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蔬菜是人民生活中必不可少的重要副食品之一,是保证人民身体健康的维生素和矿质元素的重要来源。随着国民经济的迅速发展,人民生活水平正在从温饱向小康过渡,与此同时,人们对蔬菜的消费也已进入从数量型向质量型转变的时期,对无污染的、安全、优质、营养类蔬菜的需求日益迫切。然而目前生产的蔬菜质量却不尽人意,有机磷超标、硝态氮累积严重。重金属污染、病原微生物污染等也时有发生,这些都已成为无公害蔬菜生产发展的严重障碍,同时也直接威胁着人类的健康生存。因此,如何保证无公害蔬菜的生产和供给,以尽快满足人民生活的需要已成为国内外众多科研工作者关注的焦点,而腐植酸类物质在蔬菜生产中的应用对于解决上述问题将会起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

成绍鑫 《腐植酸》2006,1(2):1-5
阐述了生物质和腐植酸类物质的碳和能量转化历程,指出陆地生态系统中的腐殖质是巨大的碳库,对地球生物圈碳循环、大气CO2浓度变化以及生物健康有重大影响,认为土壤“碳截留”、“碳补充”和发展腐植酸绿色产业对维护地球生态和碳平衡有重要意义。  相似文献   

郑建华 《化学工程师》1990,(2):42-43,50
一前言腐植酸(Humic acid简称HA)是一种有机高分子化合物。是由自然界植物残体经过腐解后形成的产物。它广泛地存在于泥炭、褐煤、风化煤之中,在某些海洋沉积物和造纸废液中也含有腐植酸。可用稀碱抽提、稀酸沉淀或人工氧化(空气或硝酸氧化)的方法把这些富含腐植酸的物质分离出来。科学工作者早已发现腐植酸分子内含有羧基、基、甲氧基、醌基、酚基等多种官能团,这些活性基团决定了腐植酸具有弱酸性、亲水性、吸附性、络合性、胶体性、缓冲性和较强的离子交换性等特性。这就使得腐植酸在工业、农业、轻工、畜牧、医药、环保等方面广泛的应用。其中在工农业  相似文献   

腐植酸类物质的生产与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简述了腐植酸的生产、复配方法、并重点介绍了腐植酸类物质在工业、农业、医药和环保各方面的应用方法及效果。  相似文献   

我国是世界人口大国、粮食大国和用肥大国。发展农业生产具有特别重要的意义。现代农业越来越要求高层次的科学性和技术手段,目的是夺取农业高产、优质和高效,而有助于实现这一目的所采取的化学手段和措施,包括化肥、农药、农膜、除草剂等都是农化服务的内容。笔者涉足腐植酸开发利用工作20余年,接触到不少腐植酸农业应用的资料,感到腐植酸类物质在农化服务方面很有潜力,现仅从作物营养学角度谈谈一点认识,期望能进一步引起土壤农艺学家和从事化肥生产和农化服务工作者的注意。  相似文献   

介绍了泥炭腐植酸类物质用作水煤浆添加剂和型煤粘结剂的理论基础和实际应用效果。结果表明,将泥炭中含有的大量腐植酸类物质经过改性,用作水煤浆添加剂,在新汶煤、八一煤、邢台煤、兖州煤、鹤岗煤、抚顺煤、神华煤、双鸭山煤等煤种上使用,制浆浓度在65%~69%,粘度在1000mPa·s左右;用作型煤粘结剂,添加量在7%~10%,单个球的冷强度为55~88kg,热强度为50~70kg,常温下耐水性好,对灰分无增加,对环境无污染。  相似文献   

氮素是作物生长的关键限制性营养元素之一,氮循环是全球生物地球化学循环重要组成部分,主要包括生物体内有机氮的合成、氨化作用、硝化作用、反硝化作用和固氮作用。腐植酸类物质是地球上最重要的有机碳库,参与到地球碳氮循环的各个方面。本文阐述了腐植酸与氮循环各环节的关系,对解析腐植酸在地球化学氮循环中的作用、合理施用腐植酸类肥料调控和管理氮平衡、开发腐植酸产品均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李华 《河北化工》1990,(2):47-48
我省泥炭资源较为丰富,约为2.84亿立方米,且分布较广,基本上属于低位型草本泥炭,富含有机质和腐植酸,一般含量分别为35—50%和10~25%,其次富含氮素1.3%,还含有沥青、纤维素、半纤维素和木质素等。由于泥炭含有多种有机物和具有多种多样的化学性质,故被世界各国广泛应用于各个领域。本文仅就泥炭腐植酸类物质在  相似文献   

腐植酸类物质的胶体化学性质研究可以提供其制造和综合利用研究方面的理论依据和实验构思。本文对腐植酸类物质颗粒胶体化学就胶粒形状,大小、结构、弱的多电解质性质、粘度、络合及螯合性质、离子交换等方面作了系统的概述,介绍了研究的历史发展并对各种不同的见解加以评价和归纳,对综合利用及制备等有关之处也加以探讨。  相似文献   

众所周知,氮肥的利用率是不高的,只有20-50%,一般在30%左右,其余则因流失或变为气态氮挥发而损失掉,所以对如何提高氮肥利用率的问题,引起了人们的重视。国外从50年代开始,进行了利用化学药剂来提高氮肥利用率的研究工作。我国在60年代末也开始了此项工作。通常的氮肥增效剂,是一种抑制土壤中微生物的硝化作用而增效氮肥的化学药剂,所以国外称为硝化抑制剂或土壤处理剂,我国称为氮肥增效剂。  相似文献   

