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The results of previous studies on silt and clay indicated that variations in the small strain shear modulus, Gmax, during hydraulic hysteresis had a non-linear increasing trend with matric suction, with greater values upon wetting. However, due to differences in material properties and inter-particle forces, a different behavior is expected for the Gmax of unsaturated sand. Although considerable research has been devoted in recent years to characterizing the behavior of the Gmax of sand during drying, less attention has been paid to the effect of hydraulic hysteresis on Gmax and its variations during wetting. In the study presented herein, an effective stress-based semi-empirical model was developed to predict the variations in the Gmax of unsaturated sand during hydraulic hysteresis. The proposed model incorporated the impact of the possible changes in volume through an empirical void ratio function as well as the effect of the degree of saturation through the use of suction stress. The effective stress was also defined using the concept of suction stress. The efficiency of the proposed model was evaluated by comparing the model predictions with the results of an experimental testing program involving the measurement of the Gmax of sand with different grain size distributions during hydraulic hysteresis. Specifically, a suction-controlled triaxial testing device, equipped with a pair of bender elements, was used to define the hysteretic trends in Gmax for different values of mean net stress. The model was found to provide satisfactory predictions of the trends in Gmax with matric suction, as well as its peak value and the suction corresponding to the occurrence of the peak Gmax. It also provided satisfactory predictions of the variations in Gmax upon subsequent wetting. 相似文献
初始动剪模量是土体多种结构性因素的综合反映,除固结压力和孔隙比(密度)这两个主要因素外,还受循环振动影响。以往对该因素的研究偏重于干砂,且预振时施加的剪应变幅多低于10-3;对于饱和土体,尤其是对经受过较大振幅振动后土体初始动剪模量的研究十分有限。本文利用安装弯曲元的动三轴仪,在等向固结条件下对不同相对密度的饱和粉土进行不排水循环三轴试验,同时监测试样的剪切波速,获得循环动力加载过程中土的初始动剪模量。为保证试验结果的可靠性,同时进行了共振柱试验,比较确定弯曲元接收信号的到达点;评估了不同孔压发展程度下试验暂停时间对测试结果的影响。结果表明:在一定次数大振幅循环荷载作用下观察到初始动剪模量有别于相同应力下固结后得到的模量值,出现附加衰减或增长,正是循环荷载作用下土微观结构变化的外部宏观表现。这种附加变化由土颗粒接触行为决定,受到试样初始条件和振动幅值等多种因素的影响,表现出不同的变化模式。 相似文献
利用 Stokoe 共振柱的非共振模式对干砂试样施加先期扭剪振动,系统研究振动历史对砂土非线性动力特性的影响。研究发现:对某一砂样,存在一个阀值循环次数,小于该阀值前,砂土最大剪切模量随循环次数衰减,大于该阀值后,随之增大。砂土归一化剪切模量几乎不受预荷载频率影响,阻尼比随预荷载频率增大而增大。归一化剪切模量随循环次数增大而减小,阻尼比则随之增大。增大围压将减弱先期振动对归一化模量和阻尼比的影响,而降低围压将进一步放大先期振动的影响。振动历史对归一化剪切模量和阻尼比的影响是土颗粒之间磨损作用和颗粒竖向再定向作用的共同结果。 相似文献
对德国 4 种干砂试样进行了共振柱与弯曲元对比试验,旨在分析弯曲元法测定砂土最大剪切模量时存在问题和解决方法。研究表明:时域初达法判定的剪切波传播时间较其他方法具有更好的稳定性;弯曲元试验测定最大剪切模量输入电压脉冲频率的减小而减小,衰减程度因砂土类型而异,该影响随围压的增大而减弱;对比分析表明,弯曲元与共振柱试验测定的最大剪切模量具有良好的线性关系,对柏林砂和不伦瑞克砂,存在一个临界最大剪切模量,小于该临界值时,弯曲元测值大于共振柱测值,而大于该临界值时,前者小于后者,两者差值随土样刚度增大而增大。对比研究指出,弯曲元试验尽可能采用合适高频脉冲电压作为激发电压,实践中应事先与共振柱试验进行对比。 相似文献
The liquefaction resistance of sand increases with cyclic pre-shearing and pre-shaking as a result of earthquakes if the strain level in the pre-shearing is small. When larger shear strains are imposed, liquefaction resistance decreases. These complicated effects of pre-shearing histories on the liquefaction resistance are investigated in this study through a series of cyclic triaxial tests. Various combinations of cyclic stress amplitude and number of cycles of pre-shearing are examined. The tested sand is Toyoura Sand at 45% relative density, under a confining pressure of 50 kPa. Test results indicate that for the range of shear strain amplitude in pre-shearing smaller than 0.35%, the liquefaction resistance increases with pre-shearing. The increase in the liquefaction resistance depends strongly on the volumetric strain in the pre-shearing, and several effects of the shear stress amplitude and number of cycles can be negligible. Small volumetric strain of the order of 1% doubled the liquefaction resistance. Meanwhile, in the range of shear strain amplitude larger than 0.6%, the liquefaction resistance decreases. The liquefaction resistance decreases as the shear strain amplitude