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A memory-based processing approach to discourse comprehension emphasizes the rapid deployment of information in memory to facilitate understanding of the text that is currently being read. S. B. Greene, R. J. Gerrig, G. McKoon, and R. Ratcliff (1994) demonstrated that when a text described the reunion of 2 characters who had previously discussed a 3rd character, the accessibility of the 3rd character increased, and the use of an unheralded pronoun (R. J. Gerrig, 1986) to refer to that character was felicitous. In experiments in this article, the authors demonstrate that concepts related to the unheralded pronoun also increase in accessibility and that those concepts form associations in memory with concepts present in the discourse at the time the pronoun is used. The authors also show that the increase in accessibility for the referent of the pronoun, as well as the appropriate long-term memory associations, occurs even in the absence of the pronoun.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, the authors determined whether remembering a source dimension created a more complete internal reinstatement of the encoded event and thus cued access to other source dimensions. Results consistently showed that memory for the 2 source dimensions was correlated: correct responses on 1 dimension were typically associated with correct responses on the other. However, externally reinstating 1 source dimension at test had no influence on memory for the other dimension (Experiments 1A and 1B), and the ability to remember a dimension was the same whether it was tested in isolation or immediately following the retrieval of the other dimension (Experiment 2). Thus, there was no evidence of cuing across source dimensions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mental health courts (MHCs) generally began to appear in 1997. Today, more than 80 courts exist in the United States. In the present article, the authors argue that the 2nd generation of MHCs has arrived. The authors compare 8 previously described courts (P. A. Griffin, H. J. Steadman, & J. Petrila, 2002) with 7 newer courts that have not been previously described in the psycholegal literature. The authors identify 4 dimensions distinguishing 1st- from 2nd-generation courts: (a) the acceptance of felony versus misdemeanant defendants, (b) pre- versus postadjudication models, (c) the use of jail as a sanction, and (c) the type of court supervision. The 4 dimensions are interdependent in that the acceptance of more felony cases contributes to the rise in processing cases postadjudication, using jail as a sanction and more intensive supervision. Potential reasons for the evolution of a 2nd generation are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Is Skim reading effective? How do readers allocate their attention selectively? The authors report 3 experiments that use expository texts and allow readers only enough time to read half of each document. Experiment 1 found that, relative to reading half the text, skimming improved memory for important ideas from a text but did not improve memory of less important details or of inferences made from information within the text. Experiment 2 found no advantage of skimming over reading the first or second half of every paragraph. Two final experiments using a hierarchical, Website-like layout of documents showed that the advantage of skimming found in Experiment 1 was dependent on the linkages between pages and, thus, the ease with which participants could navigate through the text. Data on page-by-page reading times and eye-tracking analyses from Experiment 2 indicated that Skim readers spent more time reading text that was earlier in the paragraph, toward the top of the page and in an earlier page of the document. These findings were interpreted as evidence in support of a “satisficing” account of skimming process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined the contributions of maternal structure and autonomy support to children's collaborative and independent reminiscing. Fifty mother-child dyads discussed past experiences when the children were 40 and 65 months old. Children also discussed past events with an experimenter at each age. Maternal structure and autonomy support appeared as 2 distinct and separable components of mothers' reminiscing style and acted in an additive fashion to predict children's memory. Children whose mothers demonstrated both high structure and high autonomy support provided the greatest memory in these conversations, whereas children whose mothers were low on both dimensions provided minimal memory. The authors discuss the implications of these effects for children's autobiographical memory development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Native Chinese readers' eye movements were monitored as they read text that did or did not demark word boundary information. In Experiment 1, sentences had 4 types of spacing: normal unspaced text, text with spaces between words, text with spaces between characters that yielded nonwords, and finally text with spaces between every character. The authors investigated whether the introduction of spaces into unspaced Chinese text facilitates reading and whether the word or, alternatively, the character is a unit of information that is of primary importance in Chinese reading. Global and local measures indicated that sentences with unfamiliar word spaced format were as easy to read as visually familiar unspaced text. Nonword spacing and a space between every character produced longer reading times. In Experiment 2, highlighting was used to create analogous conditions: normal Chinese text, highlighting that marked words, highlighting that yielded nonwords, and highlighting that marked each character. The data from both experiments clearly indicated that words, and not individual characters, are the unit of primary importance in Chinese reading. