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一、研究区域基本现状新疆地处欧亚大陆腹地,地貌轮廓表现为“三山夹两盆”,山地与平原的面积大致各占50%,镶嵌于戈壁沙漠的绿洲仅有7万平方公里。新疆土地面积166.49万平方公里,占全国总面积的六分之一。气候干旱,荒漠广布,是中国最大的干旱区,是亚洲干旱核心区,也是世界上著名的干旱区之一。水资源短缺,生态极度脆弱。新疆2004年底有1950万人,人均GDP已经超过了1000美元,城镇化进入了快速发展阶段,特别是小城镇的发展速度较快。但新疆特殊的干旱区绿洲环境,使得小城镇的发展存在许多问题。一是城镇规模小而散,基础设施配套差,城镇集散和…  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Petrological features of carbonate rocks that exert control on their mechanical and physical properties are examined in the study presented...  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of chemical precipitation on the permeability of geotextile envelopes for a subsurface drainage system in arid areas by conducting precipitation experiments of the geotextile in static or flowing solution. The results show that the precipitation process is not significantly promoted or inhibited by the network structure of geotextile. The precipitates in the form of rhombus wrap around the fiber surface. The number of geotextile pores with the smaller diameters decreases significantly after precipitation experiments. As the increase of the area density of precipitates (ΔR), the variation of the pore area (ΔS) and the variation of permeability coefficient (ΔK) of the geotextile decrease rapidly at first and then slowly. The ΔK and ΔS VS ΔR data were best fitted with logarithmic trend line. This study provides a preliminary reference for quantifying the chemical clogging process of geotextile envelopes in arid areas.  相似文献   

段中满  张莉华  薛云  何明  陈吉祥 《矿产勘查》2024,15(7):1310-1317
湖南省受降水引发的地质灾害频发,然而,前人对湖南省地质灾害发生与降水的耦合关系却研究较少,难以利用降水预报信息精准开展地质灾害预报工作。本文通过利用湖南省地质灾害和相应降水资料,采用统计分析、相关性分析、频次分析等方法进行综合分析,得出如下结论:(1)降水与地质灾害发生有着极其密切的关系,湖南省年内降水量1300~1600 mm地区是地质灾害发育最密集区,每年4—7月为地质灾害高发时段。年平均降水量大于1600 mm、月平均降水量200 mm的区域,特别是突然性的短时高强度降水和长时间的过程性降水,易引发地质灾害;(2)暴雨频次和降雨量与崩滑流灾害的发生密切相关,特别是在暴雨频次、降雨量达到一定阈值时,崩滑流灾害呈现集中爆发的趋势,研究结果可为湖南省地质灾害预报提供技术支持,有助于提高对地质灾害的精准预警和应对能力,更好地保护人民群众生命财产安全。  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - The wind acts as a land-shaping agent in desert and coastal regions, with more significant effects on soft, porous rocks than on massive rock...  相似文献   

Seasonal storage of chilled water in a large underground reservoir was studied by considering a two-dimensional heat flow in water and the soil surrounding the cistern, and by employing a finite-difference technique for the numerical solution of the energy equations. The cistern considered in the analysis was similar to those which have been employed in the hot, arid region of Iran for centuries for the storage of cold potable winter water for summer use. These cisterns were filled with cold water in winter and water removal did not start until mid-spring. During the water storage and usage, there was always a wind-induced airflow over the water surface to maintain an evaporation rate from the water surface. In these cisterns the water removal was from the bottom at such small flow rates that the thermal stratification in the cistern was not disturbed.It was found that while the temperature of water at the surface was high and followed the ambient air temperature closely, the temperature of the water removed from the bottom was very low, although it increased gradually toward the end of the storage season. During the summer months the temperature of water removed from the bottom of the cistern was below 10°C. This temperature was found to be a function of the size of the cistern, the weather conditions, the initial temperature of water in the cistern, the soil properties, and the year of operation of the cistern.The system analyzed here finds applications in the hot, arid regions of the developing countries for the storage of cold winter water for drinking, for food preservation, or for other agricultural and industrial applications. It can also be used for air conditioning of buildings.  相似文献   

从欠发达地区发展中存在的客观原因、欠发达地区自身发展、目前面临的良好发展机遇等方面进行了论述,总结了用科学发展观指导欠发达地区经济发展的具体对策,从而实现欠发达地区的经济持续、快速健康发展.  相似文献   

在分析现阶段我国地勘行业测绘业发展现状和转型发展面临问题的基础上,从构建新型管理模式、改变服务模式、加强科技创新等方面,提出了地勘行业测绘业转型升级的思路和方式,从而提升地质测绘行业整体水平。  相似文献   

