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The Xenopus Vg1 gene, a TGFbeta superfamily member, is expressed as a maternal mRNA localized to prospective endoderm, and mature Vg1 protein can induce both endodermal and mesodermal markers in embryonic cells. Most previous work on embryonic inducers, including activin, BMPs and Vg1, has relied on ectopic expression to assay for gene function. Here we employ a mutant ligand approach to block Vg1 signaling in developing embryos. The results indicate that Vg1 expression is essential for normal endodermal development and the induction of dorsal mesoderm in vivo.  相似文献   

The reorganization of mesenchymal cells into an epithelial sheet is a widely used morphogenetic process in metazoans. An example of such a process is the formation of the Drosophila larval midgut epithelium that develops through a mesenchymal-epithelial transition from endodermal midgut precursors. We have studied this process in wild type and a number of mutants that show defects in midgut epithelium formation. Our results indicate that the visceral mesoderm serves as a basal substratum to which endodermal cells have to establish direct contact in order to form an epithelium. Furthermore, we have analyzed the midgut phenotype of embryos mutant for the gene shotgun, and the results suggest that shotgun directs adhesion between midgut epithelial cells, which is independent from the adhesion between endoderm and visceral mesoderm.  相似文献   

Mesoderm formation is critical for the establishment of the animal body plan and in Drosophila requires the snail gene. This report concerns the cloning and expression pattern of the structurally similar gene snail1 from zebrafish. In situ hybridization shows that the quantity of snail1 RNA increases at the margin of the blastoderm in cells that involute during gastrulation. As gastrulation begins, snail1 RNA disappears from the dorsal axial mesoderm and becomes restricted to the paraxial mesoderm and the tail bud. snail1 RNA increases in cells that define the posterior border of each somite and then disappears when somitic cells differentiate. Later in development, expression appears in cephalic neural crest derivatives. Many snail1-expressing cells were missing from mutant spadetail embryos and the quantity of snail1 RNA was greatly reduced in mutant no tail embryos. The work presented here suggests that snail1 is involved in morphogenetic events during gastrulation, somitogenesis and development of the cephalic neural crest, and that no tail may act as a positive regulator of snail1.  相似文献   

Danforth's short tail (Sd) is a semidominant mutation in mouse affecting the axial skeleton and urogenital system. The notochord is the first visibly abnormal structure in mutant embryos, and disintegrates beginning around embryonic day 9.5 along its entire length, suggesting an essential role for Sd in notochord development and maintenance. Here, we report on the fate of Sd/+ and Sd/Sd cells in chimeric embryos. Up to day 9-9.5, Sd cells contributed efficiently to the notochord of chimeric embryos. In advanced day 9.5 embryos, Sd cells were less abundant in the posterior-most region of the notochord and in the notochordal plate. During subsequent development, Sd cells were specifically lost from the notochord and replaced by wild-type cells. In Sd/+<-->+/+ chimeras, the notochord appeared histologically and functionally normal, leading to a rescue of the mutant phenotype. However, strong Sd/Sd<-->+/+ chimeras showed malformations of the axial skeleton and urogenital system. All Sd/Sd<-->+/+ chimeras with malformations of the axial skeleton also had kidney defects, whereas chimeras without vertebral column defects had highly chimeric kidneys that appeared normal, suggesting that the urogenital malformations arise secondarily to impaired posterior development caused by the degenerating notochord. Sd mutant cells also were specifically absent from the ventral portion of the hindgut, whereas they contributed efficiently to the dorsal region, implying the existence of distinct cell populations in the dorsal and ventral hindgut. Our findings demonstrate that the Sd mutation acts cell autonomously in cells of the notochord and ventral hind gut. Sd leads to the degeneration of notochord cells and the number or allocation of notochord precursors from the tail bud to the notochordal plate seems impaired, whereas notochord formation from the node appears to be unaffected.  相似文献   