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reading involves constructing a mental representation in long-term working memory of the world described by the text. Disrupting short-term working memory can interfere with the maintenance of mental models (sets of retrieval cues) needed to access these representations, producing detrimental effects on reading time. In two experiments, subjects read passages that included pairs of coreferential sentences interrupted by unrelated text. As in previous research, reading times increased for the first sentence after the interruption, likely reflecting a reinstatement process for mental models in working memory. In the present research, pictures were provided as visuospatial cues to aid the reinstatement process. The interruption effect was found to be smaller with pictures related to the passages than with unrelated pictures (Experiment 1) or titles (Experiment 2); however, both of these effects occurred only for slow readers. The authors hypothesize that slow readers take the time needed to integrate visuospatial information into their mental models, providing more resilient access to long-term working memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author examined memory for text in terms of the independent influences of semantic knowledge associations and text organization. Semantic associations were operationalized as the semantic relatedness between individual text concepts and the text as a whole and assessed with latent semantic analysis. The author assessed text organization by simulating comprehension with the construction integration model. Text organization consistently accounted for unique variance in recall. Semantic associations strongly predicted expository recall and predicted narrative recall significantly but to a lesser extent, even when the familiarity of the narrative content was manipulated. Results suggest that prior semantic associations and novel associations in the text structure influence memory independently, and that these influences can be affected by text genre. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that during conventional reading, readers pause at particular loci within a text, presumably for the purpose of higher level processing and integration. If such pausing is necessary for efficient text comprehension and memory, then providing readers with equivalent processing opportunities with strategically placed pauses in rapid sequential visual presentation (RSVP) text displays should facilitate comprehension and memory. Three experiments are reported in which various time parameters of RSVP displays are manipulated. The results indicate that memory for specific text is facilitated when additional processing time is provided. However, how and where the additional time is distributed within a text, over broad limits, is not important. We use a method of text memory assessment that is not typically used in RSVP research and that is more sensitive to text presentation manipulations than the commonly used multiple-choice questions. The fill-in-the-blank technique also provides evidence that memory representations for texts are structured as meaningful subsentence units. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The visual span in reading is the number of characters that can be recognized at a glance. The shrinking visual span hypothesis attributes reading deficits in low vision, and slow reading in normal vision at low contrast, to a reduction in the visual span. This hypothesis predicts that reading time (msec/word) becomes increasingly dependent on word length as text contrast decreases. We tested and confirmed this prediction using the rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) method. Estimates of the visual span ranged from about 10 characters for high-contrast text to less than two characters for low-contrast text. Eye-movement recordings showed that longer reading times at low contrast are partitioned about equally between prolonged fixation times and an increased number of saccades (presumably related to a reduced visual span). RSVP measurements for six out of seven low-vision subjects revealed a strong dependence of reading time on word length, as expected from reduced visual spans.  相似文献   

Reading Motivation: Multidimensional and Indeterminate.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) contains 54 items that are posited to tap 11 dimensions of reading motivation. The structural validity of the MRQ was investigated with 2 samples: (a) 328 students in Grades 3-5 from 2 suburban mid-Atlantic elementary schools and (b) 735 students in Grades 3-5 in 2 suburban southwestern elementary schools. With confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs), the theoretical 11-factor structure did not adequately fit the data in either sample. Subsequently, exploratory factor analyses found 8 factors for each sample with 6 factors defined by only 3 or 4 common items. However, a double CFA cross-validation found an inadequate fit for both samples. Given these results, the authors suggest that the MRQ be revised. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article integrates theory from the cognitive tradition in negotiation with theory on culture and examines cultural influences on cognitive representations of conflict. The authors predicted that although there may be universal (etic) dimensions of conflict construals, there also may be culture-specific (emic) representations of conflict in the United States and Japan. Results of multidimensional scaling analyses of U.S. and Japanese conflict episodes supported this view. Japanese and Americans construed conflicts through a compromise versus win frame (R. L. Pinkley, 1990), providing evidence of a universal dimension of conflict construal. As the authors predicted, Japanese perceived conflicts to be more compromise-focused, as compared with Americans. There were also unique dimensions of construal among Americans and Japanese (infringements to self and giri violations, respectively), suggesting that identical conflict episodes are perceived differently across cultures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Meta-analysis was used to cumulate the correlations between supervisor and peer ratings for different dimensions of job performance. The general pattern in the data suggested that raters from the same organizational level disagree as much as raters from different levels. Methods were used to separate the effects of rating difficulty and lack of construct-level convergence on the correlation between supervisor and peer ratings. The authors found complete construct-level convergence for ratings of overall job performance, productivity, effort, job knowledge, quality, and leadership but not for ratings of administrative competence, interpersonal competence, and compliance or acceptance of authority. Higher rating difficulty was more strongly associated with lower mean observed peer-supervisor correlations than were construct-level disagreements between peers and supervisors. Implications for research and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study addresses 3 questions regarding assessment center construct validity: (1) Are assessment center ratings best thought of as reflecting dimension constructs (dimension model), exercises (exercise model), or a combination? (2) To what extent do dimensions or exercises account for variance? (3) Which design characteristics increase dimension variance? To this end, a large set of multitrait-multimethod studies ( N=34) were analyzed, showing that assessment center ratings were best represented (i.e., in terms of fit and admissible solutions) by a model with correlated dimensions and exercises specified as correlated uniquenesses. In this model, dimension variance equals exercise variance. Significantly more dimension variance was found when fewer dimensions were used and when assessors were psychologists. Use of behavioral checklists, a lower dimension-exercise ratio, and similar exercises also increased dimension variance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