increases. Shear strain amplitude is one of the factors dominating this degrading effect, and the volumetric strain exerts beneficial effects to a certain extent. In this study, another series of tests are conducted to investigate the combined effects of small and large strain amplitude pre-shearing. It is observed that small shear strain pre-shearing cycles subsequent to large shear strain cycles erased the degrading effect of the latter. However, a large shear strain pre-shearing after small strain cycles degrades the beneficial effect of the small shear strain pre-shearing cycles previously applied to the specimens; however, the effects of the former small strain pre-shearing remains. 相似文献
It has been reported that soils belonging to slope grounds show different types of liquefaction behavior than those belonging to horizontal grounds. Some research has also revealed that liquefaction histories can significantly affect the shear behavior of sandy soils. However, the combined effects of the slope angle and the magnitude of past shear histories on the liquefaction properties of soils have not been studied comprehensively. Based on this background, several multiple liquefaction tests with initial static shear were conducted on Toyoura sand. In each of these tests, a single specimen was sheared several times up to small or large double amplitude shear strain under a constant volume condition using a specially designed stacked-ring shear apparatus. The behavior of the Toyoura sand observed in these tests was discussed considering various perspectives, such as the increase in relative density, the induced anisotropy, the change in liquefaction resistance, and the shear strain accumulation. The findings of this study established that shear histories of smaller magnitude had relatively less influence on densification and induced anisotropy than those of larger magnitude. Moreover, shear histories of smaller magnitude also resulted in the relatively higher liquefaction resistance of sand specimens against the next cyclic shear, while the opposite trend was observed in the case of specimens subjected to shear histories of larger magnitude. Finally, shear strain accumulated less easily in tests with small shear histories than in those with large shear histories. 相似文献
平面应变状态下砂土剪切带分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
提出一种砂土剪切带的两相平衡模型,此模型可看作一种新颖的分岔解。把剪切带考虑作高应变相,剪切带外部其它区域考虑作低应变相。在跨越两相界面处,考虑了变形梯度和应力的不连续性,以及拖曳力和位移的连续性,并且强加了Maxwell关系。推导出砂土在平面应变载荷下的控制方程,并且此分析归结为寻找使控制方程得到唯一一组物理上可以接受的实数解的载荷的最小值。Maxwell应力、剪切带内部和外部的应力应变、剪切带倾角等均可确定,并与实验所观察到的结果相一致。 相似文献
Heidarizadeh Yousef Lajevardi Seyed Hamid Sharifipour Mohammad Kamalian Mohsen 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2021,80(3):2523-2534
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - The accurate and efficient modification of the static and dynamic properties of problematic soils is a primary concern in geotechnical... 相似文献
大理岩人工砂对大坝混凝土性能影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对大理岩人工砂,考察其不同细度模数和石粉含量对大坝混凝土力学和抗裂性能的影响,并对石粉的颗粒级配对砂浆的性能影响进行了初步探讨。研究结果表明:大理岩人工砂混凝土抗压强度整体上随人工砂细度模数的增大和石粉含量的减少而增大;极限拉伸值有随细度模数的增大和石粉含量的减小而减小的趋势;人工砂的石粉颗粒级配中,粗颗粒的含量较多时砂浆的流动性和强度均较高;随着人工砂细度模数增加和石粉含量降低,混凝土湿筛砂浆开裂风险降低。通过混凝土配合比的优化,可以减小细度模数及石粉含量对混凝土性能的影响。 相似文献
Review of the literature related to the mixture of shredded tire and sand shows that,despite of the increase in shear strength due to addition of tire chips,granulated rubber causes reduction in shear strength of sand.In this study,the shear behavior of mixtures of fine-grained sand and 1-5 mm granulated rubber is investigated.Sixty direct shear tests were conducted on sandegranulated rubber mixtures with various rubber contents(0%,5%,10%,20% and 30%) at different relative densities(50%,70% and 90%) and different normal stresses(34.5 kPa,54.5 kPa,74.5 kPa and 104.5 kPa).The obtained results show that the granulated rubber improves the shear strength of fine-grained sand at medium relative density and low normal stress.The degree of improvement in shear strength is a function of rubber