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This paper studies a system of m robots operating in a set of n work locations connected by aisles in a × grid, where mn. From time to time the robots need to move along the aisles, in order to visit disjoint sets of locations. The movement of the robots must comply with the following constraints: (1) no two robots can collide at a grid node or traverse a grid edge at the same time; (2) a robot's sensory capability is limited to detecting the presence of another robot at a neighboring node. We present a deterministic protocol that, for any small constant ε>0, allows m≤(1-ε)n robots to visit their target locations in O( ) time, where each robot visits no more than dn targets and no target is visited by more than one robot. We also prove a lower bound showing that our protocol is optimal. Prior to this paper, no optimal protocols were known for d>1. For d=1, optimal protocols were known only for m≤ , while for general mn only a suboptimal randomized protocol was known.  相似文献   

We work with an extension of Resolution, called Res(2), that allows clauses with conjunctions of two literals. In this system there are rules to introduce and eliminate such conjunctions. We prove that the weak pigeonhole principle PHPcnn and random unsatisfiable CNF formulas require exponential-size proofs in this system. This is the strongest system beyond Resolution for which such lower bounds are known. As a consequence to the result about the weak pigeonhole principle, Res(log) is exponentially more powerful than Res(2). Also we prove that Resolution cannot polynomially simulate Res(2) and that Res(2) does not have feasible monotone interpolation solving an open problem posed by Krají ek.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of simulation preorder/equivalence between infinite-state processes and finite-state ones. First, we describe a general method how to utilize the decidability of bisimulation problems to solve (certain instances of) the corresponding simulation problems. For certain process classes, the method allows us to design effective reductions of simulation problems to their bisimulation counterparts and some new decidability results for simulation have already been obtained in this way. Then we establish the decidability border for the problem of simulation preorder/equivalence between infinite-state processes and finite-state ones w.r.t. the hierarchy of process rewrite systems. In particular, we show that simulation preorder (in both directions) and simulation equivalence are decidable in EXPTIME between pushdown processes and finite-state ones. On the other hand, simulation preorder is undecidable between PA and finite-state processes in both directions. These results also hold for those PA and finite-state processes which are deterministic and normed, and thus immediately extend to trace preorder. Regularity (finiteness) w.r.t. simulation and trace equivalence is also shown to be undecidable for PA. Finally, we prove that simulation preorder (in both directions) and simulation equivalence are intractable between all classes of infinite-state systems (in the hierarchy of process rewrite systems) and finite-state ones. This result is obtained by showing that the problem whether a BPA (or BPP) process simulates a finite-state one is PSPACE-hard and the other direction is co -hard; consequently, simulation equivalence between BPA (or BPP) and finite-state processes is also co -hard.  相似文献   

This paper introduces formative processes, composed by transitive partitions. Given a family of sets, a formative process ending in the Venn partition Σ of is shown to exist. Sufficient criteria are also singled out for a transitive partition to model (via a function from set variables to unions of sets in the partition) all set-literals modeled by Σ. On the basis of such criteria a procedure is designed that mimics a given formative process by another where sets have finite rank bounded by C(|Σ|), with C a specific computable function. As a by-product, one of the core results on decidability in computable set theory is rediscovered, namely the one that regards the satisfiability of unquantified set-theoretic formulae involving Boolean operators, the singleton-former, and the powerset operator. The method described (which is able to exhibit a set-solution when the answer is affirmative) can be extended to solve the satisfiability problem for broader fragments of set theory.  相似文献   

This paper describes the theory and algorithms of distance transform for fuzzy subsets, called fuzzy distance transform (FDT). The notion of fuzzy distance is formulated by first defining the length of a path on a fuzzy subset and then finding the infimum of the lengths of all paths between two points. The length of a path π in a fuzzy subset of the n-dimensional continuous space n is defined as the integral of fuzzy membership values along π. Generally, there are infinitely many paths between any two points in a fuzzy subset and it is shown that the shortest one may not exist. The fuzzy distance between two points is defined as the infimum of the lengths of all paths between them. It is demonstrated that, unlike in hard convex sets, the shortest path (when it exists) between two points in a fuzzy convex subset is not necessarily a straight line segment. For any positive number θ≤1, the θ-support of a fuzzy subset is the set of all points in n with membership values greater than or equal to θ. It is shown that, for any fuzzy subset, for any nonzero θ≤1, fuzzy distance is a metric for the interior of its θ-support. It is also shown that, for any smooth fuzzy subset, fuzzy distance is a metric for the interior of its 0-support (referred to as support). FDT is defined as a process on a fuzzy subset that assigns to a point its fuzzy distance from the complement of the support. The theoretical framework of FDT in continuous space is extended to digital cubic spaces and it is shown that for any fuzzy digital object, fuzzy distance is a metric for the support of the object. A dynamic programming-based algorithm is presented for computing FDT of a fuzzy digital object. It is shown that the algorithm terminates in a finite number of steps and when it does so, it correctly computes FDT. Several potential applications of fuzzy distance transform in medical imaging are presented. Among these are the quantification of blood vessels and trabecular bone thickness in the regime of limited special resolution where these objects become fuzzy.  相似文献   

