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建立电冰箱换热器试验台,对具有百叶窗翅片的微通道冷凝器制冷剂侧的传热和压降进行测试。结果表明:随着制冷剂质量流速的增加,冷凝器换热量、换热系数及制冷剂流动压降均增大,在冷凝压力为1.46MPa,制冷剂质量流速从90 kg/(m~2·s)增加到150 kg/(m~2·s)时,换热量、换热系数和压降分别增加63%,116%和166%;随着冷凝压力的升高,换热量增大,换热系数减小,在制冷剂质量流速为150 kg/(m~2·s)时,冷凝压力为1.46 MPa与冷凝压力为1.16 MPa相比,换热量增加12%,换热系数降低39%。  相似文献   

为了探究微通道内流动沸腾及传热现象的机理,以制冷剂R22为工质在矩形微通道内进行了流动沸腾及可视化实验。结果表明,在核态沸腾下传热系数受质量流率的影响较小,却随着热流密度的增加而快速增加;微通道的尺寸越小,传热效果越好,水力直径为0.92 mm和1.33 mm微通道内的传热系数比2 mm微通道内的传热系数分别提高约25%、12%;根据实验值与预测值的对比情况,在Oh H K等[15]和Yun R等[7]模型基础上拟合得到新的传热系数预测关联式,平均绝对误差降至8.8%;通过可视化实验发现,在临界热流密度下微通道内出现波浪式气体层的现象。  相似文献   

R134a制冷剂的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄根法 《制冷技术》1998,(4):30-30,32

在内径为2 mm的水平不锈钢微通道内对R410A的沸腾换热特性进行了实验研究。质量流率为200~600 kg/(m2·s),热流密度的范围为5~15 k W/m2,干度的范围为0.1~0.8,饱和温度为0℃和5℃。结果显示,当干度大于0.5时,随着热流密度的上升,沸腾换热系数显著上升,其平均增幅分别达到了4.6%和7.7%。当干度小于0.5时,热流密度对换热系数的影响十分微弱。随着质量流率的上升,换热系数均出现了小幅上升,其平均增幅也分别达到了1.1%和2%。而饱和温度对换热系数则几乎没有影响。随后,对可能的机理进行了讨论。实验结果又与Choi K I等以及Ebisu T等在内径分别为1.5 mm,3 mm和6.4mm管道内的研究结果进行了比较。结果显示,在相似工况下,随着管径的下降,当干度小于0.5时,换热系数呈现出上升的趋势,其平均增幅分别达到了18.4%,23.6%和19.5%。  相似文献   

微通道换热器以其高效的换热性能、紧凑的结构及成本上的优势,正逐步应用于商业、家用制冷空调行业,与其相关的研究受到越来越多的关注,成为相关领域的一个研究热点。本文分析微通道换热器的优势及其应用于制冷空调领域所产生的效益;指出当前微通道换热器应用于制冷空调领域存在的问题,包括可靠性和换热性能;分析在提高微通道换热器性能上所采取的措施及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

弦月形狭缝通道中液氮沸腾传热实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弦月形狭缝沸腾换热是一种简便而有效的强化换热技术,可直接应用于中小型空分装置的列管式主冷凝蒸发器。为探寻主冷凝蒸发器在自由液面波动时换热性能的变化情况,本文在国内外首次研究了不同间隙尺寸下,浸没度对弦月形狭缝通道沸腾换热性能的影响,并设计了一种补液措施,从而明显提高了狭缝通道沸腾换热的临界热负荷,增强了对各种浸没度的适应性。  相似文献   

本文在35、40和45℃三种冷凝温度下,对R134a在微肋管内的冷凝换热进行了实验研究。选用质量流量、冷凝温度、微肋管结构参数为变量,以总传热系数、水侧传热系数、制冷剂侧表面传热系数及压降为评价指标。结果表明:总传热系数、制冷剂侧表面传热系数、压降均随着质量流量的增加、冷凝温度的降低和管径的减小而增大,而水侧传热系数随质量流量的增加而稍有降低,冷凝温度对其值影响并不大。热阻分析时发现:随着质量流量的增加,水侧热阻占总热阻比值逐渐增加,而制冷剂侧热阻所占比值逐渐减小,但制冷剂侧热阻总小于水侧热阻;对换热器进行综合性能进行评价时,以表面传热系数与压降的比值(单位压降表面传热系数)为指标,发现该比值均随质量流量的增加呈先减小后增大的趋势,并随着冷凝温度的降低、管径的减小而增大。  相似文献   