content,relative density and normal stress.The results show that at relative density of 50%,by adding 5% granulated rubber,the internal friction angle of sand increases from 35.1° to 39.2°.However,at relative densities of 70% and 90%,addition of granulated rubber to sand decreases its internal friction angle.The results also indicate that the behavior of sand becomes more ductile with increasing granulated rubber content.Adding granulated rubber leads to greater yielding strain and less tangent stiffness of sand.The maximum dilation angle decreases with the decrease in granulated rubber content.The stress ratio of sample at critical state(ψ= 0°) decreases with increasing granulated rubber content. 相似文献
通过对试验结果的研究分析得出机制砂的松散(紧密)堆积密度大于天然砂、空隙率小于天然砂、轻物质含量小于天然砂;且外表新鲜,棱角尖锐,天然砂则外表陈旧,棱角钝圆;同胶砂比同稠度的胶砂的抗压和抗折强度,机制砂的均显著大于天然砂.因此机制砂优于天然砂作混凝土细骨料. 相似文献
This paper presents the findings from an experimental study focusing on the undrained cyclic behavior of sand in the presence of initial static shear stress. A series of undrained cyclic torsional shear tests was performed on saturated air-pluviated Toyoura sand specimens up to single amplitude shear strain (SA) exceeding 50%. Two types of cyclic loading conditions, namely, stress reversal (SR) and stress non-reversal (SNR), were employed by changing the amplitude of the combined initial static shear and cyclic shear stresses. The tests covered a broad range of initial states in terms of relative density (Dr = 20–74%) and the initial static shear stress ratio (α = 0–0.30). The following five distinct modes of deformation were identified from the tests based on the density state, the transient undrained peak shear stress, and the combined cyclic and static shear stresses: 1) static liquefaction, 2) cyclic liquefaction, 3) cyclic mobility, 4) shear deformation failure, and 5) limited deformation. Of these, cyclic liquefaction and static liquefaction are the most critical. They occur in very loose sand (Dr ≤ 24%) under SR and SNR, respectively, and are characterized by abrupt flow-type shear deformation. Cyclic mobility occurs under SR in loose to dense sand with Dr ≥ 24%. Contrarily, shear deformation failure typically occurs under SNR in sand with 24 < Dr < 65%, and limited deformation may take place in dense sand with Dr ≥ 65%. In this paper, a stress-void ratio-based predictive method is proposed to identify the likely mode of deformation/failure in sand under undrained shear loading with static shear. Furthermore, the cyclic resistance is evaluated at three different levels of SA (i.e., small, SA = 3%; moderate, SA = 7.5%; and large, SA = 20%). The results show that, independent of the density state, the cyclic resistance continuously decreases with an increase in α at the small SA level, while it first decreases and then increases for both loose and dense sand at the moderate and large SA levels. 相似文献
Shen Jianhua Wang Xinzhi Wang Xing Yao Ting Wei Houzhen Zhu Changqi 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2021,80(10):7899-7919
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Fine-grained calcareous silt interlayers with a non-uniform thickness are distributed discontinuously in the hydraulically reclaimed foundation... 相似文献
采用共振柱试验方法,提出了一个非均等固结下砂土最大动剪切模量新的增长公式。试验和分析结果表明,描述非均等固结对最大动剪切模量影响较为合适的方式是以幂函数模式建立非均等固结下最大动剪切模量相对于均等固结下最大动剪切模量的增量ΔGm/G0,m和固结比的增量kc-1 之间的关系,即ΔGm/G0,m=C·(kc-1)B。系数B 是一个远小于1 的数,表明最大动剪切模量在kc 接近1 时增长较快,在kc继续增大时增长变慢并趋于平缓,不同于Hardin 公式中最大动剪切模量与kc 间近似直线的增长关系。对文中的两种砂,系数C 为0.55-0.74,表明非均等固结对土最大动剪切模量有重要和不可忽视的影响,kc>1 下最大动剪切模量较kc=1 时增长的程度明显比Hardin 公式要大。 相似文献
Karimi Amir Hossein Hamidi Amir 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2021,80(5):3903-3922
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Pollution of the environment by crude oil is a global problem that changes the geotechnical properties of soil, including its shear strength.... 相似文献
利用GCTS共振柱系统,开展了一系列人工结构性砂土的动力特性试验,研究了相对密实度对结构性砂土动剪切模量和阻尼比的影响.研究结果表明:相对密实度对结构性砂土的动剪切模量、阻尼比和最大动剪切模量均有影响,而动剪切模量比基本不受其影响.结构性砂土的动剪切模量和最大动剪切模量随着相对密实度的增加而变大;阻尼比随着相对密实度的... 相似文献