By viewing behavior regularities at the individual and collective level as functionally isomorphic, a referent-shift compositional model for the Big 5 personality dimensions is developed. On the basis of this compositional model, a common measure of Big 5 personality at the individual level is applied to the collective as a whole. Within this framework, it is also hypothesized that leadership (i.e., transformational, transactional, and passive) would predict collective personality and that collective personality would be significantly related to collective performance. The results supported these hypotheses using a sample of franchised units. On the basis of recent research at the individual level, several interactions among the various personality dimensions were hypothesized and supported. Implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors report data from a longitudinal study that addresses the relations between working memory capacity and reading comprehension skills in children aged 8, 9, and 11 years. At each time point, the authors assessed children's reading ability, vocabulary and verbal skills, performance on 2 working memory assessments (sentence-span and digit working memory), and component skills of comprehension. At each time point, working memory and component skills of comprehension (inference making, comprehension monitoring, story structure knowledge) predicted unique variance in reading comprehension after word reading ability and vocabulary and verbal ability controls. Further analyses revealed that the relations between reading comprehension and both inference making and comprehension monitoring were not wholly mediated by working memory. Rather, these component skills explained their own unique variance in reading comprehension. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Orally presented tales comprehension was studied in 5-to-7-year-old children using a sentence verification task. The sentences to be judged by children concerned the emotional dimension of the described situations, but also their spatial, temporal, and causal dimensions, as well as the characters involved. In addition to observing a better tales comprehension with increasing age, we found that the emotional dimension was represented with less precision than the causal or spatial dimensions. A deeper examination of the emotional dimension representation revealed that the precision of the representation depends on the type of emotional information that is presented, (i.e., the emotion is designed, the behavioral expression of an emotion is described, an event that generates the emotion is mentioned), but it also depends on the gender and age. The diverse implications of this study are discussed in the light of data coming from the literature on comprehension skills in children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between 6 personality dimensions (Big Five personality factors and positive expressivity) and marital satisfaction in 132 distressed, treatment-seeking couples and 48 nondistressed couples. This study's focus on personality similarity in distressed couples, a population of interest to researchers and clinicians, is unique. Results suggest that higher neuroticism, lower agreeableness, lower conscientiousness, and less positive expressivity are tied to marital dissatisfaction. However, low overall levels of partner similarity were found on these variables. Furthermore, partner similarity on these variables did not independently predict relationship satisfaction. This suggests that nonpathological variations in these personality dimensions do not contribute to satisfaction, and that similarity between partners' personalities may not be closely tied to marital happiness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested a profound influence of category learning on visual perception, resulting in independent processing of previously integral dimensions. The authors reinvestigate this issue for shape dimensions. They first extend previous findings that some shape dimensions (aspect ratio and curvature) are processed in a separable way, whereas others (radial frequency components) are not. They then show that a category-learning phase improved the discrimination of a relevant with respect to an irrelevant dimension, but only for separable dimensions. No similar effect was found on the relative sensitivity for integral shape dimensions. Thus, category learning is capable of biasing separable shape dimensions but does not alter the status of dimensions in the visual system as either separable or integral. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between the constructs of leadership, as operationalized through the Leadership Personality Survey (LPS), and followership, as operationalized by the Power of followership Survey (PFS). The LPS is based on the 5-factor model of personality that is widely regarded as the premier model for understanding trait personality dimensions. The PFS is based on R. E. Kelley's (1992) model of followership styles. Data were collected from 130 students at a military college as part of their involvement in an academic course on leadership. Correlational analyses revealed numerous significant positive relationships between these 2 con- structs. Regression modeling provided insight into the relations of personality dimensions and followership. Limitations to this study and implications of these findings as well as future research directions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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