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众所周知,入世对我国经济的发展既是挑战,也是机遇。住宅设施行业也不例外。总体来讲,加入WTO对住宅设施行业的影响是利大于弊。 近几年来,我国住宅建设发展速度一直大大高于经济发展的总体水平,加之劳动力的优势,入世后住宅设施行业中的一些劳动密集型企业发展空间非常大。但是,对于住宅设施行业中的个别产品,例如,卫生陶瓷,原来由于进口关税相对较高,入世后关税下调,进口卫生陶瓷产品占市场的份额会进一  相似文献   

大家好!我很高兴来参加中国房地产及住宅研究会住宅设施委员会年会,委员会的年会我每年都要来参加。我们住宅设施委员会的工作也越来越重要,工作影响面很大,影响着民生以及经济发展。由于世界经济危机的冲击,很多行业都受到了一定影响。我们国家也正在积极采取各种手段保持经济的增长速度。国务院总理温家宝11月5日主持召开国务院常务会议,  相似文献   

中国房地产及住宅研究会住宅设施委员会2006年年会今天在这里隆重地召开。首先我很高兴邀请到建设部和部分省市的建设厅(市建委)、自治区建设厅的领导和专家以及全国各地的委员会的常务理事、理事、企业代表来参加今天的会议。另外,我们这次特别邀请到全国政协委员刘秀晨同志,因为这一次他在全国政协提出了一个厨房卫生间的提案。这个提案由国务院批到建设部,建设部认真地给刘委员做了一个答复。我们想借他的这个提案来推动我们住宅设施开发、研究的工作。  相似文献   

尊敬的周部长、各位领导和参加这次会议的各位代表:大家好!非常高兴能参加厨房卫生间研究所的会议,我参加这个会议有很深的感触,我想讲这么几个方面的体会。第一个方面,我觉得我们这个厨房卫生间研究所和住宅设施委员会这几年的工作,应该说是做得非常有成效的。而且在把厨房卫生间问题做得引起了我们住宅行业的大家的重视,在这方面是做了非常有成效的工作的。从我个人来讲,我是非常的赞赏和敬佩。第二个方面,我觉得这项厨卫研究工作是非常有意义的,我想有这么几个内容。首先,是刚才我们周部长以及我们各位专家都讲到的,厨房卫生间直接关系到…  相似文献   

各位同志、各位朋友: 大家好! 首届中国房地产及住宅设施集成技术创新大会在北京召开了,这件事情非常重要,住宅设施的问题应该提到建设工作的日程上来,提到社会生活上来.经过十多年我国大规模的住宅建设的发展,城市住宅的问题,已经进入了一个新的发展阶段.  相似文献   

各位同行,大家好! 我很高兴参加这个会。《住宅整体厨房》、《住宅整体卫浴间》建设部行业标准编制会议是很重要的。这对于推动我国房地产业的技术进步和推动厨卫行业的发展都具有十分重要的意义。可以预言,下一步我们国家的住宅建设会随着我国城市现代化水平的提高,将继续有一个持续的比较快速增长的阶段。住  相似文献   

正《中国住宅设施》理事会是由"鉴材315"网站(www.jc315.com)、《中国住宅设施》编辑部共同发起组织的理事会,目的是以《中国住宅设施》为纽带,全力推动理事单位发展,促进行业信息交流。《中国住宅设施》理事成员单位由国内知名房地产开发企业、建筑设计研究院、建筑设计事务所、高等院校及科研机构、建筑材料设备生产及供应企业构成。欢迎建筑行业内的精英企业加入《中国住宅设施》理事会!  相似文献   

《中国住宅设施》杂志社举办“住宅设旋改变中国”.推出“住宅设施十大推动企业”大型主题活动.近日已拉开序幕.筹备工作正在紧锣密鼓地进行。本次活动旨在推出近年来住宅设施产业发展最具推动力的十佳企业,打造中国住宅设施十大企业最强势品牌,以提升企业品牌价值。  相似文献   

<正>《中国住宅设施》理事会是由"鉴材315"网站(www.jc315.com)、《中国住宅设施》编辑部共同发起组织的理事会,目的是以《中国住宅设施》为纽带,全力推动理事单位发展,促进行业信息交流。《中国住宅设施》理事成员单位由国内知名房地产开发企业、建筑设计研究院、建筑设计事务所、高等院校及科研机构、建筑材料设备生产及供应企业构成。欢迎建筑行业内的精英企业加入《中国住宅设施》理事会!  相似文献   

