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无线体域网旨在提供实时的、无处不在的人体监测来执行独立的早期预测、诊断和身体跟踪响应的护理,并日渐成为研究和应用的热点。随着WBAN在人类日常生活中的重要性日趋突出,专用于无线体域网的标准IEEE802.15.6于2012年颁布。本文主要针对多个体域网网间和单个体域网内部的资源分配进行研究,考虑WBAN的异质性以及传感器节点的异质性,同时对体域网资源分配的研究现状和不足进行分析和总结。最后,分析了无线体域网资源分配需要解决的问题和未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

工博 《电子世界》1998,(2):37-38
<正> 扩频滚码无线跟踪报警组件用于汽车、摩托车及其他各种需要远距离无线BP机式反馈报警的场合,如图1所示。它采用先进的技术与器件,具有各种新功能,克服了早期同类产品的诸多缺陷。 该组件的核心是两片专为现代无线报警器开发的K1104专用控制IC。它集成了多种高性能无线报警器所必需的单元,采用8脚DIP封装,内部结构见图2。  相似文献   

通信技术的发展、微处理电路和生理传感技术的进步、日益增长的人体生理信息跟踪需求等催生了无线体域网(wireless body area networks,WBAN),作为传感器网络的一个分支,其日渐成为研究的重点。WBAN的功率控制问题主要分为:单个体域网内功率控制、多个体域网间的冲突避免。本文将以单个WBAN节点的功率控制方法为重点,同时对这两方面的研究成果作出阐述、总结。最后,分析了无线体域网功率控制需要解决的问题和未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

通信技术的发展、生理传感技术的进步和日益增长的人体生理信息跟踪需求等催生了无线体域网(Wireless Body Area Network),WBAN旨在提供实时的、无处不在的人体监测来执行独立的早期预测、诊断和身体跟踪响应的护理,并日渐成为研究和应用的热点。作为传感器网络的一个分支,其日渐成为研究的重点。随着WBAN在人类日常生活中的重要性日趋突出,专用于无线体域网(WBAN)的标准IEEE802.15.6于2012年颁布。主要针对多个体域网网间组网及其管理进行研究,同时对体域网间组网及管理的研究现状进行分析和总结。最后,分析了无线体域网组网及管理需要解决的问题和未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

在无线传感器网络研究中,体域网是当今发展的一大趋势,无论是在远程医疗还是健康监护等领域,都有着非常广阔的市场前景。无线体域网的应用,能够有效缓解看病贵、看病难的问题,对医学的发展有着至关重要的意义。本文主要以无线体域网技术分析作为出发点,进而探讨其节能方案,希望给我国医学领域带来一定帮助。  相似文献   

提出一种基于等级的无线体域网(WBAN)QoS框架,将WBAN中的QoS分为3个等级。利用IEEE802.15.4的信标模式中基于时隙的CSMA/CA机制、保障时隙以及传感器节点内部的流量区分实现了QoS框架。仿真结果表明提出的QoS框架可以满足WBAN对QoS的需求。  相似文献   

为改善无线体域网的能效和传输可靠性,该文针对其具有资源有限、信道质量波动频繁、所传输数据有异构性等特点,提出一种基于链路质量预测的跨层优化方案。通过对物理层、网络层和MAC层的松散耦合,自适应地选择传感器节点的传输功率,并且建立高效节能的端到端路由。仿真结果显示,该方案相对于已有的单层协议,整体提高了体域网的能量效率和传输可靠性。  相似文献   

本文基于双光束投射原理,搭建了用于监测脉搏、血氧和环境信息的WBAN无线传感器节点硬件平台,编写了嵌入式系统软件.经测试,该节点工作稳定、可靠,且具有微型、低功耗等特点,对WBAN无线传感器节点设计具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

在国内渐渐进入老龄化以后,老年人健康监护与管理受到了越来越多人的关注。而从实际案例来看,由于一些家庭所用的监护系统比较陈旧,许多功能没有很好的关注,故出现了许多危险事故。传统监护系统时效性差、功能单一、操作不便利,因此,传统监护模式并不能满足当前要求。而在无线通信、集成电路、MEMS等技术出现以后,无线体域网回到了历史的舞台。本文将以无线体域网为着眼点,设计老年人健康监护系统,介绍无线体域网技术架构,包括心电、脉搏、血氧、体温四大节点,并分析实际结果、实际效用。  相似文献   

