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根据水域开阔的中小型浅水湖泊的水动力特征,建立了加入扩散项的湖泊移流模式,分析了污染物对流输移、降解作用、扩散作用对污染物浓度空间分布的影响。研究发现:在静风条件下,对流输移、降解作用是湖泊水质浓度空间分布的主要影响因素,扩散作用对湖泊水质浓度空间分布的影响居次要地位。但当排污流量较小且污染物浓度较高时,扩散作用对预测结果有一定的影响。在进行湖泊水质空间分布精确预测时,应综合考虑对流输移、降解及扩散作用等因素的综合影响。  相似文献   

This study presents a methodology for the development of a water balance model that uses publicly available data in a manner useful to water scientists and managers who manage complex lake and reservoir watersheds. The approach was applied to Coeur d'Alene Lake, a naturally occurring lake that is controlled by a dam located on its outlet (Spokane River) in North Idaho, USA. As in many other areas, the region surrounding Coeur d'Alene Lake has experienced high rates of population growth in recent years, and there is concern that, as consumptive water use increases, the lake will eventually not be able to be managed to simultaneously maintain the federally mandated minimum flow requirements in the Spokane River and also maintain the target summertime elevation of 2128 feet (648.6 m) for recreation and hydropower purposes. The complexity caused by the competing uses at Coeur d'Alene Lake makes it an excellent case study for similarly characterized watersheds. Both a natural flow model and regulated elevation model were developed, and sensitivity analysis was conducted on both models to evaluate which lake processes have the greatest effects on lake elevation, thereby requiring the most attention. A ‘low‐flow’ scenario was modelled to demonstrate the usefulness of the model and to inform Coeur d'Alene Lake regional stakeholders regarding the interrelationship between current water policy and the lake's physical behaviour under stressed conditions that could result from climate change. Model result indicates that, while lake elevation may be maintained at the summertime elevation of 2128 feet (648.6 m) under a low‐flow scenario, the outflows in the Spokane River start to approach the minimum flow requirements in the month of August. The developed approach is useful where publicly available data exist and allows for economic, yet rigorous, water resources systems evaluation without requiring significant field data collection.  相似文献   

This study discusses research that develops a general framework and presents a specific implementation of a stochastic modelling system, using linked overland flow and routing simulation models. The specific implementation uses the Gridded Surface Sub‐surface Hydrological Analysis (GSSHA) overland flow model, and the reservoir routing and quality model CE‐QUAL‐W2, to develop the stochastic modelling system. For stochastic simulations, modellers can define up to six GSSHA parameters for stochastic treatment, select the appropriate probability density functions and range, and determine the number of runs in the simulation. The tools described herein then create the correct input and output files, run the linked simulation models using the defined stochastic parameters, and aggregate the voluminous results. Interactive tools were developed to compute credible intervals from the results, and create reports that present the variability in a manner that is easily understood and communicated. Model set‐up and development, stochastic and statistical parameter input, stochastic simulation execution and results analysis were implemented using the Watershed Modeling System, model pre‐ and postprocessing system. This study presents the tools, algorithms and user interfaces developed to implement the linked stochastic modelling system, as well as a simple example demonstrating the tools and the type of analysis supported by this system.  相似文献   

采用灰色关联分析法对太湖流域水质进行评价,详细介绍了灰色关联分析法应用于太湖流域湖州新塘港水环境质量进行评价的过程,该方法采用太湖流域浙江湖州新塘港水体断面的影响因子:溶解氧、高锰酸钾指数、氨氮的实测浓度组成参考数列,各因子标准浓度组成比较数列,计算参考数列与比较数列的关联度,按其大小确定综合水质级别。研究表明该地区水环境质量较差,并指出了治理太湖流域的建议性措施。  相似文献   