正《中国住宅设施》理事会是由"鉴材315"网站(www.jc315.com)、《中国住宅设施》编辑部共同发起组织的理事会,目的是以《中国住宅设施》为纽带,全力推动理事单位发展,促进行业信息交流。《中国住宅设施》理事成员单位由国内知名房地产开发企业、建筑设计研究院、建筑设计事务所、高等院校及科研机构、建筑材料设备生产及供应企业构成。欢迎建筑行业内的精英企业加入《中国住宅设施》理事会!  相似文献   

This paper examines trends in house prices and affordability in Melbourne. Using previously unpublished, detailed data from the Victorian Valuer General's Office, we plot price movements by suburbs, and locate these changes in the context of broader economic and policy developments. We show that during the 1990s approximately one-third of Melbourne's suburbs experienced real price increases of up to 87 per cent, while another third experienced real falls of up to 29 per cent. Those suburbs whose residents experienced the fastest growth in after tax incomes also enjoyed the fastest growth in house prices. The price increases were concentrated in the inner city, while price falls occurred in the outer suburbs. We offer an explanation for these trends, and extrapolate from them to offer some thoughts on likely price and affordability developments in the coming decade. We conclude with a discussion of the policy implications.  相似文献   

It seems that many Belgian cities are doing well. Their population is increasing, numerous urban projects are under way, and masses of construction sites testify to effective realisations. And the inner cities are swamped with tourists and visitors attracted by the historical monuments and leisure activities. Is the 21st century indeed becoming the era of the city, as a White Book on urban policies predicts? Or is some modification of that prediction necessary? It would seem so, since the population growth is due to people coming from abroad (family reunification or formation; asylum-seekers), while at the same time the natives—as they have done since the 1960s—keep on leaving the city. So sub- and de-urbanisation has not stopped. There are even indications that it is accelerating again. In this contribution we consider why sub- and de-urbanisation, why sprawl is so obstinate, so persistent. We look at the structures behind the Belgian sprawl, seeing them as the consequence of a longstanding dialectical process of political choices and actions, cultural convictions and economic possibilities that reinforced each other in daily practice over and over again in the dominant direction.  相似文献   

The Bramley Report (ADC, 1988), made a detailed attempt to construct a resource allocation formula for social housing provision. In this paper we stand back from the debate over the detail of the models being proposed by Bramley to consider instead the principles which underlie the modelling of housing needs and resource allocation in this context.

The measurement of housing need depends on a few key concepts; the definition of acceptable standards of accommodation, the total numbers of households, and the supply of housing of at least the required standard. Questions then arise as to which indicator should be included in a needs model and how they should be measured. Overcrowding and homelessness are likely to be included whether these indicators are chosen by consumers or by social decision‐makers. Having chosen the indicators they have to be ‘normalised’ to take account of cyclical factors in the housing market, and of the efficiency and policy stances of local authorities. After this the indicators have to be ‘weighted’, otherwise they are all of equal value. Access to owner‐occupation should not be included in the model because ability to buy is an influence on the indicators, and if so included (a key feature of Bramley's proposals) in effect leads to a double‐counting of the problems of access to owner occupation.

In the final resource allocation process there is likely to be a trade‐off between the equitable and the efficient distribution of scarce funds.  相似文献   

都市快节奏的生活使人们开始认识到住宅对健康的影响,大众更加追求居住的品质,从节能环保、生态绿化,到人类生活基本条件的安全与舒适,都市人选择理想住宅的重心逐渐向健康而又生态的居住条件转移。  相似文献   

Mass housing     
Professor Vir Handa's abiding interest in low‐cost housing for the lower‐income earners is demonstrated in his paper from the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He draws experience from time spent at the Building Research Institute, Roorkee, under the United Nations TOKTEN Programme and illustrates his paper with pictures from Trinidad, where he is an External Examiner at the University of the West Indies. He argues that although shelter communities are being built without any government help and without any awareness of any codes and standards, the job of the expert should be to determine new affordable code requirements.  相似文献   

This article argues that a systematic feminist analysis of housing must analyse the processes within a housing system which serve to produce and reproduce patriarchal relations. Aspects of design, production and tenure in Australia and Britain are briefly examined to illustrate this approach.  相似文献   

Mass housing     
Professor Vir Handa's abiding interest in low-cost housing for the lower-income earners is demonstrated in his paper from the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He draws experience from time spent at the Building Research Institute, Roorkee, under the United Nations TOKTEN Programme and illustrates his paper with pictures from Trinidad, where he is an External Examiner at the University of the West Indies. He argues that although shelter communities are being built without any government help and without any awareness of any codes and standards, the job of the expert should be to determine new affordable code requirements.  相似文献   

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