Signalling by the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily of proteins depends on the phosphorylation and activation of SMAD proteins by heteromeric complexes of ligand-specific type I and type II receptors with serine/threonine-kinase activity. The vertebrate SMAD family includes at least nine members, of which Smad2 has been shown to mediate signalling by activin and TGF-beta. In Xenopus, Smad2 can induce dorsal mesoderm, mimicking Vg-1, activin and nodal. Here we investigate the function of Smad2 in mammalian development by generating two independent Smad2 mutant alleles in mice by gene targeting. We show that homozygous mutant embryos fail to form an organized egg cylinder and lack mesoderm, like mutant mice lacking nodal or ActRIB, the gene encoding the activin type-I receptor. About 20 per cent of Smad2 heterozygous embryos have severe gastrulation defects and lack mandibles or eyes, indicating that the gene dosage of Smad2 is critical for signalling. Mice trans-heterozygous for both Smad2 and nodal mutations display a range of phenotypes, including gastrulation defects, complex craniofacial abnormalities such as cyclopia, and defects in left-right patterning, indicating that Smad2 may mediate nodal signalling in these developmental processes. Our results show that Smad2 function is essential for early development and for several patterning processes in mice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In amphibians, the Nieuwkoop center--a primary inducing region--has a central role in the induction of dorsal mesodermal cells to form the Spemann organizer. In teleosts, such as the zebrafish, Danio rerio, the functional equivalent of the amphibian Spemann organizer is the dorsal shield. Historically, a small region of the teleost yolk syncytial layer (YSL), an extraembryonic tissue that underlies the entire blastoderm, has been implicated in dorsal shield specification. Difficulties in transplanting discrete regions of the YSL and the previous lack of localized expression patterns unique to the YSL have, however, hindered efforts to prove definitively that the YSL possesses Nieuwkoop-center-like activities. RESULTS: Here, we describe the isolation and analysis of a new homeobox gene, called nieuwkoid, which is first expressed immediately following the mid-blastula transition on the dorsal side of the zebrafish pregastrula embryo. We found that, by the onset of gastrulation, nieuwkoid expression becomes localized to a restricted region of the YSL, directly underlying the future dorsal shield. Mis-expression of nieuwkoid in early zebrafish embryos was found to be sufficient for the induction of ectopic organizer regions and secondary axes. Mis-expression of nieuwkoid by cell transplantation or by direct injection into the YSL led to the non-autonomous induction of ectopic organizer gene expression. CONCLUSIONS: The dynamic and restricted expression of the nieuwkoid gene, combined with its potent dorsalizing activity, suggests that nieuwkoid is an important component in the regionalization of the gastrula organizer, possibly characterizing and mediating an organizer-inducing/Nieuwkoop-center-like activity.  相似文献   