通过对渔尔沟水源地地下水动态资料的分析得出,渔尔沟水源地在持续开采地下水由小到大的过程中,其后的地下水埋深保持稳定在13m上下,水源地单位地下水开采量为597.3×104m3/(m·年),开采能力较大,在对222团灌区未来需水量的分析后,得出渔尔沟水源地开发利用地下水是可持续的.  相似文献   

根据国家宏观的调控,对不同地区房地产市场的发展特点进行了阐述,并对房地产未来的发展趋势进行了分析,对当地房地产业发展和房地产企业经营有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Urban parks have complex surface structure that produces an environment with specific microclimatic qualities. These qualities affect the balance of energy of the human body and are applicable to an individual’s thermal perception. They have impacts on using outdoor spaces especially in hot and arid regions. This study investigates users’ thermal comfort in an urban park in Cairo, Egypt. The investigation was carried out during the hot and cold months using subjective surveys and field measurements. The campaign consisted of a subjective survey using questions on the perception of the thermal environmental applying seven-point ASHRAE 55 thermal sensation votes (TSV) in nine different zones in the urban park. At each zone, the thermal environment parameters – air temperature, solar radiation, air relative humidity and wind speed were measured. Through these data, the values of the Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET) were calculated in each zone using the RayMan model. The current people clothing and metabolic rate were recorded. The results of the field measurements were compared with judgements about the thermal environment. Results demonstrate that differences in the PET index among these zones due to different sky view factors (SVF) and wind speed. Results revealed an alteration in human comfort sensation between different landscape zones. This paper suggests that the thermal requirements of visitors and qualities of the local climate should be carefully considered when designing landscapes for the future urban parks in the hot and arid regions.  相似文献   

The paper presents an empirical study of solar heat gain to multistorey buildings at the peak degree hour on the hottest day of summer in hot and arid regions of India. The effects of surface to floor area ratio of a building form, orientation, fenestration percentage and shading devices on the cooling loads have been quantified. Case studies simulating realistic situations have been subjected to empirical calculations by computer.Conclusions drawn from the results afford a guideline to practising architects and air-conditioning engineers to make suitable adjustments at the initial building design stage in order to reduce the cooling loads caused by solar radiation.Finally, a field study demonstrates the possibility of reducing solar heat gain by striking a compromise between scientifically recommended shading devices and architecturally acceptable forms of external louvres.  相似文献   

为研究片石护坡对冻土路基稳定性的影响,建立了冻土路基温度场的三维数值计算模型,并采用有限元方法对普通路基、片石护坡路基在未来50年内气温上升2.6℃情况下的温度场进行了预报分析和比较。计算结果表明:路基阴阳坡的热差异会导致路基下伏土层温度场不对称,由此可引起路基横向的不均匀变形;在气温升高条件下,未来50年内普通路基将会产生较大融沉变形,片石护坡路基融化深度均小于普通填土路基的融化深度,阴阳坡温度差异也有明显降低。随着时间的推移,片石护坡路基对于提升冻土上限起到了一定作用。片石护坡对路基左侧、右侧的上限抬升幅度存在差异,路基左侧0℃等温线的抬升相对于右侧的上升幅度小。  相似文献   

叶汉云 《山西建筑》2012,38(26):65-66
以浙江省某电力建设项目为研究对象,通过分析工程地质环境条件及项目基本特征,对地质灾害危险性作了评估,并对危险区范围作了划分,为工程地质灾害防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

谷秀兰  栾乔林  黄朝明 《山西建筑》2012,38(11):260-262
通过对区域发展不平衡的背景原因进行分析,基于地区间部分省份劳动力流入、流出现状的研究,得出了区域基础条件、收入水平是导致劳动力流动的主要原因。  相似文献   

城镇密集地区重点小城镇发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,随着人口和产业在空间集聚程度的不断提高,在沿海发达地区出现了中小城市、小城镇与大城市和特大城市同步快速增长、平行发展的态势。为了更好地了解城镇密集地区的小城镇发展情况,研究组进行了调研工作。在长江三角洲、珠江三角洲以及环渤海地区,以局部高度城镇化为特征的城镇密集地区已初步显现。这些区域的镇域经济非常活跃,小城镇、尤其是重点镇经济社会发展水平达到了相当高的程度,一、城镇密集地区中心镇的地位和作用城镇密集地区的中心镇二三产业均比较发达,产业和人口相对密集;城镇之间人流、物流、信息流交往频繁,形…  相似文献   

地质产业作为国民经济发展的基础支撑性产业,亟需对其科学定位,并对其发展趋势作出准确判断,从而引领产业的良性发展。地质产业可分为公益性地质工作和商业性地质工作两大分支,且两大分支从属于不同的产业类别。"新常态"下,地质产业面临众多挑战与机遇,公益性地质工作将向更加精细化和实用性方向发展;商业性地质工作又可分为资源地质和民生地质两大类,民生地质将拥有更加广阔的市场和发展空间。  相似文献   

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