腐植酸类物质的活化与钝化及其在绿色肥料中的应用   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
成绍鑫 《腐植酸》2003,(5):1-14
引用国内外大量研究结果和数据,讨论了腐植酸类物质的活化和钝化的概念、反应原理及其在绿色环保型肥料中的应用方向。  相似文献   

张常书 《腐植酸》2001,(1):9-11
煤腐植酸资源的开发利用已取得多项成果并广泛推广应用,但用生化法制取类腐植酸物质,尚处在开发探讨阶段。本文作者对腐植酸资源开发利用有过多年研究,对非煤资源用生化法制取的类腐植酸物质有一定体会。本文将阐述利用生物技术或化学方式从非煤资源中制取类似腐植酸物质的化学特性和作用功能等基本观点和初步认识。  相似文献   

Alkanes and fatty acids in humic substances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Straight-chain fatty acids are shown to occur in natural humic acids and fulvic acids to a substantially greater extent than has previously been estimated. The amounts chemically bonded to the substrate usually exceed those physically adsorbed. Quantities of individual fatty acids and phenolic acids in typical samples have been estimated.  相似文献   

Many ultrafiltration-related studies have emphasized fouling mechanisms, but few works have been done on resistance modeling. This study investigated the temporal variation of different resistances including membrane intrinsic resistance, fouling resistance, and concentration polarization resistance, based on a well established resistance--in-series model. The various resistances were determined at an early stage of ultrafiltration operation. During the initial operation period, the total filtration resistance for ultrafiltration of humic substance solution ranged from 1.9×109 to 2.2×109Pa·/m. The principal resistance of ultrafiltration is from intrinsic membrane resistance, accounting for more than half of the total resistance (56-85%).  相似文献   

Humic substances are often considered as precursors of coal and kerogen, so that the chemistry of humic materials should be of interest to fuel scientists. This paper describes the behaviour of soil humic and fulvic acid toward high-energy irradiation. A humic and a fulvic acid were irradiated as solids with electrons and γ-rays, employing dosages ranging from 0.8 to 93.0 Mrad4. In addition, the humic materials were also γ-irradiated in aqueous solutions at different pH levels. Effects of irradiation were assessed by chemical, spectrophotometric, spectrometric and thermal analyses. Irradiation caused only minute changes, which were limited in the main to decreases in particle size with increasing irradiation when humic and fulvic acid were exposed as solids. When exposed in solution, irradiation at neutral and acid pH tended to bring about aggregation (formation of larger particles), whereas irradiation at high pH favoured dispersion (formation of smaller particles). Aside from causing changes in particle size, irradiation at the levels employed did not appear to cause major changes in the chemical structures of the humic materials. Thus, high-energy irradiation is not a useful method for degrading complex humic substances into simpler molecules.  相似文献   

The composition and properties of humic substances and residual coals separated from naturally or artificially oxidized (with 20% nitric acid, 30% hydrogen peroxide, and 4.8% potassium permanganate) brown coal samples with various initial degrees of humification from the Ulaan Ovoo deposit were studied using elemental, structural, and spectroscopic analysis (IR, UV, 13C NMR, and EPR spectroscopy).  相似文献   

A comparison characteristic of the spectroscopic, viscous, and electrokinetic properties of the humic substances of peat and brown coal is given. Quantitative relationships between absorbance and the concentration of humic acids (HAs) were obtained. Methods for the determination of the amounts of humic substances in peat- and coal-alkaline reagents were proposed. The average molecular weights of the humic substances of peat and coal were determined by viscometry. A method was proposed for studying the electro-kinetic properties of humic substances of different nature. The dependence of electrophoretic mobility and kinetic potentials on the concentration and nature of HAs was determined. The electrophoretic mobility method can be used for rapid analysis to determine the concentrations of the functional groups of HAs.  相似文献   

Aquatic humic substances are amorphous organic macromolecules and precursors of mutagens formed on chlorination of raw water. Their isolation from River Mornos and Lake Yliki (primary reservoirs of Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company) using columns of XAD-8 and IR-120 resins is performed in order to study their structural differences among reservoirs. Fractionation into humic and fulvic acids (HA and FA respectively) and spectroscopic examinations with FTIR technique is applied. In addition, THMFP is determined in every fraction of the reservoirs mentioned above. The presence of carboxylic acids and other functional groups such as alcohols, aromatic rings and aliphatic chains is indicated. Chloroform and chloropropanones detected can be considered to be products of humic acid, as they can be formed during chlorination of hydroxy-benzoic acid and β-keto-carboxylic acid. The chlorosubstituted acetonitriles detected are attributed to the reaction between chlorine and aminoacid.  相似文献   

连续查阅现今世界文献,关于“腐植酸”文章已经发表了八千篇之多,查阅工作是在美国康乃迪克州内瑞克斯多斯进行的,这项工作可以追朔到七十年代,查阅了二十七种基础资料,包括美国和全世界的专利文件,化学文摘服务社材料,农业,生物文摘,水资源文摘,工程索引和生物科学集录等,收集到的参考文献其数量之多,各地生产的腐植酸物质的明显差异性及全球资源的广泛分布亦给人留下深刻印象。  相似文献   

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