The gene product of XRCC4 has been implicated in both V(D)J recombination and the more general process of double strand break repair (DSBR). To date its role in these processes is unknown. Here, we describe biochemical characteristics of the murine XRCC4 protein. XRCC4 expressed in insect cells exists primarily as a disulfide-linked homodimer, although it can also form large multimers. Recombinant XRCC4 is phosphorylated during expression in insect cells. XRCC4 phosphorylation in Sf9 cells occurs on serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues. We also investigated whether XRCC4 interacts with the other factor known to be requisite for both V(D)J recombination and DSBR, the DNA-dependent protein kinase. We report that XRCC4 is an efficient in vitro substrate of DNA-PK and another unidentified serine/ threonine protein kinase(s). Both DNA-PK dependent and independent phosphorylation of XRCC4 in vitro occurs only on serine and threonine residues within the COOH-terminal 130 amino acids, a region of the molecule that is not absolutely required for XRCC4's DSBR function. Finally, recombinant XRCC4 facilitates Ku binding to DNA, promoting assembly of DNA-PK and complexing with DNA-PK bound to DNA. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that XRCC4 functions as an alignment factor in the DNA-PK complex.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that the adaxial leaf domain possesses a unique competence to form shoot apical meristems. Factors required for this competence are expected to cause a defect in shoot apical meristem formation when inactivated and to be expressed or active preferentially in the adaxial leaf domain. PINHEAD, a member of a family of proteins that includes the translation factor eIF2C, is required for reliable formation of primary and axillary shoot apical meristems. In addition to high-level expression in the vasculature, we find that low-level PINHEAD expression defines a novel domain of positional identity in the plant. This domain consists of adaxial leaf primordia and the meristem. These findings suggest that the PINHEAD gene product may be a component of a hypothetical meristem forming competence factor. We also describe defects in floral organ number and shape, as well as aberrant embryo and ovule development associated with pinhead mutants, thus elaborating on the role of PINHEAD in Arabidopsis development. In addition, we find that embryos doubly mutant for PINHEAD and ARGONAUTE1, a related, ubiquitously expressed family member, fail to progress to bilateral symmetry and do not accumulate the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS protein. Therefore PINHEAD and ARGONAUTE1 together act to allow wild-type growth and gene expression patterns during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Mesoderm formation is a hallmark of vertebrate gastrulation and, at the same time, one of the prime examples for epithelio-mesenchymal transformation. Recent advances in experimental embryology and molecular biology have clarified the role of growth factors and genes in this process; however, its microscopic anatomy in higher vertebrates is still far from clear. Therefore, the present study describes the morphology of mesoderm formation in the rabbit embryo, a species which may be representative for both the avian and the mammalian embryo in this respect. Serial semithin sections were correlated with topographical landmarks in surface views of embryonic discs at 6.4, 6.5, and 6.6 days post conceptionem, and selected semithin sections were reembedded for ultrastructural analysis. Mesoderm cells are shown to be generated by ingression of bottle-shaped epiblast cells in the area of the posterior node and the primitive streak. Here, basal endocytotic pits and absence or discontinuity of the basal lamina are taken as suggestive evidence for specific removal of extracellular matrix material. Within the bottle-shaped cells most organelles are concentrated in a narrow apical neck which will subsequently constitute the 'trailing end' of the ingressing mesoderm cells. These features support the assumption that most principles of epithelio-mesenchymal transformation seen during primary mesenchyme formation in the sea urchin also apply to mesoderm formation in vertebrates. However, transient tripartite zonula adherens-type junctions are formed apically between ingressing mesoderm cells and the neighboring epiblast cells. They are interpreted here as being responsible for maintaining supracellular integrity of the embryonic disc during the shedding of mesoderm cells in the amniote embryo.  相似文献   

The T4D bacteriophage gene 28 product is a component of the central plug of the tail baseplate, as shown by the following two independent lines of evidence. (i) A highly sensitive method for radioactive labeling of only tail baseplate plug components was developed. These labeled plug components were incorporated by a complementation procedure into new phage particles and were analyzed by radioautography after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three new structural proteins were found in addition to the three known tail plug proteins (i.e., gP29, gP27, and gP5). One of the three newly identified components had a molecular weight of 24,000 to 25,000 and appeared to be a product of T4D gene 28. (ii) Characterization of mutants of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4D which produced altered gene 28 products also indicated that the gene 28 product was a viral tail component. T4D 28(ts) phage particles produced at the permissive temperature had altered heat labilities compared with parent T4D particles. We isolated a single-step temperature revertant of T4D 28(ts) and found that it produced phage particles which phenotypically resembled the original T4D particles. Since the properties of the phage baseplate components usually determine heat lability, these two changes in physical stability after two sequential single mutations in gene 28 supported the other evidence that the gene 28 product was a viral baseplate component. Also, compared with parent T4D particles, T4D 28(ts) and T4D 28am viral particles adsorbed at different rates to various types of host cells. In addition, T4D 28(ts) particles exhibited a different host range than parent T4D particles. This T4D mutant formed plaques with an extremely low efficiency on all E. coli K-12 strains tested. We found that although T4D 28(ts) particles adsorbed rapidly and irreversibly to the E. coli K-12 strains, as judged by gene rescue experiments, these particles were not able to inject their DNA into the E. coli K-12 strains. On the other hand, the T4D 28(ts) revertant had a plating efficiency on E. coli K-12 strains that was quite similar to the plating efficiency of the original parent, T4D. These properties of phage particles containing an altered gene 28 product supported the analytical finding that the gene 28 product is a structural component of the central plug of the T4D tail baseplate. They also indicated that this component plays a role in both host cell recognition and viral DNA injection.  相似文献   

