的增多,多媒体作为数字时代下建筑表现的新手段,得到了广泛的应用。通过分析当前建筑多媒体演绎的存在问题,提出"让建筑师走进多媒体舞台"的学术观点,试图确立一种以建筑师为主导的多媒体演绎模式,并通过实际工程案例阐述具体的表现思路。  相似文献   

Architectural representation encompasses the means used to describe architectural entities. This discipline has long been under constant change due to architects' ever-present desire for innovation. Algorithmic design (AD) is currently making its way into the plethora of representation methods that integrate the architect's day-to-day work tools. However, it provides its fair share of controversy and hardship as it goes. This paper assesses whether AD is suitable as a representation method for architectural design by making a systematic analysis of this medium as a contemporary representation method. Specifically, we investigate (1) its birth and evolution as a means of representation, (2) the characteristics that make it simultaneously appealing and off-putting to the architectural community, (3) the influence of technological evolution and education on its proliferation, and (4) its capacity to represent design problems in comparison to the currently predominant means of digital architectural representation, that is, computer-aided drafting and building information modeling.  相似文献   

朱学晨 《新建筑》2011,(2):138-141
隧道是洞的一种特殊形态,在人类建筑文明史上占有一席之地。将隧道作为建筑塑造的一种原型,在简要论述其概念、历史渊源的基础上,通过六个具体案例分析其在建筑塑造中的艺术表现,旨在引起建筑师的关注。  相似文献   

A distinction between imaginative and notational use of architectural drawings is introduced. The case of Mies's Brick Country House is used to suggest that drawings in the imaginative mode are often architectural works in their own right, and that they can function as works by invoking a special mode of visual attention. Such an attention is essentially an act of visual representation or depiction, in that it involves sustained perceptual parsing of the drawing in terms of objects or figures that are not literally present but are still responsive to propositional thought. It is further shown, with the help of some recent work in philosophy, cognitive science and art criticism, how such a representational mode of viewing drawings leads to an imaginative engagement that is the hallmark of an aesthetic experience. It is finally suggested that such a potency of depictive representation has been exploited through history, not just in making presentational drawings, but in the visual design of buildings as well. The purpose of representation, thus, is not so much to use an artefact — say a building — to state a proposition, but rather to help to give it a perceptual structure that can sustain imaginative engagement.  相似文献   

In architectural design, representation tools are often compared according to their alleged effects on the creativity of designers. Moreover, their mediating capacities are often mythicized, to such an extent that one might surmise the direct transmission of the mental images from the designer's consciousness to an external representation. In this speculative essay, we demonstrate that the process of representation at work in architectural design originates from the designer's consciousness natural cognitive ability, rather than from the use of a specific mediation tool between the designer and his environment, between the mentally constructed architectural project and its representation. The effects of any tool of representation—analog or digital—on our perceptual apparatus depend primarily on the cognitive mechanisms affecting the discontinuous flow of internal representations formed by our consciousness. In other words, we propose to shed a new light on these limitations through the heuristic modeling of an architectural project designer confronted with his own cognitive biases, and the limits of the representation processes. In the present essay, the discontinuities and uncertainties inherent to the processes of representation are reintegrate in the models.  相似文献   

周荃  刘九菊 《华中建筑》2014,(1):173-176
宝马世界是体现著名建筑设计组合蓝天组的独特设计理念的成功案例之一。该文从环境、空间、形态、节能等方面入手,对宝马世界这一设计独到、具有品牌建筑标志效应的经典之作的建筑设计特点和建筑风格进行解读,并分析和探讨了通过具有解构主义形式特征的建筑形态所体现出的建构观念。从宝马世界这座充满激情与个性的多功能建筑身上,可以深入挖掘建筑与品牌效应、城市环境、文化艺术、社会生活等多方面的内在联系。对于打破传统的建筑空间和设计者固有的思维所带来的局限也有着非常积极和有益的启示。这些都是宝马世界的建筑价值所在,值得我们认真学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

“和合文化”是中华传统文化的精髓,熏陶着中华民族,已渗透进民族的骨子里。它具有融合冲突、化解矛盾、弘扬个性、创造新生的特征。建筑设计目的在于反映建筑与环境、人的关系,实现建筑、环境、人的相互融合。通过对王澍建筑作品的研究分析与深入解读,从建筑与自然地理、历史文化、人文聚落、人社会的环境关系四个角度,探讨了其作品中对“和合”文化的反映与思考,进而研究“和合文化”对其建筑思想和设计手法的重要影响。  相似文献   

建筑设计行业对于自身转型升级的需求催生了在行业中建立建筑设计平台的诉求.建立建筑设计平台的核心任务是实现建筑设计平台架构,这种平台架构可以将制造业平台作为参照主体,将先进制造业的生产模式作为参照内容.本文围绕建筑设计平台架构这一主题,以先进制造业的生产模式为借鉴对象,通过解析先进制造业的四种典型生产模式,从数字化思维、...  相似文献   

This paper takes as its point of departure the idea that cultural difference has never been so threatened as it is today. Globalisation has the potential to create a more homogeneous physical and cultural world, and in so doing replace divergent values with Western perspectives and technologies. A new UIA/ UNESCO Charter for Architectural Education forcefully puts the case for educational programs which can understand and take into account world social, cultural and environmental problems. The argument advanced in this paper is that architectural education needs to position these concerns at the core of its programs, and a means of learning about them. A review of some recent international research into architectural education demonstrates the relatively narrow values framework in which architectural education can take place. Understandings in relation to designing from reflection in action to hermeneutics. provide a more inclusive way of doing design and a means of incorporating divergent values. Whether some of the new directions in architectural education (and tertiary education generally) will permit this is not clear. Drawing on design teaching experience in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Sydney-over a decade, some examples are given of how divergent values were explored, and some suggestions made for ways in which globalisation may be more positively engaged within the current climate.1  相似文献   

建筑设计教育中文化母体性认识教育问题探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文有感于对我国建筑设计现状的思考,并引发对建筑设计教育的反思,进而提出对我国建筑设计教育中建筑文化母体性认识教育问题的看法,并对这一问题进行分析,同时说明文化母体性认识教育对于建筑设计教育及实践的意义。  相似文献   

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