根据2013年1~12月对桂湖浮游藻类的调查和监测结果,分析藻类种群组成和优势种、细胞密度、马卡列夫(Margalef)和香农—韦弗(Shannon-Weaver)生物多样性指数等生物特征参数的变化,从生物学角度对桂湖水质进行评价,为桂林两江四湖水环境的综合治理和生态保护提供基础资料和理论依据。  相似文献   

石岩  王妍 《东北水利水电》2000,18(12):43-43
通过采用污染指数超标倍数的分析评价标准的方法对南湖水质定期监测,对比分析了南湖目前的水质状况以及今后的治理方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel self‐organizing network (SON) based similarity index and its application for the optimization of sampling locations in an existing river water quality monitoring network (WQMN) is presented. A rationalization of the River Danube WQMN on its stretch through Serbia was performed using the proposed SON2‐based similarity index. A high‐dimensional dataset was used, which is composed of 18 water quality parameters that were collected during the period 2002–2010 at 17 monitoring locations. The SON‐based seasonal classification that divides 12 months into the cold, moderate, and warm seasons was employed, whereas its second application on each seasonal class yielded subclasses that were used to compare the monitoring locations. The obtained SON2‐based similarity index can be utilized for analysing seasonal variations, as well as overall similarities among neighbouring sites. Based on the calculated similarities of locations and characteristics of the River Danube basin a rationalized WQMN, which uses 30% less monitoring sites, has been proposed.  相似文献   

在分析白龙湖坝前区的例行水质监测数据的基础上,构建白龙湖水域二维水流水质数学模型,对白龙湖的氨氮、总氮、总磷、COD等水质指标进行模拟分析,预测规划期内的白龙湖水质变化趋势。结果表明:2016年白龙湖区域按目前的排放,白龙湖总氮、总磷等水质指标将继续下降,无法满足水功能要求,其中总磷降为IV类标准。根据白龙湖流域的现有状况,提出社会经济调控、污染源防治工程、生态保育工程、生态环境监管工程等方案,提出削减的污染量计划,再次预测水质,各项指标稳中有升,其中总磷从IV类提高到Ⅱ类。以上4个方案的实施对于保护白龙湖的现有水质具有建设性的意义,同时对于同类型的湖泊保护起到了很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

指数平滑法-马尔科夫模型在巢湖水质预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水质预测是水环境管理的重要内容,对工农业生产具有较好的指导意义。以巢湖为例,针对水质变化的随机性,应用指数平滑法-马尔科夫预测法,对合肥湖滨与巢湖裕溪口两大断面2001-2010年的CODMn、TP、TN数据进行指数平滑处理,预测2011-2013年水质,发现未来几年需要注意TN以及东半湖CODMn的变化,这对宏观上把握水质变化趋势以及污染因子的动态有一定的指导意义,同时也发现指数平滑与马尔科夫预测的结果是一致的,将两者结合,可较好的运用于水质预测中。  相似文献   

The ability to predict water quality is a major requirement for planning and execution of developmental projects. It helps entrepreneurs to effectively plan and implement pollution control measures. This study evaluates the ability of different water quality models (statistical; remote sensing; mathematical) to predict salinity in Akkulam–Veli Lake, a tropical lake system. The performance of these three water quality models was evaluated. Prediction of salinity was made accurately with the mathematical model (WASP), compared to the other models. WASP facilitates prediction of daily water quality variations, which is not possible with the other models. A limitation of this model, however, was its ability to predict only a few water quality parameters. The statistical methods are reliable when the number of sampling sites and frequency of sample collection are high, making this method exhaustive and expensive. Remote sensing techniques proved to be less tedious, but are suitable only under specific situations, and not able to produce a high level of accuracy. Nevertheless, this method provides a continuous picture of spatial variations of different water quality parameters to a reasonable level of accuracy. The choice of the ‘best’ model varies on the basis of climatic and field conditions of the lake system of concern. Thus, a combination of water quality models was found to be the most ideal approach for analysing water quality data.  相似文献   