We have isolated and molecularly characterized the cramped (crm) gene of Drosophila melanogaster, and show that it can be classified as a Polycomb-group (Pc-G) gene. crm mutants exhibit typical Pc-G mutant phenotypes, reminiscent of ectopic homeotic gene expression, with additional sex comb teeth found on mesothoracic and metathoracic legs, and proximodistal transformations of the tarsal segments. crm encodes an 693 amino acids protein, with no significant homology to known proteins. We used polyclonal antibodies raised against bacterially expressed truncated CRM protein to show that the crm gene product is localized to the nucleus during embryogenesis. This nuclear localization appears to be restricted to S-phase nuclei, as CRM immunostaining disappears at mitosis. We found that this cell-cycle-dependent staining pattern was identical to that of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA). Furthermore, we provide evidence for co-localization of CRM and PCNA proteins in salivary gland polytene nuclei, and for a genetic interaction between crm and mus209, the Drosophila gene encoding PCNA. Together, our data suggest that these two proteins are involved in a common regulatory pathway and highlight possible interactions between Pc-G-mediated silencing and DNA replication in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Generation of cell diversity in the vertebrate central nervous system starts during gastrulation stages in the ectodermal germ layer and involves specialized cell groups, such as the organizer located at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB). Mutations in the zebrafish no isthmus (noi) gene alter development of the MHB, and affect the pax2.1 gene (formerly pax(zf-b)). Analysis of the structure of pax2.1 reveals at least 12 normal splice variants. The noi alleles can be arranged, by molecular and phenotypic criteria, into a series of five alleles of differing strength, ranging from a null allele to weak alleles. In keeping with a role in development of the MHB organizer, gene expression is already affected in the MHB primordium of the gastrula neural ectoderm in noi mutants. eng3 activation is completely and eng2 activation is strongly dependent on noi function. In contrast, onset of wnt1, fgf8 and her5 expression occurs normally in the null mutants, but is eliminated later on. Our observations suggest that three signaling pathways, involving pax2.1, wnt1 and fgf8, are activated independently in early anterior-posterior patterning of this area. In addition, analysis of the allelic series unexpectedly suggests that noi activity is also required during dorsal-ventral patterning of the MHB in somitogenesis stages, and possibly in a later eng expression phase. We propose that noi/pax2.1 participates in sequential signaling processes as a key integrator of midbrain-hindbrain boundary development.  相似文献   

Germline mutation in mice of the retinoic acid receptor gene RXRalpha results in a proliferative failure of cardiomyocytes, which leads to an underdeveloped ventricular chamber and midgestation lethality. Mutation of the cell cycle regulator N-myc gene also leads to an apparently identical phenotype. In this study, we demonstrate by chimera analysis that the cardiomyocyte phenotype in RXRalpha-/- embryos is a non-cell-autonomous phenotype. In chimeric embryos made with embryonic stem cells lacking RXRalpha, cardiomyocytes deficient in RXRalpha develop normally and contribute to the ventricular chamber wall in a normal manner. Because the ventricular hypoplastic phenotype reemerges in highly chimeric embryos, we conclude that RXRalpha functions in a non-myocyte lineage of the heart to induce cardiomyocyte proliferation and accumulation, in a manner that is quantitatively sensitive. We further show that RXRalpha is not epistatic to N-myc, and that RXRalpha and N-myc regulate convergent obligate pathways of cardiomyocyte maturation.  相似文献   

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