We present a method for automatically estimating the motion of an articulated object filmed by two or more fixed cameras. We focus our work on the case where the quality of the images is poor, and where only an approximation of a geometric model of the tracked object is available. Our technique uses physical forces applied to each rigid part of a kinematic 3D model of the object we are tracking. These forces guide the minimization of the differences between the pose of the 3D model and the pose of the real object in the video images. We use a fast recursive algorithm to solve the dynamical equations of motion of any 3D articulated model. We explain the key parts of our algorithms: how relevant information is extracted from the images, how the forces are created, and how the dynamical equations of motion are solved. A study of what kind of information should be extracted in the images and of when our algorithms fail is also presented. Finally we present some results about the tracking of a person. We also show the application of our method to the tracking of a hand in sequences of images, showing that the kind of information to extract from the images depends on their quality and of the configuration of the cameras.  相似文献   

We discuss the computation of the instantaneous 3D displacement vector fields of deformable surfaces from sequences of range data. We give a novel version of the basic motion constraint equation that can be evaluated directly on the sensor grid. The various forms of the aperture problem encountered are investigated and the derived constraint solutions are solved in a total least squares (TLS) framework. We propose a regularization scheme to compute dense full flow fields from the sparse TLS solutions. The performance of the algorithm is analyzed quantitatively for both synthetic and real data. Finally we apply the method to compute the 3D motion field of living plant leaves.  相似文献   

By reduction from the halting problem for Minsky's two-register machines we prove that there is no algorithm capable of deciding the -theory of one step rewriting of an arbitrary finite linear confluent finitely terminating term rewriting system (weak undecidability). We also present a fixed such system with undecidable *-theory of one step rewriting (strong undecidability). This improves over all previously known results of the same kind.  相似文献   

This paper describes a technique to animate three-dimensional sampled volumes. The technique gives the animator the ability to treat volumes as if they were standard polygonal models and to use all of the standard animation/motion capture tools on volumetric data. A volumetric skeleton is computed from a volumetric model using a multi-resolution thinning procedure. The volumetric skeleton is centered in the object and accurately represents the shape of the object. The thinning process is reversible in that the volumetric model can be reconstructed from the volumetric skeleton. The volumetric skeleton is then connected and imported into a standard graphics animation package for animation. The animated skeleton is used for reconstruction, which essentially recreates a deformed volume around the deformed skeleton. Polygons are never computed and the entire process remains in the volumetric domain. This technique is demonstrated on one of the most complex 3D datasets, the Visible Male, resulting in actual “human animation”.  相似文献   

We present an approach to attention in active computer vision. The notion of attention plays an important role in biological vision. In recent years, and especially with the emerging interest in active vision, computer vision researchers have been increasingly concerned with attentional mechanisms as well. The basic principles behind these efforts are greatly influenced by psychophysical research. That is the case also in the work presented here, which adapts to the model of Treisman (1985, Comput. Vision Graphics Image Process. Image Understanding31, 156–177), with an early parallel stage with preattentive cues followed by a later serial stage where the cues are integrated. The contributions in our approach are (i) the incorporation of depth information from stereopsis, (ii) the simple implementation of low level modules such as disparity and flow by local phase, and (iii) the cue integration along pursuit and saccade mode that allows us a proper target selection based on nearness and motion. We demonstrate the technique by experiments in which a moving observer selectively masks out different moving objects in real scenes.  相似文献   