将基于人工神经网络的数据驱动模型同水质模型有机结合,考虑模型参数的时域和地域差异性,建立海域组合单元水质模型参数时空反演的新方法:将研究海域划分为若干单元,模拟总时间划分为若干时段,敏感参数在各单元和各时段内独立赋值;通过水质模型计算多参数匹配设计的工况,构建海域内部观测点的解集;以数据驱动模型建立时空、空间、时间和非时空四种反演方式,并分别确立状态变量(污染物浓度)同多个控制变量(模型参数)之间的非线性关系;将实测资料带入关系中,进行模型参数随时域和地域动态变化的组合单元优化反演研究。以渤海海域水质模型多参数匹配反演为例,采用"孪生"实验验证参数组合单元时空反演新方法的可行性,结果表明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

基于里下河腹部区2010~2018年46条河流86个断面的逐月水质监测数据,运用单因子评价方法和GIS空间分析方法,分析里下河腹部区水质时空变化特征,为里下河腹部区水环境治理与保护提供依据。里下河腹部区水质时间变化特征为:非汛期(1~4月、10~12月)水质优于汛期(5~9月), 12月水质最佳,7月水质最差;近年来高锰酸盐指数和氨氮浓度总体均呈较为明显的下降趋势。水质空间变化分析表明:非汛期水质总体较好,中部的泰州兴化、扬州高邮段水质较差;汛期水质总体较差,仅部分流域性或区域性骨干河道水质达标,西南部、东北部和中部地区水质最差。区域水质时空变化特征与外引水源水量关系密切,外引水源对改善区域水质的影响逐渐增大。  相似文献   

基于EFDC模型的人工湖水质保障最佳运行方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以石家庄市正定湖为例,基于EFDC水环境数学模型确定引水规模,分析风场因素对人工湖调水置换效果的影响,并根据不同风向、风速的风场叠加后湖区水龄模拟结果,探明最有利于调水的外部环境条件:正定湖最佳引水风向为偏北风,风速为5m/s时,实现80%水体交换需要2~3d。  相似文献   

River (DESERT) and lake (EVOLA) water quality models are used to simulate the influences of alternative water quality management scenarios on the quality of receiving surface waters in the Lake Iseo basin, Northern Italy. The scenarios are representative of the European Union Directive on Urban Waste Water Treatment (91/271/EEC) and of the regional authority’s objective to reduce the total phosphorus loads from point sources entering Lake Iseo and to restore the lake as close as it is practically possible to its former natural qualitative state. Application of DESERT shows that the regional ‘Water Clean Up Plan’ can achieve similar reductions in total phosphorus concentrations in the basin’s main river system, Oglio River, to the 91/271/EEC directive, but at notably lower economic costs. Application of EVOLA to Lake Iseo shows that it is not practical to achieve the regional authority’s objective of a specific total phosphorus concentration in the lake by 2016. Instead, the results show that a more realistic, but higher, total phosphorus concentration can be achieved by 2016. The results of both modelling exercises indicate the usefulness of DESERT and EVOLA for comparing and assessing water quality management scenarios and for revising the regional authority’s final objectives with regards to total phosphorus concentration in Lake Iseo, as well as the regional ‘Water Clean Up Plan’ for restoring and safeguarding the quality of the basin’s surface waters.  相似文献   

本文综合评价了松嫩平源湖泡典型湿地保护区水资源质量,分析了水质污染特征及原因,提出了水资源管理与保护对策措施,以求达到社会发展和湿地保护之间的平衡。  相似文献   

通过对妫水湖水环境中的叶绿素a的测定并同时分析其水质,结果表明,妫水湖水域的叶绿素a的含量呈明显的时空变化特征,其中7月和10月含量高于6月、8月和9月,另外,1号、2号和3号位置的含量明显高于4号、5号和6号位置.叶绿素a含量与环境因子,如水中总氮、总磷、BOD5、CODMn有关.妫水湖叶绿素a含量变化多在(5~40)mg/m3范围内,说明妫水湖水体处于富营养状态.  相似文献   