龙德浩  陈志清 《电讯技术》2012,52(10):1577-1581
基于Welch内积定理(IC定理),导出了归一化零时延互相关函数或零时延内积的绝对最大值δ0的三条基本特性,从而把Welch内积定理演变成了适用于计算量较小、解扩增益较高、有峰值、无旁瓣的δ 相关解扩的扩频码检验方法,即“实用Welch内积定理-扩频码检验方法”,为作者拟定的“δ/θ型基带相关检测/解扩方案”(电讯技术,2012,52(9):1438-1442)的工程应用奠定了扩频码检验与设计的理论基础.这两个检验方法与现存经典(含Welch)扩频码检验方法在参数、结构、判决方式等方面都不相同.  相似文献   

针对无线体域网这种新型的应用场景,设计了一种新型的能量受限无线体域网路由协议EE-DSR。该协议在DSR路由基础上,综合考虑了无线体域网中信道变化、节点业务类型和节点服务时间等特殊应用,有效地节省了网络传输的能量消耗,从而较好地延长了网络生存期。  相似文献   

As an important branch of wireless sensor networks, wireless body area networks (WBAN) has attracted widespread attention in various fields because of its portability and mobility. However, because much of the data collected by WBAN are related to personal information of the user, the sensitive private data may be at risk of leakage or malicious modification in the actual process of application and deployment. In order to assure the security and privacy of user's data in the environment of WBAN, this paper presents a Data Privacy Protective Mechanism for WBAN. In order to secure data and secure transmission, this mechanism combines symmetric key with an asymmetric key to transmit user's data. Then, it cuts and reorganizes the data in the process of transmission to better capture defense and the attacks of the nodes. Ultimately transmits the user's data securely under the condition that the data collected by the nodes are confidential and secure. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对无线体域网( WBAN)应用中人们关注的病患个人敏感数据在传输过程中容易受到攻击的安全问题,提出一种结合随机网络编码和椭圆曲线密码学( ECC)的安全签名方案。该方案首先在网络中引入随机网络编码建立多播网络模型,增加相同传输次数下的数据信息量;通过采用ECC算法对信息进行签名,保障病患相关生理信息的通信安全。该方案共有三个阶段,即创建、签名和验证阶段。理论证明了该方案是安全的,能够有效地对信息进行污染验证,并确定受攻击节点的位置。  相似文献   

Routing is one of the main challenges in designing wireless body area networks. Existing routing protocols exhibit some drawbacks for practical networks: First, insufficient criteria (e.g., only energy or distance) are used to select the forwarder nodes. Second, controllable parameters of the protocol are determined manually and no automatic tuning is used. Third, the protocol is not adjusted and optimized based on application specifications. In order to overcome the mentioned drawbacks, an adaptive Evolutionary Multi-hop Routing Protocol (named EMRP) is proposed in this paper. We introduce a multi-objective function based on energy level, distance, estimated path loss and estimated energy consumption for selecting optimal forwarder nodes. The proposed objective function aims to select forwarder nodes with high energy, low communication distance, low path loss and low energy consumption. The controllable parameters of EMRP can be adaptively optimized based on application specifications via genetic algorithm. Simulation results show a significant improvement than the existing technologies in terms of lifetime, path loss, throughput, and energy consumption.  相似文献   

Wireless body area networks(WBAN)were expecting to play an essential role for healthcare,sports,leisure,and all the aspect of our daily life.The purpose was to solve two key issues of WBAN.The first issue was which sensor should transmit during each time slot in order to maximize the lifetime as well as maintaining fairness performance.The second issue was which transmit power level should be chosen for the purpose of energy saving without degrading reliability.For the first problem,a distributed scheduling algorithm was proposed to balance lifetime and fairness for WBAN.For the second issue,a modified transmission power control algorithm was presented to adjust transmit power adaptively.Simulation results are presented to demonstrated efficacy of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