Let be a set of participants sharing a secret from a set of secrets. A secret sharing scheme is a protocol such that any qualified subset of can determine the secret by pooling their shares, the messages which they receive, without error, whereas non-qualified subsets of cannot obtain any knowledge about the secret when they pool what they receive. In (optimal) schemes, the sizes of shared secrets depend on the sizes of shares given to the participants. Namely the former grow up exponentially as the latter increase exponentially. In this paper, instead of determining the secret, we require the qualified subsets of participants to identify the secret. This change would certainly make no difference from determining secret if no error for identification were allowed. So here we relax the requirement to identification such that an error may occur with a vanishing probability as the sizes of the secrets grow up. Under relaxed condition this changing allows us to share a set of secrets with double exponential size as the sizes of shares received by the participants exponentially grow. Thus much longer secret can be shared. On the other hand, by the continuity of Shannon entropy we have that the relaxation makes no difference for (ordinary) secret sharing schemes. We obtain the characterizations of relations of sizes of secrets and sizes of the shares for identification secret sharing schemes without and with public message. Our idea originates from Ahlswede–Dueck’s awarded work in 1989, where the identification codes via channels were introduced.  相似文献   

One of the most interesting goals of computer vision is the 3D structure recovery of scenes. Traditionally, two cues are used: structure from motion and structure from stereo, two subfields with complementary sets of assumptions and techniques. This paper introduces a new general framework of cooperation between stereo and motion. This framework combines the advantages of both cues: (i) easy correspondence from motion and (ii) accurate 3D reconstruction from stereo. First, we show how the stereo matching can be recovered from motion correspondences using only geometric constraints. Second, we propose a method of 3D reconstruction of both binocular and monocular features using all stereo pairs in the case of a calibrated stereo rig. Third, we perform an analysis of the performance of the proposed framework as well as a comparison with an affine method. Experiments involving real and synthetic stereo pairs indicate that rich and reliable information can be derived from the proposed framework. They also indicate that robust 3D reconstruction can be obtained even with short image sequences.  相似文献   

The role of perceptual organization in motion analysis has heretofore been minimal. In this work we present a simple but powerful computational model and associated algorithms based on the use of perceptual organizational principles, such as temporal coherence (or common fate) and spatial proximity, for motion segmentation. The computational model does not use the traditional frame by frame motion analysis; rather it treats an image sequence as a single 3D spatio-temporal volume. It endeavors to find organizations in this volume of data over three levels—signal, primitive, and structural. The signal level is concerned with detecting individual image pixels that are probably part of a moving object. The primitive level groups these individual pixels into planar patches, which we call the temporal envelopes. Compositions of these temporal envelopes describe the spatio-temporal surfaces that result from object motion. At the structural level, we detect these compositions of temporal envelopes by utilizing the structure and organization among them. The algorithms employed to realize the computational model include 3D edge detection, Hough transformation, and graph based methods to group the temporal envelopes based on Gestalt principles. The significance of the Gestalt relationships between any two temporal envelopes is expressed in probabilistic terms. One of the attractive features of the adopted algorithm is that it does not require the detection of special 2D features or the tracking of these features across frames. We demonstrate that even with simple grouping strategies, we can easily handle drastic illumination changes, occlusion events, and multiple moving objects, without the use of training and specific object or illumination models. We present results on a large variety of motion sequences to demonstrate this robustness.  相似文献   

We show that the ** part of the equational theory modulo an AC symbol is undecidable. This solves the open problem 25 from the RTA list. We show that this result holds also for the equational theory modulo an ACI symbol.  相似文献   

In computer vision, motion analysis is a fundamental problem. Applying the concepts of congruence checking in computational geometry and geometric hashing, which is a technique used for the recognition of partially occluded objects from noisy data, we present a new random sampling approach for the estimation of the motion parameters in two- and three-dimensional Euclidean spaces of both a completely measured rigid object and a partially occluded rigid object. We assume that the two- and three-dimensional positions of the vertices of the object in each image frame are determined using appropriate methods such as a range sensor or stereo techniques. We also analyze the relationships between the quantization errors and the errors in the estimation of the motion parameters by random sampling, and we show that the solutions obtained using our algorithm converge to the true solutions if the resolution of the digitalization is increased.  相似文献   

For decades, there has been an intensive research effort in the Computer Vision community to deal with video sequences. In this paper, we present a new method for recovering a maximum of information on displacement and projection parameters in monocular video sequences without calibration. This work follows previous studies on particular cases of displacement, scene geometry, and camera analysis and focuses on the particular forms of homographic matrices. It is already known that the number of particular cases involved in a complete study precludes an exhaustive test. To lower the algorithmic complexity, some authors propose to decompose all possible cases in a hierarchical tree data structure but these works are still in development (T. Viéville and D. Lingrand, Internat. J. Comput. Vision31, 1999, 5–L29). In this paper, we propose a new way to deal with the huge number of particular cases: (i) we use simple rules in order to eliminate some redundant cases and some physically impossible cases, and (ii) we divide the cases into subsets corresponding to particular forms determined by simple rules leading to a computationally efficient discrimination method. Finally, some experiments were performed on image sequences acquired either using a robotic system or manually in order to demonstrate that when several models are valid, the model with the fewer parameters gives the best estimation, regarding the free parameters of the problem. The experiments presented in this paper show that even if the selected case is an approximation of reality, the method is still robust.  相似文献   

Let R be a commutative ring with 1, let RX1,…,Xn/I be the polynomial algebra in the n≥4 noncommuting variables X1,…,Xn over R modulo the set of commutator relations I={(X1+···+Xn)*Xi=Xi*(X1+···+Xn)|1≤in}. Furthermore, let G be an arbitrary group of permutations operating on the indeterminates X1,…,Xn, and let RX1,…,Xn/IG be the R-algebra of G-invariant polynomials in RX1,…,Xn/I. The first part of this paper is about an algorithm, which computes a representation for any fRX1,…,Xn/IG as a polynomial in multilinear G-invariant polynomials, i.e., the maximal variable degree of the generators of RX1,…,Xn/IG is at most 1. The algorithm works for any ring R and for any permutation group G. In addition, we present a bound for the number of necessary generators for the representation of all G-invariant polynomials in RX1,…,Xn/IG with a total degree of at most d. The second part contains a first but promising analysis of G-invariant polynomials of solvable polynomial rings.  相似文献   

A lower bound theorem is established for the number of comparators in a merging network. Let M(m, n) be the least number of comparators required in the (m, n)-merging networks, and let C(m, n) be the number of comparators in Batcher's (m, n)-merging network, respectively. We prove for n≥1 that M(4, n)=C(4, n) for n≡0, 1, 3 mod 4, M(4, n)≥C(4, n)−1 for n≡2 mod 4, and M(5, n)=C(5, n) for n≡0, 1, 5 mod 8. Furthermore Batcher's (6, 8k+6)-, (7, 8k+7)-, and (8, 8k+8)-merging networks are optimal for k≥0. Our lower bound for (m, n)-merging networks, mn, has the same terms as C(m, n) has as far as n is concerned. Thus Batcher's (m, n)-merging network is optimal up to a constant number of comparators, where the constant depends only on m. An open problem posed by Yao and Yao (Lower bounds on merging networks, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.23, 566–571) is solved: limn→∞M(m, n)/n=log m/2+m/2log m.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of designing an fuzzy feedback control for a class of nonlinear systems described by a continuous-time fuzzy system model under sampled output measurements. The premise variables of the fuzzy system model are allowed to be unavailable. We develop a technique for designing an fuzzy feedback control that guarantees the gain from an exogenous input to a controlled output is less than or equal to a prescribed value. A design algorithm for constructing the fuzzy feedback controller is given.  相似文献   

We propose a sculpture metaphor based on a multiresolution volumetric representation. It allows the user to model both precise and coarse features while maintaining interactive updates and display rates. The modelled surface is an iso-surface of a scalar field, which is sampled on an adaptive hierarchical grid that dynamically subdivides or undivides itself. Field modifications are transparent to the user: The user feels as if he were directly interacting with the surface via a tool that either adds or removes “material.” Meanwhile, the tool modifies the scalar field around the surface, its size and shape automatically guiding the underlying grid subdivision. In order to give an interactive feedback whatever the tool's size, tools are applied in an adaptive way, the grid being always updated from coarse to fine levels. This maintains interactive rates even for large tool sizes. It also enables the user to continuously apply a tool, with an immediate coarse-scale feedback of the multiple actions being provided. A dynamic level-of-detail (LOD) mechanism ensures that the iso-surface is displayed at interactive rates regardeless of the zoom value; surface elements, generated and stored at each level of resolution, are displayed depending on their size on the screen. The system may switch to a coarser surface display during user actions, thus always ensuring interactive visual feedback. Two applications illustrate the use of this system: First, complex shapes with both coarse and fine features can be sculpted from scratch. Second, we show that the system can be used to edit models that have been converted from a mesh representation.  相似文献   

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