南四湖水质空间分布特征分析与改善效果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据南四湖2006年、2007年、2010年和2011年4次90个采样点的水质空间分布监测数据,采用Surfer 8.0软件绘制南四湖水质空间分布等值线图,进行南四湖及分湖区水质指标的综合比较分析和平均综合污染指数的计算与污染控制效果评估。结果表明:南四湖COD、NH3-N、TP、TN和CODMn等指标的空间分布具有北高南低的非均一性特点;2010—2011年比2006—2007年枯水期各水质指标的平均浓度下降率为38.3%,整体提高了1~2个水质类别;按GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》中Ⅲ类标准相应的平均综合污染指数进行评价,达标和基本达标湖区的比例达到63.3%;2010—2011年枯水期南四湖主要污染物分担率由大到小排序依次为TP、COD、TN、CODMn、NH3-N;水质平均综合污染指数与电导率存在很好的相关性和北高南低的污染特点,说明南四湖水污染物仍然以外源排放为主。  相似文献   

闫霏霏  杨瑞琰 《人民长江》2007,38(11):119-120
为对洞庭湖水质进行区域评价并分析其发展趋势,以洞庭湖水环境质量为目标层、各个监测断面为准则层、各污染指标为子准则层,建立了洞庭湖各断面水质综合评价的层次结构模型,并依据层次分析法分析的结果建立了预测各断面水质的发展趋势的拟舍线性多项式.综合评价的层次分析法结果表示:2002~2004年,樟树港、南嘴断面与其它断面相比水质状况较差,坡头断面的水质较好.水质发展趋势线性多项式的拟合结果表明:樟树港、目平湖、鹿角和东洞庭湖断面的水质变差趋势较其它断面显著.  相似文献   

引水改善平原感潮河网水质效果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以张家港市三大水循环体系为例,构建一维河网水动力水质数学模型,揭示了不同长江潮位与内河引水量的响应关系,不同引水量与河网水质改善效果、引水服务面积的响应关系。结果表明:随着长江高潮位的升高,内河引水量呈现线性增长趋势;当中部水系引水量达到1.4×10~7m~3时,氨氮浓度改善率达到50%以上,浓度变化指数达到0.6以上,且整体提升了1个水质类别;引水服务面积随着引水量的增大呈现线性增长趋势,而单位引水量服务面积呈现对数函数下降趋势,其中东北部水系单位引水量服务面积最大,为0.352~0.891 km~2/万m~3。  相似文献   

杨剑  彭勃 《人民长江》2017,48(14):27-32
运用GIS技术中的地图叠加法和因子等权求和法对2015年唐家山堰塞湖区域的土地质量、坡度、坡向、海拔、植被覆盖和水体等因子进行分析,进行生态质量评价。结果表明:坡度大于30°地区水土流失量较多,植被覆盖较少,干扰较重,生态质量较差;坡度在10°~30°地区水土流失量逐渐增多,植被覆盖逐渐减少,干扰适中,生态质量一般;坡度小于10°地区水土流失量较少,植被覆盖较多,干扰较轻,生态质量较好。东向、北向、东北及西北方向水土流失量较少,植被分布量较多,干扰较轻,生态质量较好;南向、西向、东南及西南水土流失量较多,植被分布量较少,干扰较重,生态质量较差。海拔低于800 m地区水土流失量最大,斑块分布量最大,干扰较重,生态质量较差;海拔800~1 600 m地区水土流失量逐渐增多,斑块分布量适中,干扰适中,生态质量一般;海拔高于1 600 m地区水土流失量较少,斑块分布量较少,干扰较轻,生态质量较好。距离水体越远的地区,干扰越轻,生态质量越好,越近的地区干扰越重,特别在距水体小于100 m范围内的区域干扰最重,生态质量越差。  相似文献   

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