A wireless body area network (WBAN) enables the continuous monitoring of health conditions including heart rate, temperature, and glucose levels. It is composed of several sensors that are placed on the body. The network's performance is significantly affected by the unpredictable movements of the human body. Due to the varying proximities between them, the existence of several WBANs creates a challenge when mobility is involved. In this fictitious scenario, we consider a park area with both mobile and static WBANs or WBAN-equipped individuals passing through the park who have varying degrees of mobility. When a mobile WBAN passes a static WBAN and is within a minimum distance of the static WBAN, they pair up and immediately interfere. Inter-interference caused by WBANs operating in a limited area causes packet loss and performance deterioration. In this work, static WBAN locations are optimised to minimise interference and system inter-interference problems are addressed by a game theoretic method. This paper formulates a flexible game theoretic framework to study WBAN coexistence using the expected pay-off function considering a two-player game. It is observed from the results obtained that the probability of interference caused by fast mobile WBANs is reduced to a maximum of 50% compared with that caused by slow mobile WBANs thereby reducing the need for relocation of static WBANs.  相似文献   

谭劲  张玉娟 《电信科学》2016,32(8):69-76
在动态网络拓扑中,AODV协议通过数据源节点S泛洪广播RREQ消息请求到任意目标节点D的路由,而在无线体域网络中,只有一个sink目标节点,除最短跳数路由上的节点外,其他参与RREQ接收和转发的节点浪费了能量。提出了一种能量平衡的无线体域网络AODV多播路由发现协议,通过在节点广播的hello消息中增加到sink的最小跳数hops、到sink的下一跳节点next和节点本身是否具备转发能力isforward 3 个参数,只选择能到达sink节点的邻居节点参与转发RREQ消息,变广播为多播,有效地降低了路由发现的能量开销,并通过能量平衡延长了WBAN的使用寿命。性能分析与模拟实验表明,该协议在RREQ数量、数据传输率和能量消耗等方面优于相似协议EAAODV。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the energy efficiency of an incremental relay based cooperative communication scheme in wireless body area networks (WBANs). We derive analytical expressions for the energy efficiency of direct and cooperative communication schemes taking into account the effect of packet error rate. The following communication scenarios specific to a WBAN are considered: (i) in‐body communication between an implant sensor node and the gateway, and (ii) on‐body communication between a body surface node and the gateway with line‐of‐sight (LOS) and non‐LOS channels. The results reveal a threshold behavior that separates regions where direct transmission is better from regions where incremental relay cooperation is more useful in terms of energy efficiency. It is observed that, compared with direct communication, incremental relay based cooperative communication schemes improves the energy efficiency significantly. Further, cooperation extends the source‐to‐destination hop length over, which energy efficient communication can be achieved as compared with direct communication. We also observe that, for both direct as well as cooperative transmission schemes in error prone channels, an optimal packet size exists that result in maximum energy efficiency. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) comprise various sensors to monitor and collect various vital signals, such as blood pressure, pulse, heartbeat, body temperature, and blood sugar. A dense and mobile WBAN often suffers from interference, which causes serious problems, such as wasting energy and degrading throughput. In reality, not all of the sensors in WBAN need to be active at the same time. Therefore, they can be divided into different groups so that each group works in turn to avoid interference. In this paper, a Nest-Based WBAN Scheduling (NBWS) algorithm is proposed to cluster sensors of the same types in a single or multiple WBANs into different groups to avoid interference. Particularly, we borrow the graph coloring theory to schedule all groups to work using a Time Division for Multimodal Sensor (TDMS) group scheduling model. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed NBWS algorithm performs better in terms of frequency of collisions, transmission delay, system throughput, and energy consumption compared to the counterpart methods.  相似文献   

With the rapid development and widespread application of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), the traditional centralized system architecture cannot handle the massive data generated by the edge devices. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the security of physiological privacy data and the identity privacy of patients, this paper presents a privacy protection strategy for Mobile Edge Computing(MEC) enhanced WBANs, which leverages the blockchain-based decentralized MEC paradigm to support efficient transmission of privacy information with low latency, high reliability within a high-demand data security scenario. On this basis, the Merkle tree optimization model is designed to authenticate nodes and to verify the source of physiological data. Furthermore, a hybrid signature algorithm is devised to guarantee the node anonymity with unforgeability, data integrity and reduced delay. The security performance analysis and simulation results show that our proposed strategy not only reduces the delay, but also secures the privacy and transmission of sensitive WBANs data.  相似文献   

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