本文选用表面传热系数为评价指标,对外径为6.35 mm的微肋管内R134a两相流动冷凝换热特性进行实验研究,分析了水力工况、测试管结构参数等对管内表面传热系数的影响,还选用Cavallini et al.关联式、Miyara et al.关联式和Oliver et al.关联式对微肋管内表面传热系数进行预测,发现Cavallini et al.关联式对微肋管内换热性能的预测能力最好,关联式预测值与实验值的平均误差、标准误差分别为-21.47%和21.94%。虽然Miyara et al.关联式预测值与实验值的平均误差、标准误差分别为16.21%、30.65%,但两者之间的误差范围为-47.12%~82.32%,说明在部分工况下Miyara et al.关联式对管内换热性能的预测仍存在较大误差。三个关联式中,Oliver et al.关联式的预测能力最差,预测值与实验值之间平均误差高达-54.93%,因此,实验根据现有实验数据对Oliver et al.关联式进行了修正,修正Oliver et al.关联式对管内换热性能的预测能力大大提高,预测值与实验值的平均误差、标准误差分别为-2.37%和10.77%。  相似文献   

搭建微通道蒸发器性能实验台,采用控制变量法研究不同空气侧风速下微通道蒸发器表面温度分布、制冷剂进出口压力的变化规律,计算换热量和换热系数,从而分析空气侧风速对微通道蒸发器的流量分配特性和换热效果的影响。结果表明,随着风速增大,微通道蒸发器制冷剂流量分配不均匀性增大,进出口压力波动振幅和周期增加,压降增大,风速2 m/s时微通道蒸发器换热效果最佳。  相似文献   

为研究结霜对微通道蒸发器内制冷剂分布特性的影响,本文提出了一种制冷剂分布参数(RDP)的评定方法。采用红外热成像及数字图像处理技术,测量结霜工况下微通道蒸发器内制冷剂分布。结果表明:随着蒸发器表面霜层厚度的增加,蒸发器内过热区逐渐缩小,两相区制冷剂分布更加均匀。实验180 min时比实验60 min时制冷剂过热区缩小22.7%,RDP提高17.2%,换热量降低2.34%。研究结果为结霜工况下微通道蒸发器制冷剂分布特性提供了定量测量方法。  相似文献   

在对R134a在水平直齿外翅片管表面冷凝传热理论研究的基础上,利用用计算机建立了传热数学模型,并在实验室中用5根紫铜外翅片铜管进行试验验证,结果表明该理论数学模型在一定范围内的预测值是准确的.  相似文献   

回热循环在R134a汽车空调系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过试验方法对回热循环在R134a汽车空调系统中的应用进行了试验研究。试验结果表明具有回热器的空调系统其COP和制冷量都能得到一定程度的提高,同时指出,低压侧压降是设计回热器时的一个关键参数,应注意减少低压侧压力损失。  相似文献   

Thermophysical properties of refrigerant R134a   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental results of measurements of the thermodynamic and transport properties of refrigerant R134a are presented for the temperature range 240–400 K and pressures up to 89 bar. The thermal properties of the saturated refrigerant were also determined. The results from this study showed that the dependence of viscosity on temperature near the critical region was nonlinear. This observation shows that errors resulting from using previous literature data for design purposes could vary from about 1.5% at 251 K to 30% at 343 K. A computer (IBM PC) was used to obtain empirical relationships for evaluating the thermophysical properties of R134a based on various sets of independent variables.  相似文献   

为了解决R32/R134a应用于变浓度热泵系统存在的排气温度过高问题,提出使用三元混合工质R407C用于该系统中.以R32/R134a和R407C作为工质在变浓度容量调节热泵系统中进行了吸气压力不变时的变浓度实验.实验结果表明,R407C在本系统中变浓度范围低于R32/R134a,但R407C的排气温度和耗功均低于R32/R134a,具有良好的变浓度调节潜力.  相似文献   

介绍以R134a为制冷剂的太阳能喷射制冷系统,并对系统核心部件喷射器进行CFD模拟,根据CFD模拟结果确定喷射器的最佳结构尺寸。在此基础上,对该系统进行理论分析。在发生温度90℃、蒸发温度0℃、冷凝温度34℃的条件下,系统COP可以达到0.182。  相似文献   

This paper presents the experimental tests on HFC-134a condensation inside a small brazed plate heat exchanger: the effects of refrigerant mass flux, saturation temperature and vapour super-heating are investigated.A transition point between gravity controlled and forced convection condensation has been found for a refrigerant mass flux around 20 kg/m2 s. For refrigerant mass flux lower than 20 kg/m2 s, the saturated vapour heat transfer coefficients are not dependent on mass flux and are well predicted by the Nusselt [Nusselt, W., 1916. Die oberflachenkondensation des wasserdampfes. Z. Ver. Dt. Ing. 60, 541–546, 569–575] analysis for vertical surface. For refrigerant mass flux higher than 20 kg/m2 s, the saturated vapour heat transfer coefficients depend on mass flux and are well predicted by the Akers et al. [Akers, W.W., Deans, H.A., Crosser, O.K., 1959. Condensing heat transfer within horizontal tubes. Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Ser. 55, 171–176] equation. In the forced convection condensation region, the heat transfer coefficients show a 30% increase for a doubling of the refrigerant mass flux. The condensation heat transfer coefficients of super-heated vapour are 8–10% higher than those of saturated vapour and are well predicted by the Webb [Webb, R.L., 1998. Convective condensation of superheated vapour. ASME J. Heat Transfer 120, 418–421] model. The heat transfer coefficients show weak sensitivity to saturation temperature. The frictional pressure drop shows a linear dependence on the kinetic energy per unit volume of the refrigerant flow and therefore a quadratic dependence on the refrigerant mass flux.  相似文献   

Experiments on flow condensation have been conducted with both pure R32, R134a and their mixtures inside a tube (10 m long, 6 mm ID), with a mass flux of 131–369 kg m−2s−1 and average condensation temperature of 23–40°C. The experimental heat transfer coefficients are compared with those predicted from correlations. The maximum mean heat transfer coefficient reduction (from a linear interpolation of the single component values) occurs at a concentration of roughly 30% R32 for the same mass flux basis, and is approximately 20% at Gr = 190 kg m−2s−1, 16% at Gr = 300 kg m−2s−1. Non-ideal properties of the mixture have a certain, but relatively small, influence on the degradation. Among others, temperature and concentration gradients, slip, etc. are also causes of heat transfer degradation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect that an additive had on the boiling performance of an R134a/polyolester lubricant (POE) mixture and an R123/naphthenic mineral oil mixture on a roughened, horizontal flat surface. Both pool boiling heat transfer data and lubricant excess surface density data are given for the R134a/POE (98% mass fraction/2% mass fraction) mixture before and after use of the additive. A spectrofluorometer was used to measure the lubricant excess density that was established by the boiling of the R134a/POE lubricant mixture before and after use of the additive. The measurements obtained from the spectrofluorometer suggest that the additive increases the total mass of lubricant on the boiling surface. The heat transfer data show that the additive caused an average and a maximum enhancement of the R134a/POE heat flux between 5 kW m−2 and 22 kW m−2 of approximately 73% and 95%, respectively. Conversely, for nearly the same heat flux range, the additive caused essentially no change in the pool boiling heat flux of an R123/mineral oil mixture. The lubricant excess surface density and interfacial surface tension measurements of this study were used to form the basis of a hypothesis for predicting when additives will enhance or degrade refrigerant/lubricant pool boiling.  相似文献   

单元式风冷冷风空调机组普遍采用波纹翅片管冷凝器。对冷凝器进行设计的关键是确定制冷工质在铜管内的冷凝换热系数及空气在翅片侧的表面换热系数,同时也需要考虑空气流过冷凝器的压降,以便选择风机。采用数学模型及换热关联式计算相关参数,在此基础上对R134a单元式风冷冷风空调机组的冷凝器进行设计。  相似文献   

R134a作为当前主要的R22替代制冷剂,在应用于空气源冷水(热泵)机组,尤其是在热泵运行时会出现能效降低、容易结霜等问题。本研究尝试在R134a的大型螺杆式空气源热泵机组中混合少量R600a来改善机组性能。通过对混合制冷剂物性计算、理论循环性能计算和机组试验,表明添加R600a后的混合制冷剂能显著改善热泵机组的运行性能,并有效提高机组运行可靠性。同时,虽然R600a具有可燃性,但是对于运行时置于室外,介质为水且添加比例不高的空气源热泵机组,这是一个简单、安全、可行的改进方案